Akizuki High School, a comedy/school RP [Inactive]

"If I say they are, they are! Now if you have an issue, take one of these toothbrushes and clean a toilet or two!" yelled Miss.Teacher "If anyone but Miss Know it all Nora have any issues, join her as well." She paused a minute. "And for the comment, I'll add more chapters to your homework and a quiz tomorrow, first thing! Or would you prefer an essay due tomorrow about the first 1-15 chapters?"
"Excuse me? Just because we are freshmen doesnt mean you can treat us like this."unfazed by the punishment.

"I treat every grade the same, from kindergarten to senior. I just keep a list of all the kids who cause chaos in my classroom!" replied the teacher and began to grade.

"Nora...It's okay. Just forget about it." Brit whispered.

"Brittany!" yelled the teacher. "You may join Nora cleaning a toilet."

"Wait what? Can I just sort through the books in the library please...not toilets." Brit replied.

"Alright than Miss Brittany. I'll give a note to your teachers and gather your homework." the teacher said.
Nora was starting to get annoyed with the teacher's poor attitude and sighed "Whoever ever ends up with you definitely has bad taste" she yawned

Nora looks at the principal " hi ma'am what brings you to our humble classroom" she asked politely.

2nd period PE, the hope of the country, to create a healthy lifestyle for their children.

Also the place where children are given either a positive, or negative view on physical activity depending on their teacher.


Also where Cain shall learn the true exercise definition of 'the burn.'

Coach James had decided that their small break from school had left them lazy, so they had to run around the large field behind the school.

"This sucks!"

Cain looked to his left and found Elric, a pal from last year.

"I thought Coach James was supposed to be drafted into a boot camp this year!" Cain asked him in-between pants.

"He was denied access because he failed a psychological exam, I think."

"Great, so not even the military wants to deal with him."

"It's not that bad guys!"

Cain looked to his right to see a shorter boy staring to the side as he ran.

"This is Andy," Elric said "I met him over the break."

Andy was staring through the Windows of the gym, which they were passing by on their run.

Inside, the girls' half of the second period PE class were doing small term cardio warm-up.

Cain sighed, "Look at all that refreshing slow time exercise..."

"Bro I'm looking at something." Andy said before moving his hands to his chest and mimicking a certain pair of parts from the female anatomy.

"Andy, I'm trying to focus on surviving the coach's hellish run here!" Elroy panted.

"Yeah" added Cain "Can't you appreciate the opposite gender somewhere we don't have to see? Like say... your room? Like every other desperate and lonely guy on our planet?"

"Man that's what losers and weirdos do." Andy retorted "Real men go public."

"HEY. DOES THIS LOOK LIKE AMERICAN TEA TIME TO YOU PANSIES?!?!" Coach James roared at them from his beach umbrella in the middle of the field "FIFTY MORE!!! BACKWARDS!!!!

The guys groan before turning around and jogging backwards.

School always feels longer when working.
Principle just comes in with the twins who did the pranks. "Keep these chained and locked" she told the teacher.

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"I told them, but they wouldn't listen" she looked at the principal " this is an interesting high school" she whispered back

Brit sat and waited for the principle to speak.

"As the principle I have to keep my school under control. I noticed what you two did... You are now going to be. Assigned a task. Task to run the schools talent show. This years theme, circus." The principle continued.

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".....what? So I am not in trouble for what i said to the teacher?" Nora asked a little surprised "or is that our punishment? "

"What did you saw to you teacher?" She asked.

Brit felt memories creeping into her mind..."clowns..." Brit yelled....

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" i said 'whoever ever ends up with you definitely has bad taste' to the teacher" she said without hesitation.

The principle laughed. "That's just lively Nora. But this is nothing to joke around. The running of the circus will have many benefits if accepted..." She continued in a serious tone.

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