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Fantasy Age of the Black flag

"i-in a box.." she squeaked out looking down getting flustered at his serious tone and the fact he was staring at her.
He'd be concerned a bit, looking down at Sherlock, who looked back up at him with a smile. He'd turn to Leo, Dawn and Eli "What do you guys make out of it?" He said, after handing them the book.
Dawn "what the hell" they said flipping through the book
Elli "why are we all in here"
Leo "this makes no fucking sense"
Dawn "why do we look older"
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"I just came yesterday." Damian turns to lizzy. His dog, Sherlock, barked at her, running up to her and sliding himself in between her legs, nuzzling against her. Damian looks down at Sherlock with a smirk. "I'm Damian."
"That means that I was supposed to meet you guys, or, that something will happen. Is there anything significant that changes in the book?"
"t-there are other people here.. And we. Uh. We look like p-pirates.." she looks at herself who seems more confident in the future she gently touches her own smiling face
Sherlock rolls onto his stomach instinctively, his tongue falling out from the corner of his mouth as he pants. He was a white shepherd dog, with a snow white coat that was neatly kept. Damian nodded to Lizzy, and turned to Aya, raising a brow a bit.


Damian became concerned further.
"w-well look.. O-owen is holding u-up a p-pirate flag and d-damien has an eye patch.. we look h-happy" she looks at everyone there she looks to Lizzy. "why do you l-look like a demon..?"
"What about blueprints? I was a construction worker for a while." Charles walks over and looks at the picture. "Okay, what the fuck?"

Damian looked down at the page, seeing the picture, and smiling a bit. Sherlock got up on his feet and licked Lizzy's face, climbing up so his paws where on her shoulders, showering her in puppy love.

"Sherlock, sit." Damian commanded seriously.

Sherlock looked to Damian and barked, going over to him and sitting by his side.

"Im sure we can make something of those blueprints."
Damian looked over to the book, paying closer attention to "future" him, and noticing he had an eyepatch. He narrows his eyes, and notes this.
She breathes shakily not knowing how to deal with the attention. She opens a door and flicks on an old switch illuminating a dusty room filled with old objects. "t-this is where i-i found the book.."

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