[Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

A much better idea than my own. Your creative isn't as broken as mine!

She might've been trying to reach for a book high on a shelf before, well, Hunter would've offered for help as she saw her struggle on the tip of her toes and that frightened her, eep!
@Bombielonia Hm...I'm not sure if a relationship would be plausible. It's a sweet idea, and the awkwardness would be pretty hilarious, but Li's not a relationship sort of guy, and Evelyn is, well...too much of a softie. (Li would pretty much end up crushing Evelyn's sense of self-respect with his condescending, cynical attitude.) Plus, he's not much of a grade-orientated Asian. Maybe with Hei, a 'focus on grades' break-up could be possible. Hm...

If all else fails to meet personality continuity, then we can totally pull the "met at a party" card! Your character already knows Nessi's character, Jerylin, yes? They could have been introduced somehow, or other.
Trignome said:
@Bombielonia Hm...I'm not sure if a relationship would be plausible. It's a sweet idea, and the awkwardness would be pretty hilarious, but Li's not a relationship sort of guy, and Evelyn is, well...too much of a softie. (Li would pretty much end up crushing Evelyn's sense of self-respect with his condescending, cynical attitude.) Plus, he's not much of a grade-orientated Asian. Maybe with Hei, a 'focus on grades' break-up could be possible. Hm...
If all else fails to meet personality continuity, then we can totally pull the "met at a party" card! Your character already knows Nessi's character, Jerylin, yes? They could have been introduced somehow, or other.
Oh, sorry.. I thought it was him who was-.. Nevermind! That card certainly made things easier, they could've met through Jerylin, if that's okay with Nessie. =)

Trignome said:
Oh no, it would totally have been a photobomb! Or, she might have been distracted and knocked into him... maybe he tipped over or something... but photobomb sounds like more fun. What if that one unhappy interaction is the only time they've met before the trip.. Could make for an interesting and probably tense adjustment period. Although, Hannah probably wouldn't even notice the tension.
@LionsForLambs That's true. Our characters are literally complete opposites. *thinks for a moment* ...Use the "met at a party" card? (Ah, this card is such a cheat, but if you think about it, it's equally impossible for everybody to have deep, strong connections with everybody. Superfluous relationship, yay!)
Trignome said:
@LionsForLambs That's true. Our characters are literally complete opposites. *thinks for a moment* ...Use the "met at a party" card? (Ah, this card is such a cheat, but if you think about it, it's equally impossible for everybody to have deep, strong connections with everybody. Superfluous relationship, yay!)
I absolutely agree. I kinda figured there would be one or two people he either doesn't know or only knows in passing. 15 (potentially) people... that's a lot of people under the circumstances.
BrokenStrings said:
Oh no, it would totally have been a photobomb! Or, she might have been distracted and knocked into him... maybe he tipped over or something... but photobomb sounds like more fun. What if that one unhappy interaction is the only time they've met before the trip.. Could make for an interesting and probably tense adjustment period. Although, Hannah probably wouldn't even notice the tension.
Since Hannah's a beach girl, should it be an encounter on the beach? Maybe Li's trying to take a photo of some shells in the sand, and Hannah comes over and grabs one or something? Then Li completely flips out, because he spent a long time collecting those shells and, being the completely carefree, happy-go-lucky type that she is, Hannah has no idea why the weird Asian guy is freaking out. And then, long story short, they part ways and don't meet again until the road trip begins. I'm not sure if either person will remember each other, though. Does your character have good memory? My character's memory is rather...selective when it comes to people he dislikes.

Yup. That's all I can think of at this point. Feel free to add or change anything to this hypothetical situation!


So basically....

Hei and Evelyn bumped into each other on a trip to the bookstore on several occasions. The two were very shy and awkward at first, but eventually they opened up to each other, So, him being a bookworm and her being a bookworm, they often asked each other for book recommendations. Their friendship would evolve around books and friendly conversation.


I like that idea!

So this is how it goesss

Hei was having a bad day and was sketching at a park. Purely coincidental, Hunter was there looking for inspiration for a script. He'd just so managed to land his eyes on the awkward Hei. Hei was flustered at first but Hunter knew all right things to say. He started to open up and help Hunter with his script. The two eventually became mutual acquaintances.

(Sorry this took to long, my mom's having me run all over to get stuff for our trip... XP)
Trignome said:
Since Hannah's a beach girl, should it be an encounter on the beach? Maybe Li's trying to take a photo of some shells in the sand, and Hannah comes over and grabs one or something? Then Li completely flips out, because he spent a long time collecting those shells and, being the completely carefree, happy-go-lucky type that she is, Hannah has no idea why the weird Asian guy is freaking out. And then, long story short, they part ways and don't meet again until the road trip begins. I'm not sure if either person will remember each other, though. Does your character have good memory? My character's memory is rather...selective when it comes to people he dislikes.
Yup. That's all I can think of at this point. Feel free to add or change anything to this hypothetical situation!
Ohohohoh! How about, instead of taking a shell, she sticker her foot in the picture at the last second. Because she can be pretty immature, she probably started to laugh about it. Loosing her balance, she managed to fall, mess up the shell arraignment that Li had worked on so hard, AND probably shower Li in sand! A trifecta of "stay the fuck away from me!"

She might take a minute to remember, but she would place him, yeah. Probably act like they were long lost buddies. She would, of course, relate the entire story to everyone so Li wouldn't have a choice but to remember, too.
BrokenStrings said:
Ohohohoh! How about, instead of taking a shell, she sticker her foot in the picture at the last second. Because she can be pretty immature, she probably started to laugh about it. Loosing her balance, she managed to fall, mess up the shell arraignment that Li had worked on so hard, AND probably shower Li in sand! A trifecta of "stay the fuck away from me!"
She might take a minute to remember, but she would place him, yeah. Probably act like they were long lost buddies. She would, of course, relate the entire story to everyone so Li wouldn't have a choice but to remember, too.
That's...that idea is just...O_O

WE ARE DEFINITELY USING IT! *Spins in circles excitedly*
Oh then by all means hate me lol. My character would slick it off most likely, keeping true to his phoenix persona. An alternate ego he made to be what he is today

I'm not sure who would upset Hei, he's basically a person who absorbs all the hate. Except, that can explode and you will make the Angel Hei cry...
LuckyMisfortune said:
I'm not sure who would upset Hei, he's basically a person who absorbs all the hate. Except, that can explode and you will make the Angel Hei cry...
It's okay. Li will give a vicious lashing to anyone that upsets his BAFF. *frowns seriously* Only I can make Hei cry! None of you bastards deserve his tears!
Who, Hannah? Hate isn't a thing she does. She's a weird mix of, like, beach bum and hyper bohemian hippie... or something.

I have a feeling that anyone who upset Hei would be on, like, everyone's bad side! They might get stoned.. and I do mean the pelting with rocks sort.

Li will hit you with his insults and they do hurt.

Don't believe that words can't hurt you! XP

Yeah, you are right, come to think of it! XPPP


If it's not too much of a hassle, can you add this little something to the end of his relationship tab? If not that's fine!

Anyone who upsets Hei, the angel-like awkward Asian, will get on everyone's bad side. Although, his tears belong to Li, he has called all the dibs.

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