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Fantasy Academy Of The Forest OCC

I apologize if I missed anybody..oh and I think the one professor is outside the door but obviously played by RagingBloodWolf
Oh quick question, who is in the classroom?

I think Kieran (played by me), Thauvin played by @SadSnake and Jonako played by @TheCrowKing

DAN and ERYM are as well... and Dan is sitting alone thinking about eating everyone and and Erym is sitting alone trying to convince himself to not babysit everyone he meets who seems a bit downtrodden - and now I feel sad because Dan is sad. It's just a mess really! Maybe one of you lot can go make friends with the sad cannibal? Erym can speak to his crow. TheCrowKing TheCrowKing SadSnake SadSnake fuil fuil
I suppose I'll use my oc Script in my postings. I don't really care about which dorm he's in so Ill put him in Room 13,Dorm 1.
PS I've been drowning at work which is why i haven't replied. i'm gonna try and get one out tonight but it'll be late. So sorry!

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