[Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

Heheheheh..... >:3

I'm guessing Maude does something simple like spill a glass of water onto his lap and then apologize really fucking cheerfully, much to Li's chagrin, leading him to criticize her in some way. She gets flustered and then spills grape wine onto his lap, which is another matter entirely, and let's just say it was 10% intentional. And then of course he's going to have a go at her for that and she'll start yelling nonsense at him like "You think you're so cool? I've not even come close to exhaisting my repertoire, we have entire vats of marinara sauce in the kitchen, how would you like some of that on your clothes, huh - "

Her parents intercede her, and she's grounded for months. Well, how was she supposed to know his family was high society? Her parents apologize profusely. And that is "the incident." Feel free to add detail!

I get the feeling Maude wouldn't know what to make of Eve. One minute she would be thoroughly annoyed with her and the next her maternal instincts would be flaring. I could see them having some kind of love-hate, you pick on me and I subject you to Shakespearean monologues type friendship. Let me know if you'd like to plan something out!
A love-hate relationship sounds rather fun, looking forward to it. =)
@NessieAlways The first idea was great, though I'm not sure if it would be plausible...given that Jerylin doesn't seem the type to work in any of the..."interesting organizations"...I had in mind. illegal, shady, dangerous organizations, more like And Li Ling doesn't work for one specific group. Financial consultants and risk analysts generally provide services to multiple companies, and his job is a pay-per-time sort of thing, not a permanent hire.

Ah, your second idea though is brilliant! It'll definitely work, too, as Li Ling is that much of a cold-hearted bastard as to charge interest payments on a temporarily impoverished, part-timing, engineer student. Probably not wanting to part with his vintage camera, Li Ling may have purposely quoted a ridiculously high price, which he 'kindly' decided to reduce...with the addition of an equally ridiculous interest rate. Not expecting Jerylin to be able to handle the expense, he is surprised and mildly impressed by her determination/hard work. (Though, in his mind, Jerylin's also a bit of an idiot for putting in so much effort when she could have bought the exact same vintage model on Ebay for a more reasonable price.) But yes, she's left a trust-worthy and positive impression in Li's mind, and over their coffee meetings, they become friends. This will work...*cries in relief* Your plan will definitely work...:'D
Trignome said:
@NessieAlways The first idea was great, though I'm not sure if it would be plausible...given that Jerylin doesn't seem the type to work in any of the..."interesting organizations"...I had in mind. illegal, shady, dangerous organizations, more like And Li Ling doesn't work for one specific group. Financial consultants and risk analysts generally provide services to multiple companies, and his job is a pay-per-time sort of thing, not a permanent hire.
Ah, your second idea though is brilliant! It'll definitely work, too, as Li Ling is that much of a cold-hearted bastard as to charge interest payments on a temporarily impoverished, part-timing, engineer student. Probably not wanting to part with his vintage camera, Li Ling may have purposely quoted a ridiculously high price, which he 'kindly' decided to reduce...with the addition of an equally ridiculous interest rate. Not expecting Jerylin to be able to handle the expense, he is surprised and mildly impressed by her determination/hard work. (Though, in his mind, Jerylin's also a bit of an idiot for putting in so much effort when she could have bought the exact same vintage model on Ebay for a more reasonable price.) But yes, she's left a trust-worthy and positive impression in Li's mind, and over their coffee meetings, they become friends. This will work...*cries in relief* Your plan will definitely work...:'D
Yeah I knew the Interesting Organization would be an illegal one, but Jerylin doesn't have to know that, but any who not our story =P

Glad you liked the second idea!
Bombie: What if Eve and Maude went to the same camp or something as kids (like, around 8-10 years old) and met that way? They hit it off pretty well at first the way young girls are wont to do, but then when all the "camp stuff" gets started (MOSQUITOES, hiking, sports, swimming with fish and who-knows-what, peeing in lakes, etc.), Maude's all over the place, being the ball of energy that she is, and she keeps dragging Eve along with her! She just can't understand why Eve might not be interested! In the end, Eve is dragged into a lot more scary situations than she wanted and Maude had a lot more down time than she wanted, a result of the two of them tugging at each other. But, they also had a lot more fun than they expected!
asduskfalls said:
Bombie: What if Eve and Maude went to the same camp or something as kids (like, around 8-10 years old) and met that way? They hit it off pretty well at first the way young girls are wont to do, but then when all the "camp stuff" gets started (MOSQUITOES, hiking, sports, swimming with fish and who-knows-what, peeing in lakes, etc.), Maude's all over the place, being the ball of energy that she is, and she keeps dragging Eve along with her! She just can't understand why Eve might not be interested! In the end, Eve is dragged into a lot more scary situations than she wanted and Maude had a lot more down time than she wanted, a result of the two of them tugging at each other. But, they also had a lot more fun than they expected!
Poor Eve! xD That sounds brilliant, even better actually; she needed someone dragging her or she'd just sit in her place and either read or 'bore abut.' .. Peein-.. Yeah, I get the point! She'd get pushed to do things she'd never do, yep xD

- Be right back!
A beautiful history of dragging each other places and forcing each other to have girl's night IN is born. xD
@asduskfalls Yes. That situation is hilariously perfect. Yesssssssss. *wiggles fingers*

After having a glass of water spilled on his lap, Li Ling commented on her lack of coordination skills, asking if she accidentally tripped on her invisible shoelaces. Maude gets flustered, and when she's passing by his table, she accidentally-but-sort-of-on-purpose spills a glass of wine into his lap. At this point, Li Ling bitterly remarks that there are much easier ways to get guys to take off their pants, and that the free drinks aren't going to earn her any big tips. Of course, Maude gets pissed and she starts yelling at him about the marinara sauce, when his parents walk over from a different table to ask what is the matter.

Now, his parents understand that Li Ling is a difficult and often offensive person, so they attempt to apologize to Maude and her parents, who've also come out from the kitchen to investigate the conflict. Maude's parents, recognizing the Chen family's high societal/financial position, become extremely flustered and begin apologizing as well. So yes, Maude is grounded, for offending some regular customers. (Yes...the Chen family is a regular at the restaurant...*laughs maliciously*)

Needless to say, Li Ling is extremely annoyed at having to see 'Maudinara' every time he visits the restaurant. But...the dessert is delicious, especially the cake menu...so he still comes every week. His love for delicious cake will not be deterred by the presence of obnoxious people. *pose of determination*

...So. How's that? (I was trying to figure out a way that they could meet more than just once. Li Ling is bad at remembering people he dislikes, so unless he sees them on a regular basis, he wouldn't know them that well.)
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asduskfalls said:
A beautiful history of dragging each other places and forcing each other to have girl's night IN is born. xD
xD Eve would probably drag her to the library, but can't even get to manage to keep quiet as they giggle like schoolgirls and get kicked out!
@asduskfalls - sure thing. He does like to hike a lot. Would they have met at school or in another way? Since she works with food, maybe he ordered food from her parents resturant almost exclusively during his film shoots- you know, the cheap stuff cause he was a poor college student, and they met that way. Or somethin'.

Anabelle could have known Jerylin from her first day at the job since Jerylin is a bit of a caffeine addict and would go to Starbucks way before Anabelle started working there. Since Jerylin was always there, she could have given Anabelle side-line working tips and coffee brewing tips for sometime until Anabelle got the hang of it. From that a friends ship sprang.


OH! Maybe Anabelle could have been the barista that Li Ling and Jerylin saw every time that they would meet up for coffee.
Mademoiselle said:
Barista at Starbucks and waitress at an x restaurant(just some random one that is close to the University).
Same, my character worked part time at somewhere place near where she studied! My character could be the cashier at the said place, whilst being in the same uni and worked at the same place. ;3
NessieAlways said:
Anabelle could have known Jerylin from her first day at the job since Jerylin is a bit of a caffeine addict and would go to Starbucks way before Anabelle started working there. Since Jerylin was always there, she could have given Anabelle side-line working tips and coffee brewing tips for sometime until Anabelle got the hang of it. From that a friends ship sprang.


OH! Maybe Anabelle could have been the barista that Li Ling and Jerylin saw every time that they would meet up for coffee.
Since she didn't have much experience that would totally work ^^ They also like old movies and photography so maybe the friendship also grew because of that?
LionsForLambs said:
Since Hunter is a life guard, he could have met any number of you at the beach, too...
My character usually likes to go on walks around places. She could have met and since they are both 'happy' people they got along well.

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