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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

"Really? Well I never got your name young lady, but I thank you for bringing sparky back to me." Dru chuckles and winks at nightmare.
Dru smiled at Kio and then pocketed sparky. "Should we go somewhere and I don't know and do something?"
"We could go fishing or go into town or I can cook. there is also swimming."
JasTheGamer said:
Jasmine now stood there. Completely confused. Wondering what the hell just happened. What the evil thing out there was. And who this guy was. “Firstly, what the fuck is going on, and secondly, what wound?" She was extremely curious on how he knew about her rib problem.
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"Be quiet!" Xander accidently raised his voice, he was trying to focus on getting them out of this situation, and the woman at his side, had begun to ask questions, one being of the obvious, and the other being of pure ignorance. Xander gently put his index finger against her lip, and mouthed the sound "Shh."

Xander quickly flipped upon his bible, he had never used Holy Magic for healing before, no he was always the strong, fast, and athletic type in Heaven. His mother was one of the healing affinity, my God he missed her.. He began to read from the Bible.

"For I will restore health to you, and I will heal you of your wounds, said the LORD; because they called you an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeks after."


Xander's hands glowed bright, his hands were as hot as lava, he could feel his hands burning from the insides.. This must've been the power of raw divinity, the power alone was so overwhelming that Xander might've passed out if he hadn't a task to do.

"Lift your wings" he ordered the stranger. Xander then gently placed his hands against the woman's ribcage, he could feel the heat, the raw divinity flowing from his hands into her side. Then it turned cold, and the light stopped.

"How do you feel?" He whispered to her, curious to both her health, and if it worked.
Kio shakes her head "sorry but i was heading to my dorm... i need to sleep.. maybe another time though..."

((im actually going to sleep guys))

Kio goes to her dorm and crashes on the bed
Jasmine's side felt abnormally better. She decided to forget the whole bible healing thing. “Fine. Thanks, I guess. Now, can I go? I kinda don't wanna deal with that demonic shit out there," She said, while folding her wings back in, her purple and blue eyes darting around the abandoned building.

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"It happens I guess. I'm sure next time though it will be different. what should we do now?"
JasTheGamer said:
Jasmine's side felt abnormally better. She decided to forget the whole bible healing thing. “Fine. Thanks, I guess. Now, can I go? I kinda don't wanna deal with that demonic shit out there," She said, while folding her wings back in, her purple and blue eyes darting around the abandoned building.
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Xander didn't understand this woman.. And what the hell she was.

"Don't you care about this place? Raum will destroy is if you sit, and do nothing. You have five seconds to decide rather you're going to help me save the Academy, or watch it burn to ash like my home.." Xander's voice faltered when he said home, a deep saddened look immersed over his face.
"I don't really know"

(Sorry i keep getting distracted by minecaft i'm playing it on my bestie's xbox 360)
“Five. Four. Three. Two. One. My time's up, old chap! I decide to not be stuck in this business! I don't know who the fuck this Raum guy is, nor do I care at the moment. Worried about the academy being burned down? Then you shouldn't have led them here in the first place! At least you had a damn home. Besides, I'm pretty sure there's a few Christianic teachers here or something that can help you with whatever Godly shit is going on. Fucking damn." Jasmine walked out of the abandoned building, now pissed. She would not tolerate being asked for help. Dragged away. And be told to be quiet.

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"Thats a great idea how about we play some board games or I could cook either works for me."
(Jas i think my bestie will let me go online on my account on the xbox...maybe we can play minecarft together it she'll let me)

Nightmare shrugs. "Broad games i guess"
(YAS xD I'll have to wait till later today though. I can't exactly play at 3:18 in the morning.

...or can I? Hmm..)

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JasTheGamer said:
“Five. Four. Three. Two. One. My time's up, old chap! I decide to not be stuck in this business! I don't know who the fuck this Raum guy is, nor do I care at the moment. Worried about the academy being burned down? Then you shouldn't have led them here in the first place! At least you had a damn home. Besides, I'm pretty sure there's a few Christianic teachers here or something that can help you with whatever Godly shit is going on. Fucking damn." Jasmine walked out of the abandoned building, now pissed. She would not tolerate being asked for help. Dragged away. And be told to be quiet.
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"Stubborn.. Young, idiotic, and stubborn. A bad combination." Xander watched as the girl who had troubles deeper than the surface could let-on. Xander rushed out the door, pushing the ungrateful stranger aside. She was now a thing of the past; a memento, something he was all to accustomed too.

"Over here demonic scumbag!" Xander yelled at the top of his lungs. His head still ached with pain, blood slowly dripped down his scalp, the healing magic must have indirectly affected him, because he felt less woozy, and overall more fulfilled. Raum, and about 30-ish demonic buddies rushed over into Xander's direction. Xander had to think while on the run, how the hell could be save the Academy, AND defeat Raum, and his army of demonic baddies?! He didn't know, he just kept running.. Running back to the outskirts of the Academy.
Jasmine nearly would have shot- well, anything at the Christian guy. “Fucking prick," She muttered, while reentering the academy. Jasmine was an atheist. Never believed in that stupid god shit. She sighed in annoyance, and once again was roaming the halls.

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Silas was zoned out and hadn't noticed anyone had left he didn't even know they had left because his mind was somewhere else when he slipped his hand into his pocket he had touched a loose memory shard and had simply shut down then and there and didn't even realise that Dru and Nick had appeared and then everyone had left.

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