Academy for the Unknown

Caricon slowly get up his skin slowly turning back to normal. He looked at the furnace that had unfroze him. "Don't you dare tell me I have been asleep for another 2000 years." He then rubbed his arms cold.
Tai'Shou then moved out into the hallway, rather confused and searched for a place to go to. Honestly, she was lost. She didn't know where the heck her first class was, since apparently someone had forgotten classes to be printed on the paper. Now, Tai was just running around lost.
"Oh Caricon, are you feeling better? I have to get back to some of my work. So I gotta know your not going to be turning the color of smurf."
He then smiled. "Hey you have your side affects and you have yours." He then looked around. "Would it possible for you to know how to find Gerus' office."
"Hmm. I'm not sure. Should we ask around? Otherwise I can just speed up our time and look around campus."
"Well we could do that our we could have fun. Pick to use magic." He then got in the position to run and looked to him with a smile. "You stop time I will run."
"I won't stop time, I will just speed up the time around me. So thus If It takes 10 minutes to walk a mile, It will take me a few seconds. So you want to race? Try to keep up." Noah's eyes and hands glow blue and speeds off.
"oh, most impressive." Noah then speeds his time up further as they pass all the rooms looking for the one with Gerus on it.
"Not for long," he said his ears getting so green they would almost blind somebody. He quickly caught to him and smiled. He then looked to his side and Gerus' office. He then stopped so suddenly he fell to the ground. His ears turned back to normal as they started to release steam.
"Lost.. Lost... Lost..." She repeated, over, and over, and over again. There was nothing she can do about this. Either this wasn't her day to be here, or she had Karma. Tai'Shou continued to wander the halls like a complete idiot.
Noah stops at the door and snickers. "Congratz, your faster than my time magic. At least I wouldn't eat the asphalt when I stop. Anyways this looks like the office." Nooah pulls out a pocket watch. "well this was fun, but I must go. Seeyou." Noah time warps away.
Caricon then got up. "Your lucky I don't cut your head off. He then entered the office his weapons shining on his body. Gerus then shut the door and began to talk to Caricon.
While time warping Noah notices the distressed Tai'shou. Appearing before her in a second Noah says "Hello there. You look as if you are need assistance."

(going to be off for a few minutes so my bro can make join) 
Daeneth shook her head.

"What the hell keeps happening here? Am I seeing things? Are the dead back to haunt me? Gosh I hate this place."

She continued walking, her hair flowing out behind her like a simple river, ever flowing on towards the great oceans. As she neared the stairs, she began to notice more creatures. Some Humanoid, some not.

Daeneth stopped.

"What is going on here?" she thought aloud, pondering as she stood in a small crowd of people chatting away amongst themselves.
Tai'Shou looked up, and jumped at the sudden boy who had appeared in front of her. "Err..." This was odd, how did he exactly know what she needed? "I need to find my first class... It isn't listed on the paper. Unfortunately..."
"Ah, well I guess we can look around. You seem to be wondering how I appeared before you. I am a person of time magic. I simply sped up my time making me faster." Noah says looking at his pocket watch. "Quite handy so I'm never late for class."
"Oh... I'm just a deep sea dragon thing..." She said with a blush, then looked back at him. "This place is way too confusing, as it seems.."
"It is confusing but I trust you will get the hang of it. Let's try find someone to help you. I have met some other students who may be able to help. To get their in a jiffy, you want to use some of my time magic?" Noah asks as he holds out his glowing blue hand.
"Err...Okay?" She said nervously, unsure how to use it. "I thought you were helping me?" She said with a chuckle.

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