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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

"she is back in the building so we can go searching again." Dru tilted his head.

The orb bounced around then led her into the building.
Xander quickly rolled to his right. As three Demons blitzed him straight forward. Xander swiftly swung open his book, then iterated a verse for power, and strength:

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong!"


Xander glowed a Golden Aura, his Ceremonial Mace enchanted itself as well with a bright glow, he had felt refreshed, free of fear.. The lord had answered his praying from the depths of Hell itself! Xander lunged forward swinging his mace into one of the demon's chest, the demon flew several feet away before dispersing into black dust.

Two more demons rushed Xander, but he was too fast. He quickly side stepped, then swung vigorously left to right, right to left dissipating both demons in a quick succession. Xander raised his mace, then screamed into the Heavens:

Job 36:30-33

"Behold, He spreads His lightning about Him, And He covers the depths of the sea. "For by these He judges peoples; He gives food in abundance. "He covers His hands with the lightning, And commands it to strike the mark."

The sky crackled with excitement, thunder had found its way through the previously peaceful atmosphere, sending down several lightning strikes taking out a majority of the miniature demonic army.


Xander regained his composure, most of his strength drained. Raum was left, along with 5 other demons.. He had no energy to spare, this was Xander's dying moment..
JasTheGamer said:
Jasmine went back to strolling through the halls, having nothing much to do, her purple and blue eyes darting around.
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Xander tired.. Fatigued.. He had no other choice, he had to involve someone.. He needed to..

"Please" Xander called out to the unknown stranger "lend me your strengt-" Xander choked on his words, unknowingly a demon rushed him, hitting him in the back of the head. He fell aloof, hitting the ground with a 'thud!'. His eyes nearly closed, moments away from blacking out, edging closer, and closer to death.. He barely managed to utter again..

"H-Help m-me..".
The orb spun around her head then led her down a few halls to Dru and the girl he was with.
Jasmine sighed in slight annoyance by this guy's weird choice of words. She raised an eyebrow as she saw this demon. She spun around, unfolding her wings as she did so, causing a force of wind to knock it back. She then sent rock like daggers to pierce the things heart. If it had one. She folded her wings back in, now aware of the growing pain in her side again. She knew she should stop moving around so much if she wanted her ribs to heal.

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Nightmare turns to the girl feeling uncomfortable someone new and face turning emotionless while waving hi.

( xD )
Xander barely regained consciousness, clinging onto life on a whim. He had taken notice of the stranger who had come to his aid, saving him from an untimely death. Xander looked over his shoulder, slowly staggering to his feet. Raum was still there, but this time reiterating his previous trance; eyes in the back of his sockets, mouth open, his tongue slinging side to side feeding off the fear from Xander, and any other individual in the vicinity. The ground opened even wider, demons once again plunged to the surface..

Xander couldn't win not against another miniature army of demonic beings. He rushed over (as fast as he could run being disoriented from the previous head assault he'd received) to the stranger, grabbing her wrist, and leading her onto the campus of the academy.

"We've got to run.. T-To many." He could barely breathe, let alone talk in such a panic.. This situation was hell itself. All he could do was run.

"He lead the girl toward an empty building, kicking the locked door inward. Thank God his strength was still mildly present, he'd felt completely drained, and was probably internally bleeding to death, but he didn't care getting his savior far away from Raum was the main goal.

"I-I think I can heal that wound.."

Nightmare elbows dru's side. "Shut up dru you know how i feel around new people" she keeps a emotionless face.
Jasmine now stood there. Completely confused. Wondering what the hell just happened. What the evil thing out there was. And who this guy was. “Firstly, what the fuck is going on, and secondly, what wound?" She was extremely curious on how he knew about her rib problem.

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