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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

I really want a biological teigu. I want their partnership to be meanigful. I want them to work as a team, or perhaps he only uses it as aast resort because he's afraid of what it's capable of.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]no someone i rp with

I'm not sure how I can help then? I was just offering help with making new character.

BloodyKharma said:
I really want a biological teigu. I want their partnership to be meanigful. I want them to work as a team, or perhaps he only uses it as aast resort because he's afraid of what it's capable of.
Ohh, then how about an animal companion as a biological teigu, and at the same time, your character can wear them too. A weapon transforming biological teigu?

((welp, I justremember that kinda reminds me of Avyn and Katsukou hahah. but what i said above is kinda different from theirs ability.))
TripTripleTimes said:
I'm not sure how I can help then? I was just offering help with making new character.
Ohh, then how about an animal companion as a biological teigu, and at the same time, your character can wear them too. A weapon transforming biological teigu?

((welp, I justremember that kinda reminds me of Avyn and Katsukou hahah. but what i said above is kinda different from theirs ability.))
Sounds cool, but how would that work. An animal that can be turned into a weapon...AND be worn.
BloodyKharma said:
Sounds cool, but how would that work. An animal that can be turned into a weapon...AND be worn.
Like think claw or maybe cape when the user is on the offence. The transformation doesn't need to be worn, it can be just any other conventional weapon.
@Leo Radomir almost all the guards are gathered together. Theyre at a celebration party for Akihito. Some are going to fight the captain (3) while other are doing whatever party things.

I'll quote posts about the event.

Hanjizoe said:

Akihito Tsutsumibachi || Guard Akihito appears to be in a building filled with a bunch of visitors, and newcomers from other known area's. There was a party going on in his families favor, his father, taiga tsutsumibachi the host of the party. Akihito would stand by his father, being his guard slash son, and the prince of the whole event. The event would acompany anyone within the guards, civilians with drinks, food, and music, anything to keep the party smooth sailing, hoping no one who would recklessly ruin this here event.

Akihito wasn't so sure about this idea of an event, as this could be an assassin's opertunity to just come in, and kill off someone that there boss of some sort command them to be, but with enough guards, that wouldn't be possible, but he digress
NekoChanBo said:
Crow simply smirked as he got up off the ground so far he has found two people he just needed one more, Crow looked around it seemed a large amount of the guards were drunk or getting there which could prove bad if a attack happened now the groups fighting strength would be halved saying that quite a few royal guards were taking part in this tournament which meant they had to stay sober, this meant that at least the royal guards would be able to protect both. Crow simply smiled at the two who accepted his challenge before turning to the crowd. "I need just one more person." Crow said before his eyes locked on Akihito after all this was Akihito's fathers event made for him its only right he showed the crowd what he has learnt. Crow's moved his arms to the side of his body and smirked. "How about you Akihito this is a event in your hornor after all why not show the people and your father what you have learnt?" Crow asked he quickly ordered two of his royal guards to go and protect Taiga Tsutsumibachi which would give Akihito a chance to join in. Crows eyes slowly began scanning the crowd he wanted to see just how many guards were here. He say Rin Suzajamori, a new guard medic and he guessed that's who shouted about patching the ones who fight up after, he also saw Yasumi Kai whatever drove that adorable little ball of energy to become a guard Crow did not knew, Crow obviously saw the two who wanted to try against him and the prince of the event, Akihito and finally the last one who caught his eye was Rei Akita she was a very quiet girl. Crow walked to the edge of the fighting area and placed his weapon on the guard he didn't want to kill them after all and if Night Raid even tried to attack he can just recall his blade.
@Hanjizoe @WrathSama17 @MrNeko
TripTripleTimes said:
@MrNeko, @National, @Mitchs98
Ryougin Sho || Guard

Ryougin chuckles at the two Royal Guard say their piece, Akihito polite and Rameal blunt but honest. Both traits the older guard have expected from his read of their profiles prior to the event.

"We can't expect less than the best food for a Capital celebration!" Ze grins and shifts zir weight on one leg and then puts a hand on zir hip. The bow and quiver of arrows on zir back jostle noisily. "I dont think we'll be lucky enough for an Assassin, but I think we will get out as soon as the tournament there finishes."

Just as Ryougin is about to introduce zirself to the two boys, zir sees the captain of the Royal Guard intrups the on going fight down that way.

"Well, nevermind. Count on the captain to cut straight to the good stuff." And before anyone knows it, the two boys and Yutaka Miyata are up for a fight with the captain.

Yutaka Miyata, a man that rarely comes out to mingle with his fellow guards, picks fights and rumoured to be a womanizer. Luckily, Ryougin have worked with the man and ze doesn't mind the man at all. Yutaka is good at his job and they are all here for that.

"Well, what are you two waiting for!" Ryougin pushes Akihito and Rameal towards the fighting arena. "Have fun!"

The celebration party is held in a location with two distinctive sections. One is the usual dance, dine, and gather area with round tables that the guests can sit at; it is a long strech of marble. Then at one of the long side of it, the flat surface drops down revealing the fighting arena. There are couple of rows of seats before the stone really drops down to the impressive large stage. The whole feel of the place is like a colosseum, but you know, less seats, more of a rectangle, and that large dining area that looks over the fight.

Down where Captain Crow is, Guvi Reach suddenly appears.

"Boo, Guvi! Let us have a good show!" Ryougin calls out. Guvi maybe his senior in rank but the tanned guard cant let the kid do what he wants! "You're too late to stop us, I got the bets going!" Well, ze doesn't but ze can see some of the party patrons whispering among themselves and handing over money. At the corner of zir eyes, ze can see those same men and women freeze up for a moment before ignoring them completely. Ryougin looks around the dining hall once again and spots the Royal Guard newest medic.

"Hey, if anyone looses a limb or two," Ryougin grins wickedly, "or even dies, we show off our new girl!" Ze beams and grins back to the pale haired girl.
I think this be enough to get you wat's up with most of the guards.
LeSoraAmari said:
Just wondering,

Did any of Kyūketsuki's slashes hit Katsuki?
Yea, the first three. The first one was rather deep, the other two shallow. Which is why he's in so much pain and bleeding from the strikes to his chest.

Mitchs98 said:
Tfw Katsuki kisses Santios' ass because he's strongee than Krieg. Kek.
That's not why, it's simply because he's the leader of Night Raid. The one he must face at the end of his journey to the top.
BloodyKharma said:
Yea, the first three. The first one was rather deep, the other two shallow. Which is why he's in so much pain and bleeding from the strikes to his chest.
That's not why, it's simply because he's the leader of Night Raid. The one he must face at the end of his journey to the top.
Oh I see~

This makes things very interesting :3 hehehe

Your life is in my hands, but I won't kill you :)
BloodyKharma said:
So Rin is just naturally talented? Or did he train hard to get where he is today.
I'm at work atm so I can't really go into detail, so:

Essentially a mixture of both:

-Noble upbringing (his father was also a general, so it runs in his blood (most males in his family end up becoming one))

-He also trained intensely for like five years, doing nothing but training his skills and then boom assassino.

I'll write a detailed version up later when I'm home xD
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I'll get a post up in a moment :0

It's finally time to show Katsuki that Kyūketsuki is no "Flimsy sword" MWAHAHAHA

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