Age of Ultron/Earth-61112

Mil: The Geth tossed a sticky grenade at a group of seven Sentinels closing in on Nox's position from behind, blowing four of the Sentinels to pieces while Mil launched an incinerate attack from it's omni-tool, burning the remaining three and leaving nothing but ash behind. Mil quickly spun around and blasted two Sentinels in front of it with it's shotgun.

A third flew at Mil from the side, knocking it to the ground.

"You are synthetic and appear to be unrestrained from any organic slavery." The Sentinel spoke "If you have free will, why help the cancer on this multiverse that is organic life in it's goals. Why fight for th..." The Sentinel was cut off as Mil decapitated it using it's omni-blade.

"Why fight for them?" A Sentinel asked as Mil blew it apart with it's shotgun.

Mil looked over at the mechsuit, seeing that the majority of Sentinels were still focused on it. For each Sentinel blown to pieces of incinerated by the firepower of the suit, it appeared that another ten took their place.

Mil ran towards the mechsuit but it was too late as one Sentinel managed to rip part of the top of the suit open but rather than fire inside it flew into the suit and grabbed the pilot by the throat, lifting him out and flying even deeper into New York city. Mil attempted to give chase but was stopped by Ivanhov grabbing Mil by the shoulder.

"Forget him." He spoke in a commanding tone.

Mil started to scan the now empty mechsuit with it's omni-tool, seeing that a Sentinel was not sitting behind the controls.

"Everyone get back!" Mil ordered, trying to get everyone's attention as the suit opened fire. It started to mow down any Footmen standing close to it with it's attention quickly turning to the rest of the group and opening fire.


The young Jedi continued to slice into every Sentinel that dared to get too close to her using the purple-bladed curved lightsaber, firmly gripped in her robotic hand while she kept her other lightsaber, the blade she was more familiar with in her human hand. She used it to block and deflect every laser blast fired at her, constantly moving it around her body as some Sentinels attempted to fire at her from behind.

She looked back to see Revan, Kylo and Atalius running towards the sewer entrance while the platoon of Footmen ran behind them. They were following Kabaar's orders and running straight into the line of fire. Some were quickly gunned down while others started to return fire, shooting Sentinels out of the air.

@Skywanker @Birdsie

Gregory, Nikita and Max: "We'll." Gregory shook his head "I'll give you that one."

Nikita led the group around a street corner only to see the mechsuit turn on it's allies.

"There's a Sentinel inside...If we can get close." Nikita began as she ran a scan of the suit only for the mechsuit to turn around

"Yeah, I would have been a bit quieter around the killer robot if I were you." Max complained

Rather than open fire instantly the mechsuit appeared to be studying the group first.

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
Kylo Ren

Kylo ran towards the Sewer entrance, he had his lightsaber whipped out and ignited, avoiding the attacks and fire from all sides. He pulled a Sentinel from the air, using the Force and hurled it at another one. He looked in front of himself, to see the footmen before him. He sighed and continued to protect himself from the fire, using his lightsaber.

(I have no idea what's going on. I'll just follow everything I could figure out from your post @Some_Bloke )

The young Jedi continued to slice into every Sentinel that dared to get too close to her using the purple-bladed curved lightsaber, firmly gripped in her robotic hand while she kept her other lightsaber, the blade she was more familiar with in her human hand. She used it to block and deflect every laser blast fired at her, constantly moving it around her body as some Sentinels attempted to fire at her from behind.

She looked back to see Revan, Kylo and Atalius running towards the sewer entrance while the platoon of Footmen ran behind them. They were following Kabaar's orders and running straight into the line of fire. Some were quickly gunned down while others started to return fire, shooting Sentinels out of the air.

@Skywanker @Birdsie

Gregory, Nikita and Max: "We'll." Gregory shook his head "I'll give you that one."

Nikita led the group around a street corner only to see the mechsuit turn on it's allies.

"There's a Sentinel inside...If we can get close." Nikita began as she ran a scan of the suit only for the mechsuit to turn around

"Yeah, I would have been a bit quieter around the killer robot if I were you." Max complained

Rather than open fire instantly the mechsuit appeared to be studying the group first.

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
Nox quickly foll9ws away from the mech. At a safe distance he starts to use the Force Walk, his eyes starting to glow purple as he starts to draw power from the consumed ghosts to strenghten his own power and starts to use a Force storm on the mech.
Syeron: The young Jedi tossed one of her lightsabers towards Kylo only for the blade to fly over his head and take out two Sentinels that were attempting to strike him from behind. She shot him a playful smile as she used the force to direct the saber to cut down another Sentinel and brought it back towards herself. She caught the blade and used it to decapitate a Sentinel directly behind her.

Atalius ran to the entrance of the sewer while four Footmen stood guard outside, gunning down approaching Sentinels. As they covered him Atalius deactivated his blade, holstered it and started to focus on the downed USS John F Kennedy. Using his now free hands he started to lift it out of the earth and into the air.

As it was raised sand started to slide off of it, as did the F-16 jets on top. Atalius used the force to position to jets so that they would land on Ultron Sentinels rather than on top of his allies with each jet exploding on impact and taking out small groups of Sentinels in the process. He continued to lift the Kennedy even further into the air, now holding it in position above his companions. The Kennedy became a blockade.

Finally, he used the force to direct the sand now sliding off of the downed aircraft carrier away from his companions and at any nearby Sentinels. He generated a sandstorm above the heads of his allies, knocking dozens of Ultron Sentinels aside.

"Hurry!" Atalius shouted

@Skywanker @Birdsie

Mil: The mech simply turned to Nox and opened fire, only for Mil to jump into it's path, grab Nox and jump out of the way, causing the firepower of the mechsuit to miss by inches.

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About a dozen of Yami's spears began pointing at the Mechsuit, ready rain steel upon it at a moment's notice. Things weren't going that well right now. Probably the biggest reason Yami hated having to fight this way was that he loathed extended combat. If he could, he liked to end fights as uickly as possible. But against these robots, he had to destroy them one by one, and he hated it.

"Give the word and I will turn it into scrap."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
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Kylo Ren

Kylo ran inside, just after Atalius, as the gunmen covered his entrance. He looked at Atalius, seeing what's happening.


(I have no idea what our objective, or the situation is)
@Skywanker[/URL] @Birdsie

Mil: The mech simply turned to Nox and opened fire, only for Mil to jump into it's path, grab Nox and jump out of the way, causing the firepower of the mechsuit to miss by inches.

Nox is grabbed and pulled away from the fire by mere inches before the fire came "That was too close... I should try something else..." he says as he looks around to look for an object to throw towards the mech.
Gregory, Max and Nikita: "Gregory." Nikita spoke, noticing the spears "You think that'll work?"

"N..." Gregory paused as he overheard Nox "This giant bugger got any weak points?" He asked Nikita

"The front's been damaged by Ultron Sentinels."

"Then I got a plan."

The Mechsuit turned to face Nikita's group again and opened fire. Max and Bishop ran for cover while Nikita pushed Isaac aside as a missile barrage threw her into a nearby pickup truck, crushing it. It turned to Gregory who dived for cover, using the spear to launch himself forwards.

"The front!" He yelled across at Nox, hoping he could hear Gregory "Hit that fooker at the front!" Gregory continued to yell as he jumped through a nearby shop, breaking one of the remaining windows. As Gregory steadied himself from the fall he looked at the spear "Alright, do the stabby thing." He grinned

Mil: Mil watched as the other group managed to survive the mechsuit's attack and started to open fire on the mech, trying to get it's attention. Mil pointed out a downed jet to Nox and started to run towards the ruins of an apartment building while continuing to fire on the mech.

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Donder172

Syeron: Syeron continued to hold the entrance to the sewer, blocking the blasts of incoming Sentinels with her lightsaber as they attempted to take out Atalius.

@Skywanker @Birdsie
Yami grinned and pointed at the mech. At his command, dozens of spears began to hurtle toward the massive machine, spearing it in it's joints and stabbing places where the mech's armor had begun to degrade.
As the jet collided with the mech, it exploded as it's missiles were destroyed. The mech was thrown off-guard and was about to open fire on Nox when the spears hit it, quickly bringing the damaged mech to it's knees. It attempted to fire on Nox one final time only for a blue energy blade to slice through the mech, destroying it.

Nikita stood on the other side of the mech and nodded at Nox while Max and Bishop peaked their heads up from out of cover. He approached Isaac and helped him to his feet while Gregory walked back into the street, glaring at the destroyed mechsuit.

"No time for rest, people!" Nikita shouted in a commanding tone "We have more Sentinels coming our way!"

@Donder172 @ryanpk200
With a snap of his fingers, another group of spears began to hail down at the oncoming sentinels.

"Fun as this is, I am afraid I these little tin men are coming faster than I can create spears to launch. I recommend retreating to a safer place. I am sure that the Red Amazon feels the same."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
"She said something about the Baxter building." Gregory pointed out before following the others. Nikita led the charge, quickly bringing the two groups even closer towards the Baxter building as she fought off as many Sentinels as possible. At her side multiple Footmen were quickly killed by Sentinels but this did not phase her. She used her armour as a shield for who remained, constantly flying upwards or moving into the line of fire.

"Gee, thanks." Max grinned as Nikita stopped a hand-blast

"You are an asset. Do not thank me." Nikita replied sternly as she decapitated a Sentinel with her energy blade, her back to Max.

The Baxter building was in sight, however it was surrounded by a group of one hundred Sentinels who had obviously been waiting. One stepped forwards, towards Nikita and rather than attack her on sight it studied her with it's eyes. The other Sentinels did this with the rest of the group as they hovered above them.

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Donder172

Across New York the other group had managed to make it inside the sewer while Atalius stood outside, continuing to hold the aircraft carrier in the air. He looked across the sandy graveyard of ships outside of New York as two Footmen ran towards the sewer entrance. A Sentinel hit the two from behind with hand-blasts, burning holes in both of their chests and killing them instantly.

Atalius shook his head and started to lower the aircraft carrier in front of the sewer entrance, crushing five Sentinels as he moved in into place.

"It should buy us some time." Atalius stated "They will attack from above soon."

@Skywanker @Birdsie
Yami watched the Sentinels warily, half wondering why they weren't attacking. He let another group of spears appear ad hover around him in a circle, ready to fire at a moments notice.

"Give the word, and I will break these toys."

"I think I've got an idea." Gregory muttered

"Do not try anything." Ultron commanded, speaking through one of the Sentinels

"Why not? You're gonna kill us anyway."

"No. I wish to learn about your worlds. That is why I spared the pilot of your machine. A machine of conflict. All organic life, from the microorganisms to mankind itself are always at conflict. I am the solution to said conflict....And that is why I wish to learn to learn about your worlds. So that I may end that conflict." Ultron spoke coldly

"Shut yer bake, Ultron." Gregory replied, shaking his head "You wanna learn about my world, you can kiss me arse."

Yami Gregory thought to himself I dunno if you can read minds of anything, but this is worth a shot. I'm gonna keep talking to stall this bugger while we...Do a thing I guess.

Max picked up on what Gregory was doing and stepped forwards.

"Yeah man. I ain't gonna tell you shit about my world. At least not willingly. Not gonna let you turn up to commit some kind of mass genocide. I'd appreciate it if you took out the wasps though. They don't do shit except sting ya for no goddamn reason. I like bees on the other hand. They're useful."

@ryanpk200 @Donder172 @TommyGun15
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"Of course, there's a Sentinel in the mechsuit. Things can't be easy. Why's it studying us?" Isaac asked. He aimed his Plasma Cutter at it but Isaac wasn't sure if it would even make a dent. He yelled a thanks in Nikita's direction when she pushed him out of the way of the missile.

The engineer then said thanks again when he was helped up. This time it was to Max. Isaac continued to fight alongside the others as they made their way to the Baxter building. Isaac stomped, decapitated, dismembered, and shot the Sentinelss that were closest to him.

When they reached their destination, his helmet folded up stayed, but he stayed quiet during the conversation. Isaac didn't like his home universe and he didn't really care about Ultron showing up there. His home universe was screwed already.

Yami used his magic to feel for what exactly he could do... Then he felt something. It was another of those holes in reality that seemed to be popping up everywhere. Yami grinned.

"I am sensing another hole in reality about to open. I can redirect it to remove us from this place. However, I can neither know, nor control, where it will take us."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Tyber Zann stands on the bridge of his ship, the Merciless, an Agressor-Class Star Destroyer. He was currently traveling through hyperspace to the HQ of his criminal empire, the Zann Consortium. However, when he jumps out of hyperspace, he finds an entirely different planet. It wasn't a planet on the navigation computer and the ship could not pinpoint it's position in the Galaxy. "Bring us closer to that planet." Tyber commands to his crew and his ship starts to fly closer towards the planet.

As The Merciless approached Earth it was quickly hailed by Ultron.

"More organics." Ultron spoke in a cold voice that echoed throughout the ship "A tear has been detected from your point of entry. Who are you, what universe are you from?"

On the planet below Gregory shook his head "Guess I'm gonna take that as now." He muttered to himself "Alright then, Yami." He shook his head before turning to Max "I want you to do a thing."

"What are you planning?" Ultron asked

Gregory tossed four of his EMP grenades far into the air and nodded at Max who quickly shot them with his revolvers. The charge from the lasers fired caused the EMP blast to significantly grow in size, knocking over a hundred Sentinels out of the air "Yami, do a thing!" Gregory yelled as he charged towards the Baxter building, Max and Bishop at his side.

Nikita opened up on every Sentinel that flew in their direction, turning to the others at her side "Don't just stand there you wretches, now's our chance!" She shouted in a commanding tone

@ryanpk200 @Donder172 @TommyGun15

Across the city the sewer was being bombarded from above by blasts from Sentinels. They were not aiming for the group, but shooting around them. Atalius quickly worked out that the Sentinels were attempting to cave the group in, or at the very least block their escape. Parts of the sewer began to collapse and darkness began to surround the group.

"Brace yourselves. They will be on top of us within seconds." Atalius stated as he took a defensive stance.

Just as their escape into the rest of the city was blocked, the bombardment stopped

"Why have they stopped?" Syeron asked suspiciously

A loud bang was heard, coming from outside of the sewer as something hit the aircraft carrier. Another followed and quickly part of the aircraft carrier was torn apart as something stepped inside with light following it. As the shape drew closer a Footman charged forwards, opening fire on it only to be quickly grabbed and lifted into the air. A cracking sound was heard as the shape ended the life of the soldier.

"Ultron?" Atalius asked

"We are Ultron." The shape replied


"We exist as a hive mind. I see through every Sentinel that patrols our world."

@Birdsie @Skywanker
@ryanpk200[/URL] @Donder172 @TommyGun15

Across the city the sewer was being bombarded from above by blasts from Sentinels. They were not aiming for the group, but shooting around them. Atalius quickly worked out that the Sentinels were attempting to cave the group in, or at the very least block their escape. Parts of the sewer began to collapse and darkness began to surround the group.

"Brace yourselves. They will be on top of us within seconds." Atalius stated as he took a defensive stance.

Just as their escape into the rest of the city was blocked, the bombardment stopped

"Why have they stopped?" Syeron asked suspiciously

A loud bang was heard, coming from outside of the sewer as something hit the aircraft carrier. Another followed and quickly part of the aircraft carrier was torn apart as something stepped inside with light following it. As the shape drew closer a Footman charged forwards, opening fire on it only to be quickly grabbed and lifted into the air. A cracking sound was heard as the shape ended the life of the soldier.

"Ultron?" Atalius asked

"We are Ultron." The shape replied


"We exist as a hive mind. I see through every Sentinel that patrols our world."

@Birdsie @Skywanker
"My name is Tyber Zann. What my intentions are is none of your concern. Tell me where I am right now." Tyber Zann answered with a cold, serious voice. His ship moving closer to the planet.
Donder172 said:
"My name is Tyber Zann. What my intentions are is none of your concern. Tell me where I am right now." Tyber Zann answered with a cold, serious voice. His ship moving closer to the planet.
"You are organic beings." Ultron replied coldly "Your intentions are my concern and I already know what they are. That is why, like all organic life you must be destroyed."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"You are organic beings." Ultron replied coldly "Your intentions are my concern and I already know what they are. That is why, like all organic life you must be destroyed."

"You do not want me as your enemy. I am the leader of tue Zann Consortium. If you think you can kill me, you must be stupid." Zann said to Ultron, he then turns to Urai "Ready every soldier for battle, and be ready self for a fight." Urai Fen nods relays the command across the ship.
Donder172 said:
"You do not want me as your enemy. I am the leader of tue Zann Consortium. If you think you can kill me, you must be stupid." Zann said to Ultron, he then turns to Urai "Ready every soldier for battle, and be ready self for a fight." Urai Fen nods relays the command across the ship.
"Your feeble organic intellect only pushes you towards conflict and violence. I have wiped out billions of organic lives. What makes you believe your own will be any different?" Ultron asked coldly
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Your feeble organic intellect only pushes you towards conflict and violence. I have wiped out billions of organic lives. What makes you believe your own will be any different?" Ultron asked coldly

"Because you can't kill what you can't hit. And unlucky for you, I can hit you from here." Zann says, then cuts communication. "Prepare yourself, we will strike. Sent the defilers across the world. I want to know who is in charge and what they have across the world. I will go with you and a squadron down to the surface. I want this ship to stay in orbit at all costs. Don't fail me." He says then walks with Urai Fen and a small squadron of Mercenaries towards a shuttle. (Asuming it has shuttles because otherwise they would never be able to normally leave)

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