[Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

Mademoiselle said:
Since she didn't have much experience that would totally work ^^ They also like old movies and photography so maybe the friendship also grew because of that?
Yeah! They could have had movie nights together and made scrapbooks and stuff =P

Hmmm, Maude's parent's restaurant is kind of high-end actually, so nah. Probably a much better bet for it to relate to lifeguarding. If we wanna get dramatic, Hunter could save Maude from drowning because she just HAD to go in the water right after eating, the pig, and it ended badly (even though that's a myth, shhhhh.) Or, we could just leave them at acquaintances and let them build the relationship within the actual RP. Like, they met briefly at the beach but never really talked.
NessieAlways said:
Anabelle could have known Jerylin from her first day at the job since Jerylin is a bit of a caffeine addict and would go to Starbucks way before Anabelle started working there. Since Jerylin was always there, she could have given Anabelle side-line working tips and coffee brewing tips for sometime until Anabelle got the hang of it. From that a friends ship sprang.


OH! Maybe Anabelle could have been the barista that Li Ling and Jerylin saw every time that they would meet up for coffee.
If @Mademoiselle agrees to this, I think it will work. *cheers* Another friendship Li has successfully avoided...
NessieAlways said:
Yeah! They could have had movie nights together and made scrapbooks and stuff =P
And would give her plenty of an excuse to hero worship him, lolz. That's that then!


@BrokenStrings Ever since that day, Hunter and his friends and family were always welcomed at the Puckett restaurant, everything they order being on the house. Hence, acquaintance/friendship with Hunter's twinnie!

(...I tagged the right person right?)
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The relationships list is on the first page first post.

I'm missing @BrokenStrings 's relationships...I'm working on getting those up

Aside from that please check that I have correctly noted all of the relationships so far. Please let me know if something is wrong/missing and make sure you fill up all of the slots!

Hannah is an animal lover and Jerylin dislikes animal cruetly.

They could have met at a summer trip to D.C. to campaign for animal rights (sort of like how habitat for humanity goes and build houses around the world). They were put in the same campaign group which meant they were staying in the same sponsorship home. During the campaign they were required to make and hand out flyers at social events such as concerts, sport games, and such. They became very close friends after working together and made wonderful memories during their trip. (D.C. is a destination on the trip, when they get there they could reminisce about the good times =] ) Thoughts?


Jerylin had already known of Hunter's existence from the summer she spend with Hannah although they were only acquaintances. One night, Jerylin was ditched by her boyfriend at the time at the movies and it was getting late. She waited outside for her mother to arrive, but for some reason or another her mother was taking long. Thankfully Hunter had a late shift that day and when he got out he saw Jerylin outside and offered her a ride. Since Hunter has a passion for people, he started up a conversation during the ride which ended up in both of them spilling their guts out to each other and becoming extremely close. Thoughts?


Jerylin is currently working at the book store so she used to see Evelyn there everyday. Their relationship started off as a simple "Is this book available? How about now?" Soon Jerylin discovered that she had a similar book taste as Evelyn and they began having discussions about their favorite scenes and characters. Jerylin asked the manager of the book store to start a book club and when he agreed, she asked Evelyn to be her second hand. Unfortunately there wasn't enough interest to keep the book club afloat so it ended, but the friendship between Evelyn and Jerylin continued. Thoughts?


Jerylin and Carlos had a small fling while in high school although it didn't end well. High school was Jerylin's dark period in time and she had several resources that introduced her to Mary Jane. Carlos sought her out as a potential supplier and he used his charm to get to her. They went around for a bit, but never made their fling exclusive. When Jerylin found out that all he wanted was some dope...lets just say things got nasty. After some time Jerylin redeemed herself and cleared her stoner reputation. Little before graduation, Jerylin sought out Carlos and apologized for having left things pretty rough between them. It was hard to become friends again especially with their contrasting personalities, but nonetheless, by the end of her 2nd year in college Jerylin and Carlos were friends again. Thoughts?


(Would you like to keep the story they had before or create a new one?)
Why am I always asleep when you guys are awake! Asdfghjklasdfghjkl




I love it.

As for past, let me think of something (I basically just woke up)

Maybe, Hei was feeling down on himself one day and he wanted to stuff himself with food to drown it out. So, he picked a random restaurant and went in. It was there where Maude saw his downy self and tried to cheer him up at her father's restaurant. She got his order and brought out a surprise dessert she made herself. It would make Hei very happy and then start opening up to her slightly. Of course, he didn't share why he was mopey, but tried to come up with an excuse. Maude would see through it, but didn't say anything else because Hei had announced he was leaving. But before he left, she gave him her phone number to call whenever he was upset. She said she would try to make that dessert again and come over whenever he felt like that again. Hei did take her up on the offer and whenever she came over he would slowly, ever so slowly, open up to her. Even if he never told her the real reason why.

I will get to the other people I still need to have relationship with, hold your horses I didn't wake up until not too long ago.

As for Hunter, since he's a people watcher, saw Hei in one of his bad moods and decided to comfort him. It could have been in a park while he was sketching and enjoying the day. Being the guy who wants to know all your deepest secrets, Hunter probably knew all the right words to say. Hei being vulnerable practically spilled his guts, mostly. He talked about how much stress he was under, but left out the critical part of him being the meanest person to himself. Hunter could've seen through his charade and said to follow him, somewhere. The two walked and talked and Hei eventually calmed down and became that shy and awkward person. They exchange phone numbers and agree to talk again after Hunter basically gets him in a whole now.


Hei enjoys going to the beach, even if he has to slather on a lot of sunscreen, he didn't want to get any darker. He could have met Hannah when he was sketching the beach and he so happened to see her as a lifeguard. He basically started adding her to the picture. Eventually, Hannah noticed and started to think he was a stalker of something. So, she came over and asked him what he was doing. Hei was caught off guard and began that awkwardness. Eventually, after a long stumbling over words, he showed her the picture. Hannah comments on it, a happy comment, in which Hei starts talking to her. The two eventually exchange phone numbers and in memory of this small new friendship, Hei gives her the picture. Eventually, along the way, he realizes she and Hunter are twins.
@LuckyMisfortune Yes, this idea seems plausible. I think it'd work pretty well, since Li can't be a jerk all the time. What a lucky guy Hei is, just happening to meet him at a good time. *cheers* And now our characters know each other! Also, did you notice that we're both sleeping in the front seats of the RV? This. Is. Fate. We are going to be the best Asian Duo evaaaaar.

Ahem. Excuse me there, just got a bit too excited. In any case, should we add more detail to the background, or do you think it's adequate the way it is?
I know~ XP

Yesh, just yesh.


This is fate and they are going to be awesome together! :3 Hei tries as much as he can not to get on people's nerves. Asian Duo for the WIN! :3

I believe it's fine, but if you want to add something, by all means. Maybe they met up outside of this and maybe did stuff together. They can be best friends, even if Li is very antisocial and Hei is just plain awkward.

I don't know, but I exciteeeeedddd! :3

I want the roleplay to start, now. XP
Nah. The museum background story is great the way it is, and definitely applicable to both personas. I was just checking, to make sure our friendship has been established. Beyond that...Best Asian Friends Forevaaaaar! (BAFF, yes. Li and Hei are now BAFF's. You can't escape from this, Lucky. Accept your fate!) > :D
Good. Gooooooood. Glad you're not putting up a fight. *smiles coldly* Struggling is very painful, indeed.


I wonder where everybody else is. I still have about 10 people I need a background with. *pulls out a paintball gun* It's time to hunt them down... X_O
O^o I might have just signed a death sentence, but I guess I'm happy?

I have a plot to pick with a few more people as well, wish me luck! :3

I wish you luck and for the safety of the poor people you still need to find.
NessieAlways said:

Jerylin is currently working at the book store so she used to see Evelyn there everyday. Their relationship started off as a simple "Is this book available? How about now?" Soon Jerylin discovered that she had a similar book taste as Evelyn and they began having discussions about their favorite scenes and characters. Jerylin asked the manager of the book store to start a book club and when he agreed, she asked Evelyn to be her second hand. Unfortunately there wasn't enough interest to keep the book club afloat so it ended, but the friendship between Evelyn and Jerylin continued. Thoughts?
That sounds amazing, perhaps Eve and Jerylin borrow comics now and then..- But overall, this sounds brilliant! Looking forward to it. =)


*Is lost on who to create a relationship with now. :( *
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Ok nice! I like that little history we had jerry. I was iffy about it before but now i think history is cool. and i still like maudes idea of people knowing me through parties and stuff too.
it could be something simple. Maybe some guys tried picking on you and my dude, being a wrestler, fought them off. He then asked you to tutor him for the SAT and ACT's. He did well and so you guys could be cool although not really close.

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