Akizuki High School, a comedy/school RP [Inactive]

Tristan saw a pair with a girl calling the dude 'Candy Cain', the thought of that name made me burst out laughing witch was a bad idea. He sat back down at his desk and started to draw book covers, just for the fun of it.
While nora was drawing a group of boys came up to her "well well if look who we have here..." Nora looked at the person she who was talking to her, she sighed it was Joseph and his posy. The guy always picked a fight with her ever since she helped out a kid he bullied in 5th grade. She juat ignore him and went back tl drawing

"What's with the sudden air of depression?" Mandy asked

"My life as I know it, ruined by the almighty female inconsistency." Cain mumbled "Twas a fate which befell even the greatest of warriors."

Mandy rolled her eyes, "Whatever," she said without a care in the world "Anyway, I'll go first... I was born in-"

The sound of Mandy about to tell her life story made Cain's ears subconsciously shut down. His body knew he didn't want a thing to do with her, and it responded accurately by making him check all the exits in the room, just in case she tried anything too personal. He looked at Mandy, who was somewhere around her fifth birthday, and really thought about how she acted around him. He knew that most single guys his age would be thrilled to have a girl obsessed with them, but Cain knew better when it came to Mandy. It wasn't that she was ugly, most of the people at their school would her call her a beauty. It was more along the lines of her being Bat**** insane. He remembered how she had broken into his house on his sixteenth birthday in order to give him a 'special party'. Luckily he had stayed up trying to fix a piece of an old car he found in his neighbor's trash. He had seen her slip through his window, she'd ran back home before he could call the police.

And now he was stuck listening to this... which religious symbol did he piss off so much to earn THIS?!?
Touma looks around the room only to see the chaos going on.

"Well things sure are getting eventful......" Touma said.
"Nora I am talking to you" nora jist ignored him. He wasnt worth her time and effort. After a few minutes joseph grew tirednof being ignore and snatch her drawing book out of her. Oh that eas a big mistake. Nora grabbed his hand and twisted it and pinned him on one of the desks. This caught the attention of the entire class "Dont touch my drawing book or else" she said in sweet sarcastic tone, but has a hint of malice in it. With that she took her notebook and sat back down and continued to draw. Joseph was scared out of his mind, but he his pride isnt gonna show it. He got of the desk and looked at her " t-this isnt over!" And he walked of with his posy.

As Mandy droned on and on, a female student sitting to the other side of Cain dropped her pencil. It rolled over to Cain's desk, he sought out anything that could distract him from this fresh pit of hell he'd fallen in.

"Here you go." he said, putting his best charm smile.

"Oh, thank you," she said quietly before taking the pencil and turning back to her partner.

Good, they didn't think less of him. He turned back with a smile, only for it to be wiped off his face as Mandy's notebook smacked him across the face with an almighty crack that made his vision go white. He was frozen with pain, his cheek aching and red from the impact. He was sure she had hit him with the metal spine of the notebook.

"What was that for?!?!" he hissed through the pain

"Hmph!" Mandy crossed her arms, "You were cheating on me!"

The blankness of Cain's face contrasted greatly with the still very present red mark, "What!?!"

"You were passing notes with that hussy!"

"I picked up her pencil for god's sakes!"

"Most likely because you were trying to pick HER up!"

Against his better judgment, Cain couldn't help making the jibe, he turned and put a hand to his chin and brought a gleam in his eye "My male spirit can not be denied!"

The second crack of the notebook impacting his face resonated within the classroom.
Tyri looked around the room. Everyone seemed to be having fun. There was much noise. She was glad that she was sitting by herself, in her own private world. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to go home, back to her life and her friends she left behind.
The teacher was stunned by what she just saw. "At least they didnt fight.." she thought. Everyone in class stared at her. Nora just yawnes almost done with her drawing.

Tristan walks over to a girl drawing, "Hey, How're you? I'm Tristan." He said offering his hand. He smiled and started to think Well, if I want to make new friends, here I go.
Nora looked at the boy named Tristen. She smiled and introduced herself "hi I am nora"

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"Mandy please!!!" Cain pleaded "people are watching! For the sake of what's left of my reputation, calm down!"

"Let them watch!" Mandy stood in a rage "Maybe then they'll know what a cheating monster you are! A monster who never returned my messages!"

"You left over three hundred of those!"

"One who never takes me out anywhere!"

"We're not dating! And you tried to kidnap me... twice!"

"One who'd rather sleep with a stuffed animal than me!"

"How do you know about Sergeant Teddy?!?"

"That's it Cain!" Mandy fumed "We're through!"

And then she stormed out of the room, leaving Cain to wonder if he pissed off the universe instead of a deity.
Tyri was surprised at the very loud outburst. She kinda slumped in her chair, hoping that no-one would notice her. Then maybe she could go home, if she didn't make anyfriends.
Nora finished up her drawing and put away her notebook and gave her full attention to tristen.

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Cain cursed to himself, now he didn't have a partner. He could probably make up something about Mandy, God knows she'd go for it once she calmed down, but it was clear as day to anyone casting a second glance that he wasn't doing anything. He quickly let his eyes scan the class, there in the back. Girl trying to elude detection. They locked eyes for a second, and Cain instantly found his ticket to an easy grade. In a blur he was suddenly standing by her desk looking out over the class with a false expression of boredom.

"Aww man," he whistled "Looks like we're the only two here without partners, looks like we have no choice but to together."
"I don't think so....hows about we be partners? I mean you do seem pretty interesting." Touma said while touching Cain on the shoulder
Tyri just looked up at them. "That sounds fine with me." 'At least I won't have to worry about talking to anyone,' she thought to herself.
Cain turned and stared at him, and then stared back at the other girl. He then turned to the guy and asked,

"What's your network price?"
Tristan said "Hey," back and got bored and started to write about a girl who just woke up in a pile a snow wearing a Brown jacket, jeans, boots, and she had Brown hair with Blue eyes that were simply outstanding. He was getting really into the writing, its almost like art.
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Cain paused before gesturing grandly "the all encompassing network price-! Never mind let's just get to work on this thing."

He let the air go out from his sails and got ready to work.
Nora sighed and took out a book and read. "I can't wait for martial arts club!" She thought

"Well then I guess so." Touma said

The two then went to the back of the room.

"Okay ill write about you first" Touma said while he began writing.
"Fine, the name's Cain Masterson. I'm a well rounded guy, what people would call a wild card."

"I have a stalker named Mandy who loves ruining my day. I'm great with kids, also I happen to be the creator of the all powerful 'All-Rounder'"

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