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Fantasy Age of the Black flag

"yeah, sorry i got held up a bit, gotta eat, you know..?", he sighs, "so im gonna tell them the drill now"
Lizzy glared at Benjamin "listen dude, I don't take orders or do shit for anyone but my self and Satan Himself"
"i know you, but not you now. you're going to meet me in the future.", benjamin sighs, "i wont look like this though"
She puffed her cheeks in confusion "u-uh. Ok?" she looked at him confused as to what was going on. She bit on her lip before looking down not being able to look directly into his eyes. She didn't know why but her head filled with a strange cloudyness whenever she did
"I am calm Damian, if wasn't I could burn us all alive in an instant" Lizzy Adidas sternly before walking up to Benjamin
Benjamin sighs again, (he is currently in human form)
He looks at Lizzy, “you are a lesbian demon that used to be human. Is that good enough or you?”
She stops halfway "how the fuck do you know that, I've only told one person, and it sure the fuck wasn't you"
He looks to Damian, “You have a glass eye... and for good reason, I now see..”

He looks back to Lizzy, “I told you, you are eventually going to meet me! The whole crew now knows this”

He looks at 3-way, “can you three not right now? It’s hard enough when you have your own bodies. I don’t need to deal with you when you only have one!”
all three of them shout "WHAT!" at the same time but instead of that actually happening they collapse
“Remember! I’m almost as confused as all of you are right now... I didn’t expect you all for another 30 years.” He looks to Charles, “sorry man, apparently you didn’t age well... they thought you were 70...”, he stops for a second, “and for the love of satan, please don’t correct them!”

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