Academy for the Unknown

Throughout the entire ordeal, Daeneth had stood watching whilst non-Humans appeared and then disappeared promptly after. She'd gravitated away from the bed and was now sat silently by the window watching students continue to file into the large Campus, unaware that she was in for rather a few surprises.
"Only a few minutes," he replied. "And why do you keep doing that?" The roman had found new strength, but was mystified by what the timekeeper was doing.
"These.... well lets call them trances are the side effects of powerful time magic. My mind is not grounded in my head. Every now and then my mind loses its foothold and drifts off to a point in time and comes back. I guess you could say I'm not mentally stable." Noah says
"Amazing I don't do that." He then shivered and his skin turned blue. As he fainted his blood flow and heart beat even his breathing stopped.
"What the-?" Noah says shocked. Unknown of what is happening to the Roman warrior he freezes the time around the warrior preventing his ailment from progressing. "SOMEONE HELP!" Noah shouts as all he can do, is stare at the collapsed body he froze in time.
Morgan heard the shout and knew it was that time keeper, she dreaded what she would see when she turn't up. Following the sent they had left she raced to the library and saw the traveller collapsed on the floor. "What have you done?" she snapped crouching down next to him.
"I don't think I have done anything!" Noah says exasperated at the accusation. "He collapsed and I froze him in time so that he won't die or the affliction won't progress."
"I don't think we should be laughing. Do you know anything about healing magic or the such?" Noah asks worried about Caricon. "I think he is blue because there is no oxygen in his blood. His heart wasn't beating so I assume that's why there is no oxygen."
"You froze his heart?" Morgan asked shocked. Of everything he had to freeze it was his heart. "No I don't know anything about healing, maybe I should have listened to my mother when she was telling me"Morgan frowned. "I could give him my blood, but I don't know what he is or how my blood would react to his system."
"One second." says the Time Keeper as his eyes glow a vibrant blue and his body holds still as a statue for a few seconds then comes back. "I went back in time to observe doctors and physicians. Your blood type must be compatible with his. Second the heart needs to start pumping again otherwise all other attempts to heal him are futile. And yes I froze his heart along with his whole body. He is as sick as he was 10 seconds ago and will be In years if I keep the spell on him. This gives us a large amount of time to come up with an idea to heal him. As soon as I left my time freeze spell, his condition will deteriorate." '

(sorry for lengthy post)
Morgan sat there stunned. This couldn't be down to her. She was a 17 year old troubled vampire determined to annoy people. "Yes but what if it's not, we don't who he really is, what he really is and whether or he is cross species or something. We give him my blood and it could really kill him!"
"Well we have all the time in the world to wait for someone to help us. I know vampires are pretty fast. Can you run around the academy and look for someone who will help?" Noah asks.
"I could, though I don't have a clue where anyone is, or who anyone is so I could walk straight past the person who could help," she stated practically.
"Well then, I am going to relax while we think of a solution." Noah sits and crosses his legs. Out from his bag he pulls out a cup and pours some tea into it from a pot he pulled out as well. "Would you like some tea?"
"No. In times of great stress, minds tend to think less efficiently and tea tends to help me. Besides, all we can do is accept the fact that there is much we can't do for our acquaintance here. So since there is not much we can do, I've decided to occupy myself." Noah says sipping from his tea.
"Meh." Tai grunted, looking at the front doors with such anxiousness. "Yay... School. Hope they have a pool." She quickly opened the front doors and stepped inside. Many people were chatting, getting some quick work done, stuffing their needs in their lockers, or reading a book, really. Just like any other academy. Tai looked down at her paper, trying to find her locker.
Morgan seriously couldn't believe this guy. He was sat here while, the other one was frozen in time and he was drinking tea. "Well, I can't drink tea, I drink blood so unless you offering I think I'm going to try and find my dorm since it's someone where in this god forsaken building" she hissed standing up. "Oh and you said yourself, your magic is iffy what happens if your go wrong, really wrong?"
Somewhat irritated by the Vampires attutude Noah clears his throat. "Ahem. Yes time magic is unstable and such, but I have control over it. This spell is not a powerful one so thus I can control it with ease even if I go into a trance. Power fuller spells come at a risk. Go and leave. I wish you the best of luck finding your dorm room." Noah says finishing his cup of tea.
Morgan snorted then turned and walked off. She didn't want to see the other kid dead, but she had a bad feeling someone was going to go wrong, and her father had always said trust your instincts.
Noah thought to himself "She seems so miserable. Well just time to wait for someone who can wait to come by."
(Sorry, there are no lockers >.< Dorm rooms :D )

Tai'Shou walked down the hall, looking for a dorm room. She whistled while doing so, and finally found dorm number 153. "Yes!" She whispered in a hiss, unlocking the door and walking in. "Nice room.." Tai stated, before setting her bags down and got to work unpacking.
"I'm going for a walk" Daeneth stated, standing up and brushing off her dress.

She flipped her long, periwinkle hair behind her, then pulled it forward over her shoulders in one smooth motion.

"Ah, but first--" she paused.

Daeneth walked over to her bed and began arranging her various assortments of objects on her shelves. There were rather a few exotic items; including a jar of butterflies from her native home in Scandinavia, a medium-sized hematite geode containing various stones and crystals, a jar of flowers and what seemed to be glitter and an obsidian statue of Amonith, the Ellerwomen's main deity.

Daeneth smiled at her neat arrangement.

"I hope my Mother brings my clothes soon. I can't wear just this forever" she said, groaning painfully as she gestured to her blue dress.
While sitting next to Caricon's time frozen body, Noah notices Daeneth out walking. "Oh! Young lady from earlier! Can you please come assist me?"

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