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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans


Nightmare stands there looking at the three of them hollding the cookies and sniling abit while mist sits on here head.

Nightmare jumps and yelps. "YOU SCARED ME ROXY" She yells at roxy while holding the cookies tighter so they don't fall.
Nightmare giggles and hands some to writer then the rest to zac and zoe. "Here guys" nightmare sits next to roxy.
((BTW I had to edit that post a few times because it was messing up, so read it again, now, just to make sure ^^^))

Zoe nods and points at Nightmare.

"We made them for Samantha, but you guys can have some, too!"

The female sees the new girl from earlier and stops talking again. She runs to Writer and sits close to her.


Zac bites his lip, still concerned about the girl's pain, but he pretends not to be.

"Thanks, guys...."

He takes a cookie right when the other girl shows up, whom causes his cookie to fall. He growls at her, but then smiles, trying to be on his best behavior around Writer. He sticks his right hand out.

"Hi. I'm Zac. Zoe's brother."

((Go me! *cheers*))
Roxanne paused to stare at the other people around her. She sat there, frozen. Then the boy introduced himself, holding his hand out. Roxy just stared at it, unsure of what to do. "Um....hi...." she said hesistantly before slowly reaching out to shake his hand. After a brief handshake, Roxy retracted her hand back and shuffled closer to nightmare as she was the only person she knew.
Nightmare pats roxy's head. "So um this is Roxanne the new girl" nightmare says pointing to roxy.

She bites into a cookie and smiles. It tasted good, especially for not having one in forever. "You guys did a great job." She said, talking to Nightmare and Zoe. She noticed Zoe run over by her. "uhm... Zoe, are you okay?" She questioned feeling concerned about the girl.
Roxanne nodded slpwly before turning her attention to the familiar girl. "Hey.. you're Zoe, right? We met each other at the cafeteria, right? "
Zac shrugs and eats three cookies at once. Human food never effects his extremely high metabolism, so he typically eats whatever he feels like. He notices how Roxanne acts like his sister, and he is amused by it until he remembers the girl is a human. He then also remembered that she was there in the graveyard that day. He stops eating and stares at the girl, convinced she will do something dangerous. He even pulls Writer back beside him, so he can protect her.


Zoe stands and stretches. She stands on her knees and plays with her brother's hair, wondering when he was going hunting. Zac was probably growing thirsty, since his last feed was days ago. She watches Writer, concerned she will steal Zac, but the other girl is also her friend. Why would her friend purposely take Zachary from her? They're just friends, too, she decides and smiles.

"Zac you want me to go get you some food?"

Zoe nods to both questions, not liking all the attention on her.

"Yes...I'm okay. And yeah... I-I met you, sorta."

She sits back down and hides behind Zac's back.
Nightmare looks to roxy then mos jumps onto roxy's lap. "Pet me" mist trying to make roxy feel more ccomfortable and she starts to purr.
Writer blushed as Zac pulled her back by his side. "So uhm Roxanne.. You never answered me yesterday... Why were you watching us at the graveyard yesterday?" She asked, a tint of white in her eyes. She narrowed her eyes, almost into a glare at Roxanne. She hated how Nightmare was all buddy buddy with the same girl who was watching them.
Writer for some reason got a bit angry with that answer. She didn't want to end up hurting someone so she thought it'd be best to leave the crowd. "I think I should go somewhere else for now." She said, standing up out of the grass. She started to walk away from the group.
Mist starts to purr even more. "So...um whats going on guys....hehe" nightmare rubs the back of her neck nervously from tensions.

Nightmare looks to writer. "Ok just be careful writer" she calls out wanting writer to be safe.
Zac lays on the grass again, deciding the human is too weak to hurt him or any of his friends. He pokes Zoe's face, causing the girl to laugh and crawl over to Roxy. She pets Mist, as well, using the cat as a bonding tool. She doesn't want to be afraid of any other student.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you before."

((Hey look, This is like Writer and Zoe's meeting kinda ishhh...))


When Writer gets up and starts walking away, Zac jumps up and chases her, as expected. He grabs her hand, but instead of pulling her back, he simply wraps his fingers around hers and walks calmly next to her. He smiles, instantly happier by being next to her, again.

"Hi, there."
(Nightmare is now lonely without her husband.......damnit i give in)

Mist looks up both girls and chuckles. "Man you guys are weird" nightmare chuckles at mist's remark.
( lol yep!)

Writer's eyes go wide in surprise for a minute. She then relaxes and goes with it. "H-Hi..." She says in a shaky voice, being kind of nervous. She felt special, almost as if he was a child who had won an amazing prize and she was the prize. She looks at the ground trying to hide the new scarlet tinge that appeared on her cheeks.

Zac knows asking about the issue won't work, so he decides to talk about random subjects. He swings their arms slightly, as he speaks.

"What's your favorite color, Writer?"

He glances back at Zoe and winks at her, so she knows he isn't angry at her.


Having been staring at the two walking away, Zoe sees the wink and lets his weird behavior slide. If they held hands then he and Writer could hold hands. It doesn't mean anything...unless it does.

"Do you think my brother likes her?"

The female questions everyone around her, wanting a second or third opinion about the matter at hand.
Nightmare nods. "Yeah i think she does" mist nods. "Same here i think she does like him"

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