Akizuki High School, a comedy/school RP [Inactive]

Nora groaned "as you can see...this whole thing was a prank...which you and I fell for..." she sighed "I gave them a fair warning and told them not to do it again"

"Sure." Just as Nora and Brit started walking to class, 2 pairs of foot steps followed with laughter. The girl said, "That was a great prank." as they walked by and returned to class.
Nora gave the two a glared that said'do it again and your gonna be in trouble' Which made them squeak.

"Nice. I live alone, so i have to make food for myself. Sometimes I go into the forest and walk a bit for a picnic." Brit wondered. "Maybe, so I'm not alone, you could come over for dinner or something." She asked Nora as the walked into their classroom.
Nora did the same, her seat was also near the Window. She looked outside and saw thst it started yo ran. She sighed.

Nora was pissed and ran over and grabbed the guns and shot them with the water gun drenching them to the bone. Once she smirked satisfied with her handy work.

"Nope Nope Nopie Nope!!!" they said again sequenced while giggling out the door. Once entering the hallway, the pulled out another pair of water guns. Waiting for Nora to chase them down.
Nora smiles "thanks, but they are going to try something again...you can just tell"

"Alright Alright!" said the teacher, "Since the chaos is over, everyone read chapters 1-5 of your books! Last 10 minutes we will have a quiz about all 5."

Brit opened her book and began reading.
When Brit finished up the last sentence of chapter 5, the quiz was past out. "What!" Brit whispered, "These questions have nothing to do with the first 5 chapters, but chp. 6-10."

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