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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Cassidy frowned "What the hell are yo---" her sentence was cut short by the sight of the cat. " You seriously got a cat?" She said with a sarcastic bite to her words, though she had a playful smirk and glint in her eye. "Maggie, this is Silas and his new cat." She smiled at the cat.

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"I SHALL DUB THEE SIR I'M LETTING YOU GO NOW COS I AIN'T TAKING CARE OF YOU CAT !" He layed the cat down on Cass' lap, it curling into a ball in its place.
The conflict avoided, Maggie starts laughing uncontrollably at Cass's reaction to Silas. "Okay A, was this whole lovers triangle thing resolved and was that an okay ending, and B that was hilarious." Maggie grins and shakes her head. She makes new friends pretty easily and always enjoys joining a new group of people. Eros squawks at her again, and she rolls her eyes. "Hush, Eros." Rainie wakes up and looks around at all of the people surrounding her, and wiggles out of Maggie's arms to land on the ground. She scurries around sniffing people and then returns to Maggie. She picks up the small ferret, making sure her two dragons stay put where they are and don't fall off. "Nice to meet you Silas..." Maggie grins again. "I love animals."

((That was an amazing pun and profile pictures are fun XP))
(The hell goes on in this rp xD is this rp really a gate way to hell someone tell me now xD )
((Yes absolutely. They didn't tell you? I'm here on the way to my summer vacation destination. They have the best tanning spots there... >:3))
Alex nodded, as conflicting his emotions were they could not force themselves into this.

"I agree fate being involved isn't right"

He stood up and brushed his hands against his shorts

"So were agreed nothing comes of this?"

He asked as his Phoenix surged against the decision.
Leon's eyes changed momentarily as the lion roared its opposition writhing him. "Yes, we are agreed." Leon's voice was gruff as if it hurt to say the words, and it kind of did, but he stood and turned his back to Alex. "If you'll excuse me, I need to speak to my sister." With that, he left.

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Alex nodded and clenched his fists before walking away in the opposite direction.

He could do this. He would just focus on other things to take his mind off of this.

He checked his schedule and saw that he had an athletics try out in an hour so he headed for the school gym.
Leon made his way to his sister's dorm, but he spotted her with a group of people and promptly dragged her away without a word.

Cassidy felt a tug and was suddenly a ways away from the group she was talking to. "H-hey!" She protested, trying to wriggle free, but all attempts at escape stopped when Leon wheeled on her.

Leon was furious. "Why are you putting things in Alex's head? What did you tell him, Cassidy?" He voice was low but full of menace. He didn't waver when he saw his smaller sister shrink back, making her seem even smaller.

"I was just trying to help.... He didn't know what was going on..." She said quietly, wary of her brother's silent rage.

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Silas appeared walking with Leon and Cassidy "What exactly is happening ?" he looked at Leon with a look of confusion


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