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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Mrs Shizuka clapped her hands "that was lovely alright who is next!" She looked around and seen two girls talking "alright you in the front your up! " She pointed at the girl in the front.

Lin liked the boys singing and before she could say something to Meredith the teacher pointed at Meredith.

Aimi looked at Saito taking him away from his conversation, "Saity...." Aimi looked like she was about to blow.. They had still been holding hands, but the grip even tighter by the second. They left the office as the girl left and looked at their schedule, "SAITY I GOT AN IDEA! I CAN JUST GO TO YOUR CLASSES AND PRETEND I'M IN THAT CLASS!"

Saito quickly disapproved, "No way, I don't want you getting in trouble," he said while putting his hand on her head.

"Well......too bad! I'm going!" Once Aimi's mind was set, you couldn't change it. Saito gave a sigh, he would have to cover for his sister if they got caught.

"Whatever, let's go...." he said in defeat.

"Yay! Music here we come!" Aimi ran down the hallways pulling Saito again. He couldn't keep up until she stopped. The sudden stop caused him to let go of his sister's hand and fall on his face rolling forward. As he finished rolling, his face smashed into the wall as he made a grunt. "SAITY!" Aimi started to act dramatic, "No! Saity no! Don't leave me! Hang in there! Don't die!" she pushed him onto his back and forced her head onto his chest and started crying, "Don't leave me!" Everyone in the halls started to stare as he blush immensely.

Saito nudged his sister, "C'mon let's go....." he said with an embarrassed tone in his voice.

"He he, Okay!" Aimi said while the tears immediately stopped and she noticed the bloody nose........ "Oh no Saity! Stop your yapping and let's go to the nurse!!!" she screamed while pulling him up and racing him down the hallway again. By the time they found the nurse's office, he was rammed into 7 more walls..... He went to music class with a bandaged up face.. They reached the music room and Aimi pushed the door all the way open, "We're here!" she shouted in excitement.

@Srion Receno @Nylana @FalseUser12 @ForgottenSky9272

(After this post I can't for a bit) Meredith groaned softly. She stood up and began to sing a haunting melody in a language that the others couldn't identify. It was beautify, but at the last note, Meredith S voice broke.
Charlotte would lay on her bed (The right one) and think of this new school and the brother with a questionable expression and the sister with the more then sibling love "I hope those two make it out alive...Wonder who my roommate is."
Bored of his book, Inuk slid it back into place on the book shelf. He walked out of the library and started to look around the school grounds for something to do.

(anyone want to talk, he only bites > :) )
Charlotte to bored as well decided to look around the academy grounds to get a general feeling for the place when she spotted Inuk
Aimi looked at the girl who was singing in front of the class and her eyes sparkled, "That was beautiful!!!" She ran up to the girl and held her hands, "Very beautiful!" Saito then heard a headband fall near the back of the classroom. But, by the time he even looked, Aimi moved on from the singer to the girl pretending to sleep. Aimi picked up her headband and put it onto the girl's head, "Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey.....but there's no bakey.....or eggs.....so I lied.." she hesitated and gave it slight thought. "Wakey, wakey, there's no eggs, nor bakey!" she said with a bright smile and nodded in approval to her statement.

All Saito did was sigh as he looked at the teacher, "Sorry for the disturbance, but we have late slips." He snatched it from the office earlier, and signed it, though he used an illusion to make it look like the headmaster's signature. He usually wouldn't use his abilities for something as stupid as this, but again, he would do anything to make sure his sister didn't get in trouble.

@Srion Receno @Nylana @ForgottenSky9272 @FalseUser12

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Mrs Shizuka smiled at the girl singing then jumped a bit then the two kids came in "hello since you are here you can go next" she said to the boy "and then you" she turned to the girl after looking at the slips.

Lin jumped when the two came in not noticin Aki Jump. Lin had been trying to figure out a way to get out of singing in front of people. When the girl walked over to Aki she seen that as an escape "mrs .Shizuka......my I go to the restroom?"

"yes you may but as soon as you get back you will be next" she said looking up at the student.

"thank you" Lin said befor quickly leaving after making it to the hall she decided to see were the library was located.
Aki slowly lifted her head at the girl who put the headband on her head. She stared as the girl started saying something about eggs and bacon, "Uh.." is all she could say. Aki fixed the headband on her head so that it wouldn't fall off anymore. She seemed slightly annoyed at how the girl was being loud when she recently woke up.

@xX Insanity Xx
"Go next?..." Aimi said with a puzzled look. "Oh to sing?!" she hopped up in excitement, "I can sing! But, I'm not gonna do it without Saity," she said with a smile towards the teacher. Saito really didn't want to go up; he knew how to play a couple of instruments, but he never had much confidence.

@Srion Receno @FalseUser12 @Nylana @ForgottenSky9272

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"you will have to take turns I can't give you different grads if you sing together so your brother will go first" she smiled at her wile pointing to an empty chair.

Lin finally found the library after a wile then went in seeing a few students in there already she hid in a small reading corner after picking out a book about witchcraft.
Seeing the girl wave, Inuk started to walk over "wow, if it isn't you. It has been so long. How's the wif...husband and kid's?" He asked,not knowing who she was.

"Well, I could sing and my brother could play piano-" Aimi started to say and then realized that the teacher told them no. She started to cry, "But, but, but, but, but, but, but," she continued to repeat.

Saito spoke over her sister, "Well, okay, but as my sister said, I can play piano.... do I have to sing?" he said as if his sister wasn't crying in the background. Sure he would do anything to fit his sisters needs, but she was crying for no good reason, so he found it best to leave it alone.

@Srion Receno + Others in classroom

Charlotte's previous face of brightness just turned into a more like dissapointed face

"Uh...why would I have a husband and why would I have kids when I'm only 17!?"

She walks up to him and looks like she's about to slap him

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Saito slowly made his way to the piano, while Aimi stopped her crying. All of a sudden, Aimi was in the corner, "S-Saity ignored me...." Now people would have to ignore the fact that she was mumbling in the corner. Saito sat on the bench in front of the piano and gave a sigh. He just started playing a song by Chopin to get it over with. Aimi turned her head to look at his brother playing and gave a few sniffles. Saito continued to play without looking at the keys to look at his sister. Aimi looked away and continued. When he finished, Aimi ran up to the room, "My turn!" she shouted. She was no longer down in the dumps, but instead so excited that she could literally explode.

"Eh?..." Saito said as he went to go take a seat. He gave a sigh as he sat in the back, saving a seat for his sister.

"Hm, hm what should I sing? What should I sing? Oh I know!" Aimi cleared her throat and started to sing a song.....that wasn't so energetic and cheerful as her. It was actually a song that she wrote, a dark one. She had a pretty voice, that hadn't been as high as when she would normally speak to others. Most people would mistake her for a 3rd grader, though she was in fact 17. Not most people would believe it due to her size and voice.

@Srion Receno @ForgottenSky9272 @Nylana @FalseUser12

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Aki got up, she already played in front of someone else today with the guitar, so she decided on something else. She spotted a violin on her right and she reached to grab it. Aki rubbed the back of her head as she rested her chin on the chin rest and got the bow ready. She played a song, which had been quite fast. It wouldn't look like her arms could move that quickly, but she managed. Aki quickly took her chin off of the violin and put it back where she found it. She placed her bow on top of it and made it back to her seat. She wanted to go back to sleep, especially since she didn't feel like sitting through about 20 more performances. She rocked back in her chair while looking at the clock.

@Srion Receno (Others in room) ~ Music
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Aimi ran back to Saito who saved a seat for her. She looked to her right at Saito then to the left to see who she was sitting next to. It was the girl with the short, red hair. She was up next; Aimi watched her violin performance and couldn't keep up due to how fast the song was. She was a bit dizzy by the end and Aimi watched the girl return to her seat, "You're hair is pretty..." she said while petting her hair without asking for permission first.

@Srion Receno @ForgottenSky9272

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Aki looked at the girl who decided to start petting her. She stopped rocking back in the chair and returned to the ground with a thump, "Why ar-" she stopped mid-sentence and held her head. She received a headache from receiving the girl's powers. She put her hands back down desk, pretending as if she didn't feel that her head was about to split open. Her desk suddenly started to form a small sheet of frost over it. Aki quickly took her hands off of the desk and was slightly surprised. Then, Aki started to shiver.

@Srion Receno @xX Insanity Xx ~ Music

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