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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Leon ran through the woods, to the lake, through a meadow hidden in the forest by the lake, and all through campus before returning to the small clearing. The cat lay amidst the leaves, panting heavily from all the running. A growl sounded once more when Leon thought back to what had happened. "What the hell is happening?" He thought to himself.

Cass heard a knock at her door and went over to open it. She had a piece of toast hanging from her teeth and her hair was still in a (now Very messy) bun from last night. "Hi, can I help you?" She asked the stranger when she opened the door, her words a bit muffled by the toasts before she takes it out of her mouth.

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Alex blushed, he was not sure how to go about this

"Um..your Cass right?, Leon's sister I need your help"

He said as he wrung his hands. Clueless as to what was going on.
Leon climbed the tree and brought his bag down before shifting and pulling on just his jeans. He was dripping with sweat, but he had other things on his mind. Slinging the small bag over his shoulder, Leon walked barefoot back in the direction of his dorm.

Cassidy narrowed her eyes for a moment, unsure how this stranger knew where her dorm was, but when he mentioned Leon and her brother's scent hit her nostrils, she nodded and moved aside so he could come in. "Oh! Uhm, yeah. What did he do this time?" She said a bit jokingly, seeing as the male seemed shaken up, she cleared her throat and decided to just shut her mouth and let him talk.

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Alex wrung his hands

"I know its weird but I hacked the school system to find out about you"

Taking a deep breath he continued

" Well I shifted for the first time last night into well a Phoenix"

He thought recalling what happened next

"While I was changed your brother I...I felt drawn to him like I can't explain"

He then followed up with todays incident

"I remember him saying he was a Lion shifter and I came across him by accident today and well he left this mark"

Alex lowered his shirt to show the mark Leon had bitten and left on him.

"Whats going on with us"

He asked Cass looking hopelessly confused.
Cassidy's listened intently, eye widening when he talked about the connection he felt. She gasped and her mouth flew to her mouth when she saw the mark on Alex's neck. Cassidy blushed a bright pink and she looked away, a bit embarrassed. "Uhm, er...." She remembered when her mother told her about this, and it was a very awkward conversation. "Uh, if you don't mind me asking...." She blushed a bit brighter and this time she was the one who wrung her hands. "How far did his teeth ah," she didn't Not want to say penetrate. "Ah.... Sink into your skin?" she said, satisfied with her word choice.

Leon made it to his dorm and went into the restroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and touched his lips, remembering the animalistic need to mark Alex. His eyes turned to the lion's eyes and his canines sharpened at the memory and Leon quickly cleared his mind of the encounter and returned to normal. He star rated up the shower and stood under the cool droplets with a growl.

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Alex tensed and tried to recall the encounter, he remembered the bite and how good it felt and blushed "well he drew blood then licked it clean" HE looked to cass hoping for some sort of clarity but he saw her blush and got confused
Cassidy exhaled, seeing that this seemed a little awkward to him, too. "Okay, well, usually, shifters have mates. No one really knows how it happens or what decides it or how it works, but when feline and canine shifters find their mate, they go through a uhm,.... Ritual." Her blush flared up again as she continued. "During this ah, Ritual, the shifters mark each other." Cass watched the boy carefully, gauging his reactions. "It seems like Rick-- I mean Leon was in the process of marking you," she said, not able to meet the other male's eyes. Marking was a private, intimate thing that only mated shifters seemed comfortable enough to discuss. "Since Leon didn't go through with the marking, your wounds should heal up and shouldn't leave a scar."

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Alex was stood frozen, shocked at the revelation but he could not find it in him to outright hate the idea. Realising e had been silent he looked up again at Cass with a small smile "Thanks for the explanation" he gave a smile and went to leave the room. He made it down the hall when he felt the mark flare up and he felt almost drunk with lust, it would seem his Phoenix rather liked their mate.
Cassidy smiled back, glad the awkward explanation was over. She hadn't explained the full ritual and marking process, but he had seemed satisfied anyway to Cass' luck. She realized she didn't catch his name but shrugged as he left and returned to her breakfast. She smiled to herself as she thought of the boy and her brother as a couple, but the smile disappeared after awhile. She hoped the boy wouldn't mistake Leon being his potential mate for him being able to tame Leon. Matings usually made shifters more protective and predatory. She sighed and hoped the male was ready for her brother.

Leon stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. He dressed in the same pair of jeans and a grey shirt that was a bit snug. He pulled on sock and his converse and went in search of food.

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When Onyx heads for his room expecting to find Night. He opens the door to find nothing.He decides she must be with that Ev guy.So he decides to wait on the front steps of the academy and eventually falls asleep.
Cassidy pulled on a pair of light skinny jeans, her white keds and a white shirt. She fixed her hair so it seemed like an intentional messy and grabbed her elephant lanyard with her keys on it. She left her dorm and spots a guy asleep on the porch steps. She nudges his lightly and crouches down. "Uh, hey, excuse me, are you alright?"

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Alex spent the day thinking about the implications, since both shifters identified as mates they would need to speak about it in human form about how to handle this. He decided to hit the gym, since his first change he looked into Bird shifters and they tended to be more graceful. He turned on the music for the hall and began to work on his gymnastic workout, Panting as he sweated slightly. He sat down and took a drink of water from his bottle. His phoenix was feeling great at the difficult work out but the tug was there for contact with Leon or Nick or whatever his name was.
Leon made his way to the cafeteria and grabbed himself some spaghetti. He sat by himself in a booth and looked out of the window while he ate. He wondered what his sister was doing and thought about paying her a visit, but decided against it. Leon didn't really feel like talking about something he didn't really understand. Well, he understood, he just didn't want to acknowledge it.

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((Lol just checking))

Magnolia walks up to the huge school building, and whistles quietly to herself. "Jeez... I wonder how many kids go here." She hops up the steps, her yellow dress swirling around her knees. Her backpack is settled between two huge butterfly wings growing from her back, and curled on top of the backpack using Magnolia's hair for a blanket is a small strawberry colored dragon. Another one, metallic dark gray sits on her left shoulder. In her arms snuggles a small ferret: not a baby, but growing still. "I hope they realized I'm bringing my own private zoo with me... and I hope my room mate doesn't mind." She stops for a moment, rolling that thought around in her mind. "Wow... it's been so long since I've lived with someone else." She keeps walking and sees two people at the top of the steps, in front of the entrance to the school. I wonder if those are students here... Well, probably. Duh.
Onyx wakes up to see 2 girls staring down at him."Oh hello sorry if I'm in your way"he says moving to the side so the girls can pass.
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Alex panted and got up, heading for the shower he planned to wash off and head for a fly to stretch his wings.Heading into the showers he undressed and locked the door behind him before turning on the shower and relaxing under the warm spray. He sighed contently as the water washed him clean. He reached up and went to touch the mark and the Phoenix made its presence known. He wanted to be near his mate and he wanted it now.He got out of the shower and pulled on his clothes, still wet. He walked the halls, more animal than human, following the scent...
"No, you're fine... I just got here, and I saw you two sitting here. Well, standing in your case." She smiles at the pair. "You guys are students here, yeah?" Magnolia looks around. "Nice school but I'm a little lost. Could you guys show me where to go? Unless you're busy..." She trails off questioningly and tilts her head. "Oh! By the way... My name is Magnolia. You can call me Maggie if you want, though."
Cassidy shook her head. "No You're not in my way. I just thought you were uncomfortable on the steps." She said with a playful grin. She had her hands on her hips and turned when she heard a girl talks behind her. "Oh, hi. It's nice to meet you, Magnolia. I'm Cassidy." She pointed int eh direction of the office. "You can get your dorm key in there and they should tell you where to go".

Leon got up and put his plate where they assigned dirty dishes and grabbed a bottled water before heading out into the courtyard. His mind wandered to the lake, but at the moment he wanted to avoid the woods. Leon scowled and sat on a wooden bench, crossing his arms over his chest with a small huff.

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"Ello my names Onyx and I have no idea who she is" he said while laughing."Anyhow they give you a map at the front desk but the receptionist can be a bit of a douchenozzle" he said.
(Onyx: oh night's not here so i'll sleep outside in the front of the academy because that makes so much sense xD )
Alex found himself outside and looked across the lawn of the courtyard and spotted Leon. All of a sudden the driving emotions from his Shifter form stopped. Looking around confused he spotted Leon and found that his Shifter wanted him to talk to his mate.

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