Age of Ultron/Earth-61112

Donder172 said:
"Because you can't kill what you can't hit. And unlucky for you, I can hit you from here." Zann says, then cuts communication. "Prepare yourself, we will strike. Sent the defilers across the world. I want to know who is in charge and what they have across the world. I will go with you and a squadron down to the surface. I want this ship to stay in orbit at all costs. Don't fail me." He says then walks with Urai Fen and a small squadron of Mercenaries towards a shuttle. (Asuming it has shuttles because otherwise they would never be able to normally leave)
In response to Zann's words, a swarm of Ultron Sentinels approached his ship and quickly surrounded it. They did not fire instantly and instead waited for a response from Zann.

"I will spare you, for now." Ultron spoke through one of the Sentinels "I am yet to learn about your universe."
Yami grinned at the ambiguity of Gregory's command, gathering his magic in preparation. Time to give them a show.

Yami's body vanished into a cloud of smoke, trailing into the sky and separating into two orbs, darkening from Yami's usual purple to a swirling black color. The orbs expanded and elongated, hovering in the air above them like twin disks of shadow. Then, a deep, menacing laugh echoed from the depths, audible to all.


Two arms, one from each of the swirling black portals above them, reached out, what they connected to lost in the swirling, churning darkness. The arms had odd, inhuman looking proportions. The smallest fingers upon each long, bony hand were as big around as tree trunks, with the arms themselves the size of massive redwoods. However, the arms were so eerily, unnaturally long that the massive arms had an overall look of skinniness, like something massive, yet emaciated to the point where only the barest hints of flesh stretched over it's massive bones.

The two arms slammed into the ground, smashing sentinels by the hundreds. Then, arms dragged themselves across the ruined ground of the city, crushing hundreds more sentinels and smashing what few buildings were in their paths. The arms, long enough to reach out to the Baxter Building, took special effort to crush anything that got between the group, and their destination. Meanwhile Yami's voice, recognizable despite being far deeper than his usual tone, cackled overhead as the arms smashed sentinels with seemingly every movement.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @Donder172
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]In response to Zann's words, a swarm of Ultron Sentinels approached his ship and quickly surrounded it. They did not fire instantly and instead waited for a response from Zann.
"I will spare you, for now." Ultron spoke through one of the Sentinels "I am yet to learn about your universe."

"Show them firepower, open fire with the main cannon and our turbo laser cannons." Then the ships turbo laser cannons aim at the droids and open fire, from the front appears a big ball of ion being fired off, followed by a ball of plasma towards the droids on the front.

"Prepare our men, we go for the surface. Take the droideka mark two with us." Zann says and walks to a shuttle with his men "Let no droid of this fool into the Merciless." After that he boards the shuttle and flies towards the planet
The Sentinels completely surrounded The Merciless, with any dents it's firepower made in the swarm quickly being filled by more Sentinels. They quickly went for the engines while another part of the swarm split off and began to cut into the bottom of the ship as they started to board it. The started by swarming the lower decks.

New York: "You probably should have opened with that one!" Max shouted as he watched Yami's display, a grin on his face as the group ran towards the Baxter building. This grin quickly faded as he watched a swarm of Sentinels fly towards their position.

"Oh fook!" Gregory shouted, no longer trying to hide his fear. He started to sprint towards the Baxter building with the others behind him, no longer looking back.

The building, like the rest of the city was in shambles, however it was still possible to make out the name and Fantastic Four symbol as they had not decayed completely. As the group drew closer, the Sentinels began to swoop down and start to pick people up.

Achilles turned around and started to open fire "Is that the best you can do!?" He yelled only for five Ultron Sentinels to attack him from behind. While four grabbed him, another approached from behind and placed a small, circular device onto Achilles' armour, frying it and causing it to shut down. The Titan could not struggle, he could not even yell as he was dragged away.

Dozens of the remaining Footmen were picked up while Ivanhov struggled. One Sentinel grabbed his laser rifle and crushed it in it's hands before grabbing Ivanhov by the throat. Seeing this, Mil ran towards Ivanhov but was quickly surrounded by four Sentinels who attempted to grab Mil. While surrounded the Geth Specter activated it's omni-blade and decapitated one of the Sentinels while using it's shotgun to blow the other three apart. Another attacked from the front but Mil stabbed it through the chest and started to use it's body as a shield as Mil ran towards Ivanhov.

"Hold on." Mil stated, blasting another Sentinel apart only for one to attack from behind and toss Mil into a car as Ivanhov was dragged away yelling and trying to kick the Sentinels off of him. Nikita flew upwards after Ivanhov and Achilles but was hit from behind by five Sentinels and thrown to the ground. She clenched her fists and looked over at the Baxter building.

"Focus on the mission!" She shouted at Mil, grabbing the Specter and running towards the building with the others.

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Donder172
As the swarm starts to make its way to the armor, the shields starts to drain by the power, the powergrid making a screech-like noise due to the stress it suddenly takes. After a few seconds, the shields fail and the sentinels manage to tear through the armor, and a squadron of mercenaries is caught and sucked out of the ship by the vacuum of space. Tyber Zann was aboard a shuttle already away from the ship, but not very far towards the planet. He gives the command through the commchannel "Do not let them take the Merciless. Jump away through hyperspace if possible. Or do a reactor overload if the ship is beyond saving." he then cuts communication and went with the shuttle and his men to the surface. "That man is going to pay for this. No one makes trouble with me and gets away with it."
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Donder172 said:
As the swarm starts to make its way to the armor, the shields starts to drain by the power, the powergrid making a screech-like noise due to the stress it suddenly takes. After a few seconds, the shields fail and the sentinels manage to tear through the armor, and a squadron of mercenaries is caught and sucked out of the ship by the vacuum of space. Tyber Zann was aboard a shuttle already away from the ship, but not very far towards the planet. He gives the command through the commchannel "Do not let them take the Merciless. Jump away through hyperspace if possible. Or do a reactor overload if the ship is beyond saving." he then cuts communication and went with the shuttle and his men to the surface. "That man is going to pay for this. No one makes trouble with me and gets away with it."
A part of the swarm broke off, surrounding Zann's shuttle as it made it's way to the surface while the remaining part of the swarm continued to storm the merciless. As one Sentinel made it's way through the lower decks a group of mercenaries opened up on it, tearing the Sentinel to pieces.

One mercenary approached the Sentinel's broken body and started to hear a beeping sound emitting from it.

"Everyone back!" The mercenary shouted, diving for cover as the Sentinel exploded, creating a small dent inside of the ship.
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]A part of the swarm broke off, surrounding Zann's shuttle as it made it's way to the surface while the remaining part of the swarm continued to storm the merciless. As one Sentinel made it's way through the lower decks a group of mercenaries opened up on it, tearing the Sentinel to pieces.
One mercenary approached the Sentinel's broken body and started to hear a beeping sound emitting from it.

"Everyone back!" The mercenary shouted, diving for cover as the Sentinel exploded, creating a small dent inside of the ship.

Zann looks at the droids that surrounded the shuttle, this time he was sitting vulnerable since the shuttle is barely armed, though the shuttle still tries to make it to the surface. "Blasted droids." Tyber cursed, this was trickier than he initially thought. but he wasn't planning on just giving up, he readies his weapon. "Everyone, prepare yourself. When we land, we will be surrounded by the enemy. But we will not give up. We will make them pay dearly for this."
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Darth Kabaar

Location: Ultron Universe

Status: Angry[]Violent[]Seeking a fight

Interacted with: Revan (Me), Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Ultron Sentinels (@Some_Bloke)

Kabaar leapt in the air and grabbed a Sentinel by its head and brought it down to the ground and jammed his lightsaber's crimson blade into its chest and cut the thing in half. He saw Atalius' impressive use of telekinesis to lift a large, aquatic vessel to dump the sand it accumulated onto the oncoming swarms of droids. Quite an impressive feat, to be sure, but nothing more than another example of the dark side's power to be most certain. Like the others, Kabaar then took this distraction to run towards the sewer entrance that they pointed out earlier, deigniting his lightsaber in order to draw less attention. He didn't care what happened to the others, but he would not risk his own chances at attaining the power the tear offered. To be sure, he activated his Stealth Field Generator and disappeared entirely from sight, with only a slight shimmer signaling his physical presence. Acting on instinct alone, he immediately hid his presence in the Force as he had done numerous times while working as a Sith Assassin. Once he entered the sewer with the others, he deactivated the stealth generator to allow it to build up another charge. He regrouped with Atalius upon entry after he set the giant ship down.

"Impressive work, most impressive," Kabaar stated, "but I doubt that will hold them for long. We must move out and find this Ultron as quickly as we can. I shall not be denied what I came here for." Just then, the being burst through the helicarrier and Kabaar reignited his lightsaber. The being then identified itself as Ultron and claimed its Sentinels shared a hive mind with itself.

"Then I'll have to terminate the hive and remove the leader," the Sith Lord threatened, lightning crackling up and down his arms.
Donder172 said:
Zann looks at the droids that surrounded the shuttle, this time he was sitting vulnerable since the shuttle is barely armed, though the shuttle still tries to make it to the surface. "Blasted droids." Tyber cursed, this was trickier than he initially thought. but he wasn't planning on just giving up, he readies his weapon. "Everyone, prepare yourself. When we land, we will be surrounded by the enemy. But we will not give up. We will make them pay dearly for this."
"I do not predict you will." Ultron spoke coldly as Sentinels gripped onto Zann's shuttle and began to steer it to the surface, tossing it into what was once the Daily Bugle building and causing what remained of the Bugle to collapse into rubble. The doors to Zann's shuttle were quickly tore open, with a group of at least one hundred Sentinels waiting for Zann on the other side.

"Your men are of no use to us. You, on the other hand are their leader. There is a probability that you possess tactical knowledge regarding your universe."


Sewers: Ultron Prime walked forwards, breaking the neck of a Footman that charged at him to attack. Syeron turned to Kabaar and grinned "For once, I find myself agreeing with a Sith." She charged forwards, swinging her blades at Ultron who simply batted her aside with two of his arms, throwing Syeron into a wall in the process.

"You posess potential tactical knowledge." Ultron stated "I am not here to kill you."

@Skywanker @Birdsie

Sewers: Ultron Prime walked forwards, breaking the neck of a Footman that charged at him to attack. Syeron turned to Kabaar and grinned "For once, I find myself agreeing with a Sith." She charged forwards, swinging her blades at Ultron who simply batted her aside with two of his arms, throwing Syeron into a wall in the process.

"You posess potential tactical knowledge." Ultron stated "I am not here to kill you."

@Skywanker @Birdsie
Kylo Ren

"Really?" he asked him, with a cocky, sarcastic voice. He held his saber defensively. He looked around, for anything to force-push at the giant... he found nothing, so he had to change his tactics. He threw his saber at Ultron, directing it with the force. If he was successful, and the saber penetrated Ultron, he'd follow it up by trying to force-push him back. If it was a failed attempt, he'd instead try to pull his saber back towards him and prepare for Ultron's counter-attack, or anything of such sorts.

Sewers: Ultron Prime walked forwards, breaking the neck of a Footman that charged at him to attack. Syeron turned to Kabaar and grinned "For once, I find myself agreeing with a Sith." She charged forwards, swinging her blades at Ultron who simply batted her aside with two of his arms, throwing Syeron into a wall in the process.

"You posess potential tactical knowledge." Ultron stated "I am not here to kill you."

@Skywanker @Birdsie
Zann's shuttle crashed into the building, killing and injuring several of his crew. When the ship stood still, he graps his weapon and aimed it towards the door, as it opened he notices the Sentinels outside. After talking, he says to his crew "Leave no survivors." And his crew, mostly mercenaries and grenadiers, but also two droideka mark II's, who were unable to deploy their shields in the shuttle, start to open fire with their blaster towards the exit, making it rain towards the exit with blaster bolts and grenades. Urai Fenn stood at other side of the ship, his blades ready to strike the Sentinels.
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Baxter Building: Nikita led the group inside as it appeared that the Sentinel bombardment on the group had stopped.

"Why would Ultron stop?" Max asked, sounding out of breath "The bastard had us in his sights."

"Despite what we did, the bugger could 'ave killed us all." Gregory shook his head "Somethin's not right."

"Scanning for traps." Nikita stated

"Life-forms detected." Mil butted in "Someone else is in here with us." Mil looked down to see an army of cockroaches marching towards the group. They began to form into a shape that the Geth Specter quickly noticed spelled out words.

Who are you?

"Well, that's...Creepy." Gregory sighed

@Donder172 @ryanpk200

Sewer: Ultron Prime grabbed the saber and examined it "Processing data." He stated

@Skywanker @Birdsie

Donder172 said:
Zann's shuttle crashed into the building, killing and injuring several of his crew. When the ship stood still, he graps his weapon and aimed it towards the door, as it opened he notices the Sentinels outside. After talking, he says to his crew "Leave no survivors." And his crew, mostly mercenaries and grenadiers, but also two droideka mark II's, who were unable to deploy their shields in the shuttle, start to open fire with their blaster towards the exit, making it rain towards the exit with blaster bolts and grenades. Urai Fenn stood at other side of the ship, his blades ready to strike the Sentinels.
The Sentinels quickly made their way through the ship, dragging one of the droidekas away while destroying the other by vaporizing it. Zann's mercenaries began to fall all around him with every single shot fired by the Sentinels being precisely targeted at the men close to Zann.

@Donder172[/URL] @ryanpk200

Sewer: Ultron Prime grabbed the saber and examined it "Processing data." He stated

@Skywanker @Birdsie

The Sentinels quickly made their way through the ship, dragging one of the droidekas away while destroying the other by vaporizing it. Zann's mercenaries began to fall all around him with every single shot fired by the Sentinels being precisely targeted at the men close to Zann.

Kylo Ren

Kylo looked at him in anger, then aimed at the saber with both of his hands, trying to use the force, to force it out of his grip. He was quite confident that they couldn't replicate lightsaber technology anyway. They would require Kyber crystals, which are hard to find, or synthesize. He for sure wouldn't show them HOW to do it, so he gave the force pull all he had in him, he also activated it remotely, with the force, to deal damage to Ultron's hand... if it could be damaged by it.
@Donder172[/URL] @ryanpk200

Sewer: Ultron Prime grabbed the saber and examined it "Processing data." He stated

@Skywanker @Birdsie

The Sentinels quickly made their way through the ship, dragging one of the droidekas away while destroying the other by vaporizing it. Zann's mercenaries began to fall all around him with every single shot fired by the Sentinels being precisely targeted at the men close to Zann.

Zann opens fire as well, shots coming out in a burning, circle-like form towards the Sentinels, Urai Fen looks at the sentinels "I haven't had a good fight since ages. Don't disappoint me." He then charges in at the Sentinels, trying to Force stun them and aims his blades vicously at them.
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Isaac watched the EMP grenades go off and stun large amount of Sentinels. Valentines reaction time and aim is pretty good. Isaac thought. He ran after the others while occasionally shooting at nearby robots. The engineer also saw Yami's display. Isaac definitely isn't of fan of that sort of thing. When Isaac saw some of the Footmen and the others being picked up by the Sentinels, he tried to shoot down some of the robots, but he heard Nikita telling the others to focus on the mission, so he decided to keep going. Isaac managed to get to the building.

"I have to agree. Thats weird." Isaac said to Gregory and Max. The engineer saw the cockroaches spelling out words. "Are we going to reply?" He asked.

@Some_Bloke @Donder172
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Sewers: Feeling a force pull on the lightsaber, Ultron gripped onto it with one of his other hands and held it in place "Telekinesis." Ultron stated, his attention now fixed on Kylo Ren "But you are not a mutant. What are you?"

"He's an ass, that's what he is." Syeron said as she tried to jump Ultron from behind only for one of his other arms to grab her and pull her close to Ultron's face. He examined the young Jedi closely as she struggled to free herself.

"Unknown energy detected. Analyzing." Ultron stated

"He can pick up on the force? How is that possible?!" A Footman shouted in disbelief

"The force is useless to machines." Atalius shook his head "Even if he were to study it, he could not use it." Atalius stated. He looked over Ultron's shoulder for something to toss at the machine and used the force to tear off a piece of the aircraft carrier and throw it at Ultron only for the machine to catch it.

Ultron glared at Atalius and fired a hand-blast at him that the former Sith blocked with his lightsaber.

"Do not resist. This is merely a stun blast." Ultron stated as he raised three of his arms, firing at Atalius, Kylo and Kabbar simultaneously.

@Skywanker @Birdsie

Donder172 said:
Zann opens fire as well, shots coming out in a burning, circle-like form towards the Sentinels, Urai Fen looks at the sentinels "I haven't had a good fight since ages. Don't disappoint me." He then charges in at the Sentinels, trying to Force stun them and aims his blades vicously at them.
While Zann was able to cut some of the Sentinels down he still found himself surrounded.

"I do not wish to harm you, Zann. Only to study you." Ultron stated coldly, speaking through multiple of his Sentinels at once "Your soldiers on the other hand are useless to me."

Baxter Building: "You mean talk to a bunch of cockroaches?" Gregory asked "I mean...Sure, I guess. I'm Gregory Nelson. We're on a mission..."

"A classified mission regarding a unique tear that has opened in your universe." Nikita spoke, cutting in

"It's not very classified if you go tellin' cockroaches what we're here for."

The cockroaches began to form another shape

I am aware of this tear, as is Ultron. I believe he means to use it

"Why hasn't he done that yet?" Max asked

He does not understand it. He's afraid it might destroy him if he rushes in.

"That thing can feel fear?" Max asked, taken aback

He is based off of the brain patterns of a human being.

"As I predicted, these insects are being controlled by someone." Mil stated "Cockroaches are not like ants, they do not operate as a hive."

There was a flash of light and a figure appeared before the group.


"Pym?" Nikita asked

"You know this guy?" Max asked

"I know of him. He..."

"Created Ultron. I did this." Pym explained grimly "I...I broke the world. And now, unless we stop Ultron now he will spread throughout the rest of the Multiverse."

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Donder172
@Skywanker[/URL] @Birdsie

While Zann was able to cut some of the Sentinels down he still found himself surrounded.

"I do not wish to harm you, Zann. Only to study you." Ultron stated coldly, speaking through multiple of his Sentinels at once "Your soldiers on the other hand are useless to me."

Baxter Building: "You mean talk to a bunch of cockroaches?" Gregory asked "I mean...Sure, I guess. I'm Gregory Nelson. We're on a mission..."

"A classified mission regarding a unique tear that has opened in your universe." Nikita spoke, cutting in

"It's not very classified if you go tellin' cockroaches what we're here for."

The cockroaches began to form another shape

I am aware of this tear, as is Ultron. I believe he means to use it

"Why hasn't he done that yet?" Max asked

He does not understand it. He's afraid it might destroy him if he rushes in.

"That thing can feel fear?" Max asked, taken aback

He is based off of the brain patterns of a human being.

"As I predicted, these insects are being controlled by someone." Mil stated "Cockroaches are not like ants, they do not operate as a hive."

There was a flash of light and a figure appeared before the group.


"Pym?" Nikita asked

"You know this guy?" Max asked

"I know of him. He..."

"Created Ultron. I did this." Pym explained grimly "I...I broke the world. And now, unless we stop Ultron now he will spread throughout the rest of the Multiverse."

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Donder172
Zann looks at the Sentinels, very angry. "You killed my men, you attacked my flagship. You made an enemy." Zann says as he keeps firing at the sentinels.

Nox looks at the man "What if we invade this universe first? He might be able to give us quite a beating with only the ground forces. But what if we send several armies at him. Several armies from different universes. We only have ground forces now and no air support or artillery support. We're outnumbered and possibly outgunned for now. If we could get extra manpower, that would help. Besides, sooner or later, he will run out of troops."
Baxter Building:

"He will not run out of troops." Mil stated "Ultron has an army of machines. They do not require food, medical care or anything an army we used would require. He can constantly produce troops..." Mil hung it's head "I know becuase the Geth also had this advantage during our past wars with organic life."

"But you changed." Nikita reassured Mil

"Ultron will not." Pym butted in, speaking in a grim tone

"How'd you survive anyway?" Gregory asked "Last I checked, Ultron's not the sentimental type."

"I hid in the microverse." Pym explained "As Ultron destroyed this world and murdered my friends I hid like a coward." He shook his head "I did it becuase Reed Richards and I were working together, researching a tear that had opened." Pym hung his head in shame "Reed died helping me escape. We both knew that while the heroes of this world, my friends wouldn't be able to stop Ultron perhaps the heroes of another world would...And then that unique tear opened."

Pym approached a console in his lab "Reed and I designed this teleportation device. If anyone from another universe stepped through into this one, I could lock onto their signal, bring them here and explain everything...Including how to stop Ultron."


As Ultron opened fire a yellow energy surrounded the remaining Footmen, Syeron, Kabarr, Kylo, Revan and Atalius and they were quickly teleported to the Baxter Building.

Donder172 said:
Zann looks at the Sentinels, very angry. "You killed my men, you attacked my flagship. You made an enemy." Zann says as he keeps firing at the sentinels.
One of the Sentinels attempted to grab Zann by the throat only for the same yellow energy to surround him, teleporting him to the Baxter building.

Baxter Building:

"You're safe now." Max tried to reassure the new arrivals with a grin "This fella got you out." He gestured to Pym "He also knows how to stop Ultron."

"What about the Sontarans and Martans?" Nikita asked Pym "They are also organic lifeforms."

"If the device wasn't able to lock onto their location, then Ultron has already killed them all, or they've fled the planet. I'm sorry." Pym shook his head "Ultron will be on top of us soon, there isn't much time so I'll be as brief as I can."

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Skywanker @Birdsie @Donder172
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Zann looks around, noticing he was no longer in the shuttle, but he also noticed that Urai Fen was not around and in stead saw several others, looking at them. "If you got me out, then where is Urai Fen? And where is my ship. The man who commands these things will pay dearly for trying to threat me, attacking my flagship and killing my men." he says, still having his dubble-barreled blaster carbine in his hand, ready to shoot any of them should they proof to be hostile.
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"Did you not listen to what he said?" Syeron asked, pointing at Pym "If he wasn't able to lock onto them with this teleportation device or whatever then he's dead. Sorry."

"Put down the gun, Ultron is the real enemy." Atalius tried to reassure Zann

Gregory turned to Hank Pym "Where's Ultron keeping his prisoners? The bellend lifted a lot of people."

"Originally he was keeping them in New York, but a day ago he built a prision ship right next to the tear. If he lifted any of your friends, they'd be there." He turned to the teleporter "Reed and I...We didn't have much time when we build this machine. It can only lock onto organic life on the planet's surface."

"Can it move matter off of the planet?" Mil asked

Pym approached the machine "Theorethically..."

"So you've never tested it?" Max asked "Well, no time like the present."

"If it fails, you would be ripped apart." Pym shook his head "Too many people have died becuase of me already."

"Alright, I'd rather not be ripped apart. How's Ultron moving his prisoners?" Gregory asked

"I don't know." Pym shook his head

"I have a theory. What if Ultron was moving prisoners by teleporting them?" Mil suggested, activating it's omni-tool "It would explain why instead of flying straight to the station when taking prisoners, Ultron's Sentinels appeared to be flying deeper into the remains of New York. I placed a tracker onto Commander Ivanhov as he was grabbed. Based upon my calculations he was in central park five minutes ago, before the signal was moved off-world."

"So just teleport us to this central park place, we go in and we kick Ultron's ass." Syeron grinned

Pym placed his head in his hands for a moment and sighed deeply before looking back up at Syeron "You would not survive."

"Well we gotta try somethin'!" Gregory snapped

@Skywanker @Donder172 @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Birdsie

On an asteroid a circular-shaped, metallic space station was build into the surface, surrounded by Sentinels. On board the corridors were being patrolled by Sentinels, each guarding cells. Two Sentinels walked up to a cell and the forcefield on the outside dropped. Inside was Ivanhov, now outside of his armour and strapped to a table. His face was bruised, his body covered in scars.

"I already told you piles of junk before, I'm not gonna talk!" He shouted

"Agreed. By now I predict that your companions will be launching some kind of rescue operation. There is a ninety nine point nine nine percent chance of this operation failing." One of the Sentinels spoke in Ultron's voice.

Ivanhov laughed in response "I've fought against worse odds before."

The Sentinel Ultron was speaking through turned to the other and nodded before turning back to Ivanhov "This Sentinel is one of several prototypes. They are not part of the Ultron hive mind. I based them off of the brain patterns of a loyal agent of HYDRA, an organization known for it's methods of torture."

"I know about HYDRA...You'll get nothing outta me." Ivanhov chuckled

The second Sentinel approached, it's eyes turning yellow.

"Hail HYDRA!" It shouted before turning to the other Sentinel "Sorry boss, I've still got that nervous tick." It approached Ivanhov "Hi, I'm Bob the Sentinel." He shook Ivanov's left hand, crushing it in the process and causing Ivanhov to yell in pain. "Oh sorry Anyway, I hope you're gonna enjoy your stay here."

The Ultron Sentinel turned and walked out of the cell, letting the Bob Sentinel do it's work. As the forcefield activated again, Ivanhov could be heard screaming in agony while the Sentinel constantly apologised, every now and then shouting out the words "Hail HYDRA", then apologising for the tick.

In a neighbouring cell Achilles was also being tortured by a Bob Sentinel and it appeared that every single cell had it's own Bob Sentinel.
@Skywanker[/URL] @Donder172 @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Birdsie

On an asteroid a circular-shaped, metallic space station was build into the surface, surrounded by Sentinels. On board the corridors were being patrolled by Sentinels, each guarding cells. Two Sentinels walked up to a cell and the forcefield on the outside dropped. Inside was Ivanhov, now outside of his armour and strapped to a table. His face was bruised, his body covered in scars.

"I already told you piles of junk before, I'm not gonna talk!" He shouted

"Agreed. By now I predict that your companions will be launching some kind of rescue operation. There is a ninety nine point nine nine percent chance of this operation failing." One of the Sentinels spoke in Ultron's voice.

Ivanhov laughed in response "I've fought against worse odds before."

The Sentinel Ultron was speaking through turned to the other and nodded before turning back to Ivanhov "This Sentinel is one of several prototypes. They are not part of the Ultron hive mind. I based them off of the brain patterns of a loyal agent of HYDRA, an organization known for it's methods of torture."

"I know about HYDRA...You'll get nothing outta me." Ivanhov chuckled

The second Sentinel approached, it's eyes turning yellow.

"Hail HYDRA!" It shouted before turning to the other Sentinel "Sorry boss, I've still got that nervous tick." It approached Ivanhov "Hi, I'm Bob the Sentinel." He shook Ivanov's left hand, crushing it in the process and causing Ivanhov to yell in pain. "Oh sorry Anyway, I hope you're gonna enjoy your stay here."

The Ultron Sentinel turned and walked out of the cell, letting the Bob Sentinel do it's work. As the forcefield activated again, Ivanhov could be heard screaming in agony while the Sentinel constantly apologised, every now and then shouting out the words "Hail HYDRA", then apologising for the tick.

In a neighbouring cell Achilles was also being tortured by a Bob Sentinel and it appeared that every single cell had it's own Bob Sentinel.
Zann thought for a moment, Urai Fen being killed. His friend, his bodyguard, his second in command. The person he knew since he was a student on the Imperial Academy on Carida. No, that wasn't possible. Urai is more than capable to fight. "I have... or had a ship in orbit when I came here. Ultron overran it and probably slaughtered my entire crew, if they haven't overloaded the core first. He didn't take any prisoners from my crew that came to the surface. Except... a droid. A droideka mark two. A kind of battle droid that was created at the end of the Clone Wars, but never used in combat." Zann says
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@Skywanker[/URL] @Donder172 @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Birdsie

On an asteroid a circular-shaped, metallic space station was build into the surface, surrounded by Sentinels. On board the corridors were being patrolled by Sentinels, each guarding cells. Two Sentinels walked up to a cell and the forcefield on the outside dropped. Inside was Ivanhov, now outside of his armour and strapped to a table. His face was bruised, his body covered in scars.

"I already told you piles of junk before, I'm not gonna talk!" He shouted

"Agreed. By now I predict that your companions will be launching some kind of rescue operation. There is a ninety nine point nine nine percent chance of this operation failing." One of the Sentinels spoke in Ultron's voice.

Ivanhov laughed in response "I've fought against worse odds before."

The Sentinel Ultron was speaking through turned to the other and nodded before turning back to Ivanhov "This Sentinel is one of several prototypes. They are not part of the Ultron hive mind. I based them off of the brain patterns of a loyal agent of HYDRA, an organization known for it's methods of torture."

"I know about HYDRA...You'll get nothing outta me." Ivanhov chuckled

The second Sentinel approached, it's eyes turning yellow.

"Hail HYDRA!" It shouted before turning to the other Sentinel "Sorry boss, I've still got that nervous tick." It approached Ivanhov "Hi, I'm Bob the Sentinel." He shook Ivanov's left hand, crushing it in the process and causing Ivanhov to yell in pain. "Oh sorry Anyway, I hope you're gonna enjoy your stay here."

The Ultron Sentinel turned and walked out of the cell, letting the Bob Sentinel do it's work. As the forcefield activated again, Ivanhov could be heard screaming in agony while the Sentinel constantly apologised, every now and then shouting out the words "Hail HYDRA", then apologising for the tick.

In a neighbouring cell Achilles was also being tortured by a Bob Sentinel and it appeared that every single cell had it's own Bob Sentinel.
Kylo Ren

Kylo clenched his fist in anger. He would need to construct a new lightsaber. Not a problem, but it would take some time before he'd do that.

He stood there observing the other people and their talk. He examined what he had with him and then walked over to a corner of the room, beginning work... he would need more materials to finish it though.
Outside, Yami was still tearing through every Sentinel he could reach, cackling like a madman. By the souls this was fun.

(Sorry. Been busy the last couple days. Graduation, house hunting, general adulting. That sort of thing.)

Baxter Building

"Any technology I've seen Ultron come across he's destroyed outright or cannibalised it. By now your droids have been scrapped." Pym explained "I'm sorry about your men."

"Clone wars?" Syeron asked Zann

"He's from our universe, Jedi. Just a different point in time. The same as myself, Revan and the two other Sith." Atalius explained "Ultron may have killed your crew and destroyed your ship but I think we can beat him."

"What are ya gonna do, monologue him to death?" Gregory asked sarcastically

"No. This Ultron may be able to detect the force, but he does not know how to use it, nor does he have a defense against it."

"He's right." Syeron butted in "If we work together, we can turn Ultron into scrap metal!" She clenched her fists, holding one up to her face

Atalius drew his lightsaber and ignited it "Pym." He spoke, approaching Hank "You said that Ultron had not stepped through the tear yet becuase he did not understand it. How long do you think it will take him?"

"I don't know...Another hour or two maybe?" Pym suggested "I may have created Ultron, but I never could have predicted...This." He spoke grimly, shaking his head

"Hey, wallow in pity later." Nikita spoke in a commanding tone, placing a hand on Pym's shoulder "Right now I am ordering you to assist us in bringing down Ultron by the authority of the S..."

"Just give us a hand." Max interrupted

Atalius turned to the force users in the group and ignited his lightsaber "Jedi and Sith." He began "Despite our differences, the many wars we have fought against each other and despite the power we wield in the force, we must work together. Although we agreed not to fight one another, I can still feel the hostility. I suggest you put that aside and use your power in the force, reach out to it and use it against this common enemy." He raised his lightsaber "Together, we can crush Ultro..."

Atalius was cut off as a gap was blown in the ceiling and a metallic hand grabbed the former Sith, dragging him away.

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Skywanker @Donder172 @Birdsie
"He only took one droid. My men is not what I am worried about, they can be replaced. My lieutennant however, cannot. Urai Fenn is Force sensitive and is able to use it. He is a valuable friend. Can we create an tear of our own?"

"Wait a minute, Revan is here? Darth Revan from the Mandalorian Wars?" Nox asks as he notices the name

Both Zann and Nox looks towards the metallic hand, Nox trying to use the Force to grab Atalius out of the metallic hand while Zann prepares his weapon to fire at the thing. "Prepare yourself for a fight." Tyber says to the rest of the group "We might get some sentinels to dispose of."

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