Age of Ultron/Earth-61112

Yami sighed.

"Alright, alright." Yami said, close enough that Nikita could hear him. "I'll pull something out of my sleeve."

Yami disappeared in a puff of purple smoke, phasing through the hull of the ship and gathering around it, holding it steady. Yami figured Gregory would've told him to do something anyway. Besides, this way he could probably coerce Nikita too. He couldn't deny that it was useful to have people that owed him.

Nikita's ship: "I've locked onto Ivanhov's signal." Nikita stated, steering the ship downwards "We're going to need to..." She was cut off as another one of the metallic, cylinder-shaped crafts flew past her ship, taking out six Sentinels as it passed by and hit the planet below, landing in what was once Mexico.

More of the cylinders began to descend, narrowly missing the ship and taking out more Sentinels. This created a narrow gap that allowed Nikita's ship to enter the planet's atmosphere above New York.

Kabbar's ship: The pilot steered the ship as it went down, trying to get it to land outside of the city. The ocean had been completely dried up, boiled by Ultron in what was a successful attempt to wipe out the Atlanteans and their leader, Namor. In place of the ocean was nothing but dried and harsh sand. The docks of New York were littered with ships, decayed and overturned.

A small tabby cat saw the ship descending and ran back inside a fishing boat. As it Kabbar's ship crashed it slammed into an overturned aircraft carrier with the writing USS John F Kennedy on the side, running through the center of it.

"Everyone alright?" Syeron asked with concern, standing to her feet

"Fine." Atalius replied, standing to his feet and dusting himself off "Although I don't think we have much time before Ultron catches up with us."

"Sir!" A Footman butted in "This city is almost identical to one from Soviet history. If the layout is the same I believe we can make an escape through the sewer system."

@ryanpk200 @Skywanker @TommyGun15
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"They took out two of the thrusters. Great," Isaac said sarcastically. He saw of the metallic cylinder-shaped craft fly by. "What was that thing?" Isaac asked. "Do you think it's hostile?"

Yami gathered the smoke around the front of the ship, slowing it down enough to help it land. After setting it on the ground as gently as he could, Yami reformed inside the ship, sitting in his burning chair.

"It is done." He said, loud and close enough for both Gregory and Nikita to hear him. He had to admit, being audible to more than one person was convenient.

Darth Kabaar

Location: Ultron Universe

Status: Angry[]Violent[]Seeking a fight

Interacted with: Revan (Me), Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie)

Kabaar distrusted this mission already once they had arrived through the tear. The world they hovered above felt eeriely void of life, yet reeked with death. While the Sith Lord did not feel anything that could possibly be a threat, besides the member of the Dark Council that he felt on board one of the other ships, the sense of danger was still present in his mind. That's when his feelings were proven right. Even through their stealth mode, a being named Ultron managed to track them in orbit and take over their communications. It informed them of its want of knowledge of other universes, and its disdain for organic life. Kabaar clenched his fists and drew upon his anger, eager to destroy this thing. Anything that got in his way would be forced into servitude under him or crushed, destroyed, and tossed aside. Whatever this being was, it was no match for the dark side. His rage was interrupted when the ship came under attack from a sizeable swarm of humanoid droids. His anger flared, which he used to fuel his power. Kabaar crushed several of the droids out in space using his telekinetic abilities in the Force, knowing full well he couldn't use lightning or his lightsaber unless he wanted to destroy the ship and himself. Despite his efforts, each singular droid he destroyed was replaced by more and more. He stumbled around as he felt the ship lurch and begin to fall towards the planet below. He finally managed to brace against something and righted himself up to see the droids guiding their fall towards the planet. His anger was seething, and he wanted nothing more than to unleash his full power on those nuisances, but he bided his time for now. The more his anger built up, the more he had to draw on in a fight and his abilities would be more powerful.

As the ship hit the ground, Kabaar saw Revan igniting his green lightsaber, which was puzzling. He had remembered stories from the raid on the Foundry that he wielded a violet lightsaber. The Sith Lord decided not to focus on that insignificant detail as more pressing matters required his attention. He didn't know the area they landed in, nor what planet they were on. The only thing that he knew now was that whatever force commanding the droids, which was most likely the being called Ultron, that dared to stop him from attaining the power promised to him, he would destroy it utterly without leaving a trace that it existed.

"I don't know who this 'Ultron' thinks he is, but anyone in my way will be destroyed. Completely and utterly destroyed! I will find this being and flay them from the inside slowly and painfully before I allow them the freedom of death!" Kabaar shouted in rage, causing the ship to shudder and shake from a small outburst of Force energy. This outburst also served as a means to implant his desires into the minds of the soldiers who were placed under his command by the Commissar. He then calmed down just enough to hear one of the crewmen say that the area they landed in was one that they had a map of before their empire's rise to power. There was a way they could escape through a sewer system to avoid the droids, a tactic Kabaar found cowardish. "Are you suggesting we run and hide from mere droids? Have you no spine?!?"

Location: Ultron Universe

Status: Defensive[]Alert[]Cautious

Interacted with: Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Kabaar (Me)

As soon as their ship breached the tear and entered another universe, Revan was already aware of the lack of life on the planet below. The being known as Ultron, which identified itself before sending swarms of droids to attack the three ships, appeared to have an interest in other universes. Revan also noticed it had made claims that it exterimanted all organic life on the planet, as they were inferior. If the ex-Jedi had any chance to prepare for an attack, he might've been able to ward off the swarms of droids using the same method he used to knock back the Emperor: releasing the Force in its purest form. Unfortunately, the ship was crashing towards the planet and Revan had no chance to even focus himself upon its descent. He braced himself against something, yet the fall wasn't as chaotic as most crashes he had experienced. He saw that the droids were guiding their fall towards a specific location, one most likely where there were more of these things lying in wait. Revan sensed the anger that Kabaar felt, almost unstable. Syeron was most certainly right when she told Revan that none of the Sith could be allowed to access the power of the tear they sought.

Once the ship landed, Revan already had his lightsaber in hand. He ignited the green blade as a precaution in case any of the droids decide to board the ship. One of the soldiers informed the group that he recognized the area from maps before the Soviet Empire's rise to power and could lead them to a sewer in order to seek refuge. He also remembered Syeron's comment about not expecting to be taken down by droids of all things.

"I doubt HK would take too kindly to that comment, Syeron," Revan spoke jokingly, masking his worry with the statement. "Then again, he'd be trying to destroy these 'inferior model' droids while saying how useless us meatbags are." The mask he wore allowed Revan to conceal his facial expressions, and he also used these joking remarks as a method to conceal his worry and keep others in high spirits, but these things did little to suppress the worry that he felt about the situation. Kabaar's yelling did nothing to help ease his worries either.
Nikita's ship: "Someone else who wants the tear?" Max asked Isaac

"Then why would it be goin' towards Earth?" Gregory asked

"Maybe they want Ultron out of the picture first?" Max asked "The guy's kind of a prick."

The ship landed just a block away from Baxter building, a building Nikita had discovered an energy signature coming from. Ultron Sentinels quickly closed in on the position of the ship.

Syeron: "Fine then, Sith." Syeron began sarcastically "Stand outside of the ruined city and get swarmed by these droids." She chuckled at Revan's joke "Part of me kinda wishes he was here now."

Atalius rested a hand on Kabaar's shoulder "Not spineless, smart my friend. We would not be hiding from the enemy, at least not for long. Merely enough time for learn of Ultron's weaknesses and use them to crush the glorified droid."

Syeron put a finger to her lips as the sound of something moving was heard outside of the ship. She activated both of her lightsabers, creating a blue and purple glow inside of the ship. She waited, turning to the others and nodding at them. As another sound was heard, this time closer to the ship.

Mil: The group continued to push forwards, but for every Sentinel destroyed another ten seemed to take it's place. Despite this, it appeared that the Sentinels were only aiming for the Soviet Empire soldiers. Mil quickly noticed this as another Footman was gunned down in front of it and quickly put Ultron's method together. As Ultron had said, it wanted to learn about the other universes and all Ultron really needed was one person from the Soviet Empire universe to learn about it. The rest of the group were important to it.

Killing Drake however was something that puzzled Mil. Was it because he attempted to raise the dead? Or was it because Ultron already knew about Drake's universe?

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Skywanker @Donder172
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Said Isaac "Maybe we could convince them to help us. Considering how power Ultron is, we could use any help we could get." He noticed the incoming Sentinels. Isaac drew his Plasma Cutter and quickly loaded it.

ryanpk200 said:
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Said Isaac "Maybe we could convince them to help us. Considering how power Ultron is, we could use any help we could get." He noticed the incoming Sentinels. Isaac drew his Plasma Cutter and quickly loaded it.
Yami growled at the oncoming machines, a mass of spears forming out of smoke and hovering overhead, ready to rain down on the oncoming swarm.

"Well. Here we go again."

Nox aimed a blast of Force lightning towards a group of droids, killing several of them. he then took out his lightsaber and Force pulled one droid to him, impaling it with his lightsaber. "It doesn't matter how many Ultron throws at us, we destroy them all!" He then puts his lightsaber away and continues using Force lightning.
Nikita's ship: From inside the ship, the sound of another crash could be heard.

"It's one of those cylinders." Nikita stated "It's opening."

The cylinder opened and a tripod stepped out, instantly firing upon every Ultron Sentinel that came it's way.


"Martians." Nikita sighed "There is no use trying to be allies with them. From what the archivists tell us they are warmongering creatures."

"I guess we could just sneeze on 'em if they become a problem." Gregory shrugged

"If it comes into contact with us, yes. However, this world has been destroyed by Ultron. A virus is not a virus without carriers."

Dozens of other cylinders fell into New York and opened, instantly opening up on the Sentinels. One was swarmed quickly by Ultron's forces and destroyed, collapsing into the side of what was once an apartment building and bringing it down.

Mil: The group watched as Nikita's ship went down and as the tripod rose from a cylinder-shaped craft. It didn't appear to notice the group as it fired upon Ultron Sentinels.

"Now's our chance." Ivanhov stated "Ultron and that thing are distracted."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Donder172

Location: Ultron Universe

Status: Defensive[]Alert[]Cautious

Interacted with: Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Kabaar (Me)

Even the other Sith, Atalius, was suggesting caution over action, which Revan found most intriguing. Of course he was in agreement with the idea, as they needed time to assess the threat and avoid capture by the droids. The old Jedi readied his weapon upon hearing a noise outside of their ship, a noise that was drawing closer. The green glow of his blade was joined by a purple glow and a blue glow after that noise sounded. He turned to the distinct noise of a lightsaber igniting to see that Syeron had drawn her own sabers. Even though he didn't know what was producing the sound they were hearing, Revan already sensed trouble. The other Sith that had not been on their ship was engaging in a battle somewhere, most likely against the droids, as he had seen nothing else but rubble and abandoned buildings on their descent. Revan adopted a traditional Soresu defensive stance: feet wide with his left side pointing towards the source of the noise along with an outstretched arm while his lightsaber hilt was held just behind his head with the tip of the blade pointing at the noise as well.

"Steady, everyone. We may have to fight our way to safety before we can take shelter, so be prepared," Revan warned the group as he waited for whatever was causing the noise.
Darth Kabaar

Location: Ultron Universe

Status: Angry[]Violent[]Seeking a fight

Interacted with: Revan (Me), Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie)

Atalius may be correct in that this wasn't running away, but Kabaar still loathed missing an opportunity to engage in battle and let the full force of his anger loose on anything and everything in his way. When Revan and the other Jedi ignited their lightsabers, Kabaar immediately took that as a sign that something was coming, as he too heard the noise which prompted them to draw their sabers. His lightsaber hilt unclipped itself from his belt and floated up to his shoulder. He snatched it out of the air and ignited the crimson blade, holding it in a Shien reverse grip behind his back. He didn't make any attempts to contain the flow of Force energy that was overspilling as his anger fueled his power. He wanted anyone and everyone that could to feel his immense power to cause fear in his enemies, fear which he would use to make his abilities even more powerful. He had been given a lesson by his former master Cyphus that taught him to draw strength from his own emotions if ever in combat against machines or enemies who properly block out their feelings. It was a great lesson, one which he expanded upon to do both at the same time, which made him a formidable opponent in combat against other Force-Sensitives. Kabaar had heard Revan's warning that they may be fighting their way to the sewer system, which only caused him to exchange his bared teeth for a malicious grin.

"Nothing will stand in my way. Once we learn the weaknesses of this 'Ultron,' I will personally execute him very slowly and very painfully," the Sith Lord spoke in malevolent anticipation of what was to come.
Kabaar's ship: Atalius sighed and drew his own lightsaber. It was a saberstaff, sleek in design and a dark grey in colour. Rather than ignite both ends, Atalius only ignited one and held the blade as if he was holding a regular lightsaber in a defensive stance. He nodded at the three other force users on the ship was the banging on the door continued.

"For the record, I'm not a fan of droids to begin with, let alone genocidal ones."

"And for the record, I don't care how you feel about them." Syeron replied "Just about how you handle them."

Syeron waited until the door was at it's weakest before using a force push to blow it open and knock back five Ultron Sentinels. She lunged forwards and sliced them into pieces with her two sabers "Come on, ladies!" She shouted at the others "I don't want to take on an entire army by myself...Not even sure I'd be able to."

Atalius emerged from the ship, instantly slicing a Sentinel in half. He looked upwards to see more of the cylinders and other ships descending to the surface, including Sontaran vessels.

"Two armies with limitless troops." He shook his head as he decapitated another Sentinel "Now's our chance!" He shouted, pointing towards a large pipe into the sewer system.


Nikita's ship: "More of these guys?" Gregory asked as he saw the Sontaran ships descend "Blimey." He turned to Yami "Yep, we'd best get going then."

Nikita led the group even closer towards the Baxter building armed with her rifle in one hand while using the other to launch hand-blasts and missiles at any incoming Ultron troops. A group of six surrounded her but she quickly blew them apart, leaving their metallic remains at her feet.

This only appeared to draw more in as fifteen Sentinels descended before the group "I do not need Yami for this." Nikita told Gregory with a smirk under her helmet "I can deal with them myself."

"You sure?" Max asked "I'd rather not risk dyin' today."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
Yami grinned at the confidence he could practically feel from Nikita. People like her were always the most fun to watch. And it was especially fun to watch people like this break. He could not deny that he wouldn't mind if she somehow came into possession of the spear, though that sort of thing she would have to do on her own. He liked her attitude, but he wasn't going to do her any favors.

"You know." Yami said to Gregory with a sly smirk. "If you ever had second thoughts about the girlfriend you've got, well..." He nodded his head towards Nikita. "You could certainly do worse."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
As Nikita sliced through two Sentinels with a single swing with her blade gripped in one hand she used the other to launch a barrage of energy blasts from her palm to rip four more Sentinels to pieces. She charged up one blast in her hand and fired, causing it to pass through another three Sentinels and destroy them.

"Ah, screw this." Max shook his head, opening up on the Sentinels with his two revolvers. Despite how quick he was shooting, every shot he fired was precise with each one either hitting the head or chest of a Sentinel.

Gregory began to chuckle to himself and turned to Yami "Never." He half-smiled. Using his free hand he drew his sawn-off and blew a Sentinel away with armour-piercing rounds as it attempted to fire at him.

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
Yami shrugged and shook his head as a group of spears materialized above his head.

"Humans. They'll give up their soul, but never what they love. It's one of the things I'll never understand about them."

Yami pointed at a group of sentinels, sending a barrage of spears hurtling towards them.

"But, I suppose that's part of what makes them interesting. If they were easy to understand, they'd be no different than these robots. And where's the fun in that?

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
"I gave up me soul to stay alive." Gregory shrugged "'Cause I got people who need me back in my own universes, more than just her. I gotta stay alive to get back there and make sure those people are safe."

"Your family?" Max asked as he took out another Sentinel

"Yep." Gregory replied with a nod, taking out another two Sentinels with his sawn-off

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15

Mil: The group pushed forwards, with more and more Footmen falling around the others. Mil activated an incinerate blast, taking out two Sentinels and blowing away a third with it's shotgun. Mil turned to Nox and it took out a Sentinel that attempted to strike the Sith from behind.

"It is not much further." Mil tried to reassure him

@ryanpk200[/URL] @TommyGun15

Mil: The group pushed forwards, with more and more Footmen falling around the others. Mil activated an incinerate blast, taking out two Sentinels and blowing away a third with it's shotgun. Mil turned to Nox and it took out a Sentinel that attempted to strike the Sith from behind.

"It is not much further." Mil tried to reassure him

"I can't wait to turn this ultron into scrap metal." Nox says as he follows Mil, shooting Force towards a few droids "These droids are just too weak for lightning."
Darth Kabaar

Location: Ultron Universe

Status: Angry[]Violent[]Seeking a fight

Interacted with: Revan (Me), Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Ultron Sentinels (@Some_Bloke)

Kabaar leapt out of the ship right after the Jedi and Atalius, cutting down two of the droids with one swing of his saber. He finally had a chance to release some of his pent up rage in the truest expression of violence: conflict. Two droids flew towards him, but he turned them to ash with a stream of purple Force Lightning. Another tried to attack from above with laser blasts emitted from its hand, but he deflected the shots right back at it with a few simple Soresu defensive moves and staggered it. He leapt up and cut it down into pieces, laughing excitedly while doing so. The others may have wanted to take shelter while the main bulk of the droids were distracted with the new forces landing on the planet. The cylinders and unknown ships descending from orbit looked odd, but they were buying time for the group to discover the secret behind Ultron and whatever his weakness was.

After cutting down one last droid, the Sith Lord slowly began backing towards the sewer entrance while deflecting hand blasts with his reversed hand grip. He telekinetically launched several large pieces of debris at the droids and the stream of laser fire ceased for the moment, an opportunity he used to back away with the rest of the group. Kabaar noticed Revan not far behind him, deflecting shots with his green lightsaber. Kabaar could strike him down now and gain favor with the Emperor, but decided against it at the moment. For now, he was useful. When his usefulness ended, however, then Kabaar would strike. Kabaar then activated the comm system in his helmet to command his soldiers.

"Soldiers under my command: get out here and prove your usefulness to me! Prove you're as strong as your commanders claim you to be," Kabaar instigated, trying to get them out in the field to act as distractions or shields from oncoming fire.
(Sorry, I kinda dropped the ball)

Yami shook his head as he impaled a group of sentinels with spears.

"Family. One of my favorite human concepts. It is always so simple to exploit."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
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Isaac followed the group and switched to his Line Gun. He used its secondary fire mode and fired a mine into a group of Sentinels. He watched it explode and took note of the survivors. Isaac then switched to his Plasma Cutter and finished them off. He shot out the legs of a nearby Sentinel and then stomped it's head in. Because he activated his RIG's gravity boots, he was able to do it in a single strike.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15

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