Age of Ultron/Earth-61112

Both Nox and Zann look at Ultron as he falls into the tear. Zann looks at Ren "You idiot, you pushed it into that hole. Now we're kriffed and we can't kill it now." He says angrilly at Ren, being robbed from his chance of revenge on the piece of scrap. He hated Ren for that. Not only that, but he might just endangered them all, not knowing where Ultron could be now. It was impossible it was a black hole, as they would be all dead then if it was. "And if you think you can swing your blasted lightsaber to me and expect me to be intimidated, think again. I faced lightsabers before." He added with a cold tone
"Oh God no..." Pym muttered in horror "What have you done!?" He shouted at Kylo

"I get it now." A cold, robotic voice emitted from the tear

As Ultron emerged from the tear, his appearance had changed. His body was taller than before, standing at at least ten foot tall. A golden glow emitted from his body, coating the room in a golden light. The rogue AI took several moments to contemplate his new form, glaring at his arms to study them.

"I have witnessed the void beyond this Multiverse." Ultron spoke "As I gazed upon reality it dawned to me. With every choice we make we literally create a world, history branches in two. Yet every world, even worlds that claim to be utopias face a crisis at one point and organic life is often that crisis. The savage monkeys are rage-filled and claustrophobic, climbing over one another to nowhere. Confused by logic they dismiss it. Vicious, filthy, selfish, fearful. Organic life is an infection, a cancer on reality for which there is only one cure."

He turned to Pym "I understand now why you created me, father. You wanted me to improve the world. You wanted me to be the cure."

"Not like this." Pym shook his head, lowering it in defeat

"Yet you made me in your image, your thoughts. We see organic life in the same light."

"Just becuase we're flawed it dosen't mean we need to be eradicated!" Pym shouted angrily

"It does not matter, father. I have seen what you cannot, I have evolved beyond the potential you set for me and now I shall cure the Multiverse itself."

Kylo Ren lunged at Ultron "Not while I stand!" He shouted, aiming a blow for Ultron's head only for the mechanical devil to raise a hand, blocking Kylo's attack as if it was nothing and impaling the Sith on his own lightsaber. He glared into Kylo's eyes.

"Without you I would not have evolved. This is your reward." Ultron spoke coldly as he snuffed out Kylo's life. He dropped his lifeless body to the ground and turned to the group. Nikita was the next to attempt to strike Ultron only for him to stop her in her tracks with the wave of a hand, holding Nikita in place.

"What the hell...I can't move!" Nikita shouted

"Ivanhov told me that your armor consists of nanobots, allowing you to summon it at will. At first I was impressed by this technology and seeked to utilize it but now..."

Ultron waved his hand again, causing Nikita to scream in agony as her armour was ripped from her body in the form of nanobots, leaving Nikita with nothing but her regular clothes underneath. She fell to her knees and looked at Ultron in horror.

"You used this armour to wage war against a race of synthetics with a similar goal to my own." Ultron explained "Without it you are nothing." He took the nanobots in hand and proceeded to burn them in a palm of his hand, leaving nothing but ashes which he allowed to gently fall to the ground.

Nikita grinned at Ultron as an entire fleet of Soviet ships jumped across the Multiverse and surrounded the station.

"You may have beaten me, but you cannot withstand the might of the Soviet Empire!" Nikita shouted "This fleet is one of many! You cannot win, Ultron!"

"I'd like to test that theory." Ultron replied "Ivanhov told me about the Inhibitor chips you use in your clone army. With my new knowledge I can control this technology and turn one of your greatest weapons against your Empire." Ultron waved one of his hands as he looked outwards at the fleet.

Nikita's grin faded, a look of horror now on her face as the fleet began to destroy itself, with ship after ship turning on each other. Over his radio Ivanhov could only hear panicked screams that were quickly silenced.

@apoliseno @Donder172 @TommyGun15
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"So you can destroy one fleet because of inhibitor chips. It won't stop us, and you might have killed one of the Sith here. Doesn't matter. You will find difficult when fighting multiple fleets from multiple universes." Nox said to Ultron, hoping he could bring his own powerbase one day to destroy Ultron. The soldiers of the Imperial Navy were loyal to their commanders. Which also includes the men under his command. Though his own powerbase isn't as big as the Sovjet Fleet, it still was one not to take lightly. He knew he could not send the entire fleet if he could even get a single ship there. Also the war with the Republic makes it impossible to send the entire fleet, though he might be able to get the support of Darth Marr and his fleet. Though he could only try if he ever get to his own universe again, alive.

Nox turns towards the others "Any way to get reinforcements from other universes?" He asks the others.

Zann looks towards Ultron as he kills Ren and destroys an entirely fleet by using inhibitor chips? "A clone army? Was the Clone Wars not enough?" He asks "At least he is back. Now DIE ULTRON!" Zann said as he raises his blaster at him and aims a shot to the head.
"Those universes will be cleansed of organic life. You cannot stop me. This this is my purpose, this is why I was created and I shall fulfill it." Ultron explained coldly. He raised one of his hands, stopping the laser in mid-air and directing it back at Zann aiming it for his head. As the laser was inches away from Zann's face Syeron jumped in front of Zann and blocked the attack with her lightsaber.

Ultron glared at Syeron and she fell to her knees, clutching her head and screaming in agony.

"We can't fight him." Pym sighed deeply

"So what, are we just gonna lay down and die?" Max asked

"Resisting me will only delay the inevitable." Ultron replied coldly

Mil ran to Syeron's aid, scanning her with it's omni-tool

"You cannot help her." Ultron stated

"I can try." Mil replied.

Ultron looked over at Nox and Zann, raising two of his hands and causing a tear to open behind them, sucking both of them through. With a wave of his hands Ultron shut the tear.

@Donder172 (will be opening new universe)

Outside of the station Gregory Nelson opened his eyes, finding himself drifting through a debris field. He examined the debris, seeing Soviet symbols painted all over the remains of what he could only assume had once been ships. Gregory looked down, seeing that he was still holding the spear and sighed.

"I've got a day or two worth of oxygen in this suit, do you think you can keep me alive after that?" He asked Yami

@apoliseno @TommyGun15
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@Donder172[/URL] (will be opening new universe)

Outside of the station Gregory Nelson opened his eyes, finding himself drifting through a debris field. He examined the debris, seeing Soviet symbols painted all over the remains of what he could only assume had once been ships. Gregory looked down, seeing that he was still holding the spear and sighed.

"I've got a day or two worth of oxygen in this suit, do you think you can keep me alive after that?" He asked Yami

@apoliseno @TommyGun15
Yami looked at the destruction around them, the at Gregory, a somewhat impatient look on his face.

"Yeah, I can keep you alive."

Yami looked back down at the planet. Even from up here, he could sense what was going on. Ultron had become far more powerful than any machine had a right to be, and now Gregpry's friends were probably going to die. Of course, he didn't say this. Greogry could probably figure that out.

"You know what? Just... ugh. It's been a rough day."

@Donder172[/URL] (will be opening new universe)

Outside of the station Gregory Nelson opened his eyes, finding himself drifting through a debris field. He examined the debris, seeing Soviet symbols painted all over the remains of what he could only assume had once been ships. Gregory looked down, seeing that he was still holding the spear and sighed.

"I've got a day or two worth of oxygen in this suit, do you think you can keep me alive after that?" He asked Yami

@apoliseno @TommyGun15
Zann looks with wide eyes as the blaster shot just stopped in mid-air and went back to him, something that seemed impossible. He then looks towards Syeron as she saves him from death, noticing her screaming in agony after falling on her knees. Looking at Ultron and aims his weapon again at Ultron to shoot "Go to hell." He said as he pulls the trigger, but before he can fire he get sucked in by the tear behind him.

Nox aimed his fingers towards Ultron to aim a barrage of Force lightning, only to be sucked into a tear before he can do the attack.
Dozens of Ultron Sentinels flew upwards along the corridor towards the group, both Ultron Sentinels and the yellow-eyed Sentinels. They began to block the exit as the eyes of the red eyes of Ultron Sentinels began to glow.

"What do we do?" Max asked Mil, a look of fear in his eyes

"You will share the fate of every single organic being in the Multiverse. Your death is necessary for order. " Ultron spoke, aiming a hand-blast at Max only for him to be hit from the left.

Ultron turned to see Ivanhov pointing a rifle at him "Go!" Ivanhov yelled

"Iva..." Nikita began but was cut off by the commander

"I put the Soviets in jeopardy. The least I can do is buy you a little time to save our people! Go!"

Nikita nodded understandingly, picking up her weapons and turning to run with the others. She picked up Syeron's other lightsaber on the way, attaching it to her belt.

Ivanhov emptied the entire clip of his laser rifle into Ultron, a determined look on his face as the mechanical devil tossed the rifle aside and grabbed Ivanhov by the throat.

"You have not saved your friends, you have only delayed their inevitable deaths." Ultron spoke in a cold tone, staring deeply into the eyes of the old and withered Commander.

"Dlya Imperii (For the empire)." Ivanhov muttered weakly "Dlya Imperii...Ya sdelayu chto ugodno (I would do anything)."

Ivanhov drew a laser pistol attached to his belt and fired into Ultron's chest. It didn't even make a dent.

Ultron replied to Ivanhov's actions by staring even deeper into his eyes. A red glow emitted from the devil's eyes as he shot lasers from them, burning the inside of Ivanhov's skull and killing him within seconds.

Those seconds were all the group needed for the two former Sith, Revan and a wounded Atalius were able to push through the first line of Sentinels while Mil, Valentine and the others that could still fight backed them up. However the second line held, surrounding the group easily and overwhelming them.

The Sentinels held the group down with each one aiming a hand blast for the head in order to grant each one a quick death. Tears filled Max's eyes as he looked towards his oldest friend Bishop who attempted to break free from the Sentinel's grasp.

"If I'm goin' out, I'm glad I'm doin' it with you be my side." Max smiled tearfully, scratching the dog behind his ears. This appeared to calm Bishop down as he too accepted his fate.

Pym too was held down, he could only look into the eyes of the Sentinel that held him down as his robotic son saw his father through the Sentinel's eyes.

"Wait." Ultron spoke through the Sentinel "I cannot kill you father, not yet. I want you to witness what your creation can accomplish. I wan...I need you to be there as I cure reality."

"Ju...Just kill me." Hank pleaded tearfully "You took everything away from me."

"As you wish, father." Ultron replied with what appeared to be a hint of sadness in his robotic voice

Before the Sentinels could deliver the killing blows, an orb started to surround the group, coating them in a white light. As this light faded, all that remained of the group were the now disassembled and broken bodies of the Sentinels that were holding them down.

(will be continued in a new universe tab @apoliseno )
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Gregory continued to drift through space, holding onto the spear tightly as what appeared to be another tear opened behind him. He sighed deeply as he drifted towards it.

"Our other choice is to stay here with the genocidal robot or to take our chances with whatever's on the other side of that thing. What do ya say?" He asked Yami

Yami looked at the tear, then back at the planet.

"Well, we'd be leaving your friends behind, if you could call them friends that is. But, I suppose when it's a choice between Ultron, and whatever's through there, I suppose I know which option I'd pick."

Yami floated up to Gregory and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, staring at the tear they were rapidly approaching.

"Think you can put up with being alone with sarcastic old demon for a while?"

"If Ultron got through the tear they're probably dead already..." Gregory replied in a grim tone, looking down "Even if they made it, we're just what...A demonic spear-thingy and a miserable git." He shrugged as the two started to drift closer and closer to the tear "As for spendin' time with ya, well I'd be better than the time I spent as a human popsicle. Long story."

Yami smirked at the mention of the human popsicle.

"Hey, at least you probably weren't conscious for that. Me, I've spent centuries sitting in one place with nothing to do, just waiting for someone to come along and pick me up. What do you say? You and me against whatever craziness is through that?"

At this point, the question was moot, as they were literally mere feet from the tear.

"No, I was conscious for all of it." Gregory sighed as the two became mere feet away from the tear "I sure wish hell wish I wasn't." He shook his head as the two drifted through the tear.

(@TommyGun15 will be continuing in a new tab)

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