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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

(Oh no niyx ship will be ruined what will onyx do xD )

Nightmare floats on her back wondering if she should jump off the cliff into the lake. "Hmmmm seems like a good idea"
(FUCK ONYX! SCREW NIYX ~insert more sexual shipping stuff I can't think of right here~ xD )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
( but does it look like we give a fuck? U guys tbh are a shitty couple... U guys aren't even close to Zachary and Writer level... Like DAYUM #BestRelationShipEvar xD )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Fear was still edged in her voice. “I-I-I'm not really debating a-anymore.." She whispers. Another large crack is heard, and the edge of the cliff shifts downward more, causing Jasmine to yelp. More rocks splash in the water near the others. “G-guys!!" She calls out to the others below. “I-I think you might want to move!!!" Jasmine turns her head slightly towards Dru. “N-now don't make any sudden movements and back away carefully.. I-I need to concentrate.. Need to figure this out on my own..." She slowly faced forwards, waiting for the others to clear out of the water.

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Zac stays in the water, curiously watching Writer and trying to rid his head of dirty thoughts. When the girl is pushed in the water, he swims over to Ashton and offers him a high-five.

The girl deserved to get wet, but, even so, Zachary grabs her waist gently and pulls her to his chest. After hearing Jasmine's warning, he also pulls her out of the water.

"No! I love you more! It's impossible for you to love me more!"

He grins and kisses the back of her neck.


Zoe chews on her hair and dips her legs in the water, trying to behave like everyone else for no particular reason. She suddenly notices Jasmine's odd predicament and watches in silence.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Dru just nodded his head and stayed perfectly still which if anyone knew him knew was a feat of magic all in itself.
Nick walked along, whistling as he came up to a large pond with quite a few people in it. He watched as they laughed, played and Writer was even pushed in laughing at her brother. Nick decided there was only one thing he could do to an Ashton that was bent over. He quietly walked behind him, carefully stuck his leg out, then snapped it forward and back, kicking him in the butt and sending him flying off the edge. "You could use a bath!" He yelled after him as he began singing "Bongo Bongo Bongo (civilization)" To himself as he walked around to the largest cliff that hung high over the pool. "Alright bitches, who wants to see me fuck this shit up?!" He said returning to his normal and half insane self.
((My brain is not fully awake but tbh I don't understand what is happening to Jas at all xD #fail))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Nightmare looks at nick then laughs. "i do!!!" Mist swims over to zoe and sits in her lap. "Pet me zoe"
She giggles, as he says what he says and kisses the back of her neck. "It's not impossible, because it's true!" She says, and kisses him right in the crook of his neck. She knew what she was doing to him, and she loved it.


Ashton screamed like a chick as he went flying off the cliff. He landed in the water. "Fuck.... What the fuck is his problem.." He clenches his eyes shut.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
("Screamed like a chick." I will explain this for those of you that act retarded... He did not scream life a baby chicken... He screamed like a female... Aka very high pitched and hilarious..)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Jasmine sat still as the cliff edge underneath her continued to slowly crumble, more rocks splashing into the water below. She watched as everyone stayed where they were, possibly not even acknowledging her warning. Did they not notice the now gigantic rocks splashing near them? The cliff edge shifted forward again, and then downward. She raised her voice louder. “GUYS!! YOU ALL HAVE TO CLEAR OUT!!"

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Nick looked down at Ashton and said, "Everything my dear boy, for everything is science and science is nothing but problems so there fore is a problem so therefore science is everything and everything is wrong with me because everything's a problem." He said as he pretended like that made sense to anyone other than himself as he sighed and breathed in and out, moving his weight back and forth on the rock, "One.. Two... Eggs!" Nick yelled as he jumped high off the cliff, tucking and flipping in the air, once, twice, three time as he outstretched his body and spun it around like a helicopter blade mid air then moved himself to where he was head-first, straight swan diving. UNFORTUNATELY for Nick things were never this absolutely perfect and that his 720 perfect aleinar swan dive accompanied by a perfect splash to set a new record was interrupted as suddenly the male found himself hitting an obstacle. A giant rock to be specific. As he hit said giant rock it was followed by several other rocks which began stacking up from where the human who was travelling at terminal velocity hit the first rock, smacking into each other and creating waves as Nick fell off into the war, the rocks now creating a sort of dam for the pool. Not knowing that he had inadvertently done something good again, he looked around and saw his blood and entrails smeared on the rock then turned to the others, "So did I stick my landing?"

((Nick is a beautiful cinnamon roll too good, too pure for this world.))
Zoe sees Nick approach Ashton, and her head tilts to the side with confusion. When the male is kicked into the water, she can't help but to laugh hard enough to fall to the ground. The female collects herself enough to see that Mr. Fuzzy is totally fine, so she now watches Nick.

As the cat jumps in her arms, the younger sibling squeezes her tightly.

"Mist! My lovely, Mist!"

She screams with joy and pets and kisses the feline dozens of times, only looking up when Nick is falling to his fake-death. She stares with wide eyes, anyway, as though he may not wake up... He does.


Zac shakes his head slightly, still denying the girl's claim.


He is obviously losing his mind, but he hopes it's not as noticeable as he thinks. The male kisses Writer's ear, nibbling on her ear lobe softly. He doesn't even notice the drama around them.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Nightmare looks away. "Ok that is gross nick please be more careful with your organs and body parts" nightmare sinks under water and moves away from nick.

Mist sits there in zoe's arm purring and loving the attention she's getting from zoe.
(Oh ya know. Ignore her warnings and most likely get crushed by part of a cliff. But by all means might as well be playing in the water before hand. xD )

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