Academy for the Unknown

"I am some what helping you. I am not familiar with the school either. So we can just rush around looking for more experienced students. Take my hand and i'll use some time magic to make us faster." Noah's hand still remains out "Perhaps those other girls I met with Caricon earlier know."
Daeneth sighed, watching creatures walk by her.

"I don't like this place. Maybe I'll just go back to my dorm and find my schedule."

With a wary glace behind her, Daeneth turned and meandered back to her dorm in search of something to do.
Noah uses his time powers and appears before Daeneth with Tai'shou. "Hello there. We met earlier. This new girl is in need of assistance in finding her classes. Perhaps you know where they are?"
Daeneth was taken back, startled at the human appearing before her.

"Oh!" she cried, stepping back slightly.

After quickly regaining her composure, she stood straight and smiled.

"I was just heading back to my dorm room to get my schedule and map, if you'd like to accompany me then you'd be most welcome" Daeneth said, smiling warmly at the pair. "I'm Daeneth, by the way."
"I must be going, so I just ask you to help Tai'shou." Noah says with a grateful smile before warping away in a blue flash leaving Tai'shou with Daeneth.

(I'm going to let TechnoDragon post, if she is online.)
"Oh, hi Daeneth! I'm Tai'Shou... Just call me Tai." She said with a small smile, and waited for further actions.
"Tai'Shou, that's exotic" Daeneth said, smiling in wonder. "Whereabouts are you from?" she asked, chuckling to herself.
"Thank you... I'm from Hawaii. Since there is a lot of water there.. It explains a lot of me." Tai said with a smile.
"Nifty" Daeneth smiled. "If you don't mind my asking, are you Human?"

Daeneth felt a slight blush come to her cheeks.
All of a sudden a yellow flash appears. A guy in a yellow hood cape appears on the floor groaning. " I gotta work on my landings more. "

( Hi I'm Noah's bro and wondering is someone could fill me in on whats happening. )
[basically, we're all just meeting people and getting acquainted with everyone, finding our dorms and our classes c: ]
(I never knew that rp had started!)

Riley wandered around in his fox form until he spotted someone and could tell by her scent that she was a vampire. He noticed that she looked kinda pissed off so he walked over to her, "What's wrong princess?"
Morgan looked up at the person who had just called her 'Princess' "You seriously better not be calling me that?" she asked even more annoyed than before.
Riley smirked and turned into his human form and looked down at the little vampire. "Whats wrong, you don't like being called princess?" Riley realized that his voice sounded a little feminine and growled while the one visible tail swished around. "Why can't I do this right!?" She stomped her foot on the ground while cursing to herself.
Morgan laughed the at problems the Kitsune was having. "Kitsune, haven't seen one of you in a long time," she chuckled. "And no I don't like being called 'Princess'. Do it again and you'll lose your tails," she snapped.
Riley stopped her little rant and glared at her. "If you attempt to hurt any of my 2 tails I will make you regret ever being turned Princess," she growled out
Morgan continued smirk. "First I wasn't turned, second if you think a threat is going to worry me think again and call me 'Princess' again I will act on my threat," she returned the glare. "So how about we start again?" she raised her eyes brows waiting for her answer
She was about to pounce until her mom's words echoed through her head. 'Only use your power to protect and be nice.' Riley took a deep breath and calmed herself. Her ears laid flat against her head and her ice blue eyes softened a little. "Fine, I guess we should. I'm Riley, what's your name?"
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