Age of Ultron/Earth-61112

Donder172 said:
"He only took one droid. My men is not what I am worried about, they can be replaced. My lieutennant however, cannot. Urai Fenn is Force sensitive and is able to use it. He is a valuable friend. Can we create an tear of our own?"
"Wait a minute, Revan is here? Darth Revan from the Mandalorian Wars?" Nox asks as he notices the name

Both Zann and Nox looks towards the metallic hand, Nox trying to use the Force to grab Atalius out of the metallic hand while Zann prepares his weapon to fire at the thing. "Prepare yourself for a fight." Tyber says to the rest of the group "We might get some sentinels to dispose of."
"Yep, he's right over there." Syeron sighed, pointing at Revan with her arms folded "And he's with me. You mess with Revan, you'll be messing with me too. Got it?" She drew her lightsabers as the metallic arm grabbed Atalius and attempted to cut him free but was not quick enough. Zann and Nox were not quick enough either and Atalius was dragged away. The former Sith struggled, pushing multiple Sentinels off of him until one Sentinel struck him in the back with a stun blast, knocking Atalius unconscious.

"Atalius!" Nikita shouted, charging towards the hole in the ceiling

"Ultron's taken him to central park with the other prisoners. If we hurry, we can save your friend." Pym explained in a frantic tone

"In that case, we need to go. Now." Nikita spoke in a commanding tone "Atalius isn't just my friend, he holds valuable information about the Soviet Empire. If Ultron breaks him or finds a way to remove the information from his brain trillions of lives are at stake!"

Nikita led the others the teleporter as Hank worked on the console next to it.

"Are you just going to stay here?" Max asked Pym with concern

"Yes. Ultron's forces will be on top of us within seconds. I can buy you some time. Maybe even divert their attention away from central park." Pym explained, avoiding eye contact with the group and frantically working on the teleporter

"Like hell you will!" Max snapped "You created this genocidal son of a bitch, you know him better than we do!"

"He's right." Gregory butted in "We need you. I get that you feel like shit for fookin' things up, I really do but now's your chance to make things right. Either you come with us by choice or I drag you and your army of cockroaches along with us."

"Alright." Pym sighed, looking up at Gregory "I'll help, but there's no way I can make things right. Even if we stop Ultron, it won't change what h...What I've done."

"Maybe not, but savin' the Multiverse from 'im is a good way to start." Gregory patted Hank on the shoulder as a blue energy began to surround the group. Hank stepped into the teleporter as it activated, throwing the group across New York and into central park.

Central park, once full of trees and life had been replaced with ashes and a metallic landscape. A metal tower surrounded by Sentinels stood in the center while a blue energy appeared to be coming from within. Upon detecting an energy signature, the Sentinels turned their attention to the group and raised their arms to charge up stun blasts.

"How many more of 'em grenades you got?" Max asked Gregory

"I could damage the teleporter if we did that stunt again." Gregory muttered. He turned to the spear "Yami, I kinda need another miracle right about now."

"That will not save you." Ultron's voice spoke from above the group as Ultron Prime descended, landing in front of them. "Doctor Henry Pym, my creator. How are you still alive?" Ultron asked "Unless you took the risk of hiding in the microverse in order to avoid my scanners. I did not predict this outcome. I did not expect you to make such a dangerous move."

"Why did you bring your Prime body here, Ultron?" Pym asked "You can talk to me through any one of your Sentinels. Did you want this to be personal?" He asked

"Being personal does not concern me, Henry Pym. Your new companions are a problem. Using my prime body guarantees the success of their capture."

"Keep telling yourself that." Pym spat bitterly

@TommyGun15 @Skywanker @ryanpk200 @Birdsie
Nox looks towards Syeron after his failed attempt. "Darth Revan is a traitor to the Empire. And what do you think you can do? You want to stop me? You seriously think you ca-"

"Enough!" Zann yells "Take your whining about ancient hockey religions somewhere else. I don't care what's with you Jedi and Sith, I don't care about your rivalry. We got business to take care of. For all I care is that both 'sides' rot."

Both step on the teleporter with the group. Nox looking with an angry face at Revan. Revan was pretty much a traitor of the Sith Empire. And the only thing traitors of the Empire deserved was death. But he knows he can't kill Revan now while he has many allies around him. And taking on Revan alone is a great risk.

Zann looks towards the Prime body "ULTRON!" he yells to Ultron "You slaughtered my men, destroyed my flagship and killed my lieutennant. You will pay for that with your life. When I'm done with you, I promise I will annihilate anything and everyone that ever swore their loyalty to you. I will make sure you will be scrapped from history." Zann says with an obvious angry voice.
Yami appeared next to Gregory, looking fairly winded as the two portals in the distance snapped shut. Yami laid on the ground for a moment before floating upwards so that he was at eye-level to Gregory, though his body was still in a laying down position.

"Ugh... That took a lot out of me... Normally I'd sustain my energy on the souls of people I'd killed, but I can't really do that here. I'm not sure how much more I can pull off right now without a physical body to channel my energy through..."

"I do not need followers, human." Ultron stated to Zann coldly "Not anymore." Ultron gestured to the army of Sentinels behind him

Gregory turned to the weakened Yami "Physical body?" He asked "Well, ya can't have mine. I want to keep me good looks and charming personality."

"Who are you talking to?" Ultron asked "I am detecting an unusual energy reading coming from the spear you're holding. Where did you find it?"

"The same place I'm going to shove it, up your arse!" Gregory shouted in a threatening tone, tossing one of his grenades at the prime body only for Ultron to bat it aside with one of his arms, causing it to take out a small group of five Sentinels behind him.

"Anyone else got any ideas?" Gregory asked "I was kinda betting on that one workin'."

"Even if you were to destroy or disable my prime body, my mind would simply be uploaded to a new one." Ultron explained coldly.

@Skywanker @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Birdsie @Donder172

Yami closed his eyes as he thought about what he knew about machines. In his home universe, he hadn't paid much attention to them, thinking them beneath him. However, he did remember a single bit of information regarding a way to shut down a large number of machines at once. He opened his eyes again.

"We could use one of those... oh what was it called? Electric... magentic... push..? One of those big lightning waves that shuts down all the machines. Anyone know how to make one of those?"

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"My grenades generate electromagnetic pulses." Gregory pointed out "I just tossed one at him and he pretty much batted it aside."

"You do realise I can hear you." Ultron stated

"Yep." Syeron smiled. She turned to Gregory and winked before lunging at Ultron with her sabers "Force-users!" She shouted "Go for his arms!"

Ultron batted Syeron aside however she steadied herself using the force and landed on her feet, running at Ultron again as his Sentinels descended upon the group. Pym pressed a button on his belt and shrunk down, commanding an army of cockroaches to form into a giant hand and crush two Sentinels under their weight.

"I can still see you, Henry Pym." One of the Sentinels spoke as it opened fire on the ground.

Max and Bishop dodged out of the way of a Sentinel's blast and returned fire with his revolvers. He fell back, away from the center of the former park and nodded at Gregory who tossed two grenades above Max's head. With two shots the pulse from the grenades took out a group of fifty Sentinels, narrowly missing Max as he dived for cover.

"How many more of those you got!?" Max shouted across the park "We're gonna need 'em!"

The dent caused by the grenades was instantly filled as more Sentinels flew across the city, surrounding the tower.

@Donder172 @TommyGun15
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Nox starts to channel into the Dark Side and aims a barrage of Force lightning at the Prime body. Zann starts to open fire at several Sentinels, trying to kill as many as he can. "You are going to end into scrap, Ultron. Where you belong." Zann says

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The creator of Ultron was controlling the cockroaches. How he was doing that, Isaac wasn't sure, but he need to pay attention to what Pym was going to say. There wasn't anything Isaac needed to say. The others were taking care of the talking. Of course that would happen. Isaac thought, when he saw the metal hand grab one of the Sith. He followed the others to the teleporter and drew his Plasma Cutter. He looked around and noticed the lack of trees in Central Park. There wasn't much that Isaac could suggest. A fight stopped Isaac from anymore thinking. He dodged the failing Sentinels from the last EMP grenades and started firing at the Sentinels. The Engineer dismembered several of the robots and then switched to his Line Gun. Isaac fired mines from the Line Gun into groups of robots.

Ultron blocked the force lightning by raising two of his arms and flew forwards towards Nox only for a shot from Max's rifle to hit Ultron in the head. While he didn't flinch Ultron looked over at Max and raised one of his arms, charging up a blast of energy.

"Shit." Max muttered, looking up from his scope with a look of fear on his face. He ran for cover as Ultron fired, diving behind a burnt-out police car with Bishop at his side. He looked up to see that two Sentinels were flying towards him, both with stun blasts charged up.

As Gregory opened fire on oncoming Sentinels with his sawn-off he was picked up by two Sentinels that surprised him from behind. They lifted him into the air and flew him towards the teleporter only for Gregory to decapitate one with the spear and shoot the other one, causing them to drop him to the ground below.

Gregory attempted to open the wingsuit on his armour but wasn't quick enough and fell to the ground, hearing something crack. While his armour was able to cushion some of the impact of the fall he still felt dazed and in pain as attempted to stand. He looked through his visor to see that it wasn't cracked and turned his attention to the tower. Still in a daze, he remembered what he had been told about the tear as the words of the two Unknowns echoed in his mind.

He looked across the battlefield, watching as the remaining Footmen were gunned down by Sentinels, as Pym's army of cockroaches was being targeted. He saw a yellow flash of light and watched as Pym returned to his normal size, hitting the remains of a tank as he attempted to dodge a blast from the army of Sentinels.

Gregory snapped himself back to focus and looked at his left arm, seeing that his shoulder was out of place.

"I got this one." He told Yami as he gripped his left arm and pushed his shoulder back into place, resisting the urge to cry out in pain as he did so "Broken so many things in my time that I'm kinda used to this." He joked to Yami "Normally I have to bite down on somethin'." He shook his head "Right, teleporter." He muttered to himself as he charged towards it.

The tear possessed a lot of power, power he was meant to hand over to the Soviets and to the Unknowns. If they had a vested interest, Gregory told himself that he could use the power to take out Ultron, to wipe out the Exen in his own universe...Maybe he could even use it to bring back to the dead. He told himself it was possible. Yes, he could save everyone. He would save everyone.

As the teleporter was within reach a Sentinel with yellow eyes rather than red flew out of it, colliding with Gregory and grabbing him by the shoulders. Gregory winced in pain as pressure was applied to his former dislocated shoulder as thrown against the same tank Hank Pym had hit.

"Hail HYDRA!" The Sentinel shouted "And sorry about that. I'm just following my programming as a loyal agent of HY...I mean, Sentinel designed by Ultron."

Regular Sentinels surrounded Isaac, attempting to disarm him while another tried to hit him from behind with a stun blast.

@ryanpk200 @Donder172 @TommyGun15 @Birdsie @Skywanker
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Nox charges towards the Sentinel that grabbed Gregory, igniting his saberstaff and ignites it, letting both red blades come to life with a hiss and when at close range, trying to decapitate the Sentinel as fast as he can to free Gregory.

Tyber Zann keeps firing at the Sentinels, trying to take out as many as he can. "Send as much as you can! None of them will make it out alive!" Zann yells towards Ultron, he wanted to make his forces suffer. He wanted to avenge his lieutennant, and he wanted to destroy Ultron entirely.
Donder172 said:
Nox charges towards the Sentinel that grabbed Gregory, igniting his saberstaff and ignites it, letting both red blades come to life with a hiss and when at close range, trying to decapitate the Sentinel as fast as he can to free Gregory.
Tyber Zann keeps firing at the Sentinels, trying to take out as many as he can. "Send as much as you can! None of them will make it out alive!" Zann yells towards Ultron, he wanted to make his forces suffer. He wanted to avenge his lieutennant, and he wanted to destroy Ultron entirely.
In response to Zann's words, Ultron lowered his arms and a large swarm of Sentinels appeared overhead, blackening the sky.

"I really wish you hadn't said that."

"This is not every Sentinel I control. There are many others across this universe locked in a pointless conflict. All conflict is pointless, merely a product of organic life's existence."

"Says the junkpile responsible for the deaths of billions!" Syeron shouted as she attempted to strike Ultron from behind. As Ultron moved two of his arms to block her attacks she winked at Gregory who tossed an EMP grenade at the Prime body.

Ultron caught the grenade and tossed it aside "That is the second time you have attempted to destroy my body using that method. It, like your struggle is pointless." Ultron stated coldly as he punched Gregory, bringing him to his knees

"It weren't meant to hit you." Gregory grinned under his helmet "You really think I'd try the same old trick twice?"

Ultron looked behind him to watch as Max and Bishop charged towards the portal only to be quickly pinned down by two Sentinels.

"He has an attachment to that animal. Keep it and use it if he does not talk." Ultron ordered one of the green-eyed Sentinels as Max was slowly dragged towards the portal. Max grinned as he was pulled through, winking at Gregory reassuringly.

Nikita swung at Ultron, aiming for his head only for him to blast her back with two of his arms, creating a dent in her armour that quickly repaired itself as Nikita hit the side of the tower. She looked across the battlefield, gunning down three Sentinels as they ran at her.

"No matter. The other side is heavily guarded." Ultron stated. He paused "Processing data...Complete. Initiating stage three of tear research." Ultron turned away from the group and started to walk back towards the portal, the swarm of Sentinels above dispersing.

"He's going for the tear!" Pym shouted as he struggled to his feet. He ran towards Ultron "You don't know what you're dealing with!" He pleaded "Stop this!"

Ultron turned around and batted his creator aside with the back of one of his hands, knocking him to the ground.

Syeron yelled angrily and lunged at Ultron from behind again, slicing into his back and pushing him forwards using the force. She pushed him again and again, throwing him forwards and bringing him to his knees

"Enough!" She shouted angrily

"I agree." Ultron stated, standing to his feet and flying forwards. He struck Syeron in the gut with a fist, causing her to cough up a mouthful of blood. She swung at Ultron's head but he blocked the attack, knocking her blue lightsaber out of her hand and across the field of battle. She attempted to strike Ultron with her curved, lightsaber only for Ultron to grab her and toss it aside as well. She attempted to punch Ultron using her metallic hand only for him to grab it.

"You are becoming a nuisance." Ultron stated coldly.

Syerons stared into Ultron's cold, dead eyes as he proceeded to crush her metallic hand. She attempted to push him off using the force but Ultron remained in place, gripping her hand and crushing it into pieces. Sparks began to fly from and Ultron loosened his grip.

In the place of Syeron's hand was nothing more than a mess of fragmented parts. She glared down at the hand and Ultron struck her in the gut again before grabbing Syeron by the throat and tossing her across the battlefield, causing her to hit the burnt-out tank.

Ultron turned away from Syeron and walked through the portal, leaving the rest of the group to deal with the rest of his army of Sentinels.
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The Sentinels surrounding the tower flew upwards, leaving the planet behind and leaving the tower barren. Upon seeing this Syeron quickly stood to her feet and tried to run towards the tower only for Gregory to stand in her way.

"Outta my way." She demanded

"Your arm's broken." Gregory replied

"Hey, I can still wield a lightsaber." Syeron reassured Gregory with a cocky half-smile "I can handle this, now get out of my way." She demanded, her smile fading as she attempted to push past Gregory. He rested a hand on her shoulder

"You're gonna die." He spoke in a grim tone

"I won't." She replied, shaking her head

"What are you trying to prove?" Gregory asked in an annoyed tone

"Nothing." She spat, turning to face Gregory "I just need to stop him. Don't pretend to know me, mercenary. You don't."

Gregory sighed, dropped the spear and took of his helmet, letting both fall to the ground.

"My name is Gregory Nelson. When I was fifteen my mother was murdered right in front of my eyes. I've spent my life trying to protect the people I consider family to me, cause it don't end in blood." He paused and looked at the tower and across the battlefield before turning back to Syeron "But this...This is different. It's not just about my family."

"I'm sorry for your loss, but I don't understand why you're telling me this." Syeron replied in a confused tone

"This is beyond me, it's bigger than me and it's bigger than you are. Get out of your own way and focus on what's important here. Oh, and quit bein' cocky cause it'll only get ya killed."

Gregory picked up both his helmet and spear and began to walk towards the tower

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to have a little chat with Ultron. I'm loud, he'll listen to me. I might be able to buy you lot some time." He grinned as he put his helmet back on and stepped through the teleporter

"He's going to get himself killed." Nikita shook her head as she walked towards the others

"He's nuts, but he's right. Ultron's distracted by that tear." Pym butted in "We can use that to release the prisoners."

"And gain the tear for the Soviets. So long as Ultron hasn't stepped through it yet."

Asteroid station: Gregory arrived on the other side, landing face first in on a cold metallic floor. As he stood to his feet yellow-eyed Sentinels approached him. "I want to speak to the man in charge about the tear." Gregory spoke, raising his arms "Take me to your leader."

@Donder172 @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Birdsie @Skywanker
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Yami frowned as Gregory ran off to talk with Ultron. He didn't fancy the idea of conversing with machines. They were little more than mindless hunks of metal, moving around as if they were men. But, he couldn't really control what Gregory decided to do. Yet.

What particularly irritated him was when Gregory apparently surrendered to the machines. This was something he at least has to speak with his host about.

"Um... I think there might be a small flaw in your plan. Namely, the part where the machines have no reason not to just kill you and dump your body in a fire. I don't know about you, but this isn't really the kind of world I want to be stuck in. I doubt anyone is going to be coming along anytime soon, and I don't want to spend the rest of existence here."

"Apart from the fact that Ultron's a learning machine." Gregory whispered

"We can hear you." One of the yellow-eyed Sentinels replied

"Thought Ultron was a hive mind." Gregory shrugged

"He constructed us to obtain information using HYDRA. HAIL HYDRA! tactics."

"Well...That sounds a bit shit. You're probably torturing everyone else you brought 'ere but there's no point in doing that with me becuase I'll tell you everything I know willingly."

"Is that so?" Another yellow-eyed Sentinel asked

"Yep. Startin' with everything I know about this spear. All I want to do is talk to the man in charge himself."

"He's studying the tear."

"I know. I also know a thing or two about the tear. Bring me to 'im and I'll tell him everything."

Two yellow-eyed Sentinels looked at each other and gabbed Gregory by the shoulders, leading him down a corridor.

Central Park: "Here's the plan." Nikita spoke in a commanding tone. Her helmet was on the ground and she was drawing sketches in the dirt with a combat knife, illustrating her strategy.

"If Nelson's plan worked, we should have some time. Once aboard the station we fight through everything he throws at us and we split into two teams. One team will focus on rescuing the prisoners while the other heads straight for the tear and for Ultron. Once the prisoners are safe we regroup and I will enter the tear."

"You?" Syeron asked skeptically

"I have no ulterior motive other than the preservation of my Empire." Nikita stated "Syeron, Pym and Isaac will focus on the prisoners. Atalius and Ivanhov are your priorities, they hold important data regarding the Soviet Empire's defences. The rest of us will focus on Ultron."

Nikita put her helmet back on and led the others towards the tower.

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Donder172 @Skywanker @Birdsie
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Yami frowned. He definitely didn't want his information about The Spear being leaked to Ultron. The machine would probably try to take it, and it would be utterly useless to him half because the Spear couldn't work for someone without a soul, and half because Yami wouldn't work with Ultron as it was. He refused to dignify a machine by speaking to it. Of course Gregory didn't really know much about the Spear aside from what Yami had told him.

"Everything you know about the Spear? Really? I assume you'll be supplementing with some best guesses?"

Gregory grinned in response to Yami's words as he walked down a metallic corridor "Well that and what you've told me so far."

He was led into a room containing Ultron's Prime body with at least twenty Sentinels standing next to him.

"Where's the tear?" Gregory asked. The walls of the room moved, displaying a tear on the other side of the wall Ultron was facing. Ultron turned to face Gregory "What do you know about the tear?" Ultron asked

"It's fookin' dangerous." Gregory replied "Accordin' to two pricks who claimed to know about the tear..."

"They are two parts of what some in the Multiverse call The Three Unknowns." Ultron explained

"Well, with a title like that it explains why they've got their heads shoved up their arses." Gregory joked

"You've met two of them, what do you know?"

"One of them was protecting something dear to her in a snowy wasteland full of monsters." Gregory sighed

"Monsters?" Ultron asked

"Some kind of undead human-dear hybrid. Kinda fits the description of a Wendigo." Gregory shrugged

"So you have met The Woman. Who was the other one?" Ultron asked, turning back to face the tear

"Bearded prick with a suitcase. Seemed full of himself."

"The Librarian." Ultron stated

"Why do people call him that, if I may ask?" Gregory asked

"He seems to have a fascination with books. When making deals with sentient organic beings a library is where one could find him." Ultron turned back to face Gregory "Now tell me about this tear. What did they tell you?"

On the other side of the station, the team entered with Nikita leading the charge. Yellow-eyed Sentinels flew towards them, opening fire with hand-blasts. Nikita and Mil returned fire with Syeron attempting to block the hand-blasts with her lightsaber.

"The holding cells are to the left." Mil explained, looking at it's omni-tool

"And where's Ultron?" Syeron asked

"Straight ahead, at the end of this hallway." Mil stated as it blasted a green-eyed Sentinel to pieces

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Skywanker @Donder172 @Birdsie
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Zann looks towards the rest "I can't wait to turn Ultron into scrap and then use that scrap to melt into parts for my new ship." he says as he readies his blaster. "I don't care how many of these sentinels I have to destroy to kill him, I will eliminate them all if that is necessary to wipe him from history." He was going to make him pay dearly for his attack, and especially for the death of his closest friend and lieutenant, Urai Fen.
"Ultron took my lightsaber." Kylo Ren replied with bitter anger, gritting his teeth under his helmet "I will take it back from him as well as his head!"

Syeron rolled her eyes and tossed her curved lightsaber towards Kylo Ren who caught it and simply nodded at Syeron. He gripped the blade tightly as he experienced the same visions Syeron had.

"Where did you get this blade?" He asked, curious about the darkness that resided within it

"Soviets gave it to me." Syeron shrugged "Once you get your lightsaber back, give it to me. If I catch you trying to stab me in the back with it I'll kill you." She smiled sarcastically before running off with her group consisting of Pym, herself and Isaac.

"You obviously don't trust him, so why did you give him your weapon?" Pym asked suspiciously

"Well for one thing I can't wield two lightsabers one-handed." Syeron shrugged "And I don't want Ultron to kill anyone else."

Pym nodded understandingly as the three of them turned a corner to face the holding cells.

"Doctor Henry Pym!" One of the yellow-eyed Sentinels enthuastically began only for Syeron to decapitate it. As it's head rolled across the floor it let out a final "Hail HYDRA." before deactivating. This caught the attention of the other Sentinels who flew towards the group.

"Get the prisoners, I'll try and buy you some time." Syeron spoke in a serious tone.

She rolled her eyes and sighed "Why did I leave Artoo behind?" She muttered to herself before lunging forwards


The other group pushed forwards with Nikita leading the charge. She raised her left arm and generated a forcefield from her suit only for the blasts of almost two dozen Sentinels to bring it down. Despite this she continued to push forwards, taking the brunt of what the Sentinels threw at the group.

Kylo Ren noticed one of the yellow-eyed Sentinels examining his lightsaber, shaking the weapon next to it's face as if it was trying to hear something. Seeing his blade mistreated like a common child's toy Kylo Ren was filled with anger and tossed Syeron's blade towards the Sentinel, decapitating it. He used the force to retrieve his blade and activated it.

"And now to take Ultron's head..." Kylo Ren muttered to himself.

@Donder172 @Skywanker

Detecting the fight from within the station, Ultron turned to Gregory.

"You were the diversion." He spoke coldly

"The what now?" Gregory asked

Ultron grabbed the spear from Gregory's hands and tossed it aside, holding Gregory and lifting him into the air.

"I will not make the same error twice."

"Alright, you got me." Gregory grinned under his helmet "I was a big distraction ya daft cockwomble."

In response to this Ultron tossed Gregory across the room, causing him to hit against one of the walls. Ultron took a step towards him and lifted Gregory into the air by his throat.

"Your plan has failed."

"Well, I did come up with it on the spot." Gregory shrugged "But it was worth a shot."

Yami cursed as the spear was flung from Gregory's grasp. This had gone so far south, it looped right back around to where they'd started. Now he couldn't do anything but watch and wait for whatever came next. It looks like he'd be getting trapped in this universe after all.

Syeron and Isaac continued to hold off the yellow-eyed Sentinels as best as they could as Pym managed to finally hack through the controls, releasing the locks on every single cell. Syeron dashed forwards after she saw a yellow-eyed Sentinel get tossed from a cell to find Atalius.

The former Sith's body was almost free of physical scars, with only a few tears in his armour revealing exposed flesh underneath with another scar running across his helmet. He nodded as Syeron entered the cell, helping him to his feet. In another cell, Isaac managed to free Ivanhov.

"I failed." Ivanhov muttered "I-I told Ultron everything. Our strategies, our defences...Even about the obedience chips embedded inside the Footmen. He knows everything."

"Let's just focus on getting you out of here." Isaac tried to reassure the commander, wrapping Ivanhov's left arm around his shoulders and allowing the commander to lean on him.

The second group continued to push forwards, eventually reaching the room Ultron's prime body was in. Ultron turned his attention to the group, then back to Gregory.

"Told ya so." Gregory smirked under his helmet "Looks like me stupid plan worked."

"You are still outnumbered and outgunned. What could you possibly use to stop me?" Ultron asked coldly

"Ultron!" Kylo Ren yelled, lunging at the machine with his lightsabers and slicing into his back "You continue to stand in my way! With the tear's power I can finally be powerful enough to destroy Luke Skywalker!"

With Ren now distracting Ultron, Gregory managed to stand to his feet and pick up Yami's spear, wielding it in a defensive stance.

"The tear is mine Ultron." He spoke in a bitter, threatening tone

"Powerful?" Ultron asked, completley unmoved by the words of his enemies "If the Unknowns believe the energy from this anomaly can be harnessed..."

@Donder172 @TommyGun15
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@Donder172[/URL] @TommyGun15
"If I get a credit for every time someone says I can't do a I thing because I am outnumbered, I would be able to afford an entire new fleet." Nox comments towards Ultron as grabs his saberstaff and ignites it, as two red blades come to life with a hiss, charging at Ultron after Kylo and aims a slash at Ultron's neck, trying to decapitate him.

Zann opens fire at Ultron with his double barreled blaster carbine.
Ultron easily blocked Nox's attack, clutching the lightsaber in one of his metallic hands and twisting the blade, attempting to take Nox's head with it. He used one of his other hands to open fire on Zann but Nikita attacked from behind, spoiling Ultron's aim and causing him to instead create a massive dent in the wall just above Zann's head.

Nikita gritted her teeth and attempted to strike Ultron only for him to block her attack. He snatched the energy blade from Nikita's hands and turned towards Kylo Ren who blocked Ultron's attack and staggered back.

"I learned what I could of your world from Atalius, Sith." Ultron spoke coldly "You are no longer required. You are no longer important."

"No longer important?" Kylo asked angrily "I am Kylo Ren!" He shouted "I laid waste to the Jedi Order! Without me, the dark side would cease to exist!" He lunged at Ultron, yelling angrily as he aimed for the machine's head "You!" He shouted, slicing into Ultron "Are!" He shouted again, delivering another slice "Nothing!" He screamed, aiming a blow for Ultron's head and taking out one of his eyes.

Ultron appeared completley unfazed by the attack and simply hit Kylo with the back of one of his hands, tossing the Sith into a wall.

The second group made their way towards Ultron with Ivanhov and Isaac opening fire on the machine as he attempted to crush Ren under his heel. Ultron turned to them and opened fire only for Isaac to grab Ivanhov and dive out of the way while Syeron attempted to block the attack with her lightsaber.

@Donder172 @TommyGun15
@Donder172[/URL] @TommyGun15
Nox disignites the blade that Ultron holds before he can decapite Nox with is, then spins around and tries to stab him with the other blade at the sentinel's right side of its torso. Zann keeps shooting, even while Ultron opens fire on him.

Nox looks at Kylo as he fights "The Dark Side does exist without you, even without practitioners, it can't and won't ever die." he says towards Kylo.
Yami listened to the words Ultron said, and immediately knew they couldn't let that machine through the tear. With a snap of his fingers, a dozen spear arced through the air hurtling towards Ultron's main body.

"Stop him from reaching that tear!"

It was times like these that Yami wished his dark fire wasn't cold, and he could just melt Ultron to slag.
"Shut up!" Kylo shouted at Zann, pointing his lightsaber at him in a threatening way

"Goddamn it, focus on Ultron!" Max snapped "You can beat the crap out of each other later!"

"Your arguments are irrelevant, a demonstration of how even in a dire situation organic beings are naturally in conflict with each other." Ultron spoke as the spears struck him, knocking him back.

Ultron steadied himself and turned to Gregory, hitting him with the back of his head and knocking him down. As Gregory attempted to steady himself Ultron picked him up by the throat, lifting him into the air.

"Little man." He spoke, unsettling Gregory "You did it, you actually tricked me. I'm impressed." He pulled Gregory closer towards his mechanical face

"Trick you? All I did was distract you. There wasn't much trickery to be honest." Gregory replied, rambling

Ultron replied to Gregory's words by punching him in the stomach, causing him to cough up blood inside of his helmet. He took one final look at him before tossing him through the nearest window, throwing the mercenary into the vacuum of space. The station sealed the breach behind him as Ultron turned his attention to the group.

Kylo Ren lunged at Ultron, hitting him with his lightsabers and causing Ultron stumble back, taking damage to his prime body. The machine tried to steady himself but was knocked back further by Kylo Ren, falling back through one of the windows and into the tear itself. As the mechanical demon disappeared into the tear the group would realise their failure.

@TommyGun15 @Donder172 @apoliseno

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