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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

He chuckles, as the girl tries to appear threatening. "Don't worry I'm not going to do anything to you. I... I'm trying to change." He says quietly, looking at the sky.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

Onyx awakes in his room to see that Night and Mary are gone."Man, it has been forever since I kissed her I wonder if she liked it I couldn't tell because she had her face down" he said to no one.He gets dressed and decides that it's time for him to ask Night out.
Dru nodded his head "well I can help you with that as well, I mean as long as you want me to that is..."
Zoe frowns but then smiles, hoping he's telling the truth.

"If you're Writer's brother, how come you haven't been here before? I've never spent more than 18 hours without Zachary. "

Obviously, the girl is still confused, but she is also curious. As they enter the courtyard, the wind blows and the female spins in it.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
He sits down in the grass and sighs. "Because I was jealous. Since she was like the baby of the family she got all of the attention. And when our mother left... I thought that it was my fault so I decided to put the blame on her. And then... When we started going to highschool. She got all the attention once again and I was forgotten. I let my jealousy and anger get the best of me. I started spreading rumors about her and slowly people stopped going around her. I thought that was the only way to keep from being forgotten. But now, I just realized that here. I just get hated by doing that. She's lucky to have friends like you guys. You guys gave her something, that I never did. You guys gave her happiness." His eyes teared, but he blinked them away.

(My poor babeh)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Zoe sits by the boy as he starts to talk, like really talk. She chews on the inside of her cheek, trying not to interrupt or cry. When he's done speaking, the female tries to cheer him up, but, beware, her brain is still not all there... if it ever is.

"Well, you have a whole year to change things, and a year is 365 days, and each day is 24 hours, and each hour is 60 minutes, and each minute is 60 seconds, and that's like probably a billion-trillion-gilllion seconds! And every second counts! See, since we aren't waking them up right now, me and you are spending our brother and sister time wisely!"

The girl grins and holds her hand up, waiting for a high-five.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
(Yeah me too)

Nightmare walks around carrying mary on her shoulders with mist following behide. "Night look that cloud looks like cat" nightmare smiles softly and nods."It certainly does"

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"Ok so let me get this straight before we start are you full elemental or a partial elemental? If you are a full then we can just do this quick and easy otherwise we will have some minor obstacles to go through."
He smiles and gives her a gentle highfive. "You know Writer well right? Well... How should I make it up to her?" He asked, hoping the girl could help.


Writer woke up, and sat up. Tears formed in her eyes from the nightmare she had. A few tears rolled down her cheeks, but she wiped them away.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Dru nodded his head and then held his hand up as it began to glow with lightning and then he touched his hand to her forehead allowing her to feel a tingling to spread through her entire body. When Dru removes her hand she could hear whispers in the wind and the rumble of thunder sounded like voices as well and she knew that if she heard the rain or a fire ot dirt and gravel then she would be able to understand them as well. Dru looked at her expectantly "well? Any changes?"

While walking around Onyx bumps into Mary and Night just the person he wanted to see.He gathers his courage to and decides to just say it."Night I've

liked you for a while nad I was wondering would you be my girlfriend" he says closing his eyes just in case he got rejected.He truly thought that he didn't have a chance but he had to wait and see.
Nightmare blushs and looks to the ground then whispers. "Yes" while mary and mist scream yes and start doing a victory dance.

(Mist and mary xD )

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Zac jolts awake as Writer sits up. He blinks several times, trying to clear his mind she he can focus on the girl.

"Are you okay? What happened..? "


Zoe thinks for a bit and half-shrugs.

"One thing isn't good enough.... first, you have to actual tell her you're sorry and you want to do better... Then, it's just the little things, I guess... Like smiling at her and being nice to Zac and such... "

The female doesn't feel like she's very much help, but her brain is too tired to come up with much else. She closes her heavy eyes and lays her chin in her hands.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~

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