• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Akame ga kill [Now Accepting]


Noming on Treats

Night Raid

(We need to fill up these roles)


Leader: Akame(35) -

Tatsumi(36)- Victor

Mine(35)- Rantos

Character Sheet



Apperance(Anime only, sorry guys)

Personality(Be creative)



Bio(should be about why you joined, your past, prior training)

Tegiu and number(need to have picture of tegiu, can be orginal or made up)

Trump Card



Death Gun

Leader: Esdeath's cousin, Sakura (19)- Mena








Reason why you joined

Bio(past, where you got recruited from,)

Tegiu/Number(need a picture too, orginal or made up)

Trump card




Both Groups

Only one person in each group can have two tegius

3 tegiu have to be from original anime *for members after 7/17*
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Night Raid

Name: Victor Sillius

Age: 17


Personality: Victor is very friendly of himself and he often walks around with a smile he usually prefers to solve disputes by talking to his opponent, hoping to make them an ally instead, rather than killing them right off the bat.


+ Making friends

+ Friends

- Hostility

- Killing people

- Fighting

Hobbies: Talking to people, loafing around, sleeping

Bio: Victor grew up happily with his family in a cottage secluded from his village, from time to time so did he have to go into the village to buy groceries, he often trained with his Teigu, which he'd gotten through inheritance from one of his ancestors, far away from his house and very quickly so did he learn to master it, however he found his life very uneventful so one day he decided to go on an adventure out in the world, after he'd been away for a couple of months so did he stumble upon a large group of bandits who seemed to have a few victims to rob, when he looked closer so did he see that it was the (in)famous Night Raid, he sat and watched as the poor bandits got slaughtered by the three, after the quick (battle) so did he approach them with a smile, of course so did both Mine and Akame instantly turn aggresive towards him, however when he explained that he merely wanted to join them so did they calm down and stayed merely suspicious of them, he's not sure but they could very well still be suspicious of him to this day.

Tegiu and number: Infinite Uses: Cross tail


Trump Card: Realm-Cutting thread

Relationships/Crush: Well there's no one else here yet, so I guess I love... myself?

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minismurf said:
Night Raid
Name: Victor Sillius

Age: 17


Personality: Victor is very friendly of himself and he often walks around with a smile he usually prefers to solve disputes by talking to his opponent, hoping to make them an ally instead, rather than killing them right off the bat.


+ Making friends

+ Friends

- Hostility

- Killing people

- Fighting

Hobbies: Talking to people, loafing around, sleeping

Bio: Victor grew up happily with his family in a cottage secluded from his village, from time to time so did he have to go into the village to buy groceries, he often trained with his Teigu, which he'd gotten through inheritance from one of his ancestors, far away from his house and very quickly so did he learn to master it, however he found his life very uneventful so one day he decided to go on an adventure out in the world, after he'd been away for a couple of months so did he stumble upon a large group of bandits who seemed to have a few victims to rob, when he looked closer so did he see that it was the (in)famous Night Raid, he sat and watched as the poor bandits got slaughtered by the three, after the quick (battle) so did he approach them with a smile, of course so did both Mine and Akame instantly turn aggresive towards him, however when he explained that he merely wanted to join them so did they calm down and stayed merely suspicious of them, he's not sure but they could very well still be suspicious of him to this day.

Tegiu and number: Infinite Uses: Cross tail


Trump Card: Realm-Cutting thread

Relationships/Crush: Well there's no one else here yet, so I guess I love... myself?

Approved :3
Night Raid

Name: Mena Lhant

Age: 17



Personality: She has difficulty to express her emotions and trusting people. Although she rarely talks, she makes up for it by listening to other people's problems. On the battlefield, she is a skilled killer which she can be compared to Akame herself. When she is alone and not fighting, her walls break down and she starts to think everyone left, forgotten about her.



Teddy bears







Being alone

Hobbies: Reading, Watching people train, Being quiet

Bio: Mena grew up around Night Raid, her mother was Leone. Although she never knew her mother, she wants to avenge her death from Esdeath's cousin, Sakura. At a young age, she developed signs of great combat abiliy so she was invited to a training group for the New Night Raid. There she meets her mentor Mine, Best friend Akame and freind Tatsumi, all from the orginial Night Raid. She is one of the most skilled people in Night Raid right now. Even though she is very skilled, she hasn't been allowed on any field missions like the other members.

Tegiu/Number: #123 Sharpshooter synodrome G+


Trump Card: Dark eyes This abilty lets the user to move faster than the averge human plus ups the magic power when hurt. Both of the abilties have a 2 minute cooldown, but they can only be triggered one at a time. The magic abilty depends on the damage user takes, as a result the magic bullets can curve and gets more powerful.

Relationships/Crush: PM me

Other: loves to cook
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Yuma: Death gun.


Name: Yuma.

Alias: Mad Dog (before joining Death gun) The Hunting dog (after to joining Death gun)

Age: 19 (birthday in five days and your not invited to the party)

Personality: Ruthless, cruel, cunning. Yuma is a man deserving of the name Mad Dog. He is a very mater of fact person who drives on his primal instincts in combination with conscious thought creating a perfect balance between the two ways of thinking. He is a hunter for the thrill, not for survival, finishing off every mission with brutal efficiency. He's not a big fan of sneaking, so much so that if he was tasked with a assassination mission he would walk through the front door. He is blunt in just about everything he does, he speaks his mind and does what he wants, when he wants (most of the time that is taking a nap). He is confident in his own skills and oftain calls his enemies pray, he will only use an enemies name when they have earned Yuma's respect. Yuma hates teaming up with others. While he doesn't consider himself crazy it's clear to see his mental state isn't perfectly clean, he has an unhealthy desire to kill people.




Cute things.




Teaming up.

People looking down on him.

Cocky fools.

People who think they know it all.

People interrupting his sleeps.

Reason why you joined: "Must I need a reason to hunt stronger foes? Must I need a reason to follow my primal instinct? Must I need a reason to be human?"

Bio: Yuma came from a long line of mercenaries. His family primarily worked for a tribe located outside the capital and in the swamp lands. The tribe also happened to be a bandit tribe. Yuma was no stranger to the art of killing and looting. He was trained as a kid and when he was 15 he got to go on his first raid. Yuma will never forget that night, the rush, the thrill was all to addicting for Yuma. He became known as a monster to other tribes and a god within his own. Then when Yuma's father died the Tegiu he used was given to Yuma, Primal reversion: Typhon. Yuma was a killing machine, near unstoppable, even members of his own tribe began to fear him. When that fear ran too strong the the veins of his tribe, he was exiled, but he never stopped hunting. He was found by Esdeath's cousin Sakura finishing his lunch atop a mountain of courses. He joined Death gun and became its first member without hesitation. He quickly became Sakura's right hand man as well as the most powerful member in Death Gun, only second to Sakura herself.

Siblings: Yuma as 13 back at the village.

Relationship/Crush: He has high respect for Esdeth's cousin, Sakura. But isn't into anyone romantically yet. PM if you want to change that.

Other: Yuma rarely uses both Tegiu at once, he only uses both at once when facing off with an enemy he sees as equal or higher. His power when using both can't be compared to when he is just using one.


"If these are the weapon of the beast and I am the hunter then I see no reason why I can't make them conform with my will."


Primal reversion: Typhon. Offensive/support type.


Abilities: Upon activation Yuma's physical attributes, spatial awareness and reaction speed all go up. The effects happen the moment when he activates the Tegiu with no delay. The Tegiu can boost Yuma's power to such levels it can almost be felt. Passively in inspires fear in those who are considerably weaker then Yuma. During activation time Yuma's intelligence can be lowed to that of an animal if the Tegiu is used for to long. As s secondary effect it can steal any oxidized blood within a 12 foot diameter. When blood is absorbed by the Tegiu Yuma has the option of saving it for later or using it to boost Yuma even more but also speeds up his mental erosion. The boost does not carry over from use to use.

Trump card: If enough blood is absorbed then Yuma has the option to do a complete heal. It heals all wounds, restores all stamina, heals any mental erosion and even give him a slight power up, nothing big though. Yuma can only do this once a day. The healing is near instant and can heal him from anything as long as he isn't dead.​


Absolute flame: Prometheus. Offensive type.


Abilities: This Tegiu has the ability to create and control absolute fire. The flames from this blade can catch on anything and burn indefinitely. Fire can be controlled through the blade but it is difficult. The more fire Yuma tries to control at once the harder it is to control. The fire also has no problem lighting the user on fire as well. If Yuma wishes to extinguish any amount of flame he must extinguish it all. Yuma can launch flames like a projectile from the blade. If used too much the blade will over heat, even while over heating it is still usable but it starts to hurt Yuma. This fire is imposable to put out through normal means.

Trump card: Hell's requiem: Yuma slams the sword into the ground and a small red ring appears underneath him. From his sword a giant fire storm is unleashed in all directions, burning everything in the blast radius to ash. Survival is very rare from his move. The red ring that appears under Yuma is a safe zone where the fire storm can't go. After using this move the Tegiu is no longer able to make fire for a few hours. The blast size is dependent on how much fire Yuma created, if Yuma made no fire and used his trump the blast size would be at its biggest. If Yuma created a lot of fire using the sword the blast size would be smaller.

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Rantos said:

Yuma: Death gun.


Name: Yuma.

Alias: Mad Dog (before joining Death gun) The Hunting dog (prior to joining Death gun)

Age: 19 (birthday in five days and your not invited to the party)

Personality: Ruthless, cruel, cunning. Yuma is a man deserving of the name Mad Dog. He is a very mater of fact person who drives on his primal instincts in combination with conscious thought creating a perfect balance between the two ways of thinking. He is a hunter for the thrill, not for survival, finishing off every mission with brutal efficiency. He's not a big fan of sneaking, so much so that if he was tasked with a assassination mission he would walk through the front door. He is blunt in just about everything he does, he speaks his mind and does what he wants, when he wants (most of the time that is taking a nap). He is confident in his own skills and oftain calls his enemies pray, he will only use an enemies name when they have earned Yuma's respect. Yuma hates teaming up with others. While he doesn't consider himself crazy it's clear to see his mental state isn't perfectly clean, he has an unhealthy desire to kill people.




Cute things.




Teaming up.

People looking down on him.

Cocky fools.

People who think they know it all.

People interrupting his sleeps.

Reason why you joined: "Must I need a reason to hunt stronger foes? Must I need a reason to follow my primal instinct? Must I need a reason to be human?"

Bio: Yuma came from a long line of mercenaries. His family primarily worked for a tribe located outside the capital and in the swamp lands. The tribe also happened to be a bandit tribe. Yuma was no stranger to the art of killing and looting. He was trained as a kid and when he was 15 he got to go on his first raid. Yuma will never forget that night, the rush, the thrill was all to addicting for Yuma. He became known as a monster to other tribes and a god within his own. Then when Yuma's father died the Tegiu he used was given to Yuma, Primal reversion: Typhon. Yuma was a killing machine, near unstoppable, even members of his own tribe began to fear him. When that fear ran too strong the the veins of his tribe, he was exiled, butt he never stopped hunting. He was found by Esdeath's unarmed cousin (cough cough) finishing his lunch utop a mountain of courses. He joined Death gun and became its first member without hesitation.

Sblings: Yuma as 13 back at the his village.

Relationship/Crush: He has high respect for Esdeth's unarmed cousin (cough cough) but as it stands he has no crush. Open to PM if you want to talk about it.

Other: Yuma rarely uses both Tegiu at once, he only uses both at once when facing off with an enemie he sees as equal or higher. His power when using both can't be compared to when he is just using one.


"If these are the weapon of the beast and I am the hunter then I see no reason why I can't make them conform with my will."


Primal reversion: Typhon.


Abilities: Upon activation Yuma's physical attributes, spatial awareness and reaction speed all go up. The effects happen the moment when he activates the Tegiu with no delay. The Tegiu can boost Yuma's power to such levels it can almost be felt. Passively in inspires fear in those who are considerably weaker then Yuma. During activation time Yuma's intelligence can be lowed to that of an animal if the Tegiu is used for to long. As s secondary effect it can steal any oxidized blood within a 12 foot diameter. When blood is absorbed by the Tegiu it boosts Yuma even more but also speeds up his mental erosion. The boost does not carry over from use to use.

Trump card: If enough blood is absorbed then Yuma has the option to do a complete heal. It heals all wounds, restores all stamina and even give him a slight power up, nothing big though. Yuma can only do this once a day.​


Absolute flame: Prometheus


Abilities: This Tegiu has the ability to create and control absolute fire. The flames from this blade can catch on anything and burn indefinitely. Fire can be controlled through the blade but it is difficult. The more fire the harder it is to control. The fire also has no problem lighting the user on fire all well if Yuma wishes to extinguish any amount of flame he must extinguish it all. Yuma can launch flames like a projectile from the blade. If used too much the blade will over heat, even while over heating it is still usable but it starts to hurt Yuma.

Trump card: Hell's requiem: Yuma slams the sword into the ground and a small red ring appears underneath him. From his sword a giant fire storm is unleashed in all directions, burning everything in the blast radius to ash. Survival is very rare from his move. The red ring that appears under Yuma is a safe zone where the fire storm can't go. After using this move the Tegiu is no longer able to make fire for a few hours. The blast size is dependent on how much fire Yuma created, if Yuma made no fire and used his trump the blast size would be at its biggest. If Yuma created a lot of fire using the sword the blast size would be smaller.


Harlequin: Death gun




"A name is merely a name, but you may called be Harlequin"


Harlequin the fairy king.

((His Teigu will make this make more sense and before you ask no he's not a fairy))

"I'm not a fairy, but i'm small, basically fly and weigh next to nothing so its close enough."



"Age is but a number and one that I don't look."


Harlequin is an ally to death gun and is willing to wipe anyone who gets in his way - along with the people he is after. Most would describe him as an emotionless monster who kills for fun, however those people doesn't know Harlequin very well and is often an aftermath of seeing him fight. Harlequin only ever has one thing on his mind(or at least that what he says) and that's the complete destruction of the night raid. He sees eye to eye with the leader of death gun as they both have the same goal in mind, however Harlequin has said that once the remaining original three are dead he would need some "motivation" to continue fighting as his goal would be complete. Harlequin also refuses to go all out on anyone except members of Night raid with his excuse being "My goal is not the decimation of this target" sadly if a new member of night raid approached him one he didn't know this could be used against him. They is only one thing that really annoys Harlequin and that's when people say anything about his childlike facial feature. When not do anything Harlequin can be found sleeping.

"The need for revenge changes everyone."


Training, sleeping

"All I do is sleep and train."


The old empire



His weapon


The need for revenge

"The things I like are few"


Night raid

The rebels

Being disturbed

Annoying people

"The things I dislike are fewer"

Reason why you joined: To gain revenge for his father who was slain at the hands of night raid.

"Revenge is a good motivator"


Harlequin is the son of the deceased General Liver, while only meeting his father once the day of his birth Harlequin felt some sort of requirement to revenge him by killing anyone who was involved in his murder. Harlequin from 10 and upwards spent 2 years trying to find out what happened to his father and finally he hit a gold mind. He met someone he told Harlequin everything, who killed his father(minus the suicide factor) and most of his fathers life including the fact that someone named Esdeath saved him from rotting in prison for the rest of his life and that Liver decided to work under her. Demanding the means to fight and defend himself the man who told Harlequin everything took Harlequin home with him. This man turned out to be one of Livers men who adored the late general liver and somehow survived even with the rebels winning the war. The man taught Harlequin everything from how to fight to how to plan and even about the Teigu. Aged 14 after two years of training the man showed Harlequin something, an item the man had always been afraid to use since so far anyone that had tried it had killed. It was a Teigu. According to Harlequin teacher if you were to cause your blood to leak on the spear and the spear was a right match for you, it wouldn't kill you and instead respond to your commands. Walking right up to the spear Harlequin slit the back of his hand on the blade a deep cut nearly striking a vain. His teachers face was petrified as the blade raised up and went right to Harlequin neck. "Revenge is all I want, if you can't give me that then what good are you." Harlequin said to the weapon and for whatever reason it just went by Harlequin side. Training for another year his teacher told Harlequin about someone else who was going after the Night raid for revenge Esdeath's cousin. Hearing the name Esdeath peaked Harlequin interests and order to be told where he could find this cousin of hers. Upon being told Harlequin killed his teacher saying. "Thanks for all the help but you know too much about me and my weapon." After nearly five years Harlequin returned to his mother and killed her so she couldn't be used against him not like he cared much anyway. After six months of searching Harlequin finally found who he was looking for and joined this group called Death gun becoming its third member.

"The past is the past, I only have one thing to settle then i'm never looking back."


Spirit spear: Levitas

Offensive type.

Number 48


As the name suggests the Spirit Spear: Levitas has the ability to levitate. While levitating the user has the ability to control the spears speed and movements with his hands thus making Levitas a multi-ranged weapon with many uses. While the weapon its self is extremely strong and versatile the father away the weapon is from its host the slower and weak its attacks are. Harlequin often can be found standing on the weapon due to him being very light it barely impacts it and gives Harlequin a large amount of movement to dodge and or catch up to someone.

(Levitas is the word which levitation comes from.)

Trump card:

Spirit Spear: Levitas trump card is a simple but yet extremely useful one. Levitas lends its power to levitate to the user allowing the host to fly or at least close enough. This power can be kept on for a whole day however for whoever long he uses it for it takes twice as long before he can use it. For example if he used it for an hour it would be two hours before he can use it again. Alas he became known as the fairy king due to this ability.





"Ain't nothing I trust more in the world than my weapon."

Relationship/Crush: The person he is closest to is Sakura mostly since they share the same need for revenge, however it wouldn't be classed as a crush mostly since he likes to keep things professional...at least until his revenge is complete.

"Me and Sakura have the same goal, professionally I like her outside professionally I don't hold feelings for her."


He has often been told he looks a lot like him mother and nothing like his father.

He looks younger than he is.

His body has a strange aging disorder chances are he won't change much(appearance-wise) until he starts getting gray hair.

"Strange isn't it the other things in my life."
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The Belle of The Ball of Death Gun

  • Akame%20Ga%20Kill%20Persona%201.0_zps6w9w059p.jpg

    Name: Belle Heartland

    Age: 18






    Getting Hurt


    Playing Pranks on Friends





    Anything that covers her face










    Night Raid


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Bills352 said:

Harlequin: Death gun




"A name is merely a name, but you may called be Harlequin"


Harlequin the fairy king.

((His Teigu will make this make more sense and before you ask no he's not a fairy))

"I'm not a fairy, but i'm small, basically fly and weigh next to nothing so its close enough."



"Age is but a number and one that I don't look."


Harlequin is an ally to death gun and is willing to wipe anyone who gets in his way - along with the people he is after. Most would describe him as an emotionless monster who kills for fun, however those people doesn't know Harlequin very well and is often an aftermath of seeing him fight. Harlequin only ever has one thing on his mind(or at least that what he says) and that's the complete destruction of the night raid. He sees eye to eye with the leader of death gun as they both have the same goal in mind, however Harlequin has said that once the remaining original three are dead he would need some "motivation" to continue fighting as his goal would be complete. Harlequin also refuses to go all out on anyone except members of Night raid with his excuse being "My goal is not the decimation of this target" sadly if a new member of night raid approached him one he didn't know this could be used against him. They is only one thing that really annoys Harlequin and that's when people say anything about his childlike facial feature. When not do anything Harlequin can be found sleeping.

"The need for revenge changes everyone."


Training, sleeping


The old empire



His weapon


Night raid

The rebels

Being disturbed

Annoying people

Reason why you joined: To gain revenge for his father who was slain at the hands of night raid.


Harlequin is the son of the deceased General Liver, while only meeting his father once the day of his birth Harlequin felt some sort of requirement to revenge him by killing anyone who was involved in his murder. Harlequin from 10 and upwards spent 2 years trying to find out what happened to his father and finally he hit a gold mind. He met someone he told Harlequin everything, who killed his father(minus the suicide factor) and most of his fathers life including the fact that someone named Esdeath saved him from rotting in prison for the rest of his life and that Liver decided to work under her. Demanding the means to fight and defend himself the man who told Harlequin everything took Harlequin home with him. This man turned out to be one of Livers men who adored the late general liver and somehow survived even with the rebels winning the war. The man taught Harlequin everything from how to fight to how to plan and even about the Teigu. Aged 14 after two years of training the man showed Harlequin something, an item the man had always been afraid to use since so far anyone that had tried it had killed. It was a Teigu. According to Harlequin teacher if you were to cause your blood to leak on the spear and the spear was a right match for you, it wouldn't kill you and instead respond to your commands. Walking right up to the spear Harlequin slit the back of his hand on the blade a deep cut nearly striking a vain. His teachers face was petrified as the blade raised up and went right to Harlequin neck. "Revenge is all I want, if you can't give me that then what good are you." Harlequin said to the weapon and for whatever reason it just meant by Harlequin side. Training for another year his teacher told Harlequin about someone else who was going after the Night raid for revenge Esdeath's cousin. Hearing the name Esdeath peaked Harlequin interests and order to be told where he could find this cousin of hers. Upon being told Harlequin killed his teacher saying. "Thanks for all the help but you know too much about me and my weapon." After nearly five years Harlequin returned to his mother and killed her so she couldn't be used against him not like he cared much anyway. After six months of searching Harlequin finally found who he was looking for and joined this group called Death gun becoming its third member.


Spirit spear: Levitas

Offensive type.


As the name suggests the Spirit Spear: Levitas has the ability to levitate. While levitating the user has the ability to control the spears speed and movements with his hands thus making Levitas a multi-ranged weapon with many uses. While the weapon its self is extremely strong and versatile the father away the weapon is from its host the slower and weak its attacks are. Harlequin often can be found standing on the weapon due to him being very light it barely impacts it and gives Harlequin a large amount of movement to dodge and or catch up to someone.

(Levitas is the word which levitation comes from.)

Trump card:

Spirit Spear: Levitas trump card is a simple but yet extremely useful one. Levitas lends its power to levitate to the user allowing the host to fly or at least close enough. This power can be kept on for a whole day however for whoever long he uses it for it takes twice as long before he can use it. For example if he used it for an hour it would be two hours before he can use it again. Alas he became known as the fairy king due to this ability.





The person he is closest to is Sakura mostly since they share the same need for revenge, however it wouldn't be classed as a crush mostly since he likes to keep things professional...at least until his revenge is complete.


He has often been told he looks a lot like him mother and nothing like his father.

He looks younger than he is.

His body has a strange aging disorder chances are he won't change much(appearance-wise) until he starts getting gray hair.

((Its 3 am if I messed anything up i'll sort it out when I awake))

Its good, approved


[QUOTE="A Guileless Fable]

The Belle of The Ball of Death Gun

  • akame-ga-kill-persona-1-0-jpg.143072

    Name: Belle Heartland

    Age: 18






    Getting Hurt


    Playing Pranks on Friends





    Anything that covers her face










    Night Raid


  • Number.8%3A.Heraldic.King.Genom-heritage.full.1604180.jpg

    In this version of Cerynian Stag, the wearer transforms into a more bestial form of the prior mask (in this case a large stag). User with small will or beginner are capable of losing themselves and their humanity while in this form so it necessary for the user to have a strong mentality if in this form. This transformation brings in a greater changes within the 5 senses than that of it's previous forms, but it also grant the user the ability to use a form of magic that takes the shape of a beam that forms from the "mouth" of the creature.

I cant seem to see your character picture (1st) but other than that approved :3


The Black Dragon Reaper

Name: Leon Chevalier

Alias: The Black Dragon/ Black Dragon Reaper

Age: 18

Faction: Night Raid

Likes: Morals






Dislike: Senseless fighting

The hurting of Innocent


The Empire

Hobbies: Swordsmanship



Listening to music



He had a crush on Sakura when he was a soldier of the Empire fighting along side her.

However since leaving he says "He doesn't have anymore feelings for her." He isn'

Reason of joining: "My reasons are mine own and this is a subject I do not like to talk about. But if you must know I left the Empire since I didn't see eye to eye with it. Before you ask yes I was a soldier of the Empire, but there are things that are within the Empire that I don't agree with. So I left the empire, my family, and people who I would say I was close too. Now that you know I ask that you don't ask again.

Personality: Leon Is what most would call an gentleman. Polite, respectful, honorable, and in most cases kind all describe the swordsman. This is do to the how he was raised and his parents. Leon was taught to always be polite and respectful to anyone he meets, this even goes for his enemies. He will wait until his enemy is ready and prepared to fight him instead of attacking someone when he or she is at their weakest. This may come off to some people as him being arrogant, and when he will. Leon believes in a fair fight and looks at any opponent as his equal. Unfortunately for his opponent that would mean teigu or not you will fight Leon at his finest.

Leon is generally a kind person, not looking to hurt anyone unless the circumstances require that of him. His kindness can at times can come off as flirting even though Leon is dense of that fact. Despite Leon generally being easy to talk to, he isn't very out going and isn't one to express his feelings easily. However if you harm someone close to him that kindness is long forgot and you will face his rage.

: Leon grew up in a loving and caring house. His parents both cared very deeply for Leon and proved a safe and loving home for him. His mother a noblewomen in the empire and father a general in the Imperial Army both cared for their son. His parents despite being part of the upper class in the empire didn't agree with what the empire was once again turning into. However parents didn't agree with the revolutionaries about trying to make another war out of this, and instead took the approach of trying to change the empire from inside. During the first revolution his parents fought and sided with the revolutionary army, but this time around they sought to change it from the inside out.

Leon wasn't clueless about what was going on outside the walls of his house and would often overhear his parents talking about their disapproval of the empire. He agreed with his parents views of trying to change the empire for the better and doing it from inside the empire instead of trying to start a new war. This was around the time he began to ask his farther for trying as a soldier and commander, since he played on following the footsteps of his father. His father was a successful and respected general in the military as well as the one who wielded a teigu, the Para Lux.

The training with his father only started the success Leon had in the military. Do to his father's position Leon was assigned as an officer in the military upon joining and served under his father at the age of 15. Upon acquiring his position another offered was made to him, that was a teigu. This teigu had killed over 68 others who tried to use it, but despite the danger Leon accepted the challenge and agreed to the offer. Upon arriving in the room the key was kept Leon was able to fell the Dragon's Influence. Leon didn't hesitate for a second and grabbed the key from it's pedestal. Once he grabbed it the two guards and his father who accompanied him watched in awe as Leon stabbed the key into the ground summoning the armor.

Once the armor had set it's self in place on Leon's body he was able to feel the Dragon's presence. Soon after that the dragon began it's mental attack to take over. Leon though at first surprised wasn't going to give in and fought the influence of he dragon. During this time Leon stood there like an statue unconscious until five hours later emerged victorious over the teigu. At this point it had accepted Leon as it's user, but that didn't mean the Dragon would give in so easily. After that Leon began to train with his teigu learning what it could do and strengthening his resistance to the Dragon's control.

Soon after he met someone who eventually he would become very close with. He met her when she was assigned to his division and put into the same unit as him. He first thought of her wasn't that she belonged the battlefield and that he would have to protect her. But after watching her on the battlefield he was wrong. She was more then capable of taking care of herself. That was when he first started to respect her as a warrior. As they fought along side each other he grew closer until he had feelings for her, which he didn't notice. Leon had only seen the more kinder side of Sakura never seeing her more bloodthirsty side expect for when they were fighting. It was a few year after them meeting and right before everything in his life changed she asked him to join a unit she was creating to hunt down night raid. Leon knew about her feelings for night raid, but he didn't share them. He declined her in hope she would forgot about her idea of killing night raid. That was the last time he ever saw her.

It had been three years until everything for Leon changed. He has served the empire as a loyal soldier carrying out orders to fight off armies of rival countries and hunt down criminal organizations which he served to the best of his abilities. During the many campaigns he was sent on he earned the nickname 'The Black Dragon Reaper' from the enemies and even his own men. For whenever he fought on the battlefield he would only leave a trail of dead without a scratch on himself. But despite the fact that most of his orders seemed to be normal and that he served then loyally, he knew that the empire still ordered the killing of civilians. He still know about the evil of the empire, but still believed he could change the Empire from the inside out. His father was soon to retire from the military and it was rumored Leon would receive the new position. But the Empire had another plan for Leon's family. Do to learning about his family's views on the empire they deemed then a treat to the family, but couldn't kill then right out.

So they planned an assassination of his family. But couldn't do it while Leon was at home since fighting two teigu at the same time would end in a failure. So they sent Leon off on a mission and would kill his parents while he was away and kill him upon returning. So they went through with their plan and sent Leon with his unit off on a mission, while he was away they order another general to select some of his men and kill Leon's parents. The order was followed and completed, and upon Leon's return home he found his home on fire. After searching for his parents he found them killed, with his father's Para Lux in hand. It soon became apparent to him as to who killed his family as they tried to kill him as well. Leon escaped using his teigu only being able to grab one thing with him his father teigu. He kept the sword to remember his parents and to always remind him of what the empire did to him.

At that moment he lost his family, was forced to leave the military and empire, and had no home to go to. He left the capital and sought out to find the revolutionary army and join them. He wanted revenge for what they did to his family and to live out their will of changing the empire. However he would do it his way not the way his family and himself tried and failed. It was soon after joining the revolutionary army that he learned that he could wield the Para Lux as well as his own teigu, which as earned him a position in night raid as it's newest member.

#17 The Purest Light/ Pura Lux Offensive/support

The first of Leon's Teigu and the main weapon of choice. Despite wielding two swords(the other being the dormant form of his other Teigu) he only uses the abilities of this teigu as he main weapon. The sword is created from a creature that had the ability to manipulate light for it own use thus giving this sword control over light. Having control over light gives Leon many useful tools at his disposal. The teigu adsorbs and stores light inside the blade for later use. This means as long as the blade has light stored it can use it's three abilities. the first of these grants him the ability to turn invisible and others as long as they re in close proximity to him. He does this by bending the light reflecting. The second is a shield made of light that can used to deflect most ranged attacks. The last is it's offensive ability which is the ability to focus light on the edge of the blade allowing it to cut through most things. Despite all of it's abilities it has a easily exploited weakness. That is during the night it has less light to adsorb during the night limiting the power of it's abilities and the amount of times he can use then. However this means during the day the abilities are much stronger and he can use the abilities more often, but that doesn't mean he can endlessly use his abilities.

Trump Card: Grants the sword the ability to focus the light it uses to coat the blade into a ranged attack. This ability causes massive damage to whatever it may touch, but uses all the light the blade has stored.

#40 Black Dragon Armor/ Draco infernum Offensive/Defensive

This Teigu is very much similar to that of Incursio and Grand Chariot. The armor was made from a high level danger beast who's rein of terror matched that of the Tyrant's. The armor took a form similar to that of the dragon it was made from, and like incursio the Dragon lives on inside the armor. Whenever the user of this teigu puts on the armor the dragon's influence can be felt as it will try to take over the mind of it's user. This is why this is the least favorite of Leon's Teigu and why he uses this armor only if he must. He has developed an resistance to the Dragon's influence but the longer he has the armor on the stronger it because. Despite this being he least favorite of the two it is his strongest teigu and the reason for his nicknames. Much like Incursio and Grand Chariot the armor is summed by stabbing a key(the black sword he carries and is in the picture) into the ground. Once he has the armor on his speed and strength is increased as well he has the ability to fly since the armor has wings. The last of ability the dragons armor gives him is an ranged attack of black energy that is launched from the sword.

Trump Card: It's trump card is a dual edge sword, that Leon calls Dragon's Furry. When he uses Dragon's Furry he gives into the dragon's influence letting it take over slightly, but he still stays in control. However the dragon has more free rein and influence over Leon, and the influence only continues to grow stronger and stronger at a rate that Leon has difficultly fighting. This continues until Leon is finally taken over by the Dragon. It should be described as a battle between the Dragon and Leon inside his head. If the Dragon takes over the only way to stop him is to knock out the possessed user or kill him. However their is a chance once the Dragon takes over Leon is lost forever, and the more times the Dragon takes over the chance of him being completely taken over increases. Despite the risk during Dragon's furry his speed and strength increase by large amounts. His ranged attacks power is increased as well.

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Death Gun

"My, My looks like you found me but alast this will be your end."

Sakura Rikatou

Allas: The girl of the Dragon Flower

Age, 19



Personality: Calm, Cool, and Collected on both the battlefield and off, she is like the big sister of the group. She wont hesitate to defend her comrades even if it meant risking her own life. On the battlefield, once she sees any Night Raid member, her whole demeanor changes, she becomes a super cocky and a bit crazy. She looses a bit of reason and blindly rushes in.

"Night Raid dogs...they should burn in Hell!"





Night time


Night Raid






Fighting people

Bio: Born to a rich family in the Empire was a good life for Sakura. Even though she never interacted with the poor people, she felt their sorrow. Behind closed doors, She would giggle with glee as the soilders would beat up the innocent people of the Empire. Her famous cousin, Esdeath, would have a big impact on her; she taught her how to berate people and appericate her comrades. Whenever Esdeath came to visit her, her room temperature would drop drasiticily, go almost to below 0. During the visits Esdezth would teach her how to kill people.

She was in the middle of her training when Esdeath was slaughter and thus her vengance began. After her cousin was slaughtered, she ran back to her house only to find it engulfed in flames. Everyone she cared about was gone, no family, no friends, she was truely alone. Then she realized, The world has turned against me so I will destroy the world, she picked herself off the ground and made her way out of the capital.

For years, she trained by herself deep in the mountains vowing vengence against Night Raid. There in the forest, she would hunt and kill legendary danger beast, one day she came across the tegiu that was sealed in the rock at the heart of the mountain. She spent another year mastering her tegiu then returning to the capital. There she signed for the army and killed her first Night Raid member, Leone, she was only 15 when she killied her.

After that she served in the military for 3 years and meeting him. On the battlefield, she would visciously attack her enemies leaving only the scent of flowers behind on thier corpes. During those years, she gained intel on her enemies and tried to recruit him. He turns her down and thats when Sakura retires early, leaving the capital for good. After a year of perfecting her skills, she meets Yuma, Belle and Harlequin, becoming Death Gun.

Tegiu, Number: #09: Flower Symphonia (better known as the moon sword)


Trump Card: This tegiu has 3 abilities but the 3rd one is unknown to people and herself.

Infest Soul: This is the first ability, it uses flower pedals to cut through light fabrics and some heavy armors. The max number of flowers that can be summoned is 20. Each petal holds small amounts of posoin that gets enjected into the small cuts the form. If a magic or close combat situation arrises, the petals become a shield. The petals can only be used at night and can only block attacks one at a time.

Moon Dance: This ability freezes your enemies movements just by getting cut. Similar to Akame's tegiu, this ability can be dangerous to the user itself. One cut and your a frozen statue, still alive but completely frozen. Once cut you have a minute to try and save yourself before freezing starts. This doesnt have a cooldown but in order to use it, she must drink blood. When she made the contract or first touching it, it gave her fangs to drink blood.

Relationships: she treats everyone in her group nicely but doesnt really leave hints to who she likes.

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Danny Vasto: The Armor of Night Raid

"I am the very armor that shields peace" - Danny Vasto

"My one dream in this world is to become an even greater solider then Tatsumi"

"You know what my main advantage is? Despite me still being new to this group? No one know that I am apart of Night Raid."


"Don't take my young age so lightly, you'll only receive a painful death if you do"





"Whether your a tribe member, a Death Gun member, or even a part of Night raid itself. I will not accept meaningless death amongest anyone. If you kill without a good reason, you will meet the end of my blade"

Danny has a very solider boy like attitude. He is always formal with everyone he meets, and sometimes does it with his enemies as well. He is known for being overprotective on almost everything, and is shown to be quite obsessive with his work rather than hanging out with friends or work on his social skills. He is also disgusted by the corruption his older (now dead) cousin had fallen into when she had joined Jaegers. He very much dislikes talking about his cousin Seryu, she was responsible for the many innocent deaths and despises even being compared with her. It is well known that the two are related, seeing how their mothers were sisters, but despite her being family, when they are mentioned in the same sentence together he becomes quite aggressive and gives off a killing intent almost instantly. despite this, it isn't what he hates the most about himself. Despite is hardened like attitude, he has a very soft heart. He has second thoughts on murdering people and sometimes offers to help teach them the error of their ways. He's succeeded in rehabilitating a couple people, but some people will never change. He's even been seen to help the elderly and homeless people quite often, often saying its his "duty" to help those in need.



friendly sparring

His teacher Tatsumi

being able to protect

Good food

Playing the violin

His comrades



Ignorant People

innocent deaths

His comrades when they get on his nerves

Watching people suffer



Eating good food



"I live a dark path so that I might shed the light on all those who are beneath me in wealth"

Danny was born into a poor family in the slums of the empire where he witnessed: Theft, assault, rape, and even death itself. Witnessing it over and over again ate at the very core of his conscious. While returning home one day after school to find his father killed and his mother beaten to near death, he swore an oath to no longer wait for death to find him. Instead, he will take the burden of finding it himself. After roaming the neighborhood for a couple of days and gathering information, he had found the men he was looking for, and found out that they were actually bragging about it. He arrived at the their hang out seeing about three of them sitting and enjoying a beer together. When he knocked on the door, it was slowly opened by one of the men and he asked

'"who the hell are you?"

Not even replying back he pulled out a pistol and pointed it at mans' head. The man at first thought it was a toy and told him to go home. Danny, not even hesitating, pulled the trigger and blew his head off. He barged into the house to see the other guys try to make a run for it, but they couldn't out run the bullets. He fired to rounds at the back of their heads. Killing both of them instantly. He began to train himself day and knight, making himself into the perfect hero the slums needed.

Tatsumi eventually found the boy and offered him a chance to kill for an even greater cause. After Danny told his mother and said his good byes, he reluctantly joined and became the new pupil under the legendary Tatsumi. Due to his training being revolved around armor based tegiu and melee weapon combat, Tatsumi eventually bestowed upon him the Grand chariot. Danny was well gifted in using his tegiu, and eventually discovered the mysterious trump card that no one had originally discovered about the armor. He is also still one of the newer members of Night Raid, so barely anyone knows that he is apart of them.

Tegiu and number

"My Tegiu is a legendary armor that can protect the ones who cannot protect themselves it is the armor that I will use to punish those who would dare pick on the weak. My armor is......."

#20- Grand Chariot



Trump Card:

Grand Chariot has the ability to create a almost indestructible force field around him or an ally. The user also has the ability to create multiple force fields at once, thus preventing any harm to himself or to his teammates. Despite this useful ability, it's also considered a double edged sword to the user. The more shields he creates, and the longer that they last takes can drain Danny's stamina to dangerous levels. He can also not attack while having one up, so its best use is only when he's about to be hit by a powerful move.


(PM me about this. You could be Death gun or Night Raid)

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Ban said:

Danny Vasto: The Armor of Night Raid

"I am the very armor that shields peace" - Danny Vasto

"My one dream in this world is to become an even greater solider then Tatsumi"

"You know what my main advantage is? Despite me still being new to this group? No one know that I am apart of Night Raid."


"Don't take my young age so lightly, you'll only receive a painful death if you do"





"Whether your a tribe member, a Death Gun member, or even a part of Night raid itself. I will not accept meaningless death amongest anyone. If you kill without a good reason, you will meet the end of my blade"

Danny has a very solider boy like attitude. He is always formal with everyone he meets, and sometimes does it with his enemies as well. He is known for being overprotective on almost everything, and is shown to be quite obsessive with his work rather than hanging out with friends or work on his social skills. He is also disgusted by the corruption his older (now dead) cousin had fallen into when she had joined Jaegers. He very much dislikes talking about his cousin Seryu, she was responsible for the many innocent deaths and despises even being compared with her. It is well known that the two are related, seeing how their mothers were sisters, but despite her being family, when they are mentioned in the same sentence together he becomes quite aggressive and gives off a killing intent almost instantly. despite this, it isn't what he hates the most about himself. Despite is hardened like attitude, he has a very soft heart. He has second thoughts on murdering people and sometimes offers to help teach them the error of their ways. He's succeeded in rehabilitating a couple people, but some people will never change. He's even been seen to help the elderly and homeless people quite often, often saying its his "duty" to help those in need.



friendly sparring

His teacher Tatsumi

being able to protect

Good food

Playing the violin

His comrades



Ignorant People

innocent deaths

His comrades when they get on his nerves

Watching people suffer



Eating good food



"I live a dark path so that I might shed the light on all those who are beneath me in wealth"

Danny was born into a poor family in the slums of the empire where he witnessed: Theft, assault, rape, and even death itself. Witnessing it over and over again ate at the very core of his conscious. While returning home one day after school to find his father killed and his mother beaten to near death, he swore an oath to no longer wait for death to find him. Instead, he will take the burden of finding it himself. After roaming the neighborhood for a couple of days and gathering information, he had found the men he was looking for, and found out that they were actually bragging about it. He arrived at the their hang out seeing about three of them sitting and enjoying a beer together. When he knocked on the door, it was slowly opened by one of the men and he asked

'"who the hell are you?"

Not even replying back he pulled out a pistol and pointed it at mans' head. The man at first thought it was a toy and told him to go home. Danny, not even hesitating, pulled the trigger and blew his head off. He barged into the house to see the other guys try to make a run for it, but they couldn't out run the bullets. He fired to rounds at the back of their heads. Killing both of them instantly. He began to train himself day and knight, making himself into the perfect hero the slums needed.

Tatsumi eventually found the boy and offered him a chance to kill for an even greater cause. After Danny told his mother and said his good byes, he reluctantly joined and became the new pupil under the legendary Tatsumi. Due to his training being revolved around armor based tegiu and melee weapon combat, Tatsumi eventually bestowed upon him the Grand chariot. Danny was well gifted in using his tegiu, and eventually discovered the mysterious trump card that no one had originally discovered about the armor. He is also still one of the newer members of Night Raid, so barely anyone knows that he is apart of them.

Tegiu and number

"My Tegiu is a legendary armor that can protect the ones who cannot protect themselves it is the armor that I will use to punish those who would dare pick on the weak. My armor is......."

#20- Grand Chariot


Trump Card:

Grand Chariot has the ability to create a almost indestructible force field around him or an ally. The user also has the ability to create multiple force fields at once, thus preventing any harm to himself or to his teammates. Despite this useful ability, it's also considered a double edged sword to the user. The more shields he creates, and the longer that they last takes can drain Danny's stamina to dangerous levels. He can also not attack while having one up, so its best use is only when he's about to be hit by a powerful move.


(PM me about this. You could be Death gun or Night Raid)
approved but i cant see your 2nd picture (tegiu)

Death Gun


'Death God' Kuro




Kuro is always calm and calculated during fights, quickly and carefully thinking about the next move, a lot like in chess. Though he may not seem like much since he mainly relies on his intellect, he is still a force to be reckoned with due to his skill with blades and close quarter combat.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.915a4cc787f84edc4d28ea2ae7546cad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.915a4cc787f84edc4d28ea2ae7546cad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kuro mostly enjoys cutting or stabbing things as he finds it rather fun to do. He does this whenever he's got nothing better to do. His other hobby would be going for walks.


Stabbing/cutting things, silence, darkness, shade, wind. Kuro also appears to be very fond of grape-like fruit.


Loud noises, sun getting into his eyes, bitter things, Night Raid.

Bio (didn't sleep last night so I can't think of anything good or long.)

When Kuro was a child, he didn't think much of Night Raid, believing that Esdeath would certainly crush them, as he was quite a fan of her, wanting to join the army as soon as he could, however when Akame killed Esdeath, he was quite devastated and shocked. He had honed his skills throughout the years and believed Death Gun to be a perfect opportunity to test them and to wipe out Night Raid.


Laas and Diinok, it appears to be two separate swords but is in fact one Teigu made from the same danger beast. Laas (the gold-coloured sword) will always deal a permanent wound or cut that will only disappear after being hit by Diinok, which can only kill. Laas can only deal wounds that are certain not to kill the opponent, even if they may seem fatal, making it mostly useless on it's own in a fight, while Diino can only kill, whether it's user wishes it or not. This Teigu was made from the claws of a rare S class danger beast that had a fairly high chance to not kill those who who provoke it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.aa98a82a414209d2f7b0f20bfadf23b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.aa98a82a414209d2f7b0f20bfadf23b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Trump Card

'Decorator' as Charon calls it, is an ability exclusive to Laas which allows it to cover those it touches in a nearly unbreakable stone-like substance. He cannot perform his trump card when he does not have Laas. Similar to Akame's Teigu, it can turn him into stone too if he touches to blade, just like Akame can be affected by her own poison. The stone makes the one touched by Laas look like very detailed statues.


None, he is an only child.


None... Yet





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Verdas said:

Death Gun


'Death God' Kuro




Kuro is always calm and calculated during fights, quickly and carefully thinking about the next move, a lot like in chess. Though he may not seem like much since he mainly relies on his intellect, he is still a force to be reckoned with due to his skill with blades and close quarter combat.


View attachment 144783


Kuro mostly enjoys cutting or stabbing things as he finds it rather fun to do. He does this whenever he's got nothing better to do. His other hobby would be going for walks.


Stabbing/cutting things, silence, darkness, shade, wind. Kuro also appears to be very fond of grape-like fruit.


Loud noises, sun getting into his eyes, bitter things, Night Raid.

Bio (didn't sleep last night so I can't think of anything good or long.)

When Kuro was a child, he didn't think much of Night Raid, believing that Esdeath would certainly crush them, as he was quite a fan of her, wanting to join the army as soon as he could, however when Akame killed Esdeath, he was quite devastated and shocked. He had honed his skills throughout the years and believed Death Gun to be a perfect opportunity to test them and to wipe out Night Raid.


Laas and Diinok, it appears to be two separate swords but is in fact one Teigu made from the same danger beast. Laas (the gold-coloured sword) will always deal a permanent wound or cut that will only disappear after being hit by Diinok, which can only kill. Laas can only deal wounds that are certain not to kill the opponent, even if they may seem fatal, making it mostly useless on it's own in a fight, while Diino can only kill, whether it's user wishes it or not. This Teigu was made from the claws of a rare S class danger beast that had a fairly high chance to not kill those who who provoke it.

View attachment 144593

Trump Card

'Decorator' as Charon calls it, is an ability exclusive to Laas which allows it to cover those it touches in a nearly unbreakable stone-like substance. He cannot perform his trump card when he does not have Laas. Similar to Akame's Teigu, it can turn him into stone too if he touches to blade, just like Akame can be affected by her own poison. The stone makes the one touched by Laas look like very detailed statues.


None, he is an only child.


None... Yet


Tis good, but two questions. Is Diinok like a "one cut one kill" sword (totally cool if it is, im just wondering). Also when Lass makes a cut does the person it cut still feel the pain? Like say Laas hit someones heart would it feel like something cut the heart even though the person wouldn't die?
Diinok does not OHK. That's way too OP. It simply lacks the ability to spare something's life, for example if Kuro got separated from Laas, the sword will automatically take a swing that will be a killing blow, kind of like how the aim-assist in FPS where you can't really control it beside turning it off, except Kuro doesn't have that option.

Laas, however, will make any wound to the enemy that may have killed them will be adjusted (deepness of the cut, size of the wound, etc) and 'teleported' to a more fitting spot where they are less likely to die. At most they may feel a slight tingling, though nothing else.

Alright then, accepted!




Night Raid

Age: 17

Apperance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/anime-girl-flowers-field-1920x1440.jpg.1f4750a3b457c3a97627272d9c2fa170.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/anime-girl-flowers-field-1920x1440.jpg.1f4750a3b457c3a97627272d9c2fa170.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: How could one describe Ayane? Allow me to try. Commonly called the Lap Dog of night raid she is a very docile type of person about most things. Want to cut her in line? Go ahead. Want to take her sandwich? Sure help your self. Whats that, you want to return the empire back to its old and corrupt days? Over hear dead body. Ayane has a low tolerance for evil doings and while she does believe that every villain should have a shot or two at redemption she will not allow for people to disrupt the peace in any way, shape or form. She's not much of an outgoing type and would much rather stand in the back row then anywhere up front. Ayane keeps her rage and negivite emotions bottled up so rarely will you ever see Ayane lose her temper but when she does, better get into the bomb shelter. Around the base she is known to act abnormally quirky.


+ Hugs

+ Villeins redeeming themselves

+ Danny

- Betrayal

- Pain

- Death of a loved one


Eating sweet things.


Helping around the night raid base.

Watching Danny train.

Bio: "Star date 23109, Ayane's log. Its been three months since I first joined Night Raid." Ayane was born into a noble family in the capital. Money, big house, boys, fancy cheese platers, they were all hers to have and to keep. Born healthy into a good family with good looks Ayane had it made (dog)! Despite this she was a generous, always giving to the ones who had nothing. She wanted to give the world hope, she wanted people to know that live was worth living. So she made it her mission to make sure that everyone knew this. Within certain parts of the capital she became well known, a little too well known. As soon as some people found out about Ayane's naturally docile personality is when shit hit the fan. One day she was invited to a thank you event that was put together by some of the homeless people she helped to get back on her feet. Being the girl that she was Ayane went along, no questions asked. She was taken into an almost abandoned part of town, then man that he led her there knocked her unconscious once they had retched an old building where the party was going to take place. It must have been 2 or 3 hours till Ayane woke up on the ground surrounded by men, some familiar and some not, but all of them were naked and gathered around Ayane. It didnt take her long to put two and two together.

After that Ayane wouldn't leave her room for a month. Her parents were worried sick about her and did what they thought was the best course of action, hire Night Raid to take them out. Night Raid looked into the situation and accepted the task. Upon Ayane's parents paying Night Raid for there help Ayane came out of her room, and for the first time in a month spoke the words
"This is my problem. Let me kill them with you."

Relationships/Crush: Thinks as Danny as her master and teacher and has a huge crush on him

Other: She is the fasted eater in Night Raid and she is proud of this fact. At age 16 Ayane was raped.

Teigu:Thousand-Mile Flight: Mastema

Ignore the man in the picture.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/MastemaWingsFull.png.b437db7785cbe0a01ede39603a06aa70.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/MastemaWingsFull.png.b437db7785cbe0a01ede39603a06aa70.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Trump Card: God's Wings: The trump card of Mastema, which gives the wings the ability to reflect an opponent's attacks. When used, the disks split into segments and the wings turn into which appears to be ethereal substance, which allows them to be shaped into a protective shield.



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Rantos said:
Alright then, accepted!



Night Raid

Age: 17

Apperance: View attachment 144994

Personality: How could one describe Ayane? Allow me to try. Commonly called the Lap Dog of night raid she is a very docile type of person about most things. Want to cut her in line? Go ahead. Want to take her sandwich? Sure help your self. Whats that, you want to return the empire back to its old and corrupt days? Over hear dead body. Ayane has a low tolerance for evil doings and while she does believe that every villain should have a shot or two at redemption she will not allow for people to disrupt the peace in any way, shape or form. She's not much of an outgoing type and would much rather stand in the back row then anywhere up front. Ayane keeps her rage and negivite emotions bottled up so rarely will you ever see Ayane lose her temper but when she does, better get into the bomb shelter. Around the base she is known to act abnormally quirky.


+ Hugs

+ Villeins redeeming themselves

+ Danny

- Betrayal

- Pain

- Death of a loved one


Eating sweet things.


Helping around the night raid base.

Watching Danny train.

Bio: "Star date 23109, Ayane's log. Its been three months since I first joined Night Raid." Ayane was born into a noble family in the capital. Money, big house, boys, fancy cheese platers, they were all hers to have and to keep. Born healthy into a good family with good looks Ayane had it made (dog)! Despite this she was a generous, always giving to the ones who had nothing. She wanted to give the world hope, she wanted people to know that live was worth living. So she made it her mission to make sure that everyone knew this. Within certain parts of the capital she became well known, a little too well known. As soon as some people found out about Ayane's naturally docile personality is when shit hit the fan. One day she was invited to a thank you event that was put together by some of the homeless people she helped to get back on her feet. Being the girl that she was Ayane went along, no questions asked. She was taken into an almost abandoned part of town, then man that he led her there knocked her unconscious once they had retched an old building where the party was going to take place. It must have been 2 or 3 hours till Ayane woke up on the ground surrounded by men, some familiar and some not, but all of them were naked and gathered around Ayane. It didnt take her long to put two and two together.

After that Ayane wouldn't leave her room for a month. Her parents were worried sick about her and did what they thought was the best course of action, hire Night Raid to take them out. Night Raid looked into the situation and accepted the task. Upon Ayane's parents paying Night Raid for there help Ayane came out of her room, and for the first time in a month spoke the words
"This is my problem. Let me kill them with you."

Relationships/Crush: Thinks as Danny as her master and teacher and has a huge crush on him

Other: She is the fasted eater in Night Raid and she is proud of this fact. At age 16 Ayane was raped.

Teigu:Thousand-Mile Flight: Mastema

Ignore the man in the picture.

View attachment 144995

Trump Card: God's Wings: The trump card of Mastema, which gives the wings the ability to reflect an opponent's attacks. When used, the disks split into segments and the wings turn into which appears to be ethereal substance, which allows them to be shaped into a protective shield.
Lol aren't you being a bit mean to Run?

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