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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Silas appeared seated next to Cassidy "CASSIDY !" he yelled just to startle her, he didn't know why he did that he just wanted to.
Kio jumps at hearing a yell. she couldnt quite understand what it said but she decided to take her gun out and walk steadily and stealthly around the outside to the back.
Cassidy jumped and let out a short yelp. She glared at Silas who was now seated right next to her. "You're seriously asking for a maulin'." She said, a bit of a southern accent twanging her words. She usually did well to keep it under control, but she hadn't been talking much as of late and now her control was slipping.

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Kio was in the bushes and peers around the corner. she sees two people and sighs. "He must have scared her..." she said silently as she puts her gun back in to its back satchel. It5 goes in with a click as she starts to walk to the back door since it was the closest into the school.
"Oh I know" he replied smirking as he ran his hand across the blade of the white lance, he looked around narrowing his eyes at the surrounding area he could tell something was off.
Cassidy heard a clicking sound coming from a nearby bush and her eyes darted to it. She tilted her head, her eyes turning into the yellow cat eyes allowing her to see more clearly in the dark. She noticed a girl walking away and stood. "Hello? Can we help you?" She asked in a polite tone, though she was cautious of the stranger wandering around campus and hiding behind bushes at this hour.

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Jasmine was sneaking around the halls, hoping she didn't run into night. Last thing she needed was an enraged reaper. She tried to ignore the pain in her side, and slightly tubbed the bandages on her waist.

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Silas got up as well and spun his spear into a defensive stance, his slid he left foot back to brace and his right hand a few inches from the blade's edge.
Kio looks at Cassidy and smirks just a little. "Im new here... I heard a yell... that was it..." she said. How the girl noticed her, she had no clue, only that she was at the right place.
Silas straightened up seeing no immediate threat and spun the lance over his shoulder again as he sat back down while keeping an eye on the new girls gun and robotic arm
Cassidy blinked and her eyes returned to their normal chocolatey brown. She returned the girl's smirk and placed her hands on her hips. "Well welcome to the Academy. What's your name?" Cass was intrigued by the newcomer, though she was probably also considered a newcomer herself.

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Silas stayed quiet and still he didn't trust this newcomer she just snuck in which wasn't a good sign but then again Silas had spent days scoping out th academy before enrolling so maybe he should cut her some slack "I'm Silas, Silas White"
Cassidy remained standing, though her stance relaxed just a bit. "Cassidy Evans". She gave the girl a small smile. "It's nice to meet you, Kio. Why are you just coming to the academy at such a late hour?" she questioned, truly wondering why someone would try to sign into the academy at such a time.

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Cassidy bit her lip and blushed slightly. She probably seemed like an insensitive female dog. "I see..

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"Oh..." Cassidy felt awkward now and decided to sit. She wondered why Silas was so quiet.

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Nick had been busy as of recently. He was always caught up in something, at the wrong place, right time or right place right time. Nick Stanley could be argued that he was perhaps the luckiest idiot alive. And part of it was indeed right. In a single week, Nick had saved multiple people multiple times by accident, won a large amount of money from various lotteries, accidentally went to vegas, got kicked out of Vegas for winning too much. somehow managed to find himself stopping an assassination by simply walking past, and now for some reason found himself in some bushes that a man had walked out of only previously. That man was Silas and now that he had walked out of the bush, Nick decided by God he should walk out of the bush too. "Soooo..." Nick said continuing the girl's thought. "Guess where I've been this past week?"

((Warning. Nick isn't all there. or rather. He is. He's there too much. Far too sane and far too smart for his own good so he went insane from being sane.))
Cassidy frowned. She was startled yet again by someone. She needed to get back in touch with her Panther. "Where have you been?" Cassidy decided to go along with it, crossing her arms over her chest to keep her heart from leaping out of it.

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Nick looked at Cassidy, then looked at the girl with the gun, smiling, "do it motherfucker. I've gone like... at least 70 pages without dying and my kill count is only at 5." He then looked back at Cassidy. "Dude, like, I don't even fucking KNOW anymore. One point I was like.. Here and doing shit and next thing I know I stop a bunch of boulders somehow. And then after that I found myself in Vegas and then it was just a blur of weird people in suits and like this one weird guy from this one place and like I somehow got a bullet in me. I dunno. It's been like.. where the fuck have I even BEEN?!"

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