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Realistic or Modern Ain't No Sleepin'

Darth Gangsta

fresh out of h*cks


Gangsters are the rulers of the streets and all of Compton, and Compton. Compton is the projects. Drug deals, prostitution, homicide, rape are normal things in a place like this. But gang wars rage through Compton. The Bloods versus the Crips, a never ending war. Deaths nearly every day. What gang do you choose?

Make sure to read the Overview!!
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A'marion sat with a joint in his mouth. He saw a fellow gang member walking around. A'marion approached him, "What it B like, Blood?" (basic greeting between Blood) he gave him a

. "I saw some crabs 'round here, but they's slippin'." (Saw some Crips around here, but they're off guard.) "Wanna go get 'em?"
Plinio strutted with swagger down the sidewalk of W Cocoa St., a place near his home hood. Another blood saw him walking, and greeted him with the usual handshake of the Bloods. The other blood told him that he had seen some rival gang members around, and asked if he wanted to go and punish them for being on red turf.

"Sure thing, blood. You got a biscuit, or we going in bare and bladed?" (Sure thing, blood. You got a gun, or we going in unarmed?)

@Darth Gangsta


Talia woke up. It was pretty late but she didn't give a shit. Walking out of the house since no one was home she decided to walk around a bit. Since she was new around here Talia had no fucking clue where she was going.

It was getting late so it was getting a bit dark out. Trying to find her way back home she thought it was be smart to ask someone. Though, the neighborhood didn't seem that good.

She saw two men talking and decided to ask them for directions. I mean, she had her knife in her pocket for protection so she should be fine... At least she hoped...

"Escuse me? Do you guys know how to get to W Caldwell St.from here?" They seemed pretty badass so she tried to sound as chill as possible, not wanting to start anything with them.
@KurtH6355 @Darth Gangsta
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A'marion McCoy

A'marion looked at the lady, "Dayum! What's lady like you doin' out here in a place like this?" it was quite obvious that they were in a gang, but due to her looks, he probably would've helped her,"West from here, baby. We'll walk you there, won't we, Pilino?"

@QueenOfDisaster @KurtH6355
"Yo, that's a colorful kingdom right there, homie." (Yo, that's disputed turf right there, friend) He said, apprehensive. W. Caldwell had been fought over between the crips and bloods for weeks, now, and it was very possible they'd get into a fight if they walked in showing blood colors. But, after some thinking, he decided he didn't wanna seem scared in front of his gangmate and this girl. He put a chill expression on his face, bit his lip, and laughed. "Yeah, girl, we'll show you the way, but you walkin' infronn' me so I can watch the show, you feel me?" He said, continuing his laugh, it dying off a few moments later.


Talia crossed her arms and tilted her head, "Got a bit lost, boys." Her british accent shined through pretty easily, "You see, I'm not from around here." Talia couldn't help but laugh and shake her head, "No, its okay, really, I can walk myself back." She grinned at them and rolled her eyes, "I'm not your 'baby'... And this ass is only for my baby... Which is no one..." Talia winked and began to walk in the direction, "So!" She called out and turned around, her hands on her hips, "Don't be slow pokes guys!" @KurtH6355 @Darth Gangsta


A'marion McCoy

A'marion chuckled at Pilino's comment, "Yeah, B."

As they continued walking, they were approached by two men wearing full blue, "Bitch ass n****s!" they yelled as they shot, "Those Scuzzes got gats, homie!" (Those Crips have guns, friend). He took out a pistol, "Ay! You! Girl, get down right now!" he shot back.

@KurtH6355 @QueenOfDisaster
"Shit, I'm uncultured!" Plinio yelled, before drawing a nine-millimeter glock 17 handgun from his waistband and firing four shots while running behind a nearby project on the side of the street, shielding himself from the bullets. After getting in cover, he continues firing off shots in the direction of the rival gangbangers, with poor accuracy, however.

"Y'all bitch I'm uncultured crabs best step to it, or you gon' eat it! I'm drinking milk, scuzzes!" (You bitch I'm uncultured crips better run, or you're going to die! I'm looking to kill a rival, crips!) The young gangster shouted in a threat.

"Fuck that noise, I'm uncultured! ADWDAS!" (No, I'm uncultured! All Day We Destroy A Slob!)

@Darth Gangsta @QueenOfDisaster
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"Oh shit!" Talia yelled and ducked down behind a dumpster, "Why, why, why!" She whispered loudly, covering her ears, why does this have to happen when she's around.

Quickly, Talia whipped out her knife and kept it closely to her. One guy came behind to where she was and tried to shoot her, before the gun went off. Talia threw the knife and aimed it right at the man's shoulder, immediately falling to the ground. Talia took her knife and looked up from behind the dumpster. @Darth Gangsta @KurtH6355


Sure it was getting late, but at the moment, Avalon didn't care. She was too busy watching the show five stories below her. It was almost something she could watch and eat something at the same time. Nothing like watching two guys hitting on a clueless girl just before some dumbasd Crips came out and ruined the party. The girl seemed to have a bit of aim, but she was too scared for her own good. Feeling the protective side of her come out, she easily and silently scaled down the fire escape that led up the building she was on before finally hoping down, pulling two guns out of the waistband of her skintight shorts. She landed in front of a Crip, who was pulling a gun to shoot the girl, but she beat him to it. Putting a bullet in his chest, she turns to the girl for a brief second. "You should go before you get hurt," she said simply, her Spanish accent coming out just before she turned back to the action, holding a gun up and shooting into the air, clearly showing that a girl could hold her own. "Boys boys boys... Now all this fighting isn't going to solve anything. Besides, it's getting late and all these gunshots are scaring the pretty girl you so desperately want to get into bed," she said with a smirk, turning her attention to the two men that were hitting on her. "The shooting is a sure fire way not to get into her pants, speaking from a girl's point of view," she added with a small shrug, lowering her guns but not her guard.​

@KurtH6355 @Darth Gangsta @QueenOfDisaster


Talia walked out from behind the dumpster and watched as the girl that literally came out of no where began to speak.

"Uhm, escuse me, but who are you?" She asked, her british accent accentuating when she spoke. Since Talia just came from London her accent is still very well known. Talia rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip, "I think it was very obvious that they wanted to get into my pants..." Talia mumbled then sighed, "Just trying to have some fun... But I think its just best for me if I go..." @JaneXJeff @Darth Gangsta @KurtH6355
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A'marion McCoy

A'marion looked at Talia, "Okay be like then!" he yelled as the Crips ran off, "Those I'm uncultured was retarded." he chuckled. He looked at the other woman then he looked Pilino, "Damn, B. Our pull game be strong." (basically means getting girls). "What's your name, baby?"

@JaneXJeff @QueenOfDisaster @KurtH6355
Plinio shakes his head in disbelief. "Man, this chick just stole our tags!" (This woman just stole our kills.) "I ain't got no juice for that shit!" (I have no respect for that.) "We had that shit on lock! Fuck's yo problem, 007!? Can't let a gunfight run its course!? Gotta be a badass and show off!?" He questions further, agitated.

@Darth Gangsta @JaneXJeff @PrincessOfDisaster


Glancing at the girl, Ava simply rolled her eyes. "You know I'm not here to protect your dumb ass. I'm just saying that there's a difference in sex and getting an STD in exchange for a mediocre night at best," she said before shaking her head. "Weakling.." She mumbled before focusing her attention on the one man hitting on her and the other hating on her. Focusing the guns back on them, she narrows her blue eyes. "All you need to know is mi familia doesn't call me Killshot for no reason. I have no problem putting a bullet in your heads. And as for you, I don't give a rats ass what the hell you think of me. But from up there, it looked like you'd be dead by now. De nada," she said calmly, taking in as many surroundings as she could without moving her eyes off the pair.​

@Darth Gangsta @QueenOfDisaster @KurtH6355


A'marion McCoy

"Calm down, B! Those crabs was strapped! (Those crips were carrying guns) All I had was this was this shitty ass deuce deuce, Blood. (All I had was this useless .22 pistol). Besides, those I'm uncultured was pussies. They can run all they want, I'll just jack his ass. Next time I'll S.O.S (next time I'll shoot on sight)." He calmed down after telling him, "Next time I won't hesitate to tell boss put you on check (Next time I won't hesitate to tell boss to discipline you. We still peewees (we're still young gangsters)! Dayum . . ."

A'marion looked at the Latin Queen, "I'm uncultured we'll beat your dumb ass up, B! Don't care how many guys you bring. B.O.S Blood! (Don't care how many guys you bring. Beat on Sight, homie!). He simply threw a
C.K (Crip Killer) sign after

@KurtH6355 @QueenOfDisaster @JaneXJeff
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"Yea, bitch, we fuck yo up fa' bein' in our kingdom, queen! We'll soldier right through yo turf!" (Yeah, bitch, we'll fuck you up for being on our turf, female Latin Kings member! We'll take over your turf!) The youthful blood spits at the woman, backing up his fellow gang member, still holding his nine by his side.
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Talia raised and eyebrow at the "latin queen" while she listened to this whole conversation. It was absolutely hilarious, not to mention that the girl just called her a dumbass, "You know, theres a lot of intelligent words you can use instead of calling me a 'dumbass'... And no, I'm not a weakling. Technically, no one's a weakling. We all advance at our own things." Talia smirked, "Just because I didn't live in a hood and lived a proper life, got a good education... Doesn't mean I'm a weakling and can't survive these type of... Conditions." Talia couldn't help but laugh, "This is the most useless argument I've heard in ages..." @Darth Gangsta @KurtH6355 @JaneXJeff


"Please, if you really wanted to you would have already," Ava mentioned with a bored sigh. "Estás también ocupado maldito cada otro. (You're too just fucking each other.) I really don't have time to deal with two sexist bastards such as yourselves. You should probably run home. The skank you call a mother is getting worried," she added, calmly slipping one of the guns back into the back waistband of her shorts before boldly turning around and slowly beginning to walk back to the fire escape before suddenly stopping. "And I would keep your friend here on a leash. He tends to bark at every cat that struts by," she pointed out with a small laugh. "As for you short stack, I could think of much worse words. I'm uncultured, pussy, hell's spawn. Your mom probably regrets having you. Just a word of advise, it takes more than a cute smile and a British accent to survive around here. Most of the time, that's enough to get you killed.

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A'marion McCoy

A'marion took out his pistol, "You want some now, bitch? I'll pull off yo wig too! (I'll chop your head off too!), "What the fuck is you gonna do, B?" he continued pointing the gun at her. "Just wait here until boss comes, Blood. He'll probably do a sex in and make her a Blood (initiations for females, basically a guy has sex with a girl
:P )

@JaneXJeff @QueenOfDisaster @KurtH6355
"Don't give a shit what rag hangs from that waist, B, but if he sexin' her I bettah' be in that gangbang." (I don't care what gang she's in, blood, but if he's sexually initiating her, I better be a part of it.) He says. He throws up Blood signs at the retreating Queen. "You a Queen living in a Blood hood! You'll get yo's soon 'nuff, hoe!" (You're a gang member living in a rival gang member's territory. You'll get hurt soon enough.)


"I wouldn't do that if I were you pendejo (idiot). I've been a family member for two years now and learned the hard way to never walk alone. I guarantee you don't know where they are but I do and you even try pulling that trigger, you and your friend will be dead within seconds," Avalon said before turning around with a small smirk. She slowly walked towards the barrel of the gun, a natural swing of her hips accompanying her every step until her forehead was mere inches from the barrel. She slowly looked the Blood up and down before shaking her head slightly. "It really is a shame. You're cute too," she commented with a small frown, taking a brief moment to look over at his friend. "No one said I lived here. I don't deny it but I also don't agree with it," she said before smiling innocently as if she didn't have a gun pointed at her head. "Really though. If it weren't for the gun pointed at my skull, I might have actually considered giving you a chance to tap this, but that's too bad."​


Talia blew a kiss at the Latin Queen, "I was born this way, bitch." She grinned. Talia just learned to laugh things off. Its much easier to live life like that and not care about what wankstein thinks or says. She then turned around at the two boys, "First off... No one is having sexual intercourse with me unless I want it... Second of all I doubt I'd be fit for a gang. Since apparently I'm a 'weakling'..." Talia rolled her eyes and watched as she was going up close to the gun, "Can't we just all fuck off if you guys don't like each other." Talia grinned, thinking about her London life. It was so much simpler. Her life wasn't arguing it was simply respect and manners. Now living here she's seeing a totally different side of life... Not one she particularly likes. And, for as much she wants to leave she can't help but be drawn to stay in this madness. It was like something was calling out for her to be in this madness.

"Oh god..." Talia mumbled and crossed her arms and walked next to the other gang member that wasn't flirting with the Latin Queen, "Is life here always like this?" She leaned in his ear and asked him. @Darth Gangsta @JaneXJeff @KurtH6355


"Now you and I both know that if I let that happen then we'd both end up dead. And as fucked up as my life may be, I actually like living it. Being one of the few Queens, I have plenty of very large men with very big guns all aimed at the two of you. The fact that I'm given the choice of screwing you and dying, I don't really think that's a fair choice and I don't do well with ultimatums. They rub me the wrong way," she pointed out as she placed a free hand on her hip.​

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