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Fantasy Age of the Black flag

Avas ears prick up to the sound of owens crying. She hurries to him and squishing him against her chest "what's wrong??" she plays with his hair
She gently plays with his hair "shhhh baby it's ok. D-dont be so rude! H-he was trying to help" she pouted at him

A police bell can be heard quickly coming towards them
Damian, walking up with Sherlock at his side, would pick up Leo from the bin, picking all three of them up from the barrel and placed them outside, kicking the barrel with a force to kick it over. He'd look down at Leo and sighed.

"Come on, we came for a reason."

Damian say Aya, and maintained eye contact with her for a bit, before speaking.

"Uh, what was it you wanted?"

He wanted to drive past what had happened.
Damian gave Leo the big *doink* on his head, slapping him upside.

"Calm down!"

Sherlock would release his leg, and pant excitedly.
She squeaked a little "i-i found something that.. You guys might uh. Well probably should w-wanna see" she puffed her cheeks a little bit pulling the book from her pocket "p-please stop s-screaming.. My e-ears have a-a hyper sensitivity.."
He'd peer at the others, narrowing his eyes a bit. "Lets all stop screaming, what is it?" He'd look down curiously at the book, blinking a tad bit. He'd have his hands in his pockets as usual. He takes a hand out to the book.

"May I?"
they stop scrambling backward
Dawn "sorry about that love, he is terrified of dogs," they say standing up
"Of course, Dawn." He'd say, watching them stand up. Sherlock barked a bit and panted in excitement. Sherlock would sit by Damian's side, scratching his ear.
She nods and flicks through the pages to find the picture of them together on the ship "h-here.." she looked down handing him the book
He'd nod, seeing the picture and narrowing his eyes. He'd flick through the book, seeing a set of pictures. His eyes widened a bit. He'd continue flicking through it, curiously studying them.

"What is this..?"

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