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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Writer has never in her life been able to go back to bed after being awake. She then heard her iPod ringtone going off. She grabbed it out of her back pocket and answered it. "Hello?" She asked, unsure of who it was because she didn't check the caller ID. "Okay... I'll be there right away." She hung up, and began putting on her shoes. "I gotta go." She says as she begins to put her hair in a ponytail. She always had at least one hair tie on her wrist.


Ashton looked over at his sister, confused as to who she was talking to. "Who was that? Where are you going? Why are you in such a rush?" He questions hoping she had answers.


She sighed, finding Ashton rather annoying at the moment with his questions. "It was the nurse. Alex is in the nurse, he is damaged pretty badly." She said, kissing Zac's cheek before standing up off the bed and heading towards the front door.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Silas nodded "Yeah, sure" he flipped up, picking up his lance as he watched Cass leave, he didn't know she liked Jurassic park although lost world was probably the worst one in the series but that was his opinion.
(I think I'm going to RP as Cia for the first time)

Cia walks into the school building, a lit cigarette in hand, and walks into the office. "I'm a new student, Patricia Morse. Now tell me where I'm supposed to go," she demands, rolling her eyes when she reveals her full first name.

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(( Jurassic Park is the best of all of them. Js ))

Cassidy's arrived at the medical center shortly after waving goodbye to Silas. She made it to where they were keeping Alex and asked the nurse what had happened. She really hated medical centers. The smell of alcohol was too strong for her heightened sense. It was almost overpowering, but she continued on. She had to make sure Alex was okay.

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(( I know. I was just stating my own opinion about the first movie. Dang, jackal. :b ))

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EV wakes up in the middle of the forest, lying on a log. He rolls off of it, gets on his feet, and sighs. "God dammit."

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Zac shakes his head as Writer starts to leave him alone in bed. Fuck. Now there's nothing better than getting up.

"Wait! Wait....I-I'll come with you!"

The male jumps up and changes from sweatpants to jeans. He then runs out the dorm with the girl, inviting himself along.

"How do you know this... Alex? "


Zoe walked out just as Writer took the phone call, and then, she dug through her things, refusing to wear the outfit she fell asleep in.

The girl ends up changing into an off-white dress and she puts a matching headband in her hair. Apparently, neither Hallow sibling is worried about changing in front of people today.

"Let's go! Get up, Mr. Fuzzy!"

Zoe grabs Ashton's arm and makes a sad attempt to pull him from the bed.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~

Silas walked off back to his dorm where he unlocked his door and slumped on the bed, he didn't know why he was tired he just was and he didn't care if he slept for the time being so he eventually drifted off.
Writer sighs, as she has a whole group of people following her to the nurse. "I told you. He helped Jasmine fix her broken arm. Jasmine started hanging out with him, and I hang out with Jasmine. And I figured I'd hang out with Alex too... And that's how I know him." She sighs in relief as she sees the medical center. She enters the building, she sees Cassidy and smiles a bit. She then, walks over to her. "Hey, where's Alex?" She questions, wondering if she knew.


Ashton groaned and rolled out of bed. "I'm up I'm up." He says, as he holds hands with Zoe. He can tell that Writer is annoyed with so many people following her, but he shrugged it off. Once they arrived he saw Cassidy, and waved before focusing his attention on his sister.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Cassidy returned the smile and wave, though there wasn't much behind it. She pulled the curtain back that gave Alex privacy, revealing him unconscious in the hospital bed. "Right here" she said, voice soft as if not to wake him.

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EV started making his way toward the school, but quickly found that he had no idea where he was. He didn't know where the school was in relation to him, he didn't remember the path he took to get there, and he certainly wasn't paying any attention at all to his surroundings when he walked there so there was no possible way he could've known the answers to those questions.


Cia rolled her eyes yet again as she waited for the office lady to give her answers to the goddamn question she asked. "Can you work any slower?" She asked sarcastically, then took a drag of her cigarette.

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Zachary walks behind Writer, crossing his arms and mumbling to himself about her attitude. It wasn't his damn fault she was woken up with bad news.

When they arrive and are shown Alex's state, the male chews on his lip, wondering what happened to him.


Zoe holds Ashton's hand, knowing the situation will probably be sad or frightening for her. She decides to ask the obvious question.

"What happened? "

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Cassidy sat on a chair against the wall. "From what the nurse told me, Alex was either having trouble shifting, or he was fighting it". Cass stood, unable to remain still. The hospital was making her antsy. "The first few times shifting are difficult. You aren't one with your animal, yet. Fighting it can be dangerous" she said as she looked over at Alex. "The nurse said he had wounds on his back that weren't healing like they usually would". Cass sat back down.

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Writer sat next to Cass. She knows the pain. But for her it's not really shifting it's just controlling her wings. When she was younger she wasn't in complete control of her abilities. She tried to fight her wings from appearing, but it didn't really work out. She still has the scars on her back, but she got the tattoo to cover it. She wonders if everyone hadn't noticed her tattoos or if they just didn't really care. "Yeah, I kind of understand." She says, as she taps her foot against the hard tiled floor.


Ashton gives Zoe a slight squeeze of her hand. He looks over at Alex, and decides the appearance of the damage isn't that bad. But that's only because he couldn't see his back.


The lady behind the desk didn't take too well to Patricia's attitude. "There is no smoking on campus." She hisses, before searching through the drawers grabbing the girls dorm key. "You'll get your schedule when classes start." She handed her the dorm key. "And I advise you stay out of trouble." She says before walking off.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Cia snatched the dorm key and put out her cigarette. She looked at the key to get the room number and started heading for it after throwing the butt of her extinguished smoke onto the floor.

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Cassidy sat back down beside Writer, giving her a sympathetic look. She remembered shifting uncontrollably for awhile. She also remembered trying to fight it and getting a few bones broken in the process. "He's heavily sedated. There's no telling when he'll wake up" she said to no one in particular.

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Silas got up he hadn't slept he just closed his eyes he got up and wandered around the campus for a bit, he was still in awe of the architectural structure of the castle and how it was still preserved so well today but he just pasted that by and headed up the sentry next.
Zac, like the little doormat he is, sits on the other side of Writer and listens quietly. Sure, he's felt terrible pain before, but he's never inflicted such level of pain onto himself. He's not about to nod his head and pretend he can relate.


Zoe watches Alex, slanting her head with curiosity. She wants to reach out and touch him, but she's never seen this boy before in her life. She just feels the instinct to comfort him.

Instead of placing a hand on the other student, the girl just inches forward, thinking that she would want someone close to her if she woke up in a hospital room. She whispers to Ashton as she does so.

"Maybe he can hear us in his dreams. Tell him something nice, Ash. "

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
(Not yet gold)

Writer sighs, she knows she can't stay by his side all day. She has other things to do, but she feels bad for having to leave him. "Well... Erm... He's going to be okay right?" She questions, deciding against saying what she had intended to. She weaves her fingers between Zac's and rests her head on his shoulder. She can tell he is uncomfortable with this, but he has to understand that she's going to have male friends. Just like Writer has slightly learned that Zachary will have female friends.


Ashton thinks of what to say, feeling a bit awkward. "Uhm... O-okay Zo..." He looks to Alex and sighs. "I... Hope you feel better?" He says in more of a question, unsure as to why he said that of all things. He then, stands behind Zoe. Wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging the girl from behind. He rests his chin on her shoulder, keeping quiet.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

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