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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

@Mitch98 i tryied doing your way but then computer doesn't seem to like me or i still did something wrong.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]@Mitch98 i tryied doing your way but then computer doesn't seem to like me or i still did something wrong.

You deleted the first accordion and slide tags. Just add [ accordion] and { slide} to the beginning of your post, accordion goes first.
Mitchs98 said:
You deleted the first accordion and slide tags. Just add [ accordion] and { slide} to the beginning of your post, accordion goes first.
added it back in but still doesn't like me if i give you the details can u do it for me?
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]added it back in but still doesn't like me if i give you the details can u do it for me?

Again. You did it wrong. Accordion goes before slide, and remove the forward slash. You want a opening tag, not a closing tag.
Amber Von Amethyst

Name: Amber Von Amethyst


Gender: Female

http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii319/RoyCyntus/Anime Women/MedusaSensei.jpg

Demon form:

Personality: Amber is pretty laid back some might say to much sometimes but make no mistake if what your doing goes against her code of only killing those that need to die and stealing from the weak then she's one nasty women to deal with the rest you'll find out later


Bio: Amber is the solo Survivor of the Blood Pact Project out of over a million kids that were test subject after being taken from their homes and their parents killed not long after, the project is hardly known by most assassins or guards and those that do know amber managed to make a secrecy agreement and thus if any break it they will be hunted down by those that continue to keep their promise to amber

Imperial Arm (I have to approve):Amber has far more blood than most humans but it's not unlimited her senses and ability's are similar to that of leon's but she can reduce the wounds of others as well as her self to a stable state as long as she has enough blood her self, she can reattach her limbs as long as the arms and such aren't to badly damaged

The stages of her demon form go from one to four at four she turns into a full demon but this power is not with out set backs one it places a huge stain on the mind and body causing her to sometimes cough up a lot of blood and black out or she becomes numb and becomes the one thing she hates most a senseless killing machine.

trump card: Amber can use demonic magic to devour most of an energy based attack in her third or forth form but this takes a huge tole and can only be used twice a day for 1-3 hours at most.


Likes & Dislikes:

open minded and fun people

reasonable people

good food/drink


hates blood thirsty people

hot headed

Overly self cantered people

the rest you'll find out later

Crush: none yet

Skill(s): Amber can cook food inmost places and make you say wow

she can also make poison and medicine from most places as long as she knows what she's dealing with

the rest you'll find out.

Despite the fact amber looks like a girl she's a fully grown women and knows what she wants and needs some might say she's selfish and cocky but she understand the bigger picture even if those around her assume she doesn't.


Name: Polin

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: some cool anime guy images (3)__I am a hot guy, or a emo boys

Personality: sometimes comes across moody and uninterested and some say ice cold but that isn't true when you get to know him and he slowly warms up to you, al wild genius and comes up with all kinds of ideas to push the foe away or kill them in the most unusual ways.

Bio: Polin only remembers bits and pieces of his past due to the time rupture that badly damaged his memory and it's only recently that he's starting to recall the event of his past, his head hurts a lot when he trys to hard to remember and can become mal tempered but he doesn't mean to hurt people's feelings and often regrets it after.

Imperial Arm:

Magic shift gauntlets how this power is he can take up to three people with him at max to a location they or he knows but the longer he travels the more strain it puts on his body and mind,

He can weaken the effects of a magic or poison but this can only be used four times a day at most after the four time it can start to do serious damage to the body and brain and he need a couple of days minimal to get over the effects.

polin can do quick teleports at will but this does take energy out of him just like any other ability

Trump card: Energy Meteors by opening a much bigger portal he drag meteors towards his target or targets, as they are being pulled they infuse with his energy as well making it that more deadlier, 1 giant or 4 large or three mediums or two small, he can split them off with his energy to make shards.

This ability takes about twenty minutes as a rule to summon and it puts a huge amount of stress body and mind and needs four days to recover.

Assassin or Guard: Merc but currently working for the guards

Like and Dislikes:



+new inventions/weapons

- Ignorance

- bandits/assassin

-feeling lost


+loyal ally's


is willing to try and love again


+High Agility

+High Stamina

+Master Hand to Hand Combatant

+Creating things

+resistance to poisons

other: mix martial art

knows about gun

has advanced ninja skills

Rei Conika

Name: Rei Conika

Age: 23

Gender: female


Personality: Rei looks like the type that is very sheltered and fragile but that's so far from the truth it's funny and ironic she's not openly aggressive and let's her skills do the talking she does talk but only if the conversation is interesting or it's to do with orders for her job, she is fine with both male and female company. the rest you'll find out

Bio: Rei's family are dead after fighting a killing a s class danger beast that the assassins summoned the forbidden spell that her parents used is called the megdiglo completely draining their energy and life force. At first it was very hard to come to terms with their deaths because she loved them so much because no mater what even when the others bullied or thought she cried wolf or being hated for her strange power new power she had obtained from the cave called Loki's calling from a mysterious cave. Rei trained every day in the village before finally setting out after thirteen long years of training before heading out to the city she fought in a few torments and now wants to join the guards to wipe the assassin from this earth.

Imperial Arm: Loki's calling

This weapon works in several different ways one of the ways it works is it gives you resistance to say poison based attacks if you drink a poison before a fight the poison will hurt for a little while say about twenty minutes before your fight or during your fight. She can change her skin to metal or an object of her choosing each type of form or and resistance has a different time limit say one hour max before your body starts to shift back and you need to rest otherwise you do serious damage to your body and mind and can die. Or create a barrier in conjuction with the ia or turn normal dust into something very deadly.

Trump card: Summon demon or phantasm

This take about half an hour to summon a powerful servant from another world binding him through the necklace which is black with Loki's insignia.

The draw back is she has to constantly make sure the creature is doing what she wants so it doesn't take over her mind and body and yes she does lose a lot of both physical and energy and sometimes with shave up to five years of her life if the battle is intense enough.

Assassin or Guard: Guards

Like and Dislikes:

+ fun company

+ Can hide her physical strength from most people

+Helping others

+Insane spiritual energy levels but can keep it perfectly hidden till needed

- seeing the powerful take advantage of the weak

-doesn't want to feel that kinda of pain again so will sometimes keep people at arms length

- Every once in a while she loses her self to her blood lust of wanting to kill every assassin alive

- Sometimes misunderstood because she doesn't take sides in most conflicts and that can give the impression she doesn't care

- says things in an abstract way when thinking out loud so it doesn't always make sense and she has to re explain what she meant

- Has a thick accent which she's never been able to shake so sometimes the words come out as slag

- Even though she has a lot of both types of energy the bigger or the more often she uses the big spells or is a huge fight puts a massive strain on her body and mind.


might have later


+ Can use the demonic energy to make her self much stronger

+ Unbreakable Will she the type that isn't going to go down with out ripping your arm off at least

+Can use talismans me in conjuection with her ia which have many uses

+ Is able to cast spells quicker than a lot of people so she can be defense of offense

Issac Flame

Name: Issac Flame




http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt204/daryl889/Anime Pics/Anime Guys/274477-1-1.jpg

Personality: Issac comes off as i can't be bothered human bonds are a waste of time, he's also the kind to call a commander out if they act unprofessional such as favoring another guard to much, he sometimes pretends he doesn't hear what people are saying but does take it in, is fine around people he likes and is a lot warmer to them, will follow orders to a greater or lesser extent as long as it's not asking asking to do a suicide mission.

Sexuality: Straight

Bio:Isaac was assumed to be dead given the amount of damage during that fateful day where he was separated from polin as he saved by polin from the area blast as he pushed him through portal, he still lost an eye during the blast but the damaged building gave him enough cover to live. Polin's wife and daughter and the rest weren't so lucky they were caught in the blast as they tried to run. Polin was used his portal at full power to stop the blast moving into the next city but doing so left him almost dead and no memory because of the damage to his mind.

Imperial Arm (I have to approve) Angel's embodiment

This power makes his body far more durable that other humans so he could be stabbed or shot it wouldn't hurt nearly as much a normal human body would, he can also grow wings to protect himself and use angel type powers to heal/reattach say an arm to himself or heal others to stable stable state, how every using this form has heavy price it cost a memory every time it's used at full power and can do serious damage to the body as well. He can should only use the power for one hour anything past that the pain continues to increase till one passes out. It's a gun with blue/gold runes and wings on the side with four barrels, the ammo is made for piercing through walls and such so it's more deadly than it looks.

Trump Card: Holy Battle Feathers in his half breed from his eyes go gold with a silver star in the middle, he can take feathers from his wings and use them as alchemy based material or as weapons to combat shadow based creatures, it does hurt a fair bit when he pulls the feathers out but they do regrow. after a day at max the body starts to be over run by holy energy and this can cause serious damage.

Assassin or Guard: Guard

Likes & Dislikes:


talking about interesting things


and strong women

-gets annoyed when people don't know when to shut it

-people that think their smart than they are


-boring jobs

Crush:might who knowns

Skill(s): alchemy

medicine and understanding of the human body

High pain threshold

perfect memory

Other: you'll find out later (i'm happy to work on a bio if need be to make it fair so please give me ideas)

http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt204/daryl889/Anime Pics/Anime Guys/274477-1-1.jpg

Zenith and Morgan Howl

Name: Zenith Howl and Morgan Howl

Age:22 both of them

Gender: male and female

anime male twins - Google Search

Personality:Zen for short is very mature for his age and likes to mess with people his own age from time to time especially those that think it's fun to mess with other people because they can. He's very insightful and flexible, the rest you'll find out later. Morgan comes over a timid and weak but that's far from the truth, she'll in her actions and has no need to say much, she stubborn and protective of her brother and ally's but won't hesitate to kill one of her own if it means keeping the peace and keeping the unit together.

Sexuality: Zenith is straight and Morgan is bi

Bio: They grew up in the city and their family was killed by a man called kingu for his revenge against the empire. They moved though several foster homes and then were recruited by guards hq after they saved a village from a deadly assassin attack by killing all the assassin in a bloody battle.

Imperial Arm (I have to approve): Zenith's is called the Dark Era

it's a pair of purple earrings that use dark mater can used to create weapons or a shield from his energy and the other part of his power is that he can use it to change the density so he pin them to the ground.

He has to take his pills three times a day or the sheer magic will start to rip his body and mind to pieces.

Trump card: Dark Tidal waves this takes about fifteen minutes to summon from the area if there's water and a huge barrage waves that bashes and the pressure starts to crush a persons body, he can only use this twice a day because it draws a heck of a lot of spiritual and physical strength from the caster, has a twenty minute time limit after that the body and mind start to take serious damage.

Morgan is called Ring of the time traveling fighting mage

This power is similar to polins in the fact she can use her ring like that but she also use it to attack from all kinds of ranges she can use it to block some area affect spells or blast to an extent but it puts a fair bit of strain on her body when she has to quick cast the spell.

Trump card: Time's on my side

This power can be used to slow down one or more foes to an extent say she's able to just about to be hit from a sneak attack, she can also use it to speed up her self and ally's but she can only do it for thirty minutes tops after that her body and mind start to feel pain bending time and space.

Assassin or Guard: Guard

Likes & Dislikes:

learning new things Zenith

hanging with the older girls if zenith

Morgan likes older guys people find young people with rare exception to be hard to deal and can be very shy around them.

Morgan is sometimes a little to quite which can make people ansy

Zenith is very untrusting of people for a while because he's be hurt to many times defending his sister when she's not around to speak for her self.

Crush:maybe later

Skill(s): Sixth Sense both of them

slippery fighters

mix martial artist


stubborn even to death is calling us

Other: Morgan can cook and clean and has a subtle way of showing she cares about the people say holds dear. Zenith is the type doesn't think love will find him so doesn't bother.

Spice Rigola

Name: Spice rigola

Age:??? (years) looks 24 at most


http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu276/SharinganAngel16/Anime Girls/Dragon/normal_normal_green_with_dragon_-1.jpg (the women in front but with scaly features and such

Personality: Observant, playful, secretive loyal once you've earned her trust, loves killing assassins in the most creative ways and knows how to hide her blood lust when blending in with assassins and such plays the fool but it's one the rest you'll find out later.


Bio: Spice has been watching the world for a very long time and during that time she has seen assassins/bandits/pirates merciless hurt kill and other disgusting acts. Spice had a human traveling companion that was killed during one of these acts as pirates tried to torch a village for the fun of it, since that day has decided that they needed to be wiped of the face of the earth and began to plan her revenge against their kind. Spice teamed up with Sera as a after hq introduce Spice to her since then her loyalty has yet to waver and hopes that she is never given a reason to do so.

Biological Teigu: Lightning/Thunder Goddess

Spice can use her powers in a number of ways, she can use thunder to deafen or push a foe back, she can make the thunder arc or form chains or use in close combat, The draw back is so intense that her body is slowly being ripped to pieces from the inside.

Assassin or Guard: guard's personal killing machine when big battle are taking place

Likes & Dislikes:

Good food and drink

humble/hard working and intelligent men/women

Despises all evil tengu and assassins etc

does likes seeing innocents being caught in the cross fire

Likes those that keep their word to their ally's

Sera who she cherishes but also gets pissed off with her when she doesn't deal with the task at hand properly.

Watching Sera practice


Sometimes will play pranks on Sera given spices nature.

Hates people insulting or hurting Sera and will make their death's the most drawn out.

Have her time wasted and people trying to rip sara off

Crush:Married to Sera Lightbane

Skill(s): Very High pain threshold extremely great endurance dancing and singing and hunting despite her looks she's is a slippery and surprisingly strong and fast when she needs to be very flexible and well versed fighter. Dragon arts this includes her thunder/lightning abilities

Other: loves sweets and being pampered by loved ones Will show mercy if she thinks the situation warrants or sera asks her to do it even if she isn't she isn't full happy about it.

Thanks a ton man still thinking about making a shadow type guard what do u think

and for fb since it's been a while we can ff it so were back at the house unless were already there. @Mitchs98
Last edited by a moderator:
Leo Radomir]Thanks a ton man still thinking about making a shadow type guard what do u think and for fb since it's been a while we can ff it so were back at the house unless were already there. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
This was a complete restart, so, they can start whereever. I assumed you knew that and just wanted them married already :P
Mitchs98 said:
This was a complete restart, so, they can start whereever. I assumed you knew that and just wanted them married already :P
yeah but what about my question about fruit basket
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]yeah but what about my question about fruit basket

Oh. You meant that. Yeah, that's fine.
Yes because she has snuck out of the castle, and into the base. I'm sorry if that was confusing, I was actually unsure of where everyone was so I just jumped straight in. It's the same as my previous entrance on the last Akame Ga Kill Roleplay:))))

xxbetaspiritxx said:
Yes because she has snuck out of the castle, and into the base. I'm sorry if that was confusing, I was actually unsure of where everyone was so I just jumped straight in. It's the same as my previous entrance on the last Akame Ga Kill Roleplay:))))
Ohh, i see now. Thanks for clearing that up. Guess she has luck at finding supposingly hidden areas. xD

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