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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

"Okay!" Gears said standing up and walking over to a shelf, returning his book to its spot. He headed for the door and held it open before asking "What places are there to eat around here?"

@Srion Receno

((Is there a lights out?))
Lin stood up and fallowed bringing the book with her "well we can't go out side the boarder so we are limited to the cafeteria" she said then looked back at the others "there were slot of people in there" she said going thru the doors.

(not sure to be honest iv been drinking and can only focus on o e thing right now :3
"I know a few, but I don't want to interrupt there conversation" she turned to him "if they come to eat they can come sit with us" she said pulling her hood over her eyes, and the snowflake in her packet.
Gears shrugged his shoulders and started walking through the school with Lin. He hasn't had much social interaction with people since his mother died and today he managed to talk to a bunch of people he smiled slightly before asking "So! What do you like to eat?"
"anything really but meat Is my favorite" she said looking at him "what about you?" . "he is really nice" she thought smiling at him.
Gears smiled down at Lin while walking beside her "Almost everything! I love good food and anyone that can make it! I spend a lot of time making my own meals and i always love eating something hand made"

@Srion Receno
"I hear most of the food is hand made here" she looked up and smiled at him "and someday if you wouldn't mind I would like to try some food you make, and I could make you something" she had looked down and blushed she was embarrassed at what she had said but wanted to know his answer
Gears smiled at her before saying "You know what? I would love that! I haven't cooked for anyone else but myself so cooking for you would be awesome!" He kept following her with a big cheesy grin on his face.
She nodded as her face got redder "o...ok I can't wait!" she said happily as she tried to cover her face in hopes of him not seeing her blush
Gears yawned a little before asking "Hey have you met that boy with white hair?" He wanted to know what Lin thought of that cocky kid he walked into in the library.
"I..... I'm not sure.....iv meet a few people but in all honesty......its been a long day so I dont really remember" she felt terrible for not remembering if she met the boy or not.
"Ah no worries" Gears replied. He didn't seem very fused about it "So where is the cafeteria?" He asked here trying to get a better look at her face "Why do you where that hood over your face anyway?"

@Srion Receno
Gears scratched the back of his head as they where walking. He hadn't really gotten a good look at her eyes "Um...Can i...see them?" Gears went slightly red before correcting himself "Your eyes...i mean..." He shifted where he was walking so she was a foot further away. He did this so he didn't seem threatening as people usually assume he is some sort of thug.

@Srion Receno
"I... I guess as a thank you for the snow flake" she said stopping she turned to him with her head down she took off her hood "don't laugh" she said before looking up at him showing her sky blue eyes.
Gears stopped just next to her and waited for her to raise her hood. When she did, it was like looking into the sky on a bright spring day. He leaned forwards to get a better view "There...amazing..." He said absent mindlessly leaning closer and closer forwards. He was inches from her face now, his dark brown eyes glued to her's. He had never seen such beautiful eyes before. He was bewitched by them.

@Srion Receno
The closer he got the harder Lin blushed "there not amazing" she couldn't break eye contact with him. Feeling her heart racing she hoped he would look away "he is so close " her mind freaked out hoping he would back up befor she passed out from her heart racing.
Gears stood there for a couple more seconds, leaning in before this nose touched her's. He blinked suddenly and pulled back, straightening up "Uh..Sorry about that" He said scratching the back of his head while his face went a deep shade of crimson "You know you should let people see your eyes more often"

@Srion Receno
"it's ok" she said then put her hood back on as she blushed. Then she shook her head as she started to walk agen "no I wish they were a different color then maybe"
Gears started walking next to her "Well i like em" He said loudly as he kept pace with her "So what color would you have them be?" He asked adjusting his sleeves.

@Srion Receno
"well..... I'm not sure......just darker I guess" she thought "but if tried to change them but I think my mother made it to were I can't" she said with a hi t of sadness in her voice.
Gears shrugged "They say the eyes are the windows to the soul...maybe there right and you shouldn't change the windows" Gears kept pace right next to Lin "I like you eyes. There beautiful" He didn't say this with any malice and wasn't blushing and acting like a kid. He was just being honest.

@Srion Receno
She nodes "maybe your right....and thank you" she stops at some doors then opens one "here we are" she said moving aside so he could enter.

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