Alcott [Inactive]

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"Sure," he said, passing the food over to her. "So, why did you suddenly agree with going on a date with me?"
- - clara - -

"I want to keep fucking you and in order to do that I have to go on a date with you." She said and stabbed her fork into the sweet and sour chicken,
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"Oh, classy," he said sarcastically with a laugh. "But fine, you can have your reward tonight."
- - clara - -

Her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas and she continued eating her food. "I'd like that very much."
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"Can you stay the night?" Tyler asked suggestively in a quiet, but sexy, voice.
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"So is that a yes?" Tyler asked with a smirk. He took another bite of his sweet and sour chicken before fully grasping on to Clara's hand.
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"Oh, sorry," Tyler apologized, quickly and awkwardly putting his hand in his lap.
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"Guess I'm full then," Tyler said with a smirk after dropping his fork on the floor when Clara unexpectedly sat on his lap. He pulled her closer to his body, so that their noses were touching.
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"Shit, I forgot to Google that part," Tyler said with a laugh. "So, I guess, what ever the hell you want it to be," he said with a smirk before catching her lips with his.
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"So, what shall it be?" Tyler asked, looking into her eyes after pulling away from the kiss.
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"Both of those seem very pleasuring to me," Tyler said, furrowing his eyebrows. "So, it's up to you."
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"Alrighty, let me take you over to the bedroom," he said, jokingly grabbing her hand and kissing it like a prince. Tyler got up from her chair with her and pressed his lips to Clara's.
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Tyler laughed with her, pinning her to the bed so he was on top of her. He kissed her gently and put a hand under her back.
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Tyler reached under her dress, grabbing her panties and yanking them down. He began to unzip the back of her dress, until the zipper got stuck. "How do you undo this thing?"

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