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Dice Age of Discovery

Fus ro dah

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
There are limited places in this roleplay. Empty positions can be taken on by players, or they will be NPC'd. First in, best served! Yes you can reserve! I'll remind you only twice to post your CS before your role is offered elsewhere.


The Expedition Leader is exactly what it sounds like. They lead the group, make the final decisions and are responsible for overseeing the group. This is my role along with the narration part of the roleplay.

The Scientists gather data and samples from this new world. Depending on their speciality, their knowledge will assist the group, especially in botany/biology. Astronomers will be declined.

The Hunter is likely to also have some scientific or fighting knowledge, but their main task is to seek out safe drinking water and safe food to keep the expedition fed.

The Medic probably has some botanical knowledge along with their medical knowledge, mostly healing herbs, but their main task is to ensure the expedition remains healthy and to tend to any wounds.

The Photographer takes photographic evidence of interesting and important sights during the expedition. They also take on the job of the Ration Master, ensuring the group has enough food and water.

The Cartographer has an important task, they map out the land as the expedition explores it, making notes of important places and landmarks. They carry rolls of paper, sealed bottles of inks and pens as well as charcoal. They also have a lightweight table and stool.

The Scribe keeps a journal of the daily happenings of the expedition for future reference. They also might have knowledge of ancient languages that may be similar to what the expedition may encounter.

The Guards make sure to keep everyone safe from attacks. Everyone who wants a weapon can have one of course, but the guards are always on the look out for danger.



Expedition Leader: @Fus ro dah (Done!)


1. @Imperator Penguin (accepted)

2. @WhoopDau (accepted)

Hunter: [USER=13148]@Stickdom[/uSER] (accepted)

Medic: @khuyen (accepted)

Photographer/Ration Master: @IROH (accepted)

[B]Scribe/[/B][B]Cartographer:[/B][I] [/I][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24871-p-u-r-i-t-y/"][I]@P U R I T Y[/I][/URL][I] (accepted)[/I]


1: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26613-aur0ra/"][I]@Aur0ra[/I][/URL][I] (accepted)[/I]

2: [uSER=43117] NPC
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Blank Character Sheet




Position In Expedition:

Description: (Realistic only, photo or drawn.)




Inventory: (Please keep this updated)

Anything Else:
Bryn Artairgwyn "The White Rock on the Hill"

The dirt of the road between my fingers whispers tales of those who have gone before, a wagon yesterday, a pilgrim today. The rocks that tumble down the hillside whistle the tune of a traveler who has left his home. Birds gossip to each other, dropping secrets for any who will listen closely. Can you hear it, brother, the sound of the earth moving beneath your very feet?
Bryn, on the subject of nature

Basic Info

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.812b391cabaa4d54b7a468d7cd00d015.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.812b391cabaa4d54b7a468d7cd00d015.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alias: The Prince of Fair Rock, "Art"

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Role: Hunter

Appearance: Bright green eyes reminiscent of fresh moss, stately, sharp nose, and clean-shaven chin, Bryn has a fair face to match his name, framed by hair kept long, but clean. Numerous minute scars scatter across his back, chest, and base of the neck, trophies and tokens of a life spent in the wilds of Esta. Tattoos of tribal form mark his shoulders and upper arms, his left in the shape of a rose bower, thorned vines wrap around his arm with delicate depictions of buds and blossoms, while his right arm has the swirling design of the sea foam breaking off the coast, crested with small pointed waves around the edges.



  • Travelling Garb:
    - Never one for formality, Bryn wears the simple garb of his people, which, while considered primitive by the more "refined societies", is nonetheless effective at keeping the elements at bay and allowing for comfort and survivability in almost any situation. Consisting of a tunic and breeches of sturdy wool weaved at the looms of the elder women of his tribe, reinforced at the joints with patches of leather and padded entirely with soft lamb's coat for insulation. Flexible moccasins of cowhide with soles of fire-hardened leather and lined with more lamb's shearings are nearly waterproof on the feet, while a leather jerkin and coat of supple deerskin provides as much warmth and protection for the upper body.

  • Inherited Armour:
    - In the past, the tribe of Bryn's ancestors was a warrior culture, strong and proud, and while straight-forward in their methods and tactics, they were nevertheless feared for their ferocity and effectiveness. This armour had been passed down for generations in the line of chieftains, eventually coming into Bryn's possession from his father. With metal being rare and precious, it was use sparingly, mostly in thin sheets over the key defensive points of the armour, while the majority of it is hardened leather sewn onto wooden joints and plates to form a primitive breastplate, pauldrons, and greaves of sorts, shaped to represent the faces of fierce and majestic monsters of their mythology.

Tools and Weapons:

  • -Tribal Warspear: A fearsome weapon in the hands of an experienced warrior, this simplistic weapon is little more than a stout point affixed to the end of a sturdy staff. This particular weapon has a broad blade, wide at the sides to give it a hefty weight and make it practical as a cleaving weapon as well as throwing or stabbing.
  • -Iron Hand-axe: A common axe used by woodsman and trappers alike, this stout one-handed tool can be used in chopping a log, hollowing a canoe, stripping leather, or reversed to use the flat backside as a hammer. An essential tool for any outdoorsman.
  • -Javelins: Shaped like elongated arrows, these throwing spears are light and the feathered shafts allow them to fly straight and true. Despite their flimsy appearance, they are a practical weapon in hunting or combat, especially when launched using a throwing cord wrapped around the shaft and then pulled to add spin to its flight, boring a hole into the target with deadly accuracy. These darts are pre-prepared with cord and stored in a sort of quiver across the back for easy access in times of need.
  • -Rimmed Round-shield: A small shield little more than a flat, oak buckler, rimmed with a band of iron with a bright brass knob in the center to hold the wooden slats firmly in place. A traditional shield of his people, held to the lower arm with leather cinches, minimalist yet effective in design and use.

Various Other Items:

  • -Wooden spool of cotton yarn and several bone needles from small animals; fragile, but replaceable.
  • -Wooden belt-case with small vials of greenish dried-moss-pigment ink and crow-feather quill, as well as a few charcoal sticks.
  • -Journal of leather bindings around parchment pages.
  • -Several leather water-skeins with wooden stoppers and spouts, holds approximately a pint of liquid each.
  • -Lengths of hemp rope for climbing, trapping, or securing objects. One small length is attached to a leather pouch for use as a stone-sling.
  • -Thin leather strips used to tie up hair and around the forehead, strung with charms and talismans to ward off evil spirits and invite good omens.
  • -Leather satchel fixed on a wooden frame to form a backpack. Filled with days' dried and smoked rations, lard soap, a few wool cloths and rags for cleaning weapons and body.
  • -Pouch of smoking tobacco and a wood-and-clay smoking pipe.


  • -Hunting: Bryn is an adept hunter, able to devise traps and set snares with little resources other than what he finds in the wilds. Able to stalk deer in an overgrown glade, catch a rabbit with a tripwire, find safely edible plants and berries, or ascertain fresh water by only a look and smell, Bryn's talent in this field is a valuable asset to any expedition. His tribe's reverence of nature means he must respect each kill as a sacrifice of one life to sustain another, but this does not prevent him from utilizing his talents to secure sustenance or materials when necessary.
  • -Cooking: What use is having the skill to catch prey if one has no means to safely eat it? This skill not only includes preparing a meal, but also salvaging useful materials from the carcass, bones for needles and fish-hooks, sinew for bowstrings, or pelts for clothing. Still, any who have tasted Bryn's cooking have often wondered at how he can bring such flavor to the table using only herbs and plants foraged from his immediate surroundings at a moment's notice.
  • -Nature Lore: While not as precise or exact as modern science practiced in the civilized world of Espadion, the knowledge and use of plants and animal organs as medicine and sustenance, or distinguishing poisonous plants and venomous animals at a glance, are talents never wasted among the wilds. Bryn has also practiced at the art of calming animals from a feral rage to a neutral calm, or possibly even companionship if given the time to aid and endear himself to the beast.



Lighthearted and optimistic, Bryn has a positive outlook on nearly any situation, no matter how bleak. With a "knocked-down twice, get up thrice" attitude, his cheerful stubbornness has seen him through many perilous circumstances, often a little worse for wear, but spirits never dampened. While strong-willed and impetuous, Bryn has a fantastic sense of self-respect and personal justice, eager to take the role of a hero on the side of the crestfallen and trampled against the oppressor. The history of his ancestors leaves him with some minor prejudice against "the civilized savages", especially those of Espanian heritage, but Bryn is willing to give even a hardened enemy a chance to redeem themselves in his own eyes. His primary motivation for joining this expedition is to discover a land as wild and untamed as the Esta of the past he has heard so many tales of.


+ Intelligent and cunning, quick of wit and charm.

+ Resourceful; able to forage a feast or craft shelter from seemingly nothing. Items always have more than one use in his hands.

+ Skilled fighter, trained in his tribe's fashion of warfare, primitive but effective. May be a fair fight for any man or beast alone.

+ Keen senses, hardly misses details, both in observation and in social settings. Able to deduct underlying tones in conversation to pick apart hidden meanings.


- Inquisitive to a fault, curiosity and taste for adventure often lead him to forsake his better judgement.

- Rash and impatient, may make hasty decisions as a result of current excitement, rather than logical thinking. Not much for long-term planning.

- Superstitious, may refuse certain tasks or choices based upon instinct or belief.

- Slightly narcissistic, thinks very highly of himself. Loves praise, but insults or harsh correction may leave him sulking. Rather childish in maturity at times.


+ Food, well-prepared. Enjoys a good meal.

+ Fresh air and being outdoors. The world is his backyard.

+ Being with companions. Makes many attempts to befriend nearly everyone.

+ Being relied on. Bryn feels the need to be useful, and wishes to be of any help he can.


- Being alone. The concept of isolation terrifies him.

- Stillness. Being in one place for too long unsettles him.

- The sight of large amounts of his own or his friends' blood. Hunting does not bother him, but fear of his friends being hurt is unbearable.

- Being a burden. Bryn thrives on being useful and hates to be the cause of another's frustration or anger.


History: TBC

"Come, friend, let us take up the trail yet to be found, with a song on your tongue and sword in hand and spirit unbreakable."



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"I'll disappear like the wind

leaving you with merely the memory of my presence

and the realization of my worth."

no slide

Rae is a Melancholic perfectionist, meaning she's diligent, yields golden results and values detail as opposed to general concepts; she's easily disappointed, however, and dislikes putting the fate of herself, or her projects, in the hands of others. Others not meeting her expectations, whether it's following through with a relationship, or simply reciprocating her own efforts, has given her a rather melancholic perspective about everything, especially that which has social aspects. She's not easily excited, swayed or convinced, and disregards words, awaiting actions instead; she is easily incriminated, though, and can be taken advantage of via guilt quite often. Her apologetic tendencies are a bit of a redundant, bad habit, however they're genuine, every time.

Methods of strategy, cleaning, cooking, even art, are all idiosyncratic, messy to those who peer in from the outside, but her personal preference. Rae always gives herself the third option, even when they say there isn't one, she does things her way and rarely concedes out of natural stubbornness, but isn't an instigator and naturally prefers some sort of compromise. She thinks outside the box, enjoys putting pieces together and approaching things in a logical manner; however, she's such an empathetic individual that her emotions can easily lead her to be both turbulent, and incapable of seeing things past the pathos lens. Rather dogmatic, Rae can be seen as quite a force to be reckoned with, but that's through constantly testing her patience (which is short with everything but her art) or provoking her, which isn't the hardest thing to do. Though it's hard to understand why anyone would want to upset Rae, she's a bit of an angel, sweet, altruistic, generous, helpful regardless of her feelings and rarely compromises her morals which earns respect from most.

She's grounded, but you cannot keep her tied down. She likes to have a choice, options, freedom, and squirms in the hold of another. Commitments and responsibilities, aside from what she has natural talent for, tends to weigh heavily on her, and prevents her from being comfortable due to the weight of obligation. Knowing someone is relying on her is also stressful, and while you can count on her to get the job done she'll likely flee, wordlessly, as soon as she's finished. She's lived her whole life with a lack of stability and relatively alone, she doesn't know how to plant her roots, and feels scared at the very idea (though longs for it, paradoxically). Rae is rather high maintenance, capable of adapting though she prefers finer qualities and a bit of luxury, while she's not one for vanity, emotionally she likes to be catered to, and prefers people be gentle with her at all times, as well as protect her since she's more of a thinker than a fighter.


Nighttime, rain, autumn, candles, gems, jars and glasses, metals, animals (As well as insects for the most part), nature (specifically greenery, mountainous areas), drawing (paints, pastels, whatever she can get her hands on), masculinity, logical reasoning, justice.

Food, specifically very sweet, or in contrast, salty meals. Dislikes anything sour, bitter, really spicy, and most herbs. Loves seafood. Has a big appetite for such a tiny thing.


Humid weather, swimming, animosity, discord, physical activities, fighting/combat, fashion, confrontation, sugar coating, social stratification, challenging fate.


Sense of direction

Great geographic memory

Reads the weather rather well



Speech craft



Physically weak

Neurotic worrier/Easily stressed

Has trouble getting adequate rest (Hyper mind)

Commitment - Not to be confused with loyalty. Rae has trouble staying, not aiding.


Book binding


Sun Salutations

Collecting pocket watches

Birth place



Schooled/Inherited artistic skill from her mother, a renown artist within Esta

Absorbed valuable skills in the arts of trading and speech craft from her as well

Learned about cartography through her high class peers and took on the field herself, permitted excellent teaching by some of the best due to her mother's connections

However, their lifestyle required a constant uprooting, and although one moment they may make enough money to last them the year, there were twice as many times of financial drought that kept them both humble and constantly in survival mode, the market was not a friendly one.

She was a home body growing up, always shielded by her mother and usually hiding behind her, rarely social though always polite and praised for her good behavior as a child. Befriended animals and spent her spare time drawing and recording the places they traveled, thus encouraging her interest in this chosen field.

Geography isn't her strongest point, but her memory of landscapes and impeccable recollection of detail save her hide every time.


Compass and sextant

Large supply of pencils, a few containers of quality ink, quills, brushes and charcoal

Limited supply of tanning oil and salts to refine parchment, so she's extremely picky with what she records in fear of wasting her small supply

Some form of measurement rope/tape

A (breed) horse companion to carry all of this equipment: drying racks and frames for making maps, as well as easels and miscellaneous small, very valuable utensils that would be irreplaceable if lost or broken.


Many coats for when it's cold

Otherwise she wears articles pertaining to comfort and practicality, with a touch of femininity.

Boots for trekking, one worn pair and a similar pair brand new.


Traditional pocket watch from a heritage festival in Wysteria, she purchased it for half the price from a traveling caravan.

Bands to keep her hair from her face.

Always has a pencil resting above her ear.


Not sure, doubtful she has one.


N/A atm.

Anything Else
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Hope you have a spot for me as the medic, soli (I know you do!) Thoughhhhhhhhhhh my medical knowledge is limited but alas it is roleplaying right?!

Meghana Fraser, The Medic


Name: Meghana Fraser

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Position In Expedition: Medic

Description: A 5"5 frame with short curly hair, and blue eyes. Pretty average features for an estanian woman. Her built is an odd mix between scrawny and lean. Her arms are stronger than they look, a result from carrying books and other medical equipment around all the time.

Birthplace: Juro in Esta, but she is currently found in Wysteria.

Personality: Steady hand, steady heart. Those were the words always told to her by Dr. Solomon, and that is what Meghana lives by. She's not easily scared or even rattled, finding it way easier to just have a logical mindset and an analytical approach to whatever life throws at her. She's a workaholic, often buried in her studies on healing herbs with little time to play or take care of herself. Her friends are sparse; she says herself that she has little time to care for other people (or perhaps she just does not know how to). Socially, she just sees no reason to mingle with people unless there is a prospective outcome for her. A yearning for the home she remembers has always been present, but through her life with Dr. Solomon, she has tried to suppress it, perhaps scared of what she would find were she to return. Her feelings towards the people of Espanion are conflicting; she truly hates them for what they did to her and the scars the wars had left behind, but she could not deny the kind feelings she had received from the (few) people she had gotten to know over the last years.


Being the only daughter of a wealthy traders-family, Meghana grew up quite comfortably. Her family had a respectable home and business in Juro as well as a formidable reputation among their fellow townsmen. When she was 10, an attack from Espadion came to Juro; the life she knew was no more. The big war had ended right around the time of her birth, but alas the two countries were never at peace. Meghana's father kept them alive as his business proved valuable to many of the soldiers and captains, but it was only a matter a time. As her father's resources ran out, the Fraser family could do no more to protect their own. Meghana was taken by an enemy ship alongside with many of Juro's children to be kept as slaves or houseworkers in the Capital. Crying would do the little girl nothing, but that was all she did. That is, untill she was bought by a cruel family and learnt that the continuous beatings hurt more than holding in her tears. 4 years passed. Meghana heard nothing of what happened in the world outside, she only knew the 'comforts' of the basement room she was to call her home. The more time passed, the less her host-family took care of her. They, too, had fallen into ill-fate. One winter morning, they threw her out onto the streets, telling Meg to fend for her own. It wasn't long before she collapsed from exhaustion and starvation.

For once though, Meghana was lucky. She was picked up by kind strangers and taken to a doctor's home, who tended to her wounds. Having no where to go, Meghana began to work for the man who had saved her life, Dr. Solomon. The next 10 years of little 14-year old Meghana were spent on learning the ways of medicine, which, lucky for her, it seemed she had a knack for.

no slide
- A kit with medical equipment

- Needle, thread and bandages for stitching wounds

- A belt with 2 daggers

- 2 reference books on medicine

- A water pouch made of leather

- A journal to write down her own findings

- A locklet necklace with her family name engraved on it.

Don't put that in your mouth! It's poisonous, you absolute imbecile!
Meghana Fraser

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Captain Flynn Storm

Age: Mid twenties

Gender: Male

Position In Expedition: Captain/Expedition Leader

Description: Standing just at six feet in height, Flynn stands slightly above the average height for Espadionites. His eyes are a pale grey which stand out in contrast to his ebon black hair. He appears to be thin, but lithe muscles are hidden beneath his clothing from day to day training. His clothing is neat and tidy, as are his weapons.

Weapons: Flynn carries twin musket pistols as well as a twin cutlasses, which were a prize from taking out the leader of a piracy outfit on one of the small coastal islands.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/commission__rand_by_adelenta-d4gccxr.jpg.9dbbff2b65addf58f8de10b928022ea4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/commission__rand_by_adelenta-d4gccxr.jpg.9dbbff2b65addf58f8de10b928022ea4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: TBD

Birthplace: Unsure, left at the Wysteria Orphanage as a newborn by a young mother who didn't want a bastard child.

Orphaned from birth, Flynn has always had a bit of a rough life. He used to get into fights a lot, unable to express himself any other way. At ten, he took a job on a ship as a cabin boy and discovered his love for adventure and sailing. He moved from ship to ship, working hard and sometimes slacking off completely, just spending hours in the Crow's Nest with the lookout.

In his mid-teens, one of the Captains took the bastard child under his wing and groomed him to become one of the youngest Captains in Wysteria since the last War. Gifted his own vessel, Flynn Storm now captains The Stormy Sea, a large galleon with grey sails.

Twin pistols, twin muskets, silver pocket watch, silver compass. A coin pouch with fifty gold, thirty silver and fourty copper. Two large ammo pouches, bandages and a whetstone. Large leather-bound journal and a few pencils for drawing or taking notes, a small dagger for sharpening said pencils.

Anything Else: Flynn's best friend is Copper, a copper coloured Espadionite Hound (Andalusian Hound for RL reference). Copper goes with everywhere with Flynn.




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Morgan Alania Anakins

Age: Twenty one

Gender: Female

Position In Expedition: Guard

Description: (Realistic only, photo or drawn.):5'6 frame with long golden hair, though thin, has a strong built from combat training, she has a military hint to her stands and walks, shoulders back, stern cold look one blue eye and one green, her complexion is a bit paler than normal

Personality: Morgan always separates her emotions from her work, she takes her job too seriously sometimes and is very good at it, with a military like attitude, Morgan only takes her orders directly from the captain. She values order and good planning, and would put her life before any of her crew members. Loyal, smart and brave till her last moments, Morgan has a tendency to keep to her herself and would rather be on the look for danger twenty four/ seven instead of engaging with the other crew.

Birthplace: Wysteria

History: Being the youngest daughter of nine children, and the only female, Morgan was raised almost like a child. Her father was the well known and respected general Darius Anakins. With all her big brothers joining the Navy, Morgan also joined at the will of her father and excelled becoming a Junior Grade Lieutenant on her own, that is when she was chosen from three hundred people for the role of one of the guards of the expedition, making her family and her father especially proud.

Inventory: twin daggers,

two revolvers

a water pouch

reading glasses

three pouches of ammo

one slim sword that is the mark of the Anakin family

a box containing a total of 41 books that she reads from when she

isn't training

Anything else: An owl which Morgan found as a kid, she took care of it and now it refuses to leave her side ever since, really useful at sensing danger, and is a big coward. The owl's name is Patch.

White Owl Wallpapers %289%29.jpg

If you mess with us, the last thing you hear will be your own throat being cut
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Fus ro dah] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26613-aur0ra/ said:
@Aur0ra[/URL] The gun is a bit too modern, we're not in the 1900's. Aside from that it's good!
ok changing the gun :)
Alrighty, here is my CS! Sorry if it's a bit long, I really got into my character creation x'D I will add information to this as I keep developing him. Let me know if you have any critiques or suggestions for me. (also I was wondering if there is anyway to change the color of the parchment background?)

Xavi Hernandez Ibarra-Espinoza

Application for the Age of Discovery Expedition

Personal Information


Name: Xavi Hernandez Ibarra-Espinoza

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Birthplace: Wysteria, Espadion

Role: Archaeologist

Appearance: Xavi looks like your typical Espadian - dark brown curls, light brown eyes, olive skin - except for his height. At 6'4", he is much taller than the average Espadian. However, Xavi's body never filled out to his height. Most would describe him as . . . lanky or gangling, with little muscle (or meat for that matter) on his frame. He keeps his face clean shaven but it doesn't take long for his shadow to appear. He has a prominent nose, tall neck, long-fingers, and enormous feet. His body is the definition of all sorts of awkward. It was as if he was put together from the spare parts of other humans. His nearsightedness forces him to wear spectacles which always seems to slip down his nose. A long, deep scar graces his back, from left shoulder to right hip. He never reveals that scar to anyone if he can avoid it.


Xavi is your quintessential ("19th century") acadmic. He's more interested in his research and studies than anything else. He's not reclusive but you'd most likely find him tucked away somewhere with his nose in a book. Xavi has a tendency to space out or be distracted by something intriguing. However, when it comes to his research, he has an almost obsessive single-mindedness, sometimes even forgetting to eat or sleep for days (perhaps the reason for his lankiness). He is also somewhat clumsy, often dropping objects or tripping over nothing. When it comes to interacting with other people, he is about as smooth as the rocks he studies. If he is not comfortable with the subject (which is just about everything not academic) he is prone to stumbling over his speech. If someone has the misfortune of getting him started on a subject of interest, he is liable to ramble - for hours - with little chance of shutting up. He has a quirky sense of humor, often laughing at his own jokes which most people don't understand. Outside of academics, Xavi is almost always unsure of himself, but when push comes to shove, he will (almost) always rise to the challenge. Having grown up as a minor noble and an academic, Xavi has little knowledge about the real world leading to a naive and trusting outlook on the world. He hopes to use this expedition to make a name for himself and prove his worth.


+Intelligence. Xavi has a vast knowledge repertory, absorbs and processes information quickly, and can solve most problems in his head.

+Xavi tries to see the best in people and is willing to put his trust in others.

+He has a strong sense of honor. If he gives his word or makes a promise, he will see it through to the best of his ability.

+He is logically minded. It allows him to view a problem from all sides and find the best solution.


+Physically weak. While he isn't incapable, don't expect him to lift heavy load under normal circumstances.

+Low pain tolerance

+Lack of self-preservation awareness (as indicated by his forgetting to eat)

+While he has some basic knowledge of how to use a sword and gun, he's not going to be much use in a fight.

+Poor social skills. Can easily offend people without meaning to. Sometimes he talks too much and says things that shouldn't be said.

+Nearsighted. Without his glasses, his vision drops significantly. He can still see but objects far away become very blurry.

+His logic is also a weaknesses. Sometimes a more emotional response would be better.


+Books (especially the smell of a new, leather-bound book)

+Art and Music

+Discovering something new (or ancient)


+Dislikes and fears spiders . . . passionately

+Dislikes not knowing or understanding something

+Has an aversion to sword fights after his "accident" at the hands of his brother.


  • Archaeology - draws upon both social sciences (i.e. linguistics, ethnology, history, art history, etc.) and traditional sciences (geography, geology, physics, chemistry, paleo sciences, and biology) to gather information in just about any situation.
  • Knowledge Repertory - has a vast library in his head which he can draw upon. Only areas of Archaeology are detailed but he has a general knowledge of many other subjects.
  • Plays the violin very well.


Xavi Hernandez Ibarr-Espinoza was born to Eduardo Hernandez Castellano and Adriana Ibarra-Espinoza Ortega, seven years after the end of the Espadion-Esta war. His family is minor nobility in Wysteria, his father having been a captain in the Royal Armed Forces and marrying into his mother's family. He is the third of three sons. His oldest brother, Alejandro Hernandez Ibarra-Espinoza age 36, followed in his father's footsteps and joined the Royal Armed Forces when he was 18 and quickly rose to the rank of lieutenant. His second brother, Cristiano Hernandez Ibarra-Espinoza age 30, chose to enter the Espadion army to serve the people. He fought in the Espadion-Afrium war where he was seriously injured and discharged from the army.

Xavi has a strained relationship with his father, the only son not to join the military. Xavi never had an interest in becoming a soldier which his father blames on his mother for "spoiling" him as the baby of the family. He never had a good relationship with his eldest brother, Alejandro, who picked on him constantly for being weak. He is much closer to his second brother, Cristiano, who tried to protect him from their older brother and always encouraged Xavi to follow his dreams. Of course, he and his mother have always been close but she was vehemently against his joining the expedition.

While Xavi grew up sheltered by his mother, he did not have the most pleasant of childhoods. He was constantly berated by his father, and picked on by his eldest brother and other his own age for being more interested in books than swordplay, wearing spectacles, and being "scrawny." He spend most of his time in his mother's library, enthralled by what lay on the pages. His favorite books were the accounts of explorers, discovering the wilds of Esta and surviving the jungles of Afrium.

When he was 12 Xavi received his scar after being forced to duel by Alejandro, in an attempt to "toughen his weak brother up." At 14 Xavi finally grew, eventually becoming the tallest member of their family at 19. Unfortunately he never grew into his height leaving him awkwardly lanky. At 16, Xavi enrolled at the university in Wysteria, the most prestigious academic institute in the known world, and moved into the dorms to the dismay of his mother. Surrounded by academics like him, Xavi finally found an environment he could thrive in. He absorbed as much knowledge as fast as he could, like a drunk in a bar. While he studied a wide variety of subjects, he found himself drawn to archaeology. He graduated six years later at the age of 22. Since then Xavi has had little luck finding employment. Most take one look at him and tell him to stick to research. He tried to start an archaeological expedition to Afrium but no nobles were willing to fund it. So when he heard that there was to be an expedition into the unknown and that skilled scientists were needed, he was the first to volunteer.


  • Archaeologist Tool Kit (hand shovel, trowel, small measurement equipment, picks, shovels, etc).
  • Surveying Equipment (measurement chains/rope, compass, plum-bob and line, flag markers, plenty of parchment, pencils & ink, etc.)
  • Several blank notebooks including his personal journal.
  • Chest full of books on "the great unknown" and any other book he thought would be necessary. Formal clothes and spare clothes. Extra set of spectacles.
  • A worn but well maintained pistol and rapier (gifts from his brother Cristiano. They were Cristiano's when he was part of the army in Afrium).

Extraordinary! This really is the discovery of the century! Look at these lines in the dirt as we go down. We're talking about a civilization that existed over seven millennia ago! That's older then oldest known civilization by at least three thousand years. Of course there is some debate about the oldest civilization. Most Espadian texts claim that the ancient Espadion empire is the oldest but it's actually the neolithic Esta civilization. You really must stop looking at me like that, you'll get wrinkles. Twenty years ago Juan Pablo unearthed the ruins of the neolithic Esta civilization deep in the valley . . .
Xavi Hernandez Ibarra-Espinoza

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"Madly fond of war... high-spirited, quick to battle... Aye, that would be me, and it'll be my strength that keeps you safe!"

Bloody Bonnie

Name: Bonnie Coutts

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Position In Expedition: Guard

Description: Bonnie is a strong and fierce looking individual standing just shy of six and a half feet and weighing roughly one hundred and eighty pounds. She has blonde shoulder-length hair that is often unkempt, though occasionally she might give it a thorough combing and have it tied back in a braid. Her eyes are dark brown and her skin pale.

She dresses sensibly according to the weather and any planned activities for the day. If she is on a job, she might wear a simple woven shirt and trousers beneath an armour set consisting of a leather vest, thigh-guards, gauntlets and boots. Regardless of the occasion, however, Bonnie's attire always leaves room for her to carry her two axes.

Bonnie carries herself in a confident manner, bordering on arrogance. She walks with a bit of a swagger and never openly shows any fear, often spitting directly in the face of danger.

Personality: Boisterous is one way of summing up Bonnie's behaviour. She is loud, often uncouth and generally quite an unpleasant person to be around for those who don't know her. To those that do know her, however, there is so much more to her. Proud, fierce and passionate, she is prone to allowing her emotions to overrule her actions. This is especially the case when it comes to her friends, who she can be extremely overprotective over. But that doesn't mean she is unable to maintain any form of professionalism, particularly when there's money to be made.

She enjoys fighting and drinking. She is the sort who "couldn't give a toss" about what other people think about her and she has little to no shame, nor does she care much for manners.

Birthplace: Alan Crom (A small settlement in Esta situated on the outskirts of the rowan forest on the same side as Juro.)

History: Bonnie is the only child of Brutus and Elizabeth Coutts. Born in the aftermath of the six years' war between Esta and Espadion, she had an extremely unsettled childhood. Naturally, she developed a harsh prejudice against the Espadions, despite that feelings were considerably more peaceful in Juro. Her parents (reluctantly, on her father's part) decided that having her get her education in the capitol would broaden her mind and make her more accepting of these other cultures. Instead, this only fuelled her bitter feelings towards Espadion and many of the city people. Eventually, she decided to boycott her education altogether.

Not knowing what else to do, Brutus felt that it was best to get her more involved with the goings on in the settlement. From an early age, she began helping all the local merchants and farmers. She worked as an assistant for the town's blacksmith when she was in her early teens and began training in both armed and unarmed combat. When she was deemed ready, she began travelling more. She joined parties of scavengers and traders who travelled the rowan forest in search of supplies and to barter with the Wild Folk who lived there.

By the time Bonnie was in her twenties, she was considerably more deviant. She became friends with a group of people who harboured nothing but ill will towards Espadion. Together, they would venture into the capitol and target any of the foreigners. It was as good an opportunity as ever for Bonnie to test out her combat skills, but her parents would be horrified if they ever found out that she was assaulting Espadions without provocation. Over time, she became less caring about such things. She would often leave home for weeks at a time, leaving the country altogether.

It was while she was in Espadion that a merchant who had travelled from Afrium took note of her ability to hold her own in a fight. Keen to get revenge on some thugs who had robbed him, he offered her payment to go and teach them a lesson and recover what goods they had stolen that hadn't been sold on already.

And that's just what Bonnie did. Making good on her word, she tracked down the thieves and confronted them. At first, they laughed, thinking that she must be insane trying to challenge a gang of hardened criminals by herself. But after breaking a few arms and legs and smashing some skulls together, she was sauntering back into town with what goods she could carry with her. It marked the beginning of a new career for Bonnie. She made a living by doing odd jobs for people. As it turned out, there was a lot of demand for a body guard. After a couple of years, Bonnie had garnered enough of a reputation that people would be looking for her personally so they could hire her.

Then she heard about the planned voyage. Apparently there were vacant positions for new crew members on board The Stormy Sea...


Two hand-axes: Wooden handle wrapped with leather strips for extra grip. Blade made of tempered steel.

Leather Armour Set: Protecting Bonnie's torso, forearms, thighs and lower legs. Effective against incidental blade strikes, mid-range pistol fire, long-range rifle fire (depending on angle of shot) and strikes from blunt weapons and poorly kept blades.

Iron Shield: A round shield made of iron. Quite cumbersome and Bonnie doesn't particularly like using it as it leaves her with only one hand free and it can get in the way of her fighting. Can be used rather effectively to smash or push back her opponents with, however, and as a reliable form of protection against a hail or arrows or musket shots.
Anything Else:

A note about Bonnie's shield - She will not have this with her at all times. I'll need to make it clear whether she has it or not when disembarking the ship. If she doesn't take it with her and I suddenly find that she might need it, then that's just tough for me I'll have to do without. ( -_- ")

Hope this is okay!


"It's for the sake of science, Gardener! You worked hard for this, and some gigantic graveyard of aquatic hell isn't going to stop you from achieving your dream...right?"

~Venn Piers Gardener

Age: Twenty six

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 141lbs

Position In Expedition: Scientist (Wildlife biologist that dabbles in botany and ecology)


Venn is pretty average in build, yet leans toward the slimmer side of things. He has short dark brown hair that is usually kept tidy, although his bangs will occasionally hide his hazel eyes. He possess olive skin that has a cool undertone. His clothing is usually formal, but won't hesitate to get dirty for the sake of his research.

Likes: Solitaire/patience, puns, reading, and dancing badly (Unintentional)

Dislikes: Being ignorant, mornings, sweets, and scary stories

Fears: Deep waters, ghosts, failure, and being forgotten by a loved one

Personality: INFJ

Passionate | Insightful | Polite | Perfectionist | Low Self-Esteem | Oversensitive

The meaning of life was something Venn thought of a lot, and it started surprisingly early as well. It wasn't until Biology was introduced to him that he actually became more intrigued in the world around him. He tried to learn everything there was to it, unfortunately, that didn't satisfy the feeling of wanting to know more. From that day forth, he realized that Biology would be the thing that could fill the void inside him. The one screaming to find some purpose in life. Thus, his drive for the science grew even more.

Venn can get along with other people, and is very insistent that people are honest with him. If someone isn't into sharing, he's also okay with that. But that won't stop him from trying to understand, just less persistent. As for himself, he is in the middle of things, able to voice out what his feelings but unable to vocalize his thoughts completely. Only able to really do so when asked for his opinion.

Raised in a strict household, being formal pretty much became second nature. Although he had long since moved out of his family home, he still kept the trait, though now it's just to a lesser degree. His perfectionism has also derived from his upbringing, which leads to a lot of fussing over nothing. He denies it, but he subconsciously does blame his parents for his inferiority complex.

Like previously stated, Vann didn't feel like he really had a purpose before discovering Biology, and even though he found a goal, he still thinks lowly of himself. Most of his insecurities arises from childhood, and having to compete with his siblings for their parent's affection. His low self-confidence also ties into how he's also Oversensitive. Though sometimes it's unintentional, he does take another's word very seriously, even when said as a joke.

Date of Birth: June 17th

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Espadion, Everdale


Venn was born to a farming couple, and was the middle child out of the three offspring they had. Now his family wasn't exactly that poor, however they did have to work very hard just to get by. Not wanting their children to continue the business, Venn's parents were really strict when it came to education. Unfortunately, as a kid, Venn didn't really take interest in school like his sisters had. While the eldest studied to become a merchant and the younger a physician; he didn't have the desire to become anything until he was a bit older. But because of this, his parents didn't really pay much attention to him, which lead to his early existential crisis.

Once he had found Biology, his parents were skeptical of the random burst of interest, yet tried to help anyway. Though it didn't really mean much since they didn't share the same excitement, he still found it nice. However, this was when the complex really kicked in. Every moment he got, Venn would try his hardest to show off, trying to reassure himself and his family that he was just as great as the rest of his siblings. It was only until the eldest sister had graduated did they notice what he was doing. So they attempted to fix their rocky relationship, even though it was a very uncomfortable conversation with all the parties involved, he did finally see his family in a new light. No longer were his sisters an enemy he had to compete with to get some attention; they were actually his allies just trying to rebuild the bridge they set fire so long ago.

Of course, one simple talk didn't change him completely, but it did help when he finally moved out to Wysteria. The attention he craved when he was younger dulled, and was replaced with the passion he had originally. He also stopped showing off, and realized that pleasing everyone shouldn't be a priority. Working wasn't everything, and he had gained a few friends over the time, but he's especially close to his sisters.

(Not in that way.)

Dominant Hand: Right


• Reading Glasses

• Formal and Casual Clothes (But there is more of the former)

• Blank Journals

• Quills and Bottles of Ink

• Several Beakers and Test Tubes

• Magnifying Glass

• Scalpel

• Pack of Cards

• Ball of Yarn and Sewing Needles

Anything Else:

• Allergic to mushrooms

• Bad liar

• Is easily disgusted by fish eyes

• Occasionally sews when really bored
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71fa668a_JUPITERcopy.jpg.e942accd86d5098c84adb4a7eb3b624e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99335" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71fa668a_JUPITERcopy.jpg.e942accd86d5098c84adb4a7eb3b624e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name:"Augustus MacGuiness."

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Jason-Grace-by-Viria.jpg.43f6da9a5a9497e8d55a1be0481eaf97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Jason-Grace-by-Viria.jpg.43f6da9a5a9497e8d55a1be0481eaf97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




    "... Is that a joke?"


    "I was born in Esta if you couldn't tell already, but currently Wysteria."


    August has a light sand colored hair with bright blue eyes. He stands taller than most at a height go 6'2 and has a toned, muscular body.His skin tone is darker than most of the people who live in Esta because he came from a working class family. He has a scar that runs across his upper left lip that he earned while working in mines as a child. He has one tattoo that crosses his forearm.

    People say that I create art, but all that I really do is take a photo of something that was already there.
    Augustus MacGuiness



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