[Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

Anabelle gets angered easily and says bad stuff in the heat of the moment. She wouldnt hate anyone but hold a grudge yes.

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LuckyMisfortune said:
Li will hit you with his insults and they do hurt.

Don't believe that words can't hurt you! XP

Yeah, you are right, come to think of it! XPPP


If it's not too much of a hassle, can you add this little something to the end of his relationship tab? If not that's fine!

Anyone who upsets Hei, the angel-like awkward Asian, will get on everyone's bad side. Although, his tears belong to Li, he has called all the dibs.
He has a pocket knife too. And 401k's...those hurt as well. *nods* Li definitely has dibs on Hei's tears. That's what BAFF's are for, making each other feel just bad enough to hate yourselves, but not each other.

BrokenStrings said:
aaahahaha. I can't stop laughing. This has devolved!
Also...this has not devolved at all. *in total denial* The everstone works. It always works!
Haha, BrownBear...

Basically everyone hates people who make Hei cry. Hei is that awkward Asian angel and everyone has that weird protective instinct over him. XP

Yes, Candle, yes. XP BAFFS are awesome! I need to be meself some BAFFS..
who else has a knife? I have a knife! my guys first goal once in college was to be the greatest fighter.
Hei has a knife, except he doesn't know how to use it. He's hopeless a physical activity, despite running. He's a good runner, speed-wise. XP (to run away from bad situation)

Anyways, the group should establish a Protect-Hei Foundation. Secretly of course, he shouldn't know. XP

That would be awesome, for him I mean. He has to learn how to protect himself.

Even better idea, a protection agency to protect his innocence. XP (I'm weird.)

(Bah, I have to go to sleep! See you in the morning!)
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Oh goodness I missed tons of planning...Anyone care to sum up their own relations so it's easier for me to mesh both sides and add it to the relationships?

Li and Evelyn: pulls the 'met at a party' card

Li and Hunter: pulls the 'met at a party' card

Li and Hannah: Trig's post (Since Hannah's a beach girl, should it be an encounter on the beach? Maybe Li's trying to take a photo of some shells in the sand, and Hannah comes over and grabs one or something? Then Li completely flips out, because he spent a long time collecting those shells and, being the completely carefree, happy-go-lucky type that she is, Hannah has no idea why the weird Asian guy is freaking out. And then, long story short, they part ways and don't meet again until the road trip begins. I'm not sure if either person will remember each other, though. Does your character have good memory? My character's memory is rather...selective when it comes to people he dislikes.)

Brokenstring's post (Ohohohoh! How about, instead of taking a shell, she sticker her foot in the picture at the last second. Because she can be pretty immature, she probably started to laugh about it. Loosing her balance, she managed to fall, mess up the shell arraignment that Li had worked on so hard, AND probably shower Li in sand! A trifecta of "stay the fuck away from me!"

She might take a minute to remember, but she would place him, yeah. Probably act like they were long lost buddies. She would, of course, relate the entire story to everyone so Li wouldn't have a choice but to remember, too.)

Sorry about the lack of summation for the last one.
LionsForLambs said:
I know I already responded, but I wanted to make sure we're kosher. I imagine that Hunter would probably been passing by and stopped to make some quirky comment about Anabelle's hat or her tattoo or something (the wrist one). Maybe the starbucks Anabelle works at is near to the theater that Hunter works at and they've built up a friendly acquaintance via random encounters on the street or something.
Heh. I'm pretty sure that even if he neeeeevvvveeeeeer lets it show, he lets that hero worship go to his head. It's inevitable!

I can work with this. Hunter does tend to be a little less forthcoming. He's more comfortable listening than talking most of the time, but knowing Jerylin is a friend of his sisters means that he would be willing to go out of his way to be helpful. And nice... And I bet Hannah wouldn't even be jealous if they forged their own friendship... much. (@BrokenStrings)

To be frank, if Hunter was approaching a complete stranger who seemed to be in a bad mood- it was probably more likely because he figured he could get good material for a script. He would know all the right things to say, and it's likely that as they talked, Hunter became more interested in the person than the potential material. But Hunter is always like that. Maybe he should have gone to school for psychology instead of film!

@Bombielonia - Eve is an avid reader, right? So what if they met at a library (or book store) and Hunter sat with Eve while she calmed down after a particularly bad scare? They'd probably seen each other around a few times before that, and a few times after before they struck up any kind of real friendship?

@Trignome - I'm honestly not sure how they would know each other. They are completely opposite. Li hates friendly people and Hunter is super friendly. Li doesn't care for optimistic people and, well, yeah. The best I can come up with is that they likely know each other through either hei or his sister Hannah...

@BrownBear -Similarly, I'm not sure they would have a reason to know each other outside of other people.

I think my creative is broken, guys. This is serious. Like, Wonder Pets, serious!
She would've probably taken that as a chance to flirt with him :P She frequents the movie theater to watch movies she finds interesting, example some comic based one. Maybe they could have each other's contact so that if a new interesting movie came out he would tell her when he went to Starbucks. Just an idea, if you don't like it we can change it.


I was thinking since our characters are both adventurous, they could have met in a dangerous kind of activity? For example they met while parachuting or scuba diving or bungee jumping (maybe they encountered themselves in same activities different times?) Up to you.


So I was thinking what more to add to our characters history. Well, they could've hooked up at a party. Some days later she gets robbed after a late shift that she is walking to her dorm. She didn't lose much, but she realized how weak she was towards attackers. She remembers your character is a military guy and decides to ask him. He could've said yes and taught her some self defense stuff. You can delete and edit anything from this if you want.
NessieAlways said:
Oh goodness I missed tons of planning...Anyone care to sum up their own relations so it's easier for me to mesh both sides and add it to the relationships?
Anabelle and Hannah met when one day after leaving work Anabelle found an injured dog. She took it to the veterinary where Hannah worked and they met like that basically...
I could but you guys gotta know he didnt go to the same college as you guys. High school yeah but he was only back from college every time he visited family and friends. So i guess it all works but i just wanted that out there.

So anytime he came he made sure no one messed with hei and taught Hannah fighting stuff(OR annabelle? Im sorry) stuff. If you guys wish to be closer and say he flew you guys out to him im down for that as well. Hell if any of you wanna say that you just needed a place to stay in CO just say he hooked you up just cause we all went to high school together. Again the party thing still works. As for Li... kinda wanna say we've done drug runs together for some gangs. So we know each other on a professional level. We even threw some of the biggest parties together, making massive profits. Just me though.
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Eve is an avid reader, right? So what if they met at a library (or book store) and Hunter sat with Eve while she calmed down after a particularly bad scare? They'd probably seen each other around a few times before that, and a few times after before they struck up any kind of real friendship.


If all else fails to meet personality continuity, then we can totally pull the "met at a party" card! Your character already knows Nessi's character, Jerylin, yes? They could have been introduced somehow, or other. (Li and Eve)


Hei + Evelyn

Hei and Evelyn bumped into each other on a trip to the bookstore on several occasions. The two were very shy and awkward at first, but eventually they opened up to each other, So, him being a bookworm and her being a bookworm, they often asked each other for book recommendations. Their friendship would evolve around books and friendly conversation.

Hei + Hunter

Hei was having a bad day and was sketching at a park. Purely coincidental, Hunter was there looking for inspiration for a script. He'd just so managed to land his eyes on the awkward Hei. Hei was flustered at first but Hunter knew all right things to say. He started to open up and help Hunter with his script. The two eventually became mutual acquaintances.

Hei + Hannah

Hei enjoys going to the beach, even if he has to slather on a lot of sunscreen, he didn't want to get any darker. He could have met Hannah when he was sketching the beach and he so happened to see her as a lifeguard. He basically started adding her to the picture. Eventually, Hannah noticed and started to think he was a stalker of something. So, she came over with her hands on her hips and asked him what he was doing. Her tone was quite scary and Hei was very shy. Hei was caught off guard and began that awkwardness. Eventually, after a long stumbling over words, he showed her the picture. Hannah comments on it and absolutely loves it, Hei then started talking to her. The two eventually exchanged phone numbers and in memory of this new friendship, Hei gives her the picture. Eventually, along the way, he realizes she and Hunter are twins.

This next bit, we kind of had a funny discussion about Hei and his innocence. XP If you can add it, I will die laughing, but happy. If not, it's okay! :3

Hei + All Friends

Anyone who upsets Hei, the angel-like awkward Asian, will get on everyone's bad side. Although, his tears belong to Li, he has called all the dibs.
Alright we are close to our starting date so I need everyone to look through your character relationships and post what ever is missing.

If you're playing the "Met at Party" card I'll fill it in for you.

Sound good?
Mademoiselle said:
She would've probably taken that as a chance to flirt with him :P She frequents the movie theater to watch movies she finds interesting, example some comic based one. Maybe they could have each other's contact so that if a new interesting movie came out he would tell her when he went to Starbucks. Just an idea, if you don't like it we can change it.
Nope. That works for me.
Ok seeing as how I'm pressed on time (since the rp starts tomorrow) if any of you have suggestions how our characters met I'd appreciate it. I'll be going through and putting up ideas here in a bit and if you don't agree with it PLEASE let me know and I'll change it
xx0mittens0xx said:
Ok seeing as how I'm pressed on time (since the rp starts tomorrow) if any of you have suggestions how our characters met I'd appreciate it. I'll be going through and putting up ideas here in a bit and if you don't agree with it PLEASE let me know and I'll change it
So if your character likes to party amd stuff, Anabelle and Felicia could've been partying buddies ^^

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