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Realistic or Modern Adult Hood


Typical Reject

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"Alisa!" Someone called. At first, the blonde thought it was one of her friends instead it was just the Coffee Shop barista calling her name, order in hand. Alisa took the warm drink in her hands, the peppermint and chocolate smell making her senses tingle. It was winter in New York, which was one of the worst times of year. Currently, Alisa was bundled in a scarf, petticoat, and her brown beanie. Although, today was a Monday, so underneath she was dressed in her "work" attire. This consisted of a light pink dress, black tights, and black heels to match. As she took her seat near the window once again, looking out for her friends, she noticed they had spelled her name wrong again. Alyssa, one of her friends, would probably find it comical that every time Alisa was meant to give her name, they never asked how to spell it, assuming everyone spelled it the same. With a small sigh, she took off her black coat, and hung it on the back of her chair. It was unusual for Alisa to be seen in anything other than grey, black, and white since those were the main items in her closet. But laundry needed to be done, and her roommate and her were lazy when it came to house work. That ended up with her only having the pink dress in her closet for this freezing cold Monday.

There were very few people in the cafe, only a little old couple, and a man sitting alone on his laptop. He had a sour look imprinted on his face, reminding Alisa a bit of her boyfriend, Nathan. The thought made her wrinkle her nose a bit, and concentrate down to her coffee. The two had been fighting quite a bit lately, and over the most stupid things. It was as if with Nathan, the worst parts of Alisa came out into the open. Usually she would be calm and collected, but with him always busy, and never having time for her, it got more and more difficult to keep quiet. Instead of having dinners with Nathan, most of Alisa's nights had either been spent watching Netflix and eating macaroni with Asher, or simply being alone. Things had never been too serious between the two, but in some way it still bothered Alisa that the two were falling apart. With no more time to think on it, she caught sight of a few of her friends entering the cafe.

( @Outer Space @ShadowMoses
@mangs @Chinoma Yamagata )


(^^^The Coat^^^)



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Piling the papers back into their folders, Casper Rey stood up and pushed her chair into the desk she was sitting at. Quietly, she walked towards her dad's office and listened, silence. She knocked on the door and walked in with a smile on her face. A deep voice came from behind a chair, "Hey Cas, if all your work is done, you can leave." Casper Rey's smile grew bigger, "Thanks dad." Closing the door behind her carefully, she walked the stairs and out the front door. As soon as the door opened, a rush of cold air hit Casper Rey's face. She shivered and pulled her sleeves down over her hands. Walking, more like jogging, to her car, she realised she had left her bag inside. "Of course. Always happens." Casper Rey sighs to herself and runs back in grabbing her bag while retrieving her keys out of it. She unlocked the car before she left the building and rushed to the car starting it up. It seemed to get colder every day, but whaddya gonna do about it? Casper Rey cranked the ignition and put the heat on full blast, she went into reverse and pulled out of her parking spot.

By the time it felt nice in the car, Casper Rey had made it to the coffee shop where she was meeting the group. Taking a deep breath and adjusting her glasses, she shut the car off and got out, slinging her purse over her shoulder at the same time. Casper Rey walked into the cafe, noted where Alissa was sitting and went to order her a drink. "C-can I have an earl grey tea?" She said rubbing her small, cold thighs to try and warm them up but also avoid eye contact. Handing the cashier the money, she grabbed her drink in her tiny hands and walked over to where Alissa was sitting. She gave her a small smile and adjusted her sweater before sitting down across from her.

Nathan was walking down the street staring at his phone, he was reading and rereading what Alisa had texted him earlier to meet up at a Coffee Shop. He was wearing a dark grey business suit with a black wool coat over it. He tied his Burberry scarf closer to his neck so he wouldn't feel the cold winter air. He, of course, was wearing MK dressing shoes and had a matching laptop bag on his shoulder. His face was adorned with some Hugo Boss Sunglasses and a cigarette between his teeth. He kept his face down to not let anyone recognize him.

It didn't take long for him to find the Shop. Before he entered, however, he took a moment to drop the cigarette bud onto the floor and crush it beneath his designer shoes. He then popped a piece of gum into his mouth and walked in.

Angelika grabbed her purse from the side of the counter in the paediatric ward, giving her co-worker a cheeky wink and a smile. "See ya later, gurl." She walked out the door, waving at a few people she worked with. It was absolutely freezing outside and it wasn't helping that Angelika was wearing a skirt and a short sleeved t-shirt. She walked as quick as she could to her car and hopped inside. Angelika took one glance in the rear mirror and raised her eyebrows, she knew she looked good. She focused back on the road and only in a few minutes was she there at the coffee shop, she parked up and lit a cigarette before entering. It didn't take long for her to finish her cigarette since she tends to puff fast to get it over and done with. She looked in her purse to see if she had everything, "keys, check. Phone, check. Card, check. Money, check..." She smiled at herself and got out the car, locking it behind her.

Angelika walked up to the coffee shop door and immediately noticed Alisa sitting there. She sighed to herself and walked in, giving Caspar and Nathan a quick smile and completely ignoring Alisa. She walked up to the counter and ordered a cup of cocoa and a chocolate chip cookie, she handed the cashier the money, grabbed her stuff and walked over to the table her friends were at and sat down. "Hey guys!" She said with complete enthusiasm.

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Keithn rushed through the 24-7 streets of Manhattan holding himself tightly as if he was a fearful child in the fetile position. "Its too damn cold for this shit." As he made his way through the rivers of people you couldn't help but hear the random "Hey....Watch it.....AM WALKING HERE." That rang out in his wake. "Black people wernt made for these climate mmmhmmm." He muttered to himself. He left his apartment because he was craving hot chocolate and when he investigated his cabinets his expression said it all. He paused at the middle of a intersection to look around. "Come on don't do this to me the ONE TIME I NEED YOU." And then his eyes shot across the expans of a couple blocks. There it was like a oasis in the Sahara, an apple for a apple pie, a bone for a dog, a becon of green in the bleached white day. His eyes could barely look away from the Starbucks signature mermaid or at least thats what it always looked like to Keithn. He could feel a tear drop coming on but he forced it back down in fear of it freezeing on his face. Keithn then took out his phone and texted Alyssa: "Baby When your coming home please get some of that swiss....whatever it called Thank youuu." He quickly slipped the phone into his pocket and ran as fast as he could towards the starbucks. 5 Minutes later a small thud resounded on the Starbucks door and through it came Keithn shaking as if he was having a seizure. He took his place in line and when it was hus time to order all that came out was. "O....On...ONE.....Hhhh..hottt-teh.....Chhhoco......late..." The cashier stared at Keithn for a moment then reached across the counter and muttered "I got you buddy."
Alyssa was cleaning up her desk. Everyone here had already started walking out. She was to distracted with her drawings to look at the time. When she finally did, she realized she was running late. He black boots clicked the ground, echoing in the now quite building. She went down the elevator. After finally making it to the door she fixed her grey sweater dress, tucked her scarf down and buttoned her back coat. He braced herself for the cold and opened the door. She scurried her way over to her car. Hoping in and cranking it up, he put the heat on full blast, tuned on the heated seats and waited a few minuets for them to get warm. Checking her text from Keith. she laughed "only him". She replied We will get it at the coffee shop, don't forget we are meeting are friends there we can't both be late.

She took off to the coffee shop not far from her work. Parking she took a deep breath. She got out the car and made her way in the door. Seeing them immediately she waved "Hello". Relieved to see Keith was actually there. she walked up to the counter and ordered her usual. Grabbing her hot chocolate and a chocolate chip cookie. she made gave Keith a kiss on the cheek and made her way over to the table. "Hi everyone" She smiled so perky and upbeat. She took her seat next to Angelika and left one next to her for Keith.

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Blaze Denaldi


Blaze woke up to the sudden sound of Pink Floyd's soothing 'Comfortably Numb' playing softly from his cell phone, which was placed conveniently next to his pillow for easy access. He left his phone there in hopes that he'd actually get up when his alarm's went off, but snooze was ultimately his best friend and worst enemy. "Hello?" he said in a deep, groggy tone into the receiver, throwing his legs over the side of his bed and rubbing his eyes with his free hand. He was far too exhausted for it to be anywhere near time to be out of bed. The man on the other end of the call was his very angry boss informing him that he'd missed yet another shift. Blaze pulled the phone away from his ear to check the time and had to stifle a laugh at how late in the afternoon it was. His shift had been for the early morning. Now was not the time for laughing, though, now was time for fake sincerity.

"I was up late with my neighbor, sir. I can't believe I over slept, I'm so sorry. I tried to get to bed as early as I could but her boyfriend hit her and she was a mess. I had to sit with her to make sure he didn't come back, and the police couldn't find the address, so they took over an hour to show up, and once they were gone she was still pretty traumatized so I watching movies and cooked some food to try to calm her down."

It was a complete lie, but his boss now had two choices: pretend to believe it and give him yet another warning, or fire him and sound like a dick for getting angry about something that could have very well actually happened. He, of course, went with the former, and ended the phone call with a stern 'be here tomorrow.'

Once the conversation was over and Blaze's bladder was emptied, he returned to his phone to read a couple texts about meeting everyone at the cafe. He'd be a little late, given that he had just rolled out of bed, but his friends were probably used to his tardiness anyways. He groaned at the realization that it would be rude to go back to bed, and put his phone on the bathroom sink to play Pandora while he showered.

When finished, a quick towel dry of his hair and some clothing later, and he was headed out the door, wishing his strange but clean and mostly silent roommate that he'd found on Craigslist a good day on his way out.

Upon arrival to the cafe, he stared at the menu for a moment, both annoying and amusing the barista.
"Can I just get a...uh...coffee?" He asked, the drinks on the menu all a foreign language to him. Latte? Misto? Soy? It all sounded rather girly and he was definitely out of his element. "You just want a regular coffee? Black?" The barista asked him with a small smile that he was sure was making fun of him. "Yeah?" he replied, still confused. She nodded, and began to charge him, but with all of the confusion he'd forgotten the most important part. "Also a muffin. Any kind. Whatever you like. Something girly." he decided. She charged him and sent him on his way. The place wasn't very busy so his order was up fairly soon and he was free to take a seat at the table his friends were occupying.

"Hey beautiful. Mind if I get 'dem digits?" He asked playfully, in a thuggish voice and kissing his girlfriend, Casper Rey, on the top of her head before taking the seat beside her. He reached for the sugar at the end of the table and started pouring packet after packet into his coffee, stopping only when the cup contained more sugar than coffee. He also slid the muffin he'd purchased over to Casper Rey, making it a casual thing so as not to draw too much attention or embarrass her, but still made sure she ate. Blaze was fully aware that his girlfriend was recovering, so he shouldn't worry so much, but he had much too big of a protective soul not to.

"Missed work again." He announced to the group. "Still somehow have a job. What's new with you guys?"



Erin Campbell


Erin had been awake since 5 in the morning running errands and sitting in the recording booth hating her life as she watched other people live her dream. When she was allowed to speak at work, it was just to ask what they wanted from Panera. She'd had the job for going on five months now and couldn't get one person to pay attention to her demo cd or even have a conversation with her. When she was off the clock, and managed to turn her phone back on, it blew up. It was mostly lame tumblr notifications, but a few were texts about a get together. As much as Erin could never smell coffee again and be perfectly content, she couldn't risk not showing up and missing out on something, so she hailed the nearest cab and started that way.

The coffee shop was a few streets down from her shitty little apartment, so she stopped there to take her dog out to potty, and then walked the rest of the way to the coffee shop in make-up, hair, and clothes from 5 o'clock in the morning, so it was safe to say she probably looked like she's been to hell and back. That, though, was an accurate assumption. She ordered her usual strawberries and cream frappuccino, which she swore by no matter how cold it was outside, and joined the group just in time to hear the devil spawn announcing that he was, big surprise, still an irresponsible loser. She opted not to respond, and sipped from her drink quietly, better to keep silent than say something and anger Casper Rey.
"You look especially adorable today" she complimented her best friend cheerfully, an eye on the window every so often in hopes of catching a glimpse of her girlfriend.

"Some of us just came from our jobs. You know the thing that gets you money and food." Keithn's body final at the perfect temperature after the cup of hot chocolate and the kiss from Alyssa was like a cherry on top. He was making his way to the table when you responded to Blaze aloud. Looking over the table it looked as if the gang was all there. He place his coat on the back of his chair and sat beside Alyssa. "Hello there." He bellowed in a deep seductive you'd only hear in seductive jazz music or TV. Still continuing "Now that I recovered from my frostbite I gotta tell you. Your beautiful."And he ended his moment with a kiss on her cheek. After he greeted everyone but Angelika he turned to her shifting back into that deep tone. "And you, I give my personal greetings." His head was turned at a angle so he could only see her from the corner of his eye which was squinted a little but after he said his greeting he laughed a little and turned back to normal."So next time we do this. It gotta be warmer instead of this frozen hell."
A muffin was placed in front of Casper Rey and she was kinda bummed, but then again, she was happy that he was always looking after her. Giggling at Blaze's comment, she gave him a tiny hug for the muffin. "Thanks, hon." Casper Rey starting picking at the muffin and putting pieces in her mouth, careful not to spill crumbs everywhere. She then looked up again and saw Erin who also complimented her. She grinned and gave her a tiny wave. Everyone was here and although not everyone liked everyone else, Casper Rey was going to at least try to like Alyssa, although the only reason is because of her selfish mother. "You need to work on waking up earlier, silly goose." Casper Rey poked Blaze on the nose and giggled.
Asher rushed out of the hospital room where he was previously scheduled to have an appointment with someone who was in a coma for half a year and needed physical therapy to build up their muscle. The session had gone onto overtime, meaning Asher would be late. Like usual. 'I'm not late I'm just... running on my own clock.' He thought to himself and nodded slightly for reassurance. Asher quickly entered the elevator, and clicked on the lobby button. As soon as the elevator landed on his floor, he bolted out through the elevator's doors before they fully opened. Asher went straight to the front desk, where he signed out of work and grabbed his brown leather satchel and winter coat. He pulled the coat over his arms and torso, then threw the satchel over his left shoulder, and held it to his side. It was quite a funny view; a 23 year old in scrubs matched with a thick winter coat, a satchel, and a pair of sneakers. 'If anyone I know sees me in this-- I will die. Like, literally actually die.' Asher picked up his pace a little more, almost jogging at this point. Thank god his apartment was only two blocks away from the hospital he worked at. On his way to the apartment, he spotted the coffee shop where all his friends were. 'Fuck.' He ran past the front window. Super stealth-mode ninja Asher for the win. He was serious about this- he wouldn't be caught dead in an unappealing outfit.

Asher finally made it to his apartment building, where he ran up the stairs and into their somewhat small apartment room. He walked into his bedroom, and quickly changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, dark brown combat boots, a belt, a white flannel, a blue sweater with the flannel collar popping out, a tan beanie, and a scarf with a few stripes on it. Before he left, he gave himself a quick check in the mirror to make sure he looked okay. Asher ran his hands through the hair in the front of his beanie a few times, and set off towards the coffee shop again.

After about five minutes of walking again, Asher reached the coffee shop, spotting a table full of his friends. The waitress behind the coffee bar waved to him "Hey, Diana." He waved back. "The usual, thanks." Asher knew a lot of people, and also came to this particular coffee shop almost every day after work, so he's gotten to know a lot of the staff members and waitresses that work there. He sat in the seat right next to Alisa. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late-- I had an emergency. Ny outfit was
horrid. Like- drop dead ugly. Plus, it takes time to this fabulous." Asher was over-exaggerating, but it was an emergency in his world. He was being sarcastic about the last part. 'Fabulous? I might as well wear a gay pride T-Shirt and a rainbow wristband.' Asher mentally scolded himself.He smiled and waved a little bit to Casper and Blaze who were sitting near eachother, ignoring the fact that Nathan was there. He gave Alisa a little hug, considering they were best friends, it was normal. He really didn't like Nathan, but tolerated him. For Alisa's sake. As for Angelika.... he has no idea what to say to her. He felt guilty whenever he saw her. "How are you guys?" Asher asked to anyone who felt like answering, instead of personally and specifically greeting everyone here. After everyone spoke about their day- something popped into Asher's head. "I totally forgot to tell you guys! I'm throwing a hella cool party. I've been saving up for a really big hotel room for one night; Invite only. You guys in? And- yes- there will be Alcohol." Asher quickly announced to the group, a smile on his face. "Sound cool? It'll be on Friday, show up around 9 PM."

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Laughed at Keith and his lovable self "Well maybe you should wear a better jacket" She broke the cookie in half . As nibbled on one side she looked around at the group. With a big smile to Angelika. She looked to Blaze then suddenly looked down. Up to Casper, she did't look very happy. She watched as Asher came in. When she heard party she perked up a bit. Looking over at Keith then back to Asher, "We will be there" She smiled sweetly. She had't been to a party in awhile and she had to say she kind of missed it. She never drank to much, in fact most of the time she kept the same drink all night. In front of her friends, aside from Angelika of course, had never really seen her party. In high school she showed up to mingle then left. In collage she went crazy. She could't let them see that.
Angelika smiled as she saw Asher walk in, she sat up straight and moved her hair out of her face, her smile quickly dropped though when Asher walked straight up to Alisa, giving her a hug and completely ignoring the fact that his girlfriend was sitting opposite her. Angelika loved Asher to pieces, and she knew that Asher didn't feel the same way towards her or else he'd be all over her. "Hey Asher, forget your girlfriends sitting right in front of you, eh?" She said sharply, but quickly regretting it. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go to Asher's party but then again Angelika is a walking nightclub, of course she had to go. "Well, I'm definitely going to the party." She said, she was planning on getting absolutely hammered at this party. "What you guys think of shrooms? I may bring some." Angelika thinks a party without any type of drugs is not a party so she's always equipped when it comes to these things.

Angelika was still upset although, she tried her best not to show it but her best friend, Alyssa probably knew. She looked up at her best friend and gave her a slight smile, grabbing her hand under the table, she wanted to feel close to someone, just to feel like she does actually mean something. She wanted Asher, she wanted him to tell her how much he loves her, how much she means to him, but Angelika knew that Asher is just as selfish as they come.

Angelika went to pull out a cigarette to calm her down, rummaging through her bag, she found a joint. Her eyes lit up and she slightly smiled. She looked over at the bar and then looked at Blaze. She stared at Blaze for a good five seconds to get his attention, when she finally did, she waved the joint in-front of his face and giggled. "Want some of this, badboy?" She said, giving him a seductive wink.
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"A party has to have more then just a couple of margaritas Ash, you of all people should know that or at least Angelika would." Keithn gave Angelika a slight wink know that when it came to parties its almost impossible for her to disappoint. He then leaned his head over onto the shoulder of Alyssa pauseing there for a while until she took up a piece of her cookie which he then took a small bite out of and looked back at Asher. "And how much food will there be buddy?"
Nathan had simply sat down next to his girlfriend. He had thought they would be able to talk alone but, for a change, he was a little late. He simply crossed his arms on the table and looked as people arrived. Nervously glancing back to his girlfriend, however he relaxed as Keith and, later, Blaze walked in. Smiling at both of them instead of just awknowleding the presence of the rest with a nod. As soon as Asher walked in Nathan completely looking away, specially when he was hugging his girlfriend. He felt a bit out of place not having a snack or some coffee in front of him but he didn't feel hungry, due to the cigarette he had earlier. He simply kept chewing his gum and being rather silent.

He spoke very limited about his day but did show interest in other people whenever they felt like talking. Of course until Asher spoke up, "I've been saving up for a really big hotel room for one night!" That made Nathan have to force down a laugh. Normally things like that wouldn't get to him, but when it came to Asher he would purposely look for problematic things. He looked at his girlfriend to see her reply. If she wanted him to go then he would. If she didn't mention him then he didn't find the need to go.
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Casper Rey hiccuped followed by a giggle, "Excuse me." Apparently the speed she was eating at was too much, so she slowed down a little. That's when she heard Asher speak up about a party. "I've never been to a party unless it was a birthday party." Casper Rey was innocent and she knew it, this would be her first one as an adult. "I'm in, always up for trying new things." She finished her muffin and crumpled the wrapper up, setting it aside to throw away later. The only part that worries Casper Rey is the drinking, at such a light weight, she couldn't do much.

Blaze Denaldi


Blaze started to reply to the party invitation with enthusiasm, but stopped and grinned, turning his head towards Casper Rey at her response. "You really are adorable." He complimented, kissing her forehead quickly before tuning back into the conversation. And she was. While there were indeed occasions in which Blaze wished he was dating a girl a little more into risks and, namely drugs, it wasn't that big a hassle to have to find other people to get high with. He did genuinely like who Casper Rey was. She had the whole cute good girl thing going for her, and he cared about her a lot. That wasn't to say that he didn't miss old girlfriends sometimes because, let's be completely honest, high sex was the best sex. He was always a big fan of taking a few substances, banging it out, and then tearing up whatever was in the fridge and cuddling. He never offered her a joint or anything, and if she was at his apartment, he and his roommate would take it outside because he always felt weird doing anything in front of her. With all the walking on egg shells and sneaking off to get high and making sure she ate regularly, Blaze did sometimes feel like he was babysitting more than he was dating, though he would obviously never say that out loud. He didn't want to lose Casper Rey. With all the stupid shit he'd gotten into before her, he could have very well been dead by now without her holding him down, he'd just have to one day eventually ease her into maybe smoking a little with him. He could deal with all the other stuff if she'd just let go every now and then. "I'm down for a party. Especially a party involving shrooms." He replied, giving Angelika a slight nod at her input.

He listened to Keithn and Asher for a moment longer until the blonde across the table from him caught his gaze. He smirked when she waved a joint around, and his eyes also immediately went to the bar, but no one was paying attention to the group aside from a waitress who was giving them googly eyes. That was all Nathan, though. He'd seen that look on thousands of girls faces while in the presence of his best friend. So with even that waitress distracted, he nodded.
"Out back?" He suggested quietly, turning to wrap an arm around his girlfriends shoulders and squeeze her in a quick hug. "We'll be right back, baby." He informed, ducking to crawl underneath the table instead of making everyone in his way stand up. He came out the other side, dusted off his knees, and held a hand out for Angelika. He was getting a few free tokes, the least he could do was be a bit more gentlemanly than usual.

He lead the girl outside, around the building through the sketchy alleyway to the less intimidating back of the building, and tossed her his 'lucky lighter.'
"Your boyfriends kind of a dick to you. I know I don't have any room to talk, because I'm out here smoking with you and my girlfriend's in there probably suspicious, but still. You deserve a lot better than that, you know?" Blaze wasn't even high yet and he was already talking to Angelika like she was his best friend or something. That was the great part of smoking buddies, it was always such a comfortable environment around them. "I like Asher, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying dump the guy. Just put your foot down. Fed up girlfriends scare the shit out of us." He only half-joked, taking it when it was his turn and closing his eyes when the smoke reached his lungs, thoroughly pleased and feeling calmer already.
Alyssa gave a squeeze back to Angelikas hand. She then smiled at Keith when he winked and nudged him when he ate part of her cookie laughing.She looked up at Asher she hated how he just ignored her, and she hated how Keith was clearly flirting with her right there in front of everyone. She didn't think he would ever really do anything, she just was a bit embarrassed. She watched as Angelika and Blaze head at the back. She at least wanted one hit. she stood up slowly looking at Asher then at Keith "I better go check on Angelika" She looked back at Asher to imply it was his fault just a bit. She made her way to the back, walking she starting imitating Caspar quietly to herself "I never been to a party...only a birthday party". She repeated in a winy naisely voice rolling her eyes. She's not quit sure why her innocents bothered he so much, maybe because of her having to grow up so quickly herself. I guess in a way she was a bit jealous. She finally made it out side, seeing them both she walked over. "Hey Angelika, you ok?" She looked over at blaze with a smile "Hey blaze". As she looked at the joint, she didn't really know if she had ever actually smoked in front of Blaze. She was pretty good about hiding it only taking a hit or two with Angelika every now and then and Keith every once in a blue moon. She hesitated not knowing if she should smoke now or not.
"Keithn, are you kidding? I'm a party planning fucking master. Don't worry about food or drinks or anything. I've got it." Asher laughed a little. It was pretty true, he has thrown some killer parties in high school and throughout college. Asher loved to party, but it's hard to throw parties sometimes when you're so caught up with working and your social life, not to mention trying to pass as heterosexual and trying to be there for your best friend/room mate. Asher took a big sip of his latte, with extra cream and two sugars. He felt extremely uncomfortable after hearing Angelika's comment, and kind of panicked on the inside. "Oh- yeah- Sorry. Hey, Angelika." He shot her an apologetic half-smile. Asher was really bad at this whole 'pretending to be straight' thing. It just wasn't working, but he didn't know what to do. After he said he was saving up for a big hotel room, he saw a somewhat sarcastic smile on Nathan's face, and a chuckle of what seemed like he was holding back laughter. "Well I'm sorry don't shit gold coins and wipe my ass with $100 dollar bills." Asher muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes slightly. God, he really didn't like Nathan, and he tried to be nice, but sometimes he just couldn't help it. Asher somewhat regretted saying that; too bad there's no delete button in life. Asher saw as Angelika ran off. It felt like a dagger went straight through his chest. All he wants to do is please people, but sometimes he does that in the wrong way. 'I have to tell her- this is just making everything worse. For her, and for everyone else. All her friends must hate my guts by now.' Asher thought to himself. 'It probably seems so selfish of me- fuck. I'm not trying to be selfish, it's actually the opposite. But, I can't keep doing this. I have to stop.' Asher sighed, running a hand through his hair. Asher looked down at the floor as everyone else talked, thinking about Angelika. 'I want to tell her so bad- but not right now. It would cause a gigantic scene, and this is a personal thing. I should talk to her alone after we leave the coffee shop.' Asher decided in his head, as he got up and walked towards the back door, taking a deep breath before he opened it, walking towards Angelika and Blaze. "I have to talk to you after we leave the coffee shop. I've been shittyto you- and I just-- I want to explain why, okay? I'm sorry. I'll text you once everyone leaves and we can meet up somewhere- I mean- if you're okay with that. I just need you to know why I've been such a bad boyfriend and just a bad person to you in general."
Angelika glanced at Keithn and smiled. "Oh you know it, buddy." She said, licking her teeth. She looked at Asher one last time, then looked down, nodding her head in disappointment. She placed the joint between her teeth, turned around and looked at the waitress, winking and giving her a salute, oh how she didn't care what people thought. She gave Alyssa a little kiss on the top of her head and squeezed Keithn's shoulder. "Be back in a sec." She brushed down her skirt. straightening it out a little bit and took Blaze's hand, heading out back. She couldn't lie, it was chapping outside and it was pretty noticeable that she was shaking because of the cold. She caught the lighter and quickly sparked up the joint, taking a few tokes before passing it on to Blaze.

She didn't exactly like the thought of Blaze talking about her and Asher's relationship since every time she's reminded of it, it saddens her. "Well not everyone can be as good as a boyfriend as you Blaze." She admitted, she was always jealous of Blaze's and Casper's relationship, it was cute and she'd always wished she'd had a boyfriend that reminded her how much she meant to him.

She took a few more tokes and she was feeling high as a motherfucking kite. She could feel her eyes becoming more heavier. As the joint was being passed back and forwards between herself and Blaze, Alyssa suddenly walked out. Angelika adored Alyssa but she really liked being alone with Blaze, mostly because they're just so similar and well, he's gorgeous. "Hey sweetie, I'm just kosher." she said, in a happy tone. She knew why Alyssa was out here really, she's her best friend, she wasn't stupid. She held the joint close to Alyssa's face and raised her eyebrows. "Go on, it'll do ya good." She winked.

By this time, Angelika felt like she was trapped in an ice cube. Angelika saw the back door open and out came Asher. She sniffed and looked down at the floor and crossed her arms, she didn't want to talk to Asher right now, she was enjoying her spiff and the company of Blaze and Alyssa and he had to come ruin it. "Sure." She said bluntly, not looking at his face. She was starting to get paranoid but that's mostly because of the weed. She kept looking at the floor, hoping he'd leave her alone.
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Keithn smiled as he watched Alyssa get up and make her way outside. Once the door was shut behind her he dropped his head dropped as did the mask of a smile he had on. His eyes turned towards Nathan slightly shaking. "Well I dont think any of us are stupid enough to now what they're going." And soon enough Asher followed in there footsteps. Keithn's face said it all. And he couldn't help but wonder if it was something he said. "See what you did. You done drove off half our crew you 100 doller ass wiping snob." He dropped his hand on Nathan's shoulder laughing even though inside Keithn knew that somtimes Nathan could be a bit over bearing. His attention then shifted to Casper. "And You...Tonight You going to go to that party as a girl but your going to wake up tomorrow a grown ass woman." He dropped a bit of attitude in his worth while he shook his fingers at her playfully. "And I won't go to sleep until you do." Even though his face was laughing Keithn was worried. His eye constantly peering outside to see if Alyssa, Angelika, and Blaze wasn't in cuffs already most of all Alyssa.
Casper Rey said as she watch Alyssa leave and then Asher leave to the back. She began playing with a napkin in one hand and propped her head up on her hand. It was obvious she was thinking and when she started thinking, it was hard to stop. Scenario one was that they were all talking about her and were planning on ditching her, but then again, Nathan and Keithn were still at the booth. Casper Rey snapped back when she heard Keithn speaking to her, "Uh, well, I'll try." She squinted her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him jokingly. She sighed and thought to herself, "I wish Blaze would come back inside..."
Nathan smiled at Keith, "I wish they weren't so obvious about it but it can't be helped." He then shrugged at the $100 bill comment, "Hey! I didn't technically say anything." He let out a small laugh, "He could of asked me and I would of payed for the room. Anything to make Alisa happy." He shifted his view towards his girlfriend and smiled lightly, almost like he hoped that she would forgive him for fighting the night before.
Alyssa smiled taking the joint, her best friend knew her all to well,that and she knew she liked seeing Blaze. She took a quick look at Blaze. what the hell maybe he will think a bit more of me She thought as she inhaled slowly, holding it in a few seconds then blew it back out. Handing it to Blaze. She didn't really know what he really thought of her. He was nice and really cool every time he came over, but she never knew even a hint of what he thought. For that she thought he must just be nice to her because of keithn and think she's a snob. Man she really hoped not.

She watched as Asher came out, hoping he didn't see her smoking. She watched him he better have a really good reason, lord if I wasn't so nice I would tell him what he could do with that text message and lame excuse. She rolled her eyes a bit, but kept focus on Angelica. She knew she was hurt. He watched waiting on Asher to leave. She looked down kicking the small rocks a bit.
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"W-was Angelika serious about bringing mushrooms to the party?" Casper Rey whispered to what was left of the group at the table. "The hallucinations from them can last from 3-7 hours, can be visual and or auditory and also have the chance of practically being a living nightmare." She had read up on her drugs when she started dating Blaze to make sure he wasn't doing anything too harsh if she found out he did something. Casper Rey wasn't known to do things that she hasn't done any research on at least once before. She began picking the napkin apart, worrying even more about the party. "Pardon me." Casper Rey got up from the table and walked to the bathroom, shutting herself in a stall, and letting her shaky breath go. She reaches into her purse and grabs out an anxiety pill, sticking it in her mouth, she dry swallows it.

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