Academy for the Unknown

"Oh yeah! Sorry, of course!" Molly exclaimed, quickly helping Daeneth adjust her box and then moving out of the way so that Daeneth could enter the room.
Daeneth walked into the room, over to the empty bed.

This room was different to hers, it had more room and looked nicer.

"I like it in here" she smiled, placing her box on the chest at the end of her freshly made bed.
"Yeah, it's really nice." Molly replied. "Do you happen to know what our class schedule is?" Molly asked, "I have no idea." To be honest, Molly knew very little about this school, just that it accepted... Unusual children into it's midst.
Daeneth shrugged.

"I'm afraid not."

She opened her box and begun taking out various items, placing them on her bed.

"I'm pretty lost already, and the...things here are unnerving to be around" she replied, blushing a darker blue.
Molly looked back at Daeneth with a slightly quizzical expression.

"Do you mean the people here? If so, I can definitely agree. I've never met anyone who wasn't human before besides my mom."

Molly paused for a second, thinking.

"Although I suppose the place itself is a little unnerving too, it's almost surreal with how different it is from... Everything else."
Daeneth nodded, frowning.

"My Dad was a Human too, and all the kids at school were Humans. But I don't like them, they're cruel."

She chuckled at her own inside joke, and placed the box under her bed.

"How old are you, Molly?" Daeneth asked.
"I turned sixteen recently, you?" Molly asked in return, becoming more hopeful about the people at this school the more she talked to her dorm-mate.
Daeneth giggled.

"Me too, actually! I hope you don't mind me asking but..what..are you?" Daeneth wondered aloud, hesitating slightly.

She blushed once more and sat on her bed, stroking the duvet nonchalantly.
Molly smiled.

"It's alright, I'm a Witch." Molly began to blush slightly as she wondered how Witches are viewed by other non-human species.

"So... what are you?" She asked, still blushing.
Daeneth gasped.

"A Witch? I've never met a Witch before, what are they?" she asked, bouncing slightly, also avoiding the question she was asked in fear of being outcasted once more.
Molly blushed even harder as Daeneth's sudden enthusiasm.

"Well, it's kinda hard to explain. We can use magic in varying ways. One of the most traditional ways is with a wand and some hocus pocus, but along with using a wand my favorite way of working with it is enchantment. Enchantment can be used to enchant items, crystals are the easiest, with an assortment of positive or negative effects. So say you enchanted a crystal with a love charm, anyone who had the crystal on their person would be found slightly more attractive by those around the holder... There's also alchemy, which is just creating potions and imbuing them with magical effects." Molly explained.
Daeneth smiled, wonder clearly in her eyes.

"That sounds wonderful, I envy you, Molly!" she said, giggling.

Daeneth thought back to her childhood, only ever meeting Humans and Ellerwomen. Her old friend Michael used to tell her of other magical beings, but she'd never encountered any.
By this point, Molly's entire face was a deep shade of red.

"Well, I'm honestly not that powerful. I'm only a half-witch, so my spells, potions, and enchantments fail half the time. And when they do succeed they aren't very powerful at all..."

Molly paused for a second, thinking.

"If you don't mind me asking, is there anything that you can do?"
Caricon got up from his nap. He walked outside and walked down the hall he then found the mans office, who he had learned name was Gerus. He knocked on his door or so he thought. He wanted to hear about this America again. But he had really knocked on a dorm the dorm of daether and Mally. He waited by the door his head still hurting from all that information.
"Oh! Thats cool." Molly replied, feeling ashamed that she had gone into so much detail about what she could do.

"What kind of fighting do you do? Is it any particular style?"
"Not really. Just attack, I guess. I've never really needed to use it." she lied, blushing slightly.

Daeneth cocked her head.

"I heard a knock at the door."
Molly stood up.

"I'll get it."

She walked over to the door and opened it, and on the other side was a rather normal looking man.

"Oh, hi!" She paused, "Can I help you?"
"Oh wait this isn't Gerus' office sorry. I'll just go." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Any idea where is office is?"
"No clue, sorry.." Molly apologized.

"I could help you look though, if you wanted I mean."

Molly paused, and then looked over towards Daeneth.

"Would you like to come with?" She asked.
"Yes I would. This is so confusing back in Rome it was so easy. The more important it was it was in the center now it's just everywhere."

He looked to the side missing his old life.
Floating through the halls Noah studies the architecture of the building. He see's Caricon talking with Molly and Daeneth. "Oh hello there!." He shouts down the hall.
Morgan still hadn't found her dorm, apparently the Vampire dorms were in a completely different wing to everywhere else. Something about vampires being targets. She was walking through the corridors in the direction she had been pointed in by someone she ran into three others. One being the time traveller. "Found a teacher yet?" she asked him eyeing his sword and the bow strapped across him. 
"Oh and what about me? Don't I exist?" Morgan snapped back glaring at another new person.

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