Academy for the Unknown

"Oh, hello to-........" Noah's eyes glow violently as his body grows still hovering in air. He appears to have entered a trance.
Morgan stared at him, he started speaking to her and then suddenly stopped and went completely still, like he was in a trance. Her day was getting better and better. First she was practically held at bow and sword point by some deranged time traveller and now someone had freaked out on her. Perfect.
after a few minutes Noah regains consciousness. "Oops sorry. Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Noah" he says to everyone disregarding what just happened.
Morgan shook her head and tilted it to the side confused at what had just happened. He had freaked and now was acting like everything was okay. "Hi.. I'm Morgan nice to meet you too" she said hesitantly still unsure. Morgan had never felt so unsure of anything until she came to this place and every corner she turned made her feel out of control.
"Well, I'm getting bored here, I will take my leave. Nice meeting you too." Noah's hands glow blue and time speed up around him. He quickly speeds away back to his room.
Morgan looked at his hand and she couldn't believe it was glowing. He then sped away quicker than she could have believed for someone who wasn't vampire. She knew he wasn't a vampire, so that left a few other answers and one of those was a timekeeper. She had read about them in books. But they were really rare in the UK.
Caricon saw tearing of the fabric of the universe when it happened. He quickly ran Elven speed and caught up to the boy. "Slow it down time traveler." He then pulled out his sword. "Or I'll cut off your legs." He then smiled.
Morgan followed the time traveller worried for the time keeper. She knew how the time traveller could be and honestly, she didn't want to see anyone or get in trouble enjoying the blood that had been spilled. "Hey, hey. Would you stop pulling these weapons out, if you ask people nicely they might help you!"
Morgan smirked, did she have to explain this again? "Well your day is, well I don't know how long your day is away but we are 2013 now, we are civil and don't use weapons to talk," she motioned with her hands for him to calm. "Now I'm sure this time keeper might help you, if only you polite."
Caricon looked back to the boy. "Take me back to the fall of Rome or we will see if time travelers have different organs then normal humans," he said twirling his sword in his hand.
Morgan silently screamed rubbing her face with her hands. "Right put the sword away or i'll take the sword away," Morgan stated. She was a little pissed now, she had been nice, fair and reasonable with the time traveller, but he was blatantly ignoring her.
"Yes try to take a sword away from a elf," he said smirking. He then released his hand and turned it upside down. The sword stayed there. "Now stay away or I will hurt both of you!!!." He then moved his sword to the vampire. "I suggest you do what I say."
((how do you know I'm vampire, I haven't mentioned it, just like I still don't know what you are because you haven't said))

Morgan smirked and within seconds she wirlled round freighting going one way and then the other at the last second. She grabbed the hilt of the sword and kicked out with her booted foot into his chest, while pulling the sword out his hand
When his sword was stolen he looked at her and smiled. He then jumped up and hide on the cealine. He then pulled out his bow and whizzed a arrow past her ear before hiding again.
(sorry went out for lunch)

Seeing the other person pointing a weapon at him, he decides to return to normal time and stops. "Im pretty sure its not nice to point a sword at someone... you are not from our time are you?"
Morgan swore to herself because she had forgot about that damned bow. With sword in hand she stood in the middle of the corridor waiting. "Look, you can't hurt me and you can't kill me, it's a perk of being a Vampire" she smirked looking up at him. "So why don't you come down and we'll sort this out, but I am not in the mood to with freaking little time travellers thinking that their from 270 when the fricking Roman Empire was about," she snapped glaring at him.
Caricon still on the celeine he responded, "Rome's golden ages." He then moved again so they couldn't find him.
"Look time keeper, get him and down and back to where ever he came from because 'it' is starting to piss me off!" she exclaimed wagging the sword at the time keeper but still keeping and eye on traveller.
"I am not a time traveller. I was merely frozen in ice, by a army of mages. And the only one who survived." He then thought back to those last few moments before his world was change forever. He then popped down on the floor pulled out another sword. "I have never heard the word but ok."
"Well.... unfortunately while I can control time, i am not powerful enough to travel back in time, let alone send someone." Noah said. "Perhaps if i could practice my magic more without people pointing swords at me, i would be able to grow that powerful."
Hearing this Caricon almost fell to the floor. "I will never get back to my time. Any idea where Gerus is I would like to know more about this 'America.'" He then tabbed his foot being roman.
"Great a Time Keeper who can't keep time, fantastic" she laughed sarcastically. "And I honestly do not care what happened to you or where you came from, just keep away from me and I won't rip your throat out" she snarled at the traveller baring her fangs.

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