Akizuki High School, a comedy/school RP [Inactive]

People crowed the large tent as it filled. Colored lights shined everywhere as animal sounds came from the back. An older gentlemen came out with a fancy staff, green plaid suit and purple wig under the black and green top hat. A long tail-coat hang behind as he looked to be 7 feet tall standing in the center of the ring. "That's my grandfather." Brit told Nora as they took their seats up front.

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"My name is Master of the ring, lord of the animals and king of entertainment, I am Ring Master Ed. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to La Circus. Our first act, the little car of a thousand clowns!!!" He said an a confident voice and smiled.

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Suddenly, her grandfather noticed Brittany and told a clown or two to bring a member of the audience to the stag. The clowns went to Brit and Nora and pulled them on stage.

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"Wow...should have expected that she went up to the grandfather "so what do You want us to do. " She asked with a grin

"Two beautiful assistants. In just a few minutes, a special act will occur." He replied and the clowns brought them to the back were costume hung for them to wear.

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Nora started laughing again. After a few seconds she calmed down. "Ok what are we wearing? "

"Warned you." Brit replied. She had on a short sparkle dress the color of white while Nora had a golden version. They entered the tent and given the task to hold rings for animals to jump through.

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