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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

((Every time I leave this rp for more than a day it gets more and more confusing, I don't even know where I can join in...;-; //Crais//))
Xander let off a sly smile at the young man name Dru's confidence. Xander than looked at Night, and her demonic kitten.

"The cat isn't a Hell-borne, it will be ok. Dru was it? You have confidence in your abilities, but these demons are stronger than that of any other type. These are demons directly from Hell, the source, and root of all Evil; Lucifer himself creates these hell-borne, the same demons who have imprisoned God, and killed my king; The Angels.

Xander let out a heavy breath, explaining his past was hard, and he never did so fully.

"Hell harbors billions of hell-borne, slaying a portion is impossible. Heaven was destroyed, set ablaze, and God taken as prisoner as a spoiler of war.." The only way to completely kill a hell-borne" Xander let out a heavy cough, he could feel the pain in his chest throbbing, he then continued. "Is to use holy magic, or a weapon enhanced with the holy affinity.. However, I am the last of my kind, once an Angel, now an Ex-Angel.. Only I can grant, and use such power." Xander let out another excruciating cough. "Your powers will simply kill them, but they will reform in Hell."
"Infuse some of me with holy power so I can fully destroy them once you do that I will show them torment and death on a scale that should be new for them. With my water elemental working with me too this should be a pinch. It will teach them never fuck with a force of nature."
((Okay, where is everyone? Amelia's powers glitch out and mess up all the time so I could make her accidentally teleport there.))
"Your spirit. I admire it. Allow me a days rest to think things over. I am not sure if I wish to bestow Hell's vengeance on the academy. It isn't up to just us, you must think of everyone here, and what they want. Journeying in a group would be best to avoid harm to this school, a quest.. A quest to save God from the depths of Hell.. I must rest.. I cannot burden you all with such banter. Not right now anyway.
Nightmare frowns. "Dru if demons are comeing and mary comes back when there here....mary will fade away"
(Front of the school) "Oh come on let me tear away some of their ranks while we wait. I can start things up or distract them. Wait why?!"
You're being foolish! Do you not understand the sheer power a single demon commander possesses?! I myself am hardly equal to one! And I am an Ex-Angel! You cannot simply power through a demon's army, not to mention Hell itself! You are to impatient, you'd be rushing to your death, and that's what both Night, and I wouldn't want. Think about your friends, and family.. You've got to understand.. The power of demons are much more than you think.
Amelia was in her dorm room, trying her best to wait out one of her stupid headaches, she would occasionally warp to different parts of the room as well as the occasional small tremor she would set off, she hated this so much, it was embarrassing. Suddenly she disappeared, she reappeared at the front gates of the school, landing on her behind on the ground with a quiet bump, she looked around her, looking a bit disoriented.
".....would it help if a reaper killed them...its not like i can die from wounds" nightmare grips her scthye tighter.
Jasmine went to the cafeteria, piling her tray of food, and sat down at a table. She started eating one of the sandwiches, thinking.

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"I am pure energy I understand demons are powerful but they are not forces of nature. I am impatient because lightning flows through my veins. I am faster and more competent than I look and with holy damage I could do serious damage before I need to worry about my health, besides working with a reaper has to help."
I am not sure.. As an Ex-Angel I had only come into contact with one reaper.. The Reaper we all meet at some point in time.. Death. What is your power young woman? And do not misunderstand, there are even more horrendous things than dying in Hell.. You'd be lucky to just die... It isn't that simple.


You're right.. Demons are beyond nature itself. Demons distort nature, they are otherworldly beings. Dark energy, hatred, resentment.. I-I just can't send you out there alone.. But then again, I have no control over your actions. Do what you will, but I can guarantee Raum, and his demonic legion will kill you if you step foot out of this barrier.


Xander focused his gaze on the woman who had appeared out of no where.
Nightmare looks at xander. "I'm one of the five reapers who work of The Grim Reaper Death himself"
"They won't necessicarily kill me just send me back to nature but thats beside the point it you do two things you can make the difference between life and death for me. The first is bless my lightning and my elemental friend then turn a water elemental into holy water, once those two things are done I can wear down the troops without dying."


[QUOTE="caramel the sayin]*looks around*

(if you made a cs and it got approved then sure you can hop in)
Amelia continued to slowly take in her surroundings, her brow furrowed lightly as she did so, dammit it happened again, she let out a small sigh as she looked at the three figures in front of her, one of which was staring right in her direction, in an almost intimidating manner. She cleared her throat a bit as she attempted to say something but to no avail she simply sat there.
Jasmine finished her meal and went back to roaming the halls, on her way to her dorm room. She was kinda getting tired, and she erased earlier's events from her head.

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@caramel the sayin

I see.. You both are unique I suppose.. If you can descend Raum back into Hell, without the usage of holy enchantments I shall consider you two as possible candidates to travel with me through Hell.


"Raum possesses four arms, each wielding the Crimson Axe of Despair, and is 10 feet tall.. Do not allow it to touch you, or you will be plunged into the depths of Hell, and the 13th Legion will torture your soul for eternity"


"Raum is fast, strong, and durable. Simple lightning, or water. Or Darkness (as he himself is the embodiment of evil) won't work.. Raum is naturally immune to physical, and magical damage.. All, but holy. However, there is a way to beat him... Trickery..." Xander gave them both a look, and wished them the best of luck, as it was a fool's task, with a near impossible resolution.
Nightmare smiles softly at xander. "We'll try our best" nightmare summons about five hellhounds.

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