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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Gears was walking around the school. Bag still slung over shoulder. Looking for someone who could point him in the direction of the student dorm or a head office. Or something!
Mrs Shizuka floated into the class room on a giant bubble and seeing students already "good morning everyone" she said going to her desk and messing with some paper work.


Mir.Aikurou got up out if his chair in the office the. Walked into the gym with the thudding of his boots as he walked "hello students are you ready to run?" he asked with a smile.

"well if you need to stretch those wings of yours you may go outside for a little bit and I'll meet you out theres" yoko smiled pointing to the door on her left that lead out side.


Mr. Ione decided that he wasn't up for any more classes and wrote on the board -do these problems for tomorrow then leave- ,then with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his book he left the room ignoring the students and went down the hall

Inuk sighed "What a great teacher, I learnt so much!" He said loud enough for the teacher to hear. Seeing no point in staying he got up and left the class room.

@Srion Receno (if you want a teacher to stop him, be my guest)
Mr. Ione stopped and turned around went back to the class and grabbed a math book then fallowed the kid. Catching up with him he stepped in front of him holding out the book "whole book by tomorrow" he said with a cold glare. He may not like teaching but he hates mouthing even more.

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[QUOTE="Srion Receno]Mr. Ione stopped and turned around went back to the class and grabbed a math book then fallowed the kid. Catching up with him he stepped in front of him holding out the book "whole book by tomorrow" he said with a cold glare. He may not like teaching but he hates mouthing even more.

Inuk rolled his eyes "And if I don't take said book?" He asked, expecting detention or something for talking back. To him this meant more sleeping.
"I'll take your soul" he said sighed it was a hassle to do so and he would probably get into trouble but Thia kid was getting on his nerves.

[QUOTE="Srion Receno]
"I'll take your soul" he said sighed it was a hassle to do so and he would probably get into trouble but Thia kid was getting on his nerves.

Inuk was slightly surprised by not being handed a detention, he started to laugh. "Thats cute, you think I have a soul. Well beats having a detention. So can I go now?" Still slightly giggling.
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]Mr. Ione frowned "fine then you can have detection" he was to the point he would of thrown the book at the kid

"Great, was that so hard. Bu bye." Inuk started to walk away, he yawned.
"........" Mr. Ione looked at were the kid was standing before then he sighed and started walking to the head masters office.

Charlotte finally arrived at the academy, she didn't know what to expect, what to love or what to fear.

"So this is it huh? Alimarea Academy...I'll see what I can do"

She decides to enter the building and looks around the grand hallways and structure.
Gears managed to enter one of the building. As he walked through he noticed plenty of students running to class and didn't really have time to give him directions "Um...exc-....Hi Exc-" He couldn't get any of there attentions. He kept walking until he saw a tall dark haired man in a suit "Thats gotta be a teacher" he said to himself. He ran up behind him "Excuse me sir? I am new here and a tad lost"

@Srion Receno
Mr. Ione turned to the student talking to him he wasn't happy so he had a dark look on his face "were so you need to go? "
Charlotte would wander around the academy, if you didn't know who she was, you would think she was a ten year old wandering in one of the most known academys.
Gears took a step back. Something about this man rubbed him the wrong way. He shifted his foot slightly to make sure he knew what the floor was made out of in case he needed to make a quick get away "Um" He said uneasily "The main office..or the headmasters office?"
Blacknife said:
Gears took a step back. Something about this man rubbed him the wrong way. He shifted his foot slightly to make sure he knew what the floor was made out of in case he needed to make a quick get away "Um" He said uneasily "The main office..or the headmasters office?"
"fallow me" he said turning and started walking down the hall agen.
Gears started walking just behind the teacher. He followed him in silence not too sure where he was going but too scared to ask.
Mr Ione stopped at a door that said office knocking before he want in. Going inside he seen the head master "sir this kid is lost and I have one that needs punishment"

The head master turned ignoring Ions bad mood he looked at the kid "hello young one he said you were lost were so you need to be? " he said with a grin.
Gears walked into the headmasters office "Um Yeah i am new here. I am not really sure where i am meant to be. Maybe a timetable and a map?"

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