[Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

xx0mittens0xx said:
@asduskfalls Is a regular to the restaurant she works at so has seen her in passing.
@Bombielonia Her unofficial library friend. Quite fond of reading herself she often goes to Evelyn for advice on buying a new book or borrowing one.

@Mademoiselle and @LuckyMisfortune Is a frequent flyer of the party scene and these two lovely people usually provide interesting conversation after introducing herself after the upteenth time of seeing them at a party.

@BrownBear When she was in her modeling phase she did manage to get a small gig in her senior year and ended up being paired up with him for a set. Though she did feel a slight connection, she left the job and hasn't seen much of him since.

@BrokenStrings Having a diabetic cat named GiGi she's a regular at the veterinary clinic and has always liked Hannah. She was always so nice and she appreciated her understading of Gigi's not so nice tendencies.

@LionsForLambs Saved her from going home with an unsavory guy at a party, even though she was pissed at Hunter for interfering she was grateful for it after learning the guy's true reputation once she was sober.

(Will add more detail either later tonight or first thing in the morning. I'm being called for a night of Vodka/OJs and monopoly. How could I say no? xD )
With the photo shoot idea, I'm not sure if compatibility between our characters is high enough for Li to exclusively take pictures for Felice...(Sorry. He's kind of an A.S.S. Anti-Social Skeptic) At most, if we use the photo shoot concept, he'd end up refusing, and that would be that. *cries over the keyboard* Yet another potential connection I've slaughtered for personality continuity...*bows in apology*
and then after that, Carlos makes her feel better by taking her out on a fantastic day, prolly never calling again.
Haha. Character continuity is awesome though! I've played with far too many over the years that are all.. yeah, and I want this so suddenly my character is willing to x when he would have done b before. Hate it, hate it.

I just made myself sound so old! Over the years.. pfft.
Trignome said:
With the photo shoot idea, I'm not sure if compatibility between our characters is high enough for Li to exclusively take pictures for Felice...(Sorry. He's kind of an A.S.S. Anti-Social Skeptic) At most, if we use the photo shoot concept, he'd end up refusing, and that would be that. *cries over the keyboard* Yet another potential connection I've slaughtered for personality continuity...*bows in apology*
Changed it? If it's still too social for your character let me know. It's all I could come up with @_@ but if you don't like it I'll change it to something else
xx0mittens0xx said:
Changed it? If it's still too social for your character let me know. It's all I could come up with @_@ but if you don't like it I'll change it to something else
I'm pretty much okay with them meeting through a photo shoot, only that Li never actually went through with the request. It's not the most moving, emotionally wrought background ever, but it's plausible enough...and at least our characters somehow know each other?
asduskfalls said:
I can see Maude begging Esben to let her borrow his mini-BBQ. And she'd certainly enjoy engaging in some of his more minor dare-devil stunts with him as she's an energetic and adventurous person. Let me know if you'd like to brainstorm some backstory together.
Ahahaha, of course he'll share.. But only if she cooks him something good to eat! Otherwise it's no deal ;P jk.

Yeah, but that sounds more like the meet on the trip. Which is understandable because not everyone will know everyone? All we have to have is a connection to Jer. BUT since your character is a chef how about Esben worked part-time at the restaurant she works at. Perhaps he was a waiter of something who buddied-up with the cook so that he could get good food after he clocked off ^.^


Mademoiselle said:
I was thinking since our characters are both adventurous, they could have met in a dangerous kind of activity? For example they met while parachuting or scuba diving or bungee jumping (maybe they encountered themselves in same activities different times?) Up to you.
Yeah! A partner in random-stuff-that-is-probably-not-smart-but-will-be-done-anyways! :D

Sounds like a plan to me, perhaps they met getting tattoos one time and then ran into each other doing something possibly life threatening. I feel like cliff-jumping could be a completely great idea or sky-diving!


LuckyMisfortune said:
As for Esben, I need to figure something out, if not I'll probably just pull the party card.
I'm not sure if you want to, but would you like to work out a relationship between Hei and Esben?
Yes! Let's work on one :D

Have anything in mind???



I'm good with the same backstory as last time.



MMMM.... seems like they weren't to close to each other throughout their lives. Esben has always lived in SoCal, and Hei hasn't.

Maybe Hei was at some sort of convention, like between Stanford & San Diego Uni & others, and he was being picked on for being so young... then Esben stood up for him (Like he was passing by and being... well... Esben... He jumped in without a second thought and said something completely stupid but truthful?)

That's a lot like Hei's relationship with Carlos though O.o


maybe Hei spotted Esben doing something entirely stupid on a dare and called him an idiot for it. Which Esben would have just laughed at and, for being truthful, he would have bought Hei a coffee (since he believes people that speak up and are truthful deserve a reward)????

IDK, any of this inspiring you?
Yes, I love the second one! :3

So basically....

Esben was dared by a group of his friends. Hei, being in a particularly bold mood, went up to him. He started scolding a little and called him an idiot. Hei figured that this guy, much taller than him, would start to gang up on him. Surprisingly, Esben merely laughed and told him, for being truthful, the two would grab a cup of coffee. Hei was truly surprised but he figured what would it hurt. Over coffee, Esben told Hei the reason why he got him coffee. The two exchanged phone numbers and said they would meet up together sometimes again.

Sound good? :3
YoungDreamer said:
@xx0mittens0xx @Bombielonia @Trignome
Come to me, little kitties! > :D

Just kidding, I'm not that creepy...


Anyways, come and lets create wondrous relationships between our characters!
Lol. I suppose just about anything is possible, Hannah being the little social butterfly. I was gonna go with "met at a party.. several times" but interesting idea's are always better than fall backs!
BrokenStrings said:
Lol. I suppose just about anything is possible, Hannah being the little social butterfly. I was gonna go with "met at a party.. several times" but interesting idea's are always better than fall backs!
No. No. It needs to be exciting :) Or at least interesting!

BrownBear said:
Esben and carlos should have the most history, cosidering both are thrill seekers
Ahaha! I feel like they would be best friends O_O

I mean the Player and the Daredevil, perfect duo-of-danger ;)
YoungDreamer said:
@xx0mittens0xx @Bombielonia @Trignome
Come to me, little kitties! > :D

Just kidding, I'm not that creepy...


Anyways, come and lets create wondrous relationships between our characters!
I'm afraid I only have meeting at a party as well. Though if you want to invent some kind of dare they happened to be involved in during a party that would have caused them to meet other than just seeing each other "X" amount of times at a party that's fine too. But my creative hamster is not running on his wheel at the moment and so I apologize.
We dont need a specific history other than they were close since freshman year. First friend he made moving into california from florida. Thats it.
Trignome said:
Hm...I wonder how a cynic and a daredevil know each other?
Wah... IDK O.o

BrownBear said:
We dont need a specific history other than they were close since freshman year. First friend he made moving into california from florida. Thats it.
Yeah, that sounds fine. Something like...

Esben and Carlos met randomly, perhaps hitting it off at the beach when they picked up on a group of girls together... maybe they impressed each other and decided to exchange numbers to go partying, then just became friends after that?
He was chubby, but not ugly and shy. I believe it. Esben saw the transformation first hand. Hes the only one who knows his persona, which he calls the Phoenix
Honestly, there are too many characters working at the Pucketts' restaurant already. It's a really tiny place. Let's just have them have met at the same party Maude met Carlos?

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