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Realistic or Modern After Pomp and Circumstance ((OPEN))

Glen Roberts

Glen flinched a bit at Natalia's energy, how overwhelming she could be. Of course... I probably should've tried to remember that for this... Glen thought to himself. "I've been doing fine, thanks. College hasn't been too much... I've managed to keep myself out of doing anything dumb.. for now." Glen chuckled. He glanced over at Bailey for a second, hearing her voice trail off as she was talking to Natalia. But he let it go and looked back to Natalia, figuring that college had probably just weighed her down more than himself. 

@Dreamer~ @NJN25
Natalia Edwards

     "Oh I missed you so much, my dear," she told Bailey with a hug. "I cannot believe how long it has been! We simply must have a lady's night, my dear," she said to her, already planning the event in her head. Natalia was always one for getting together and having fun. "Knowing you, Glen you'll do something dumb eventually," she joked with a laugh, not trying to be rude. Natalia wasn't the smartest, she said whatever popped into her head. However, she truly never meant anything mean she said. But Natalia was all about looking forward, not behind. Clapping, she exclaimed "This is going to be so much fun! I can just feel it!"

@Dreamer~ @ImaReboot

I felt a true excitement come back to me with her enthusiasm, "Well, we could always bunk together". I'd always trailed after her in high school, the shadow to her bright light of a personality. She was everything I hoped to - but never could - be. Part of me wanted to tell her my secret, she'd be so excited and happy, instead of all the shame I expected from everyone else. From the shame my mother had looked at me with when I told her. 
Glen Roberts

Glen grinned when she noted on his... well, less intelligent antics. "Only a matter of time..." He giggled. He was usually calm(Well... mostly calm), but if someone like Natalia, who's so excited all the time, gets excited, he tends to get himself mixed up into the rush of it. "Yeah, we'll have to find something around here for me to fuel my stupidity..." Glen laughed. "Well... that's probably a bad idea, on second thought..."

@Dreamer~ @NJN25
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I smiled, secretly relived when Glen decided against the alcohol for now - that would be a hard one to explain. "Well, if anything, there's a pool, sundae bar and a ton of activities. It's our high school skip day dream!" I hoped to use this time to reconnect, and also relax. Lord knows I needed both. I hardly seemed to not be stressed anymore. Though from what I could tell, that seemed to be adulthood. 


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