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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Writer giggled, she thought it was sweet how he was trying to help her. "I'm fine... Well my legs are anyway." She sighed, deciding it was time to tell him what was really bothering her. "It's my shoulder blades. You know how I said I can't fly for at least a week. Well when I flew Sam the the nurse, it damaged my wings more causing a bit of pain to my shoulder blades. But I'll be fine... Honestly I will." She said, giving a reassuring, genuine smile. This is what she tried to avoid, making him worry. Seems like either way he'd worry so he might as well worry about the truth.

( yeah grandma that'd be helpful)
(Where is nightmare's husband................OH NO I''M GIVING INTO THE SHIP NOOOOOOOO(
Zoe grins and hugs both Nightmare and Mist in a group hug.

"I loved my mom, too!"

The oven beeps, signaling the cookies are ready, so she grabs an oven mitt and takes them out.

"Smells yummy!"


Zac never knew that Writer had flown Samantha to the nurse's office. He frowns, wishing he could tell the future.

"I wish I would have known you had to do that...I could have carried her..but..."

The male pulls her toward him, wanting to comfort her. He doesn't know how bad the pain is, so he doesn't dare to touch her shoulders or back. Instead, he holds her hand, convincing himself she doesn't need to go to the nurse. If she did, she would be crying from the pain. She's okay.

((So sorry; distracted!))

Nightmare nods while mist sniffs them. "Human food is weird" mist said staring at the cookies and nightmare giggles abit.
( it's okay grandma)

She frowns seeing how she worried him. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you because I wanted to avoid worrying you." She said, laying her head on his shoulder. Why did she have to be so reckless?
Zoe giggles, as well and sits down to wait for them to cool down.

"Mist, do you have parents?"

Every few seconds, the female pokes a cookie, watching it cave in with heat.


Zac smiles as he learns that the girl doesn't want him to worry too much. He doesn't know what to do say, but he doesn't think of anything. He enjoys the feeling of Writer laying on him and sighs with relief. Nothing was wrong; he could relax for the first time in a while.

((I guess I'm getting tired 0.O I keep zoning out.))
Mist looks to zoe with a calm face. "Yes but i killled them" nightmare pales. "Hehe what she means is they tired to attack her and she killed them........they went crazy and tired to kill mist" nightmare says as she looks at mist who is looking out the window. Nightmare knew that was a sensitive topic for mist.

Zoe's eyes grow wide, surprised by Mist's story.

"I don't know what happened to my parents. One day they just told us we had to go. Well I don't remember, but that is what Zachary says. I think they had to send us away because, well, being a vampire is hard to hide, I guess."
Nightmare looks to zoe. "Oh i'm sorry my parents.....my dad went crazy and tired to kill me but my mother jumped in the way to protect me and was killed then i went crazy killed him and a whole village after that people never came near me again expect for writer and mist.....so i'm glad i came here i have friends" nightmare smiled but a happy cheerful one it was nice to get that off her chest.
(I had to watch my sister... Sorry!!)

She smiles seeing that Zac is relaxed. She feels a strange sense of protection from him. The longer she stared at him the cuter he gets. 'Wait where the hell did that come from?!' She thought and her eyes went wide.
"I trust you zoe so thats um....why i told you that....writer know about but others don't so it was nice to tell someone i trust" nightmare's smile wided even more she was every happy to be able to finally trust someone else for once.
Zoe smiles, feeling appreciaed.

"I trust you, too, Nightmare. Let's bring these to Writer and Zac, and if they like them, we can bring some to Samantha!"

She puts the cookies on a plate, excited for her brother to sample them.


Zac yawns, growing sleepy with the girl laying on him. He carefully lays back, so they are laying the warm grass. However, he can only relax for a few more seconds before he opens his eyes, making sure Writer is okay. He can't help it.

( for a second instead of wifi I thought it said wife...)

She lays her head on his stomach, closing her eyes. She felt so relaxed... She didn't want this to end. She knew it'd have to though. At some time. "Thank you Zac." She said as a smile curled at the edges of her mouth. She felt happy to finally say that instead of her oh so famous 'I'm sorry'.
Zoe runs out of the cafeteria, handing the cookies to Nightmare. She spots the two under the tree and frowns. That's her brother, not a normal boy that girls can lay in the grass with. That was her job. The female arrives quickly and looks down at the two.

"Hi Zac! We brought you guys a present."

She hops into the grass and pushes her way between them, kissing her brother on the cheek. She pokes at Writer, playfully, but her touch is harsher than normal.

"What are you guys doing down here?"


Zac growls at Zoe, as she fits herself between them. Apparently, his sister forgets her manners when dealing with him. He glares at her, coldly, warning her to back off, but the female ignores him. The brother sits up, frowning.

"Are you okay, Writer? Did she hit your shoulder blades?"

He doesn't want to be mad at Zoe, but she needs to learn to give him space, just like he was learning to give her. He pushes his hair, fixing it after laying on the ground. He had a girlfriend before, but it didn't go well. Zoe had become rather crazy and scared the girl off after two months. Writer wasn't his girlfriend, but damn. He crosses his arms, resembling a grumpy child who lost his chance to get candy. If Writer is candy.

((Actually I have 3. Nah, but I do have a boyfriend, but he's new. Not my baby-daddy. #Grandmaprobs))
Writer shook her head. "No I'm fine." She reassured him before turning her attention to Zoe. "Are those cookies i smell?" She questioned sniffing the air. A wide grin spread across her face.

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