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Realistic or Modern After Pomp and Circumstance ((OPEN))


Landlocked Mermaid
Basic Plotline:

We're all close friends and have been all through high school, but in our senior year, it started to hit us.

"We'll probably never see each other again".

 We all made a commitment to go to the same resort during spring break of college, but will we all be the same as we were when we were in high school? We can't be... Surely too much has changed. Many people in the 'group' have changed by going to college. Some people have new lovers, some got new hobbies, and some even started an addiction to something... Or maybe even scarier changes. 


  • I myself will be on sporadically ((two jobs, a boyfriend, it's the holidays....)) so there's not a pressure to reply ASAP.
  • Any length of reply is accepted - as long as it's something I (or others! If they join...) can "react to".
  • No God-moding, please. You're character is not immortal and shouldn't act like it
  • Plain and simple, be nice to each other. There's no need to be rude
  • Talk with others before making a plot twist, unless it's in your original bio!
  • I'd prefer it to be in a forum, so others may join. This can change if need be
  • Have fun!

Character Basics:

((You can answer "in character" as I did, or the plain Jane way normal folks do it :smile2:  ))






Appearance(Add a picture of their eyes and clothes if you want, be spontaneous.. :smile5: ):


My character:

Name: "Um, I'm Bailey, you are?"

Age(19+): "I just turned twenty two. Yay for new decades?"

Gender: "I'm a girl. . ."

Personality:"Well, I'm awkward and sassy and simple."

Bio(Optional): "I grew up in a house filled with books. I'm majoring in English and hope to become a writer."

Appearance: - image - 

Other: "I haven't told anyone yet, and I'm sure it will cause some drama and trouble, but after high school, I got into a serious relationship. We were even engaged. He recently left and I. . . Well. . . I'm expecting. Please, don't tell anyone! I only found out a week or so ago"

Mermaid - Unnamed.jpg
Name:"Uh- My name is Felice Barner..."

Age: "I-I'm 20..."

Gender: "I'm a female! ;D  "

Personality: "I can be shy... sometimes, and if I'm comfortable I may be overly hyper and-er unusual."

Bio: "At the moment, I am majoring in music and I enjoy the calming sounds of a flute or a violin, which are both instruments that I enjoy playing... 

I grew up around my musical mother and father, who played the cello and the guitar." 



Other: "I'm not very smart when it comes to regular school, my brain is used to studying music... it's pretty pathetic, actually. It's like my brain doesn't like anything else but the four strings of a violin..."
Name: "Miss Natalia Edwards. Pleased to meet you, darling."

Age: "I'm 22, my dear."

Gender: "A true lady, of course."

Personality: "I'm a graceful, flirty, and elegant young woman who's quite concerned with her appearance. However, I have very a daring sense of adventure if I do say so myself."

Bio: "Growing up with a luxurious life.,I never had to worry a day in my life. Despite this, I wanted to do something with my life. So, I'm majoring in business hoping to become a successful yet fabulous business woman."



Other: Voice Claim: Eva Gabor
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Name: "Glen. Glen Roberts. Howdy! C: "

Age: "25. Probably a bit older than some..."

Gender: "I'm a guy. A bit girly, but a guy nevertheless."

Personality: "Everyone always thinks I'm emo... which couldn't be more from the truth. If I don't know someone, I might be a bit quiet, or seem shy. If I know them enough, I'm usually pretty bouncy and energetic... like a puppy. And as I said, I'm a bit girly. You'll see what I mean if you meet me... Or you already have, and it's really obvious."

Bio: "Nothing special, really. I grew up as a pretty normal kid... I did spend most of my time with my mom though. Might be why I'm girly? Probably. "

Appearance: "I try not to keep my hair over my face like this, buuut it always happens anyways. :/  "


Other: "I'm only really good at math. And I did do some band before, but not much. Although I did like playing the saxophone..."
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Oh my gosh, YAY! I'd love to start this if ya'll don't hate me for being gone for so long! But the holidays and then that cough/flu knocked me out for the count
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Nah, it's fine. Both very reasonable... well, reasons for being gone.

Glen Roberts

Glen walked to the resort and sighed, moving his hair out of his face(Which immediately just assumed it's previous position.).Yeah, guess I should've expected that to happen... he thought to himself, chuckling a bit. He threw away the idea of moving his hair, and looked at the place as he thought. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone... I wonder what's happened to them? Are they the same... or different? A lot can happen in a years time... He stood there thinking to himself, zoning out(To anyone with an outside view, it just looks like he's standing there for no reason.).


I sat inside the resort, just pass the front desk. A hot chocolate cupped in my hands. It wasn't cold out, but warm drink helped calm my anxiety. Okay, I thought, No one has to know. No one needs to know. I can get my own room so when I get sick no one questions... Or maybe say it's a flue bug? Lordie... 

I glanced up out the window, and didn't immediately recognize anyone. They should be here soon, shouldn't they? I let my knee start bouncing nervously again as I took a sip of the hot chocolate
Glen Roberts

Glen sat there for another minute or two, before snapping out of it. He went to grab his bag, which he grabbed upside down and spilled papers everywhere. He picked them up quickly and closed his bag, heading in. He talked with the receptionist(A lady whom happened to be one of his mother's friends, and they had chatted frequently) for a moment, before walking through. Gotta go put my stuff away first... He walked into the main foyer, where there was only one other person. Huh... odd. I'm usually late. Well, first time for everything, I suppose! He nodded to her and walked to the room he had been given keys for. I should probably know her... Can't say I do though. Of course, my memory is terrible, and I seldom remember anyone...

I smiled at Glen when he nodded in my direction, and felt a blush light up my cheeks. I waved my hand in a quick wave as he walked away and bit my lip. Did he remember me? All the days of skipping class to go get food instead? Or when Ms Schimander, our history teacher, gave me an F because I refused to sit down during a debate? Hmm. 
Glen Roberts

Glen closed the door behind him, putting his stuff down. Well... she seems to remember me. Or she's just being courteous... I dunno. I still think I should know her... this isn't really a popular place. And where's everyone else? Glen sat down on his bed, thinking to himself about the place. I reckon more people should be here by now... With my record of arrival at events. I'm always late... didn't I just think that 3 minutes ago? Probably. He chuckled to himself and got up, moving his bag aside. I can always unpack later... I'm too lazy to do it now. He walked back into the foyer and looked around to see if anyone else had arrived. Huh... maybe we're early? That's a new one for me! he thought to himself. He sat down and looked at the door, assuming someone else would arrive. After a minute, when no one did, he turned to Bailey. "Um... sorry if I do... but do I know you? I feel like I've seen you before..." 


My face flashed red hot at his question, I really was nothing special, wasn't I? "U-Uh, yeah Glen. You did. I m-mean it was way back in high school but... I mean I guess not that long ago b-" I bit my bottom lip hard, looking up at him from under my eyelashes, "Sorry. Babbling". His blue grey eyes that Id expected to light up were just kind of... Blank. At least this way he wouldn't mention anything about my frame changing. 

((I've gotta run home, where my roommates forgot to pay the internet  :ClosedEyesCrying:  So i'll more than likely be back tomorrow))
Natalia Edwards
     As Natalia arrived, she looked around and smiled. The door to her limo was opened by her chauffeur who was holding her many bags. Just another part of the luxurious life of wealth she lived. When she stepped inside, her chauffeur handed a worker her bags to bring up to her room. She had already planned out her time here. Studying to be a business woman certainly made Natalia a bit more mature. She still had her sense of adventure, of course. Once her driver left and the worker went put up her things, she went to the lobby. She sat down on a comfortable chair and pulled out a small pocket mirror to check her appearance, just in case. If you know Natalia you know she can't spend an hour without look at herself. It wasn't that she was vain, she just cared about how she looked. She called it safety.
Alright, later.

Glen Roberts

Glen jumped a bit when she said his name. So I did... crap. He thought to himself. "I thought you looked familiar... but I never do remember anyone," Glen chuckled. He sat there looking at her for a second, his head cocked. Hm.. what was her name... What'd it start with maybe... N? No... F? No, she isn't wearing glasses... B? No, she's not- wait... B!" He slammed his hand down, yelling, "HA! I remember! You're Bailey, aren't you!" He looked over at the receptionist and Natalia, realizing how loud he had been. "Oh... yeah... um.. sorry about that..." He blushed and looked down.

@Dreamer~ @NJN25
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A grin lit up my face, and I could feel myself relaxing, "Exactly! We had science and history together almost all through high school. I kinda... Um... Cheated off you a few times in science" I admitted, my cheeks pinking. It hadn't been my strong suit, and he'd been willing to let my scrape by with a few peeks once or twice. Or maybe like thirty two times. 
Glen Roberts

Glen raised his eyebrows at her admitting to cheating off him. "Science? I'm surprised you passed doing that..." Glen laughed. "Science and English were never my cups of tea... Although I was used to being cheated off of in Geometry." He looked over at the bustling of everyone starting to walk in. Ah, this is more what I thought... He thought to himself. After a minute, he realized that they were dressed quite formally, and didn't look like anyone he had known. Huh... strange... Once they had all left, he had turned back, only to see someone else in the room. He immediately recognized her. The rich girl. Pretty much the only person with money who wasn't condescending. "That explains all the people coming in, huh?" Glen laughed. I don't remember her name either... 

@Dreamer~ @NJN25
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My eyes followed his gaze to the pretty woman standing in the foyer. Woah. She was graceful in the way that seemed to move air, and old fashioned air to her that reminded me of Audrey Hepburn. I frowned a bit, trying to place her, "Oh my god" I blurted, tapping Glen's shoulder in excitement, "That's totally Natalia!"
Glen Roberts

"Oh! Yeah!" Glen said, looking over at her. "I... uh... kinda forgot her name too..." He said quietly, his face heating up as he looked away. "I don't think I really remember anyone... well, I mean, I remember them, but not like, what their name is, or..." He paused and took a breath for a second. "Now I'm ranting on..." He giggled.

@NJN25 @Dreamer~

I grinned happily at Glen, "Hey, don't worry about it. I'm sure lots of folks forgot some things" Like I forgot to be careful that night... I hoped he wouldn't notice the sudden pale color of my face as a shiver passed through me, the thought sending a chill all the way down to my bones. How could I tell anyone? Would I have to while here? What would they say?
Glen Roberts

"Yeah, I suppose that's true..." Glen giggled again. He looked over to Bailey and frowned, cocking his head. "Um... Bailey? You alright? You look a bit... pale, I suppose?" 


"J-Just uh, stood up a little fast" I offered, "I'll be fine. Don't worry". I tugged on him a bit, headed towards Natalia, "C'mon, let's go say hi"
Glen Roberts

Glen cocked his head still, confused on how that would work. Uh... does that even make sense? I dunno.. eh, I usually don't understand anything. "Uh... yeah, okay," Glen said, getting up and shooting Bailey a confused look for a second, before turning to Natalia. "Uh... hey, how're you doing, Natalia?" He had to refrain himself from calling her 'Nat', while it was more convenient to him, he also didn't want her to think he was calling her a gnat.

@Dreamer~ @NJN25
Natalia Edwards

      Natalia was still preoccupied with admire her look. So busy with making sure she looked perfect she didn't even realize Glen and Bailey, her old friends were sitting in the lobby. After she was pleased with the way she appeared, she closed the pocket mirror. Humming a bit, she looked around the lobby, appreciating its beauty. While Natalia was viewing the lobby, Glen and Bailey came to introduce themselves. She gasped out of surprise and jumped up with a smile due to happiness. "Hello!" Natalia shouted as she ran to them. Grabbing both of them by both arms, she kissed each of them on the cheeks. "How have you been, darlings?" Natalia asked with her ever-so-proper way of speaking.

@Dreamer~ @ImaReboot

I'd forgotten how... Intense... Natalia could be. "I've been... Uh" Nauseous, gaining weight, needing to go look at actual maternity clothes soon, set up many doctor appointments, learn everything about raising a human... "Busy" I mumbled, trying not to let myself droop. "Just really busy"

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