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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

((But Zoe is noticing and she doesn't want him to focus on anyone but her. Sibling drama (^U^)))

Zoe shrugs while she runs full speed, not really aiming in a certain direction. She laughs when Writer pokes her side, and her eyes fill with happy tears. Because of her bad steering, the trio soon runs into Samantha and falls over. The female starts laughing until she sees Samantha's state.

"Zachery! Help!"

Zac appears, as if he wasn't behind the closest tree trunk, and growls slightly, expecting the girl's attacker to be around.

"What the hell happened to you?! And just so you know, everyone, it wasn't my fault."

He adds the last part as a joke, but he says it with enough seriousness that no one should feel the need to laugh.
Nightmare walks over to Samantha and kneels infront of her. "What happened Samantha are you ok who did this"
Samantha was ramped into and she yelped struggling to get back to her feet she had lost a lot of blood now but didn't seem to care...like she had done this before
Writer frowned as she ran to Samantha. She felt bad because she couldn't help in an exactly helpful manor like she had when she was hurt. She coward backwards unsure of what to do. She didn't want to do anything wrong, but she wanted to help.
Samantha had a hard time stay in on her paws, much less shifting back which was out of the question for now she just needed to get to the nurse, quick
Writer snapped her fingers making her wings appear. She knew this was a bad idea, because it would damage her wings even more. But if it meant helping out someone in need she didn't care. Since the nurse was ALL the way on the other side of the campus she was gonna fly Sam there. She grabbed her and began flying off to the nurse holding onto Samantha tight enough not to hurt her and so she didn't slip.
Samantha was soaked with her own blood and that of the other wolf she winced when she breathed that wolf was heavy and might have broken a rib she would heal but needed some help to do so
Zoe pets Samantha's fur after the collision, feeling absolutely awful for hitting her at a fast speed. When Zac shows up, she hugs his torso, wanting to be safe from judgement. The male holds his sister close, but he is more worried about the cause of the injuries, more than Zoe's feelings. He runs off to check all the campus boundaries, making sure danger isn't upon the other students.

The female is upset to see her brother leave, so she helps the wolf get on Writer's back and wishes them a safe trip. Zoe then stays close to Nightmare, running to the nurse, ready to help if needed.

((Sorry I was busy for a sec))
Nightmare walks into the nurse office with zoe and sits at a chair trying to catch her breath.
Writer lands on the ground and snaps her fingers making her wings disapear. She runs in the nurses office with Samantha in her arms. When she enters the nurses eyes widen and she takes Samantha and rushes her into a room. Writer sits in a chair tapping her foot nervously on the floor. She closes her eyes tightly trying to block out everything.
Nightmare walks over to eriter and sits down then pats her back then mist walks in in. "She'll be fine wolfs are stronger then you think" mist says as she looks out the window.
Zoe sits by Nightmare, staying quiet and passive.

A few moments later, Zac bursts in the door, trying to stop running, but having to run into a chair to do so. He winces from the slight pain and turns toward the girls.

"There's nothing else close by, but a dead wolf. She must have fought with it on the edge of campus. I smelt it earlier, and I should have went and checked it out right then...Bad choice on my part."

The male sits by Writer, trying not the bother them. He doesn't seem to know how to help. so he just waits for the nurse to come back.
Writer shakes her head. "You couldn't go. Me and Zoe held you back." She said, her eyes still closed. Her attempt at blocking everything out wasn't working all to well. The nurse came out and Writer opened her eyes as the nurse spoke. "She has to stay here for a while. The damage done to her was enough to keep her bed written for a while. But you guys can come and check up on her every so often if you feel the need to. But right now she has to stay here and you guys have to leave." She said, looking at each and every one of them. Writer nodded and stood up from the chair. She felt a sudden pain in her shoulder blades, but she paid no attention to it as she exited the building, signaling her friends to follow.
Zoe is happy to hear her friend is okay, and she immediately runs off to bribe the lunch workers into letting her bake again. Sweets make everyone feel better.

Zac starts to run after his sister, but he is too tired to catch up with her speed. Instead, he walks back to Writer and Nightmare.

"She's okay, so that's good right? We just need to keep her from getting into fights... Damn. We get into fights too much."
Samantha winced and sighed she knew she shouldn't have gotten into that fight
Writer sighed, as a frown replaces the worried expression. "Tell me about it. We've gotten into so much fights and trouble, and classes haven't even started yet." The pain came again. She knew it was from flying, the damage to her wings cause a bit of damage to her shoulder blades. The pain wasn't too much so it was easy to hide. There has always been one thing she hated about her eyes. They are the only part of her body that can tell her true feelings. So in order to hide the pain she looked everywhere other than at Zac and Nightmare.
Nightmare nods as she pets mist who is purring. "We do get in a little of fights"
Zac looks at Writer, but she can't seem to look in his eyes. He takes this as a challenge and stares at the girl. Look at me, crazy. What are you trying to hide? The male smiles, finding this quite amusing.

Zoe is in the kitchen of the cafeteria pleading the workers to let her bake. Finally, they agree and send her to sink duty to earn her time. The girl enjoys the work, feeling very grown up.

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