Academy for the Unknown

Taking pity on the being who is in the wrong time, Noah began to ponder his thoughts. "hmm... well the closest I can do to send you to your time, is to briefly bring your consciousness to that time. and I am a timeKEEPER. So it doesnt necessarily mean timeTRAVELLER or timeRUNNER." 
"May I go now if my services are not needed?"
Morgan narrowed her eyes at the Keeper taking in his words. "so you mean you can basically bring his mind to this century and he might stop being weapon junkie idiot?" she asked trying to rephrase what he said so she could understand. All the time stuff had never made sense to her no matter how much her grandfather tried to explain it.
"Erm, well i can bring your mind to any point in time but it can't do anything to alter that time. Plus i can bring you up to speed through all those years in a minute."
"Do that please, bring him to this century and he might understand proper manners" she snapped looking back at the traveller.
"That would be nice. All this stuff about electricity is making my head hurt . I wan to crush it!!!!!" He then balled up his fists having no idea what electricity is.

"prepare yourself. I will take your through centuries of time from the fall of Rome to post modern conditions. Side effects of this, since you are new to this magic, include head aches nausea and fatigue."
"I am not new to magic. I was almost killed hundreds of times by it and have Druid in my DNA." He got all sharp objects and layer them on the floor, so it would stab him. It took about 6 minutes. "Ok I am ready."
"Ok......" Noah disregards the self inflicted wounds. His eyes flared bright blue and his hands glowed the same color. He lifted his hands and put them on Caricon's shoulders and his eyes turned blue as well. As soon as the links were established, their minds where sent back to the time during the fall of Rome.
Caricon looked at the fire and falling stone. "So this is it ended." As he went through history it brought tears to his eyes to see Rome fall. His great empire fell like the Greeks. He silently cried to himself as his religion was forgotten.
Feeling sad for the Roman, Noah says "Don't feel bad. There are still people who have studied Rome. Perhaps you should talk to them when we get back to the present." They traveled further into time and Noah teaches him about newly developed things.
Caricon marveled on how you could send messages to someone on the side of the world. And that the world was round. He was amazed at the thought that there was a entire world on the other side of the world.
After they had reached present times, They both regain consciousness and only 1 minute had passed. "SO that basically covers it all. Would you like to visit Gerus' office now?"
"No can you take me to the teachers that teach Rome. Meeting them would be of great exultance." Even though he had learned the future. He still and always would be a roman. "So what race are you?"
"Hmmm, perhaps we should find a history teacher, but I really don't know any. As for my race, I am a regular human who has unlocked magical abilities." Noah said. "Ooh! I know. Lets look at the academies library. Perhaps they have book on Rome."
"Why would I need a book on Rome I lived there." A thought then accrued to him that the man in front of him was speaking English and he was speaking Latin. "How is it that I am speaking Latin yet you are speaking English yet we understand each other?"
"Hmm. I have a hypothesis. Perhaps the school has an enchantment upon it that allows everyone to understand each other."
"But I dought that they cast that spell on every single book." He then stopped walking. "I can not read English books my leage is dead I will have to spend the next 6 years here trying to learn English." He then signed hating his life. "Why didn't I just stay with the others."
Shocked at the Roman Elf's thinking, "What Roman warrior." Noah said sarcastically. "I wouldn't think a warrior from such a noble era would say that he hates his life. Saying that is like giving up. Do Roman warriors give up? And instead of being so pessimistic perhaps look at what honor you have. Being able to survive a bloody war and live this long." Noah remarked. "Stand tall. keep your head up a-....." Noah's eyes flare and once again goes into a trance.
Caricon caught him shocked. "He is right I am a romain shoulder. I will stand tall and run to the next battle," he thought. He then layed the time keeper on the floor slowly. He then heard a weedeater and jumped. He would never get used to this time.
Noah comes to again and gets up. "That can get annoying." He surveys the area around him in case something happened while his mind lost its footing in his head. 
Noticing Caricon sitting by him Noah says "Oh, how much time passed?"

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