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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Leon's senses told him he was being watched. The male stiffened and lifted his nose to the air. A small breeze blew by and the lion's chest tightened. He turned and saw Alex at the edge of the courtyard and resisted the urge to pounce and finish what he started.

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Alex bit his lip and found his pupils dilating and the fading mark was throbbing he could feel it. Right then and there he wanted to be claimed by his lion. Shaking his head to block it out, he walked over and sat next to you. He slid his hand into yours, needing the contact

"We need to talk about this"

He bit his lip and looked down
Nightmare's walking up to the school gate. "....bored" was all she said walking up and seeing onyx laying at the front of the school. "What is that idiot doing now" she started to walk faster.

Leon flinched when Alex placed his hand in his, feeling an animalistic need to protect that he'd never felt before. A small growl sounded, though it wasn't towards Alex but towards himself. He didn't like feeling things he couldn't control. He also seemed to be growling more than usual as of late. Leon nodded. "We do." He let the Phoenix keep his hand in his, but kept perfectly still.

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(Ok fine whatever)

Nightmare runs back to the forest and runs back with EV then walks up to the steps. "Onyx what are you doing on the steps sleeping outside you could get sick" nightmare starts to scold him.
Alex gulped and began his story

"Well I spoke with your sister Cass and it turns out our shifters are mates, it explains our actions but the question is what do we do about it"

Alex let your hand go and felt the loss immediately

"I...i can't find it in me to hate this, as much as I look for a downside I can't find one"
Leon shook his head, drawing his hand back. He was going to have a serious talk with his sister after this. "I..." Leon looked away. "I can't have a mate..." He said, completely in denial. He looked in Alex's eyes, his face stern, yet apologetic, "Who I love won't be dictated by fate" he said, voice full of determination.

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Onyx looks away from the other 2 girls and stares at Night and beside her he sees Ev.He gets off his lazy ass and walks up to Ev and stops 2 feet from him and looks him straight in the eyes."Well just the man I wanted to see" he said while cracking his knuckles.
"Great... Exactly what I need when I get here." Magnolia laughs and shakes her head to herself. "Then again, I do have two guard dragons." She reaches up to stroke Eros affectionately. She stops and turns to see a girl and a boy walk up, and sees Onyx get up and walk over to them. Uh oh... He REALLY doesn't look happy. She turns to Cass. "Um... What exactly is going on? I have a feeling he's not going to present him with a large marshmallow bunny." She attempts some humor and turns back to the three people standing in front of them.
Nightmare looks at EV then onyx and groans. "Can we please not do this onyx please" she crosses her arms over her chest.
Onyx changed his mind and instead of punching the guy in the face he said"Know what dude you can have her she's not a piece of property I own she can date who she wants he said stuffing his hand inside his pockets,but as he walked he turned around and said" If you hurt her in any shape or form I'll kill you you got it" he said before turning his attention back to Cass and Maggie.
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Silas appeared next to cassidy, a black cat in his hands it looked like he had taken to the joke and found a cat "CASS" he yelled trying to startle her.

(That moment when your mother is on the phone and the person on the otherr end makes her laugh so hard you have a heart attack)
Cassidy tilted her head as she saw Onyx step up to EV. "I have no idea." She said to Maggie. Her eyes widened in shock when Onyx said the things he did about the person they were fighting about and she frowned when he returned to them. She opened her mouth to respond to his rudeness but was interrupted by Silas scaring the crap out of her, in which she promptly smacked his arm. "Silas!" She said, fuming.

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Nightmare stands there for a sec and looks to onyx then runs to EV. "Are you ok....stay right there" nightmare walks up to onyx and smacks him upside the head. "You're a idiot you know that but you were trying to make sure he doesn't hurt me and shit....thank you" nightmare walks off with EV to the nurse's office.
Nightmare turns around and looks to Magnolia. "Oh and hi new person my name is Nightmare Souls it nice to meet you" then she walks off to the nurse office with EV.

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