[Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

asduskfalls said:
Honestly Trig, I don't see how anything could possibly get through Li's cold heart. xD
*adjusts glasses* I'm not cold, Maude. I just hate obnoxious people. *smiles humorlessly* Essentially, everybody.
"Well if you would just pull that massive branch out of your a-" -muffled by random friend-

Strings, I love that idea. xD But it would be too... too.
asduskfalls said:
"Well if you would just pull that massive branch out of your a-" -muffled by random friend-
Strings, I love that idea. xD But it would be too... too.
Obnoxious? Mean? Cruel? Devastating to a young, pessimistic and likely delicate heart?
YoungDreamer said:
Too unfair for Esben T_T
JK, he'd probably in on the game to. He's the daredevil after all... >.>
Too bad for him the tent is a no boys zone... cause all the girls are gonna party hardy.... muwahaha!
I also think esben and carlos should have done a sport together making them both competitive. Track or wrestling. Wrestling i doubt they would be the same weight class but still. Both could have been captains.
NessieAlways said:
Sport games are definitely something we can do!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOCCER. Can we set up like scrimmages with all the characters for a bunch of different sports? :D
asduskfalls said:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOCCER. Can we set up like scrimmages with all the characters for a bunch of different sports? :D
Lol I'm sure that if we visit parks we can definitely do something like that !
BrownBear said:
I also think esben and carlos should have done a sport together making them both competitive. Track or wrestling. Wrestling i doubt they would be the same weight class but still. Both could have been captains.
Esben would have MOST def been on the track team. Long distance, maybe even sprints. I could see Carlos doing Throws or sprints.

As for wrestling, he would have done it for the heck of it. Though IDK if he'd have been any good.
All kinds of games would be fun really. I feel like Truth or Dare would be interesting, since we all seem pretty literate and moderately mature, at least enough to not let it dissolve into an orgy or angst-fest or anything... :P Even if it is a dreaded cliche.

So as for Esbens relationships. It seems like he met mostly everyone at a party, though he met Carlos freshmen year and Hannah met Esben at the beach. (He requested *cough* Demanded *Cough* that she teach him to surf.)

Plus there was another relationship that I don't really remember... i'll have to look back at it. But yeah... mostly parties!
Throws, Long jump, and Sprints most def. But youll see he has improved his long distance thanks to the Academy
asduskfalls said:
All kinds of games would be fun really. I feel like Truth or Dare would be interesting, since we all seem pretty literate and moderately mature, at least enough to not let it dissolve into an orgy... :P Even if it is a dreaded cliche.
Haha yes! Truth and Dare, Spin the Bottle, and all those great party games will be on the to do list =P
YoungDreamer said:
So as for Esbens relationships. It seems like he met mostly everyone at a party, though he met Carlos freshmen year and Hannah met Esben at the beach. (He requested *cough* Demanded *Cough* that she teach him to surf.)

Plus there was another relationship that I don't really remember... i'll have to look back at it. But yeah... mostly parties!
Got it! I'll edit in a minute!
Okay...everyone chill your bananas my bro is going to mess up the wifi for a bit at an attempt to "make it better" although I know he will fail I'll be away for a bit.

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